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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Again, you should unban that Israeli user named "Adir". We shouldn't silence others and letting them have their viewpoint is the best discourse.

Considering what other people are allowed to post here ... does make you wonder if rules are applied here selectivly.

Does seem like rules are applied here selectivly Or in most cases , not at all.

Muslims have historically been living in Holland as far back as 1960. Many recent muslims settlers have bought Land in holland and joined other historical groups of muslims that have lived there since 1960. When I was driving through holland I saw so many empty fields and uninhabited spaces. So much so, I call holland a land without people and Muslims in holland are a people without a land. More muslims should settle in Holland, it is their birthright. As an EU citizen I hope to be able to marry some Muslim woman with 15 kids and bring them all to Holland to settle in this empty land. There will always be a homeland for the Dutch. That homeland is called Belgium. The traditional place where the dutch have always lived.
To bad we have 500 years of a nationstate and the nation “palestine” did not exist before 1947?
Most palestinians in the area moved there from egypt. Lets nakba them back too.

I hereby also call for a crusade to help the greeks get most of turkey back. Its only fair.
Armenia will get the other half. Turks get marched back to Mongolia.
“Forever right of greek return”

Also Europe has seen countless migrations and border disputes.
We have managed to move on from ww1 thinking and instead of a big european war every few decades we have had generations without war now. There is a lesson in that.
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To bad we have 500 years of a nationstate and the nation “palestine” did not exist before 1947?
Most palestinians in the area moved there from egypt. Lets nakba them back too.

I hereby also call for a crusade to help the greeks get most of turkey back. Its only fair.
Armenia will get the other half. Turks get marched back to Mongolia.
“Forever right of greek return”
ok keyboard warrior

I couldn't care less about the opinion of a random nobody Zionist.

I smell some hamas shit burning in ur rear

UK's Sunak Tells Israel’s Netanyahu ‘We Want You to Win’

Let's see some northern European barbarian claims here.
478 ad when Western Roman Empire fell, the Bishop of Rome, ( Pope) and child The emperor, relinquished the rights to nominate any future Roman Emperor on the benefits of Eastern Roman empire. Also, they sent the rites and regalia to Cinstantinopole.
Byzantine Empire never called itself like that, it was called Imperium Romanorum. Byzantium is 16th century German barbarian term.
On the fall of Cinstantinopole, the last remaining decedant of the Roman Emperor relinquished the inheritance on benefit of Sultan Mehmed. Also Ortodox Church had to recognise Ottoman Emperor as Roman Emperor.
In all correspondence between Ottomans and Europeans till 1699 , Ottoman Sultan was titled as Roman Emperor.
All if the sudden, someone from Sweden comes and he has some claims? In the beginning Roman Empire wasn't Christian anyway nor they were inclined towards Christianity, see Julius Apostate.
Legally Roman Empire lasted till 1923 , when Mustafa Kemal dissolved it.
My friends , a Greek doctor of history and his uncle a monk from Athos have the same view but not someone who comes from shitty Kirona Sweden????!!!! Bizarre
Every title of Roman Emperor.l subsequently in Europe was illegal weather in cannon law or laicist low
Oh really? On the contrary, the colonizing West ensured Muslim countries can never rise as regional power through either manipulation in internal politics (e.g. Ottoman Empire, Pakistan, Egypt), sanctions (Iran) or war (Iraq, Libya, Syria).

We have our faults for failing to continue with progress in science and technology, which was the driving force of European Renaissance in the 15th century.

But when you add the foreign interference to internal lacking - there is no way a country can recover from that.
Funny that Japan Germany, Korea, Singapore and Hong-Kong has thrived.

Seems like the Zionists are working on downplaying the numbers. They just keep giving themselves away though. If the 'Islamic Jihad' group did do it, why then would European Intelligence downplay the number?

Earlier the IDF said this:

Blamed the Palestine side by saying "the numbers are exaggerated".
1 or 2 dozen , not more..
, Facts, photos, , even the trees leaves didnt burn,

And hamad expects the dumbass, public to believe 500. Dead
Not 468.

But a round number 500 sounds good..🤣🤣🤣
They were already under a strict embargo, and they made thousands rockets.

Something is rotten in Israeli state.
I think Israelis were delierabely allowing some smuggling of weapons into Gaza to justify the 'mowing the grass' strategy, while keep getting the American aid. But Gazans shocked them on October 7 with the assault into Israel. It seems 'mowing the grass' becoming something much more drastic.
In the end it's a material problem, it's not a "occupation" problem.

When people wants money they ask everything but money, and talk about freedom, about occupation and another stupid euphemisms.

Israel state wants war and hate because that means USA money.
Hamas wants war and hate because that means Qatar and Iran money.

Israeli people and Gaza people are the useful idiots of corrupt elites, who sell them for money.

if Gaza people had been enjoyed good living standards, nothing had been happened, and that's the solution.

If you get a land without occupation but without bread, you wlll protest as well.
If you have good income, good living standards and money, you will give a fck about "occupation" and politics brainwashing stupid things.
You got the wrong idea. Gazans' are not fighting for only 'living standard'. They look at what's going on in the West Bank, especially in Muslim Holy Places and Gazans, unlike the Mr. Gandhi Mahmoud Abbas, Gazans are able to pay pack to Israel due to Gaza's contiguous Palestinian presence AND connectivity to a sympathetic Egypt.
Nobody is declare war on Israel. It was Israelis who were attacking the Al-Aqsa Mosque, killing Palestinians in Gaza & West Bank, and breaking every agreement mediated by Egypt. You're all acting as if the Palestinian operation on Oct 7 was one done in isolation. No, it wasn't. It was part of the Palestinian struggle to stop the constant Israeli violations of their land, religious sites, and people.
Good to see you here--many months ago, I saw you making good arguments in the Russia-Ukraine war thread. I have not been there in ages.
Muslims have historically been living in Holland as far back as 1960. Many recent muslims settlers have bought Land in holland and joined other historical groups of muslims that have lived there since 1960. When I was driving through holland I saw so many empty fields and uninhabited spaces. So much so, I call holland a land without people and Muslims in holland are a people without a land. More muslims should settle in Holland, it is their birthright. As an EU citizen I hope to be able to marry some Muslim woman with 15 kids and bring them all to Holland to settle in this empty land. There will always be a homeland for the Dutch. That homeland is called Belgium. The traditional place where the dutch have always lived.
I see what you did there! Brilliant!!
Muslim countries failed to develop an industrial base and cannot compete.
That does not make them ”peaceful”
As have the Latinos and the Africans and to a considerable extent even the Southeast Asians with many countries in the respective regions.
You are a colonial mouthpiece and even a racial supremacist.
It does. Because they didn't do invading factually.
Though the first Swedish territory outside of Europe was the gift of Ottoman government to Sweden. It is gifted territory of Sweden on Istiklal avenue where used to be the embassy.
Also Karl xii was refugee in Turkey. Both Sweden and France were allies of Ottoman for a long time.
Muslims kept invading until they got beaten in Austria, Malta and Spain.
Muslim pirates in Northern Africa continued with their atrocities until put in their place.
Hamas: To achieve the element of surprise in the flood of Al-Aqsa, not everyone knew about it, and the resistance focuses on the soldiers while the occupation focuses on the civilians

Press coverage: After an uproar on social media, the French police threatened the owner of a
fast food restaurant with administrative closure if he did not turn off his restaurant’s sign, in which the lighting of the first letter was broken, so the restaurant’s name changed from “Chamas” to “Hamas.”

Ha haha..

Funny that Japan Germany, Korea, Singapore and Hong-Kong has thrived.
Japan thrived due their own ideas and style. Also, you thrived due to Lebanese inventing alphabet etc.
Selective memory truly socks, don't you think?
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