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French Rafale strikes over Mali

They have already downed a Mirage 2000-5. See the link below and read the very last para. Ulitmately US the biggest rogue state will jump in.

Malian rebels overrun garrison town and advance towards capital | World news | guardian.co.uk

I have the last para from this link below

Asked how France could have been unaware of the enemy's capacity, Guidère said: "It's true that the last important [weapons] acquisitions were on the black market and recent, but expressing astonishment is also part of the ministry of defence's communications operation. How else to justify the loss of a soldier so quickly, and the knocking out of a Mirage 2000 fighter jet against people with only Kalashnikovs."

well thats the point & thanks for clarifying it

also in afghanistan it was downed

so why take chances they did the right decision to go with rafale to do airstrikes

On a side note, French weapons dont compare well with US weapons. No country has tested weapons on innocent people like US so their weapons are better in performance.
Well i dont get the point orelse your POV is disaster to understand

French weapons are quite good & have been succesful in international market
just a marketing stunt to use rafale ...they could have used mirages quite easily ....mirage-20005s are good enough and time tested aircrafts to carry out precision attacks...they are equivalent to the f-16s PAF is using against taliban

well mate plz dont jump into conclusion instantly without knowing the proper facts yourselves

it is given in the previous post by your fellow countrymen that france had lost a mirage 2000 to mere terrorist group armed with kashanikovs.So why would they risk their lives of pilot .:coffee:

& marketing stunt is for u ,but actually lifes of 5000 french people are in stakes :Hitwall:
BRUSSELS: Nato said Monday
it supported French efforts to
turn back the terrorist threat
in Mali but that the alliance
had received no request for
assistance and had not discussed the conflict. “We welcome the efforts of the
international community in
support of the implementation
of the United Nations …
resolution 2085 (on Mali),” a
Nato spokesperson said. “France has taken swift action
to roll back the offensive of the
terrorist groups in Mali,” the
spokesperson said. “We are hopeful that such
efforts will help to restore the
rule of law in Mali and … roll
back the threat” of groups
which threaten the “security
and stability of the country, the region and beyond.” At the same time, Nato
stressed this was a national
operation, carried out by
France, and there had been no
request for assistance nor had
there been a “discussion within Nato of this crisis.” “So far, the operation in Mali is
a national operation in support
of Mali. It was decided by the
French government…. Nato is
not involved in that.” On Monday, militant forces
based in northern Mali vowed
to avenge France’s fierce
military offensive against them
after a series of French air
strikes inflicted heavy casualties. Militants on Monday seized
control of a town in a fresh
attack in Mali’s government-
held south and vowed to strike
“at the heart” of France as it
waged a fourth day of air strikes against them.

Nato backs France in Mali, but
says no aid request

Nato backs France in Mali, but says no aid request | World | DAWN.COM
France also aim to sell the Rafale to UAE this is a good show for future prospective customers

France aim to sell, US aim to sell, EU aims to sell.... that would be lot of reasons for indiscriminate bombing. :hitwall:
It is sad. Mail is a former colony of France. The Frenchies controls the majority of the economic activities from formerly state owns companies which were privatized by order of the WB and IMF to a single private investor.

This is not about terrorism. It is about secure French economic interest there. Sure, terrorism sounds great. We never hear of US bombing campaign as terrorism. What do really know beside what we read from Western news organizations. It is rather sad to see weak countries destroyed like that.
France aim to sell, US aim to sell, EU aims to sell.... that would be lot of reasons for indiscriminate bombing. :hitwall:

Ironic Gaddafi was set to buy the Rafale and soon after the same jets pulverised Libya ;)
well mate plz dont jump into conclusion instantly without knowing the proper facts yourselves

it is given in the previous post by your fellow countrymen that france had lost a mirage 2000 to mere terrorist group armed with kashanikovs.So why would they risk their lives of pilot .:coffee:

& marketing stunt is for u ,but actually lifes of 5000 french people are in stakes :Hitwall:

i have been through the article in one of the news website and it doesnot specifically states that mirage-2000 was down by Kalashnikov but raises suspicion and a question stating "How else to justify the loss of a soldier so quickly, and the knocking out of a Mirage 2000 fighter jet against people with only Kalashnikovs."

so mate correct your facts

you can verify it from here

Malian rebels overrun garrison town and advance towards capital | World news | guardian.co.uk
I was wondering how long will it take for the french to dominate the resistance of Mali . Its like a deer fighting a lion ;)
The War on Mali. What you Should Know: An Eldorado of Uranium, Gold, Petroleum, Strategic Minerals … | Global Research

The French government has stated that:

“it would send 2,500 troops to support Malian government soldiers in the conflict against Islamist rebels. France has already deployed around 750 troops to Mali, and French carriers arrived in Bamako on Tuesday morning…..

We will continue the deployment of forces on the ground and in the air…..

We have one goal. To ensure that when we leave, when we end our intervention, Mali is safe, has legitimate authorities, an electoral process and there are no more terrorists threatening its territory.” [1]

So this is the official narrative of France and those who support it.*And of course this is what*is widely reported by the mainstrem media.

France is supported by other NATO members. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta confirmed that the US was providing intelligence to French forces in Mali. [2]* Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Germany have also publicly backed the French incursion, pledging logistical support in the crackdown on the rebels. [3]

If we are to believe this narrative we are misled again about the real reasons. A look at Mali’s natural resources reveals what this is really about.

Mali’s natural resources* [4] (emphasis added)

Gold: Mali: Africa’s third largest gold producer with large scale exploration ongoing. Mali has been famous for its gold since the days of the great Malian empire and the pilgrimage to Mecca of the Emperor Kankou Moussa in 1324, on his caravan he carried more than 8 tonnes of gold! Mali has therefore been traditionally a mining country for over half a millennium.

Mali currently has seven operating gold mines which include: Kalana and Morila in Southern Mali, Yatela, Sadiola and Loulo in Western Mali, and mines which have recently restarted production notably Syama and Tabakoto. Advanced gold exploration projects include: Kofi, Kodieran, Gounkoto, Komana, Banankoro, Kobada and Nampala.

Uranium: encouraging signs and exploration in full swing. Exploration is currently being carried out by several companies with clear indications of deposits of uranium in Mali. Uranium potential is located in the Falea area which covers 150 km² of the Falea- North Guinea basin, a Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin marked by significant radiometric anomalies. Uranium potential in Falea is thought to be 5000 tonnes. The Kidal Project, in the north eastern part of Mali, with an area of 19,930 km2, the project covers a large crystalline geological province known as L’Adrar Des Iforas. Uranium potential in the Samit deposit, Gao region alone is thought to be 200 tonnes.

Diamonds: Mali has potential to develop its diamond exploration: in the Kayes administrative region (Mining region 1), thirty (30) kimberlitic pipes have been discovered of which eight are show traces of diamonds. Some eight small diamonds have been picked in the Sikasso administrative region (southern Mali).

Precious stones consist of the following and can be found in:

Circle of Nioro and Bafoulabe: Garnets and rare magnetic minerals
Circle of Bougouni and Faleme Basin: Pegmatite minerals
Le Gourma – garnet and corindons
L’Adrar des Ilforas – pegmatite and metamorphosing minerals
Hombori Douentza Zone: quartz and carbonates
Iron Ore, Bauxite and Manganese: significant resources present in Mali but still unexploited. Mali has according to estimates more than 2 million tonnes of potential iron ore reserves located in the areas of Djidian-Kenieba, Diamou and Bale.

Bauxite reserves are thought to be 1.2 million tonnes located in Kita, Kenieba and Bafing- Makana. Traces of manganese have been found in Bafing – Makana, Tondibi and Tassiga.

*Other mineral resources and potential in Mali

Calcarous rock deposits: 10 million tonnes est. ( Gangotery), 30 million tonnes est. ( Astro) and Bah El Heri ( Nord de Goundam) 2.2 Million tonnes est.

Copper: potentialities in Bafing Makan ( Western Region) and Ouatagouna ( Northern Region)
Marble*: Selinkegny ( Bafoulabe) 10.6 MT estimated reserves and traces at Madibaya
Gypsum: Taoudenit ( 35 MT est.), Indice Kereit ( Nord de Tessalit) 0.37 MT est.
Kaolin: Potential estimated reserves ( 1MT) located in Gao ( Northern Region)
Phosphate: Reserve located at Tamaguilelt, production of 18,000 t/per annum and an estimated potential of 12 million tonnes. There are four other potential deposits in the North of 10 million tonnes.
Lead and zinc: Tessalit in the Northern Region ( 1.7 MT of estimated reserves) and traces in Bafing Makana ( Western Region) and Fafa (Northern Mali)

Lithium: Indications in Kayes ( Western Region) and estimated potential of 4 million tonnes in Bougouni ( Southern Region)
Bitumen schist: Potential estimated at 870 million tonnes, indications found in Agamor and Almoustrat in the Northern Region.
Lignite: Potential estimated at 1.3 million tonnes, indications found in Bourem ( Northern Region)
Rock Salt: Estimated potential of 53 million tonnes in Taoudenni ( Northern Region)
Diatomite: Estimated potential of 65 million tonnes in Douna Behri ( Northern Region)
Mali’s Petroleum potential already attracting significant interest from investors

Mali’s Petroleums potential has been documented since the 1970’s where sporadic seismic and drilling revealed probable indications of oil. With the increasing price of global oil and gas resources, Mali has stepped up its promotion and research for oil exploration, production and potential exports. Mali could also provide a strategic transport route for Sub-Saharan oil and gas exports through to the Western world and there is the possibility of connecting the Taoudeni basin to European market through Algeria.

Work has already begun to reinterpret previously gathered geophysical and geological data collected, focussing on five sedimentary basins in the North of country including: Taoudeni, Tamesna, Ilumenden, Ditch Nara and Gao.

So here we have it

Whatever is announced by France and the US, reported by the mainstream media, the goal of this new war is no other than stripping yet another country of its natural resources by securing the access of international corporations to do it.* What is being done now in Mali through bombs and bullets is being done to Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain*by means of debt enslavement.

And the people suffer and die

The Guardian reported 2 days ago [5]*:

“The human toll has not yet been calculated, but a communique read on state television late Saturday said that at least 11 Malians were killed in Konna.

“Sory Diakite, the mayor of Konna, says the dead included children who drowned after they threw themselves into a river in an effort to escape the bombs.

“Others were killed inside their courtyards, or outside their homes. People were trying to flee to find refuge. Some drowned in the river. At least three children threw themselves in the river. They were trying to swim to the other side. And there has been significant infrastructure damage,” said the mayor, who fled the town with his family and is now in Bamako.”

Who knows what the death toll is today.

God help*any country and its people with natural resources to be exploited.


[1] [2] [3]*‘Gates of Hell’: France upping military presence in Mali conflict — RT

[4] All information taken from Le Journee Miniere et Petrolieres du Mali (government information) JMP 2011 ? Journées Minières et Pétrolières du Mali

[5]*Mali neighbours send troops to help French intervention | World news | guardian.co.uk
Guillaud said France's strikes, involving Rafale and Mirage jet fighters, were being hampered because militants were using the civilian population as a shield.

"We categorically refuse to make the civilian population take a risk. If in doubt, we will not shoot," he said. Residents who fled Diabaly said Islamists had used the town's inhabitants to protect themselves in recent days.

Many inhabitants of northern Mali have welcomed the French attacks against Islamists who have imposed a harsh form of sharia law, cutting off hands and feet for crimes, and destroyed the famed shrines of the ancient desert town of Timbuktu.

Brave Islamic warriors hiding behind women and children.

France launches ground campaign against Mali rebels | Reuters
Another neo-colonialism rule. The so called attack on terrorists groups threatening the territorial intergrity of Mali is just a false reason to impose French rule in Mali. The Lybian attack had three objectives-market the rafale to Scatland and Brazil; push the Chinese out of Lybia and accaparate the Lybian oil and natural resources. Regarding Mali, it is again to market the Rafale and Mirage 2000 but also to have an influence on Mali. Any natural reources like oil resources, now will be given to the French companies to exploit. This is how the Western Racist World proceed. Impose a pro Western Government in the African countries through military intervention to throw out any non pro-Western Government or Leaders, so that all resources are handed over to Western countries. While China participate in tender to buy natural resources, the Western countries steal same from these African countries through military intervention. Lybia is now forced to hand over all its oil production to the French, UK and US companies without tender procedures and excluding China, Russia and even India which is so quick to applaud a Rafale performance while it has nothing to gain except spending money on purchasing Western weaponry. The military intervention will cost billions to an already debt ridden France, which is also caught in a deep economic recession. So why such military intervention, it is not because to protect civilians from terrorists otherwise France would have also intervened in Syria. Such intervention has a hidden agenda, to accaparate Mali's natural reources and imposes a pro-French Government in all African countries and push not only China but also India away from Africa. Thats the reality, so there is nothing to applaud here, Scatlanders are applauding like stupids and idiots as if there country, would gain something. Yes Rafale is performing well, just like the Mirage 2000 (and F 16, Gripen, Tornado, Eurofighter if they had participated in this shameful military intervention), India just like all emerging countries like China and Russia are going to be pushed out of Africa if this trend of Western military intervention continues in Africa.
Well good, since Mali does not seem capable of doing the job themselves.
plus Killing Nasty Tuareg terrorist Rats who sneak up on Weak state of mali from Niger , Libya , Algeria and Burkina faso .

and in some one eyes you are a terrorist aswell and have no right to live if given chance you will be bomb by war toy so it can be marketed well, you don't know squat about people who died , what was their life stories, you are just sick mentally sold out guy, who thinks all of this is awesome, praise mighty rafale...
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