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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Can you muslims not think of a solution that does not mean genocide or ethnic cleansing of the “non-believer” for a change??

Shall i start to bring “hamas style freedom fighting” to any random muslim i see on the street?

That's an overreaction to a simple request of sending people back to where they came from. The fundamental issue seems to be the ignorance of the masses which consider the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as religious and not what it is, socio-political.
How clueless do you have to be to make such a claim? How did Germany start WW1? It was the fourth country to join.

How did Germany start WW2? The British Declared war on them for no logical reason. They started a war of aggression against Germany for no reason at all.
Didn't Chekoslovakia also took part of Poland,? All that terror on the Germans in Danzing, ethnic cleansing in other places?
Muslim countries failed to develop an industrial base and cannot compete.
That does not make them ”peaceful”

Oh really? On the contrary, the colonizing West ensured Muslim countries can never rise as regional power through either manipulation in internal politics (e.g. Ottoman Empire, Pakistan, Egypt), sanctions (Iran) or war (Iraq, Libya, Syria).

We have our faults for failing to continue with progress in science and technology, which was the driving force of European Renaissance in the 15th century.

But when you add the foreign interference to internal lacking - there is no way a country can recover from that.
Muslim countries failed to develop an industrial base and cannot compete.
That does not make them ”peaceful”
It does. Because they didn't do invading factually.
Though the first Swedish territory outside of Europe was the gift of Ottoman government to Sweden. It is gifted territory of Sweden on Istiklal avenue where used to be the embassy.
Also Karl xii was refugee in Turkey. Both Sweden and France were allies of Ottoman for a long time.
Who started it? During the Crusades between 1100 and 1400 AD European pseudo-Christians were slaughtering and eating Muslims for 200 years. They didn’t spare Eastern Christians or Jews either.
That started by the Muslim invasion of Christian territory several centuries earlier.

I call them pseudo-Christians because when the Vikings became Christians they still behaved like barbarian Vikings, slaughtering, pillaging and raping.

To be fair, when the barbarian Mongols became Muslims, they continued to behave like barbarians. My namesake, Tamerlane, was an example of a barbarian Mongol Muslim.

Muslims countries have a lack of democracy, which is what I’ve been arguing. It suits the Anglo-Zionists as it is easier to control dictatorships.

That does not explain why the US tried to encourage democracy in Egypt, Iraq and Afghanistan. It also does not explain the criticism by Barack Obama when Mursi was kicked out.
To be fair, Mursi was an idiot who believed that once elected he was in power forever. He should have realized that he was unpopular, resigned and call for new elections. Many otherwise democratic governments fail to do this unfortunately.

The hypocritical West has been overthrowing democracies in Muslim countries for decades. In 1953 the elected leader of Iran, ‏Mosaddegh, was overthrown and the unelected Shah was installed.
The Shah was Shah even before that. Mossadegh was kicked out by the Shah because the Shah could kick him out according to the Iranian Constitution. What the US and the UK did was creating chaos, and that convinced the Shah that Mossadegh was the wrong man for the job.

In Egypt the West organized the overthrow of the democratically elected president Morsi.
That was indigenous and Barack Obama criticized al-Sisi’s coup.
In Pakistan the US used the generals to overthrow the elected PM Imran Khan.
The generals do what they please. Some do inform the US in advance, but the initiative for coups are almost always internal.
The internet has information on dozens of democratic governments overthrown by the US and its minions.

That’s why the Muslim masses need to overthrow Western puppets and elect their own rulers.
Egypt elected Morsi, and the Egyptians here can inform u how deeply unpopular he was.
When the hunger was in Ireland. It was Ottomans who sent the food. Not Sweden nor France
Also it started by foreigners invading Oriental states to began with. By the way Christianity us Oriental religion and since you are secularists on which basis you can claim something?
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