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Forbidden fashion: Fancy beard trims barred (in KP)

To everyone else

From my experience i have learned to do my own research. Islam is a very logical religion and books on Sharia are widely available. Also from my understanding you will get more sawab if you actually research it yourself than just believing a person who may or may not know the correct information.

It is blasphemy, you ridiculed the Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him).

What question? It's clear as day that shaving is haram. Nothing else to be questioned.

When did i do what you are blaming me of doing? Actually going by your logic you are a blasphemer for falsely accusing a follower of the prophet.

The question was if you can share any links or documentation that proves your point, but obviously you don't have any thats why you have come down to accusations
Most of the Muslims I know don't have a beard, both in India and abroad. Wonder if it's a cultural thing rather than a religious thing.
I guess. pity the PAF pilots who cant keep long beards due to issues in cockpit in the air.
Most of the Muslims I know don't have a beard, both in India and abroad. Wonder if it's a cultural thing rather than a religious thing.

Stay out of our affairs please.
Stay out of our affairs please.
I had no intention of interfering, as the topic was related to KP. But, since we moved away from local affairs and started talking about the religion in general, and rules about adherence by its practitioners, I believe I can talk about it.
it like india people will go hunting for valentines couple but wont say s hit bout ppl sh iting in the rivers or road. basically ppl got their misplaced prority.
It already is declared a sin. It should now be declared as illegal for Muslims.
So all those Saudi princes and kings (who dont have beard) are doing illegal things and still your ex army head is stupid enough to work with them

I don't know, I don't hold regular conversations with God and ask him what he's planning. All I can tell you is that us Muslims were at the top our game when we were practising Sharia, but when we started leaving it things slowly unravelled.
Looser. run out of logics? i believe your god id the only one god all other gods are false.So the big question is why he has blessed the west (kafir) with so much of wealth and everything a happy man could have...come out of this jail bro.everyone thinks that his god is supreme and he must follow his god to become on the top but i am afraid the reality is other ways around...i am sorry if i hurt you.....peace
I don't care if you view it as "unjust", cry me a river for all I care. If you are a man who can grow and beard and you remove/trim parts which you are not allowed to remove/trim, you are doing what is clearly known as haram.

Just because you don't like it doesn't suddenly make it halal.

Anyway, your logic is still pretty dumb. Would you rather women and men who can't grow beards were punished? That's just crazy.

The whole concept of applying Halal and Haram to beard is .... well stupid. Rules, laws and regulations cannot be selectively applied to a particular set of population, it has to be a blanket application. Salat, Soyam, Hajj, Zakat, consumption of alcohol etc are all in control of everyone male, female, bearded or beardless, and equally apply to everyone. Any temporary exemptions are clearly mentioned in Quran.

First it was Sunnah and Now you making beards halal and haram ...... interestingly a topic that is hardly touched in Quran is well your own assumptions ......... an act that has been prohibited in Quran ....... "Do not make things that we have declared Halal as Haram or haram as halal" ......


According to Ulma: Beardless Muslims will not be able to get Kauser from Nabi SAW, and Nabi SAW will not see the face of the beardless...

The same Ulema who cannot decide what should be the length of beard and as a result have constructed their own separate mosques, where they can practice and preach their desired length of beard?

By the way I have a bigger and thicker beard than you :) .......

Actually its in shoving your opinion down the others throat.

These are non issues made big issues.
Jihalat has no cure

Jihalat never had a cure.

Isn't it jahalat when people say madrassahs shouldn't be closed bcz once upon a time a thousand years ago they created scientists without realizing the galactic level of difference between the madrassahs ( Arabic word for educational institution of any kind) and the jahil factories of madrassahs we have today.

Isn't it jahalat when you ask the educational credentials for statecraft from a party supporter and he tells you he knows Arabic and farsi and its good enough.

Isn't it jahalat when saying beards can be cut is blasphemy and the blasphemer should be killed.

Isn't it jahalat when those that live in "dar ul harb" teach us living in Pakistan how to islamize our country.

It's time we look at the fact that we may have battle in this war on terror but Pakistan is certainly losing the war.

I stated it before and I will state again. The war was never to be won on military front. Tactical was not a major player in this war. The war was always going to be won on non military fronts amongst the populace through de-radicalization of the masses and the state has absolutely failed here.

So yes we have defeated TTP with a victory the world powers could not deliver yet the beard styles are being banned in kp and fata.

We broke the backbone of IS structure in Pakistan yet the cities burned when an "oath" was changed into a "declaration"

What does that tell us. On military front we are doing great but the war is to be won amongst the masses and we are struggling big time here. This was the job of the govt and they have failed and this abject failure needs to be accountable.

@Zibago i get beard trimmed and styled ( tried multiple styles and still do) and truly consider it a non religious issue.
The religion I follow, the religion of peace did not have one marked as "must be killed" bcz they styled their beard

Jahalat has no cure and its the most ferocious of diseases spread amongst the populace.
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Alright, you want secularism guided by the parts of Islam you deem culturally acceptable, correct? In that case, the argument changes. You have provided an honest reason as to why you feel partition was necessary, further justification is not required.

However, what I will ask you now is, if you believe in Islam, why not simply do what it says in it's entirety? The only reason you wouldn't is if you don't actually believe in Islam 100%.
The reason I do not want full Sharia has to do more so with sectarianism in our society as each sect has some significant differences in Sharia, so full Sharia is not possible as all sects will fight to establish their own version.
So a law based on the basic principles of Sharia is the best.
The whole concept of applying Halal and Haram to beard is .... well stupid. Rules, laws and regulations cannot be selectively applied to a particular set of population, it has to be a blanket application. Salat, Soyam, Hajj, Zakat, consumption of alcohol etc are all in control of everyone male, female, bearded or beardless, and equally apply to everyone. Any temporary exemptions are clearly mentioned in Quran.

First it was Sunnah and Now you making beards halal and haram ...... interestingly a topic that is hardly touched in Quran is well your own assumptions ......... an act that has been prohibited in Quran ....... "Do not make things that we have declared Halal as Haram or haram as halal" ......

The same Ulema who cannot decide what should be the length of beard and as a result have constructed their own separate mosques, where they can practice and preach their desired length of beard?

By the way I have a bigger and thicker beard than you :) .......

These are non issues made big issues.

MashaALLAH , ALLAH PAK qubool kren, But every good deed is for ALLAH , there is no need to compare with me or anyone else, or show it to anyone else.

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