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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Haaahha..🤣🤣 gujjarkhan zindabad ,
U can stick the pajeet inur middel whole MARICA..
Why would I? In January I will be in India. I will stick it into Desi. They love my profile 2 meters tall blonde, blue eyed and chiseld futures.
You worship kinda sun tanned Jews, imagine how your girls like me?
It's all very cheap. Money makes monkey dance.
And no, I did not claim that all the protestors were Palestinians.
In normal societies where opinions are not repressed, you will find all kinds of opinions.

Of the almost 6 million Jews in the US, a few hundred protested. That is 0,005%.
10% of the Americans claim that they believe the Earth is flat. Think about that for a while.

I know of a prank where people were asked to sign a petition for extending the subway to ”the limit” (limes in Swedish) and plenty of people signed.

What I claim is that as a general rule Muslims only protest against War Crimes against Muslims. There may of course be exceptions, but none that I heard off.
Europeans tend to criticize War Crimes regardless who is the perpetrator and the victim. They would like the War Crimes to be proved.
Latest surveys show nearly 40% of American jews are anti-Israel.

Can you also show how many protested for Israel? A statement you've been dodging.
Invading? You mean as Spanish, Portuguese or others in other parts of the world or Romans and Greeks in Asia Minor and Middle East? Did you mean something like that? Tell me as it is not clear to me.
But hey , we wouldn't have the oldest building in Belgrade Bayrkli Jammi now
What this idiot don't realise is when the catholics took Spain they were force converting to christianity or they die especially the Jews. The locals then were natives the children's of Spanish and Arabs across all of iberia.

The Muslims entered Spain which was not a single entity at the request of a Christian king who was being oppressed there was no invasion but they don't teach that with the Swedish democratic party
Funny that Japan Germany, Korea, Singapore and Hong-Kong has thrived.

Japan Germany, Korea, Singapore and Hong-Kong - all of them had a prolonged stable period. You want to compare Japan with the likes of Egypt and Pakistan? How many wars did Japan fight post-1945? What world do you live in?

Your retort shows you understood nothing from my post. Go back and read again,
. . . .
View attachment 963530

I did not know that there was great animosity against Russia among a large part of the German establishment.

This book fits very well with what I have learned in this forum

So there is a continuity between Kaiser Wilhelm II and today, and the Adolf is just an intermediate point in the hatred of the Slavs, and in the sack of the Slavs entered the Ukrainian-Polish Yiddish people

The only thing that has changed is that now the place of the Ukrainian-Polish Yiddish people descended from Turks and Italians is occupied by true Semites: the Palestinians descended from the Hebrews who were Arab tribes.

Let us not forget that the Great Temple was built by an Arab: Herod the Great.
Well Rasputin Durnovo and Stolypin egged Tzar not to go to war but hey fir our pussycat oxen head was too little.
Read Russian history it might help you not to phantasise
ok Im Egyptian and you are a liar.



The Israeli occupation Foreign Ministry evacuates 5 embassies in Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Morocco and Turkmenistan and orders 20 embassies around the world to remain at home.

Israel and the Western powers were looking for rapprochement between GCC Arabs and Israel.

Instead, Israel is now having to vacate its embassies. Even from so-called traditionally allied nations.
. .
The West has been attacking Muslim countries for decades but it has failed to wake up the rulers. Whole countries have been destroyed and millions have been killed, but the rulers continue to act like it’s not happening.

The Muslim public has, however, woken up to a large degree. If free and fair elections were held in their counties most of the existing treacherous dictators should be thrown into the dustbin of history. Which is why the upholders of democracy in the West cannot tolerate democracies in Muslim countries.

The people of Muslim countries need to start working actively to overthrow unrepresentative rulers, especially in Arab countries. If they want to do something for Islam then every single Muslim should be working towards overthrowing dictatorships and bringing representative government.
The west would support democracies in the muslim countries.
The real question is if the so called muslim population would vote as a unity or even respect the results of an election. They probably wouldnt, and we would still witness endless post on forums like this blaming the west for every single failure in the muslim world.
As much, this will be a war between Hezbollah and Israel because Gaza.

If US enters, this is WW3,mark my words. Iran will not remain idle, Russia and China plays with their future also, and even North Korea will be forced, Turkey and Egypt will be forced, GCC coutnries would be forced to apply sanctions,...this is chain of events all very bad and ugly for the US interests.

Better for US to realize and reign on Israel and work for serious peace.

There is no way a regional war serves American interests--on the contrary. And I think Biden whispered to the Israeli leadership to no go too far in their anger to engineer a regional war which would not only destroy Israel but also practically kick Americans out of the Middle East. But will the Israelis listen? I think they are already but they need some face saving way out.
But a regional war will serve China, Russia and indeed the local countries in the long run. Too bad for Americans that a tiny country of a different religion thousands of miles away used its Lobbies in Washington to inflict such heavy losses to America's own interests.
Was it the guy doing nation vs. nation war scenarios ? If not, then I'm not familiar with said individual tbh.
He was a Russia guy doing war analysis between Hamas and Israel in the early days, his videos were posted here a lot in the first few days. He was pretty good. I will continue to try to find him

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