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French Rafale strikes over Mali


I'm not sure that I properly understood some of the intent nor all of the meaning of your above post, sorry. As for my "learning soon", let me cover the geo-politics of the Islam / Western Civ half-unassumed clash on my blog today so as not to hinder the works of pros here then?
You could also rate my work on Mali last week if you have the time?

Sorry mate, as I said before, my experience of reality conflicts with your impression of it, LOL, etc

Talk to you later and good day all, Tay.
Hello all, although I suppose most of you heard about it, I just wanted to signal the presence of the French SF in Kidal.
Mali is now back in control as far as cities go. The huge desert up North and mountains of the Ifogah where the Tuaregs live will be left for later. The French got to Kidal alone unlike what happened so far in the operation. The reason for that was that while the rebels have stated not to want to fight France's troops, they are ready to dish it out to their national soldiers.
That is going the challenge : to rebuild Mali as a nation despite the tribal and cultural divides. I guess Pakistan knows enough of that? (sic)

Also Umair, I did post as promised on the same day about Islam's variants at fight with the West. Are you sure you do not want to check it out to see what I have left to learn?
Which Islam is having a civilization clash with the West or is it all of them? « Definitive Lapse of Reason

It does use Pakistan as an example of how the West misunderstands some Muslim nations though? I hope I did a fair job of enumerating the problems you guys face in that matter and would welcome constructive reviews, comments or additions?

Good day all, Tay.

P.S. Two links to the Mali operation :
Long version of the Foreign Legion's jump on Timbuktu
La légion saute sur Tombouctou version longue, entre Gao & Tombouctou, 28 Janvier 2013 - YouTube

Kidal today :
French troops at Kidal airport, northern Mali - Africa - nation.co.ke
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