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Geo TV Ordered To remove two shows or Shutdown within 48 hours by UAE government

Are you getting some sort of commission from GEO or MR. 10%. Oh man I have never seen such a die hard fan for Mr. 10%.

This quote is just for you INTERCEPTOR:

One of the doomsdays symptoms are quite obvious and i.e., looters and cheaters will rule the society. Good save Pakistan:pakistan:

A quote for you dear brother,

“The true servants of God the Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, reply with words of peace.”
The Holy Quran, 25:63.
Another Quote for you dear brother,

"The worst of guardians is a cruel ruler. Beware of becoming one of them.”
Prophet Muhammad sws Sahih Muslim, Hadith 846
Interceptor, well replied.

Let's not lose the domain of civility, my friends. We all feel passionately about the issues within Pakistan. Let's just discuss the issues, not the people discussing them.
Are you getting some sort of commission from GEO or MR. 10%. Oh man I have never seen such a die hard fan for Mr. 10%.

This quote is just for you INTERCEPTOR:

One of the doomsdays symptoms are quite obvious and i.e., looters and cheaters will rule the society. Good save Pakistan:pakistan:

"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say something good or keep quiet."
Prophet Muhammad Abu Huraira–mutafakkun ghalai.
Another Quote for you dear brother,

"The worst of guardians is a cruel ruler. Beware of becoming one of them.”
Prophet Muhammad sws Sahih Muslim, Hadith 846

This is debatable and specially because you are using this in the context of Musharraf. What is "cruel"? Do you think any of the Pakistan leaders of late have not been cruel? People dying of hunger, not getting justice, does that not all fall within the realm of "Dhulm" and cruelty?
And how is Musharraf issuing directives to the UAE government on behalf of Pak government? And why isn't the PPP government correcting the UAE government that they don't mind Geo's telecast?

You keep repeating the same mantra, without answering the difficult questions!

GEO said:
The Dubai administration was told that President Musharraf and his allies were continuously trying to pressurise TV channels to stop all programmes on the issue of the restoration of the judiciary. The current demand to stop the popular TV programmes was also from the same associates and allies of President Musharraf.

Does that give you a hint Asim, who would those Allies be you are a prominent supporter with respect you probably can point this out.
No TV channel blocked, says Sherry

Saturday, June 14, 2008
ISLAMABAD: Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sherry Rehman has said the PPP government has not blocked the transmission of any TV channel from any source. “The question of pressuring or blocking any TV channel by the government does not arise,” a press statement quoted her as saying on Friday. If any programme has been blocked by any force outside Pakistan, she makes an offer to Geo producers and anchors, who have been stopped, to use the PTV services live and without any editing until such time as they can restart or relocate, Sherry said. She said Geo English had been cleared for issuing a licence on the intervention by Pemra, which would fast track its licence within this week.
No TV channel blocked, says Sherry

Geo editorial team thanks minister for information

Saturday, June 14, 2008

News Desk

KARACHI: A meeting of the editorial team of Geo was held here on Friday to review the offer given to Geo by the minister for information.

Appreciating the decision, the Geo editorial team thanked her and after reviewing the offer of the information minister decided that Geo will forward live signals of its programmes “Capital Talk” and “Meray Mutabiq”.

The editorial team requested the information minister to direct the PTV to receive live signals of the said two programmes and telecast them ‘as they are’ along with the advertisements therein.

The Geo’s editorial team held the opinion that each channel had its own set of standards and the same was the case with Geo. Therefore, it is important that a team of Geo prepares these programmes and forwards them to the PTV live. It also requested Sherry Rahman to direct the PTV to inform Geo about acceptance of this offer.

Geo editorial team thanks minister for information

Now this is putting your money where your mouth is.

If the GoP actually goes through with the decision to allow Capital Talk and Meray Mutabiq to be broadcast through PTV until such time as Geo can relocate or whatever, then it will prove, IMO, that the PPP was sincere.

Until this happens, and Geo says it is satisfied, I won't believe it though.
Geo keeps saying it will show the facts to the people.

What went on in Merey Mutabiq and Capital Talk, which was basically composed of assumptions and thinking of people rather than the facts, the shows should be closed.
Controversy sells. But unfortunately in our case the wrong type sells. For how long will we leave things up to god. We must at least try and he will make it happen. The fact is we have al failed Pakistan. It is not the politicians fault, its not the media's fault. Its our fault, we have brought thing to be like this.

"mujahideen" I appreciate your courageous comments, its bitter but fact of the century, that we peoples of Pakistan are responsible ultimately!

ANY way , who ever did that ..... it was long waited... because of the attitude of geo tv , which was going beyond the limits and as GEO TV became a party against PRESIDENT MUSHARAF, and also being involved in provoking RETD ARMY GENRALS ,,, who are now worthless and wanted to get some sort of importance with some ( CHAMMAK)......!!!!

EVEN... in western media, they follow the ethics and genral morality, against thier head of the states and the people who directly were responsible running the goverment.
BBC, CNN.... ALL other major, media..... CO.s always give positive.... images and reputation they... follow thier limts.

Bahi Kahan Hu, I am back to home town and forum too!
you highlighted true pics as i have pointed out specially on Media bais charctar during my companign agaisnt Media Unethical role and they have been acting as blackmaler, or softly we can say their contravercials were obvious, this was happened ultimatly, "Dair ayed Durust ayed"..
but this time the "democracy" is responsible to ben and close down particularly Capital talk--------and ------- Merey Mutabiq.....:smokin:

We as nation shoul learnt lesson from this incident........ we should ready to face more critical and serious challanges with courage, we should not close our eyes from the big realities of geo politics.......the time is very short now........... its upto us that, what aqnd where do we like to see our country in very near furture. as "mujahideen" said that, we whole nation is responsible for current situation.

:pakistan:GOD BLESS PAKISTAN:pakistan:
I rather take a dictator than corrupt people like your hero. Nawaz and most of the PPP idiots have had years to try their corrupt methods. I think they (and by inference you and your ilk) should be banned permanently from politics and newer parties brought around.

Frankly everytime you "democrats" take control its like PAK takes 20 steps back.

And frankly I am getting sick of cronies like you (ppp) and lahori (nawaz) who fill their pockets then claim they are doing it in the name of democracy.

"Bari dair ki meherban aatey aatey", dear keysersoze" where were you since long, i hvnt seen your precious comments since i joind this valued forum?
Well, as it's better late then never. I even more then 100% appreciated your valuable true comments with respects and regards to your views on worst ruling of corrupt politicios:enjoy::smokin: !
I AM, ALWAYS HERE PK PATROTIC, AND there should be more to done , i guss in this regurds.... i already told you sme suggestios............... i hpoe we can disscuss more,,,,, if you become brave hart..........i guss....???
so geo isn't actually shutting down ? it's still running in the UK
GEO moved to Pakistan now, all the programmes will be on air from Pakistan.

Clever move now Pak govt cant say that we dont know what is going on lol.
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