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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

There are always people who will keep protesting even if they have everything, political and religious nutjobs.

But if you have a whole starving people, then the crazy nutjobs who want to kill will be 100%.

There was in islusion that the situation would not stop till the comflict ends.

But it is Hamas that made it impossible to solve. Their diclared ideoligy is to destroy us and the best they have to offered is hudna , not peace.

Muslims of India taking a stance.


Again, you should unban that Israeli user named "Adir". We shouldn't silence others and letting them have their viewpoint is the best discourse.
I like how this people duck and dive I like how they use their monolithic flosculas.
Swedo French guy can you explain me what entitle you to think that you are somehow the successor of Greece or Roman Empire. Come on just say it then I will give you historical and legal lessons

Seems like the Zionists are working on downplaying the numbers. They just keep giving themselves away though. If the 'Islamic Jihad' group did do it, why then would European Intelligence downplay the number?

The best proof that Hamas is responsible for the hospital nombing , is that they stopped talking about the casulties a day after they where proven resposible .

So why is Hamas not reporting those " 500 " killed any more ?

Why does he not update the numbers of those killed any more.

After all, in such cases the numbers keeps updating days after.

Here nothing. Zero. Silnce.

Does that not tell you something ?

ASk that Falcon29 here , why he stopped reporting the nunbers of casulties here , he was sohysterically screaming about yesterday.


The best proof the Hamas is responsible for the hospital nombing , is that they stopped talking about the casulties a day after they where proven resposible .

So why is Hamas not reporting those " 500 " killed ant more ?

Why does he not update the numbers of those killed any more.

After all, in such cases the numbers keeps updating days after.

Here nothing. Zero. Silnce.

Does that not tell you something ?

Yep, pajeet definetly, only they spew this kind of logic on internet.
Dont forget the northern crusades.
They invaded scandinavia and killed as many of them to convert the rest to christianty.
The Northern Crusades invaded the Baltic countries.

Hashashins or as the west called them assassins were ismali shia I guess. Those were good at fighting both crusaders and some islamic rulers.
They were good at assassinations.
Bro no doubt. They control all media outlets - if a media outlet goes rogue like a SKY reporter yesterday - the reporter is lambasted, criticized and hounded. They work as a pack of hyenas. When one stops the attack - the next one starts snapping.

Then you have the Muslims. Too busy bitching fighting each other and battering each other about some religious disagreement their forefathers had - be in sunni shia wahabi related.
Just look at this thread. Its an example of disunity.

We dont even have a leader that has adequately spoken up. This shows you the power of the dollar and the control of the Zionist.


look at the title of the thread and then look at the vomit you have posted.
Biggest war crimes and genocide has been done by the west. Dont pollute the forum with shit not befitting a quality forum.
The Israeli as we speak are committing war crimes as we speak.
Hamas committed a horrific attack but now Israel with the full support of the west are engaging in ethnic cleansing and genocide. Don’t sugar coat in what’s happening.
Hamas is committing war crimes as we speak by holding civilians hostages.

Press coverage: After an uproar on social media, the French police threatened the owner of a
fast food restaurant with administrative closure if he did not turn off his restaurant’s sign, in which the lighting of the first letter was broken, so the restaurant’s name changed from “Chamas” to “Hamas.”

The Sultan of Turkey, Erdogan, has remarked that democracy is a streetcar you get off from when you reach your destination. That being said, this infatuation that democracy must be the universal form of government is misplaced. If the last 75 years have taught us anything, democracy is not an elixir for all of a society's ills. When forced to hold elections after Mubarak, Egypt elected Morsi of Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas came to power in 2006 Gaza elections. So, this belief that elections produce the likes of Washington and Jefferson is a mirage. This may come as blasphemy for some people, but a good dictatorship is better than democracy sometimes.
As I have said before, you do not prove that you are a democrat by getting elected to office. You prove that you are a democrat by resigning, allowing opposition to move into office if that is the wish of the people.

Morsi should have resigned and called for new elections.
If you want to know why the Anglo-Zionists support the zionist regime... Anglo-American global dominance is because of Jews being part of the Anglo Team to destroy Germany in WWI.

There would have been no Anglo-dominance without Jews. Anglos and Jews tag team. The Anglos wanted the war with Germany to wipe Germany off the map politically and Jews helped the Anglos. Palestine for Jews was payment to Jews for loyalty to "King and Country".
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