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Forbidden fashion: Fancy beard trims barred (in KP)

I do not know whether he shaved or simply could not grow a beard, or if he was even aware of the ruling. I give him the benefit of the doubt.

If you are happy with a secular Pakistan, then you have no valid reason to support partition.
I want the government and law to be somewhat secular i.e. based on Sharia but not full Sharia.
And the reason I support partition is because the extremist Hindus would kill you regardless of you being a liberal or conservative Muslim.
I want the government and law to be somewhat secular i.e. based on Sharia but not full Sharia.
And the reason I support partition is because the extremist Hindus would kill you regardless of you being a liberal or conservative Muslim.

Alright, you want secularism guided by the parts of Islam you deem culturally acceptable, correct? In that case, the argument changes. You have provided an honest reason as to why you feel partition was necessary, further justification is not required.

However, what I will ask you now is, if you believe in Islam, why not simply do what it says in it's entirety? The only reason you wouldn't is if you don't actually believe in Islam 100%.
It already is declared a sin. It should now be declared as illegal for Muslims.

God help Pakistan if even educated persons such as yourself think this way.

I do not know whether he shaved or simply could not grow a beard, or if he was even aware of the ruling. I give him the benefit of the doubt.

Respectfully, you aren't a moral authority to judge the likes of Iqbal anyhow, whether or not you give him the courtesy of benefit of the doubt.
what a bunch of Losers , these Mullah mentality stooges should have been in the same plane as ZIA when it crashed .. would have been best for Pakistan
God help Pakistan if even educated persons such as yourself think this way.

Respectfully, you aren't a moral authority to judge the likes of Iqbal anyhow, whether or not you give him the courtesy of benefit of the doubt.

God definitely won't help Pakistan if it remains a non-Sharia state like it is now.

No, that's not how this works. If someone does a sin, you frown upon it, no matter what your status is. I don't consider him blameworthy for several reasons as stated before, but if he did not meet the criteria, I would be disappointed to say the least. However, I'd still admire him as a good Muslim since in my opinion his good deeds outweigh his bad (from what I know anyway).

what a bunch of Losers , these Mullah mentality stooges should have been in the same plane as ZIA when it crashed .. would have been best for Pakistan

If I said it was a good thing that both Bhutto's got hung and shot, and that every liberal should have joined them, I would have been banned guaranteed.

But apparently it's fine if us evil religious people are on the other end of the stick, despite the fact that without us, none of you would have gotten your precious Pakistan in the first place.
God definitely won't help Pakistan if it remains a non-Sharia state like it is now.

Why is it that God has blessed these non-Sharia states in the West with immeasurable wealth and prosperity?

You don't need to reply with some remark about a lack of morality in this society, you too referenced Pakistan as a state. Maybe your assumptions of God and his will aren't exactly reliable.
Why is it that God has blessed these non-Sharia states in the West with immeasurable wealth and prosperity?

You don't need to reply with some remark about a lack of morality in this society, you too referenced Pakistan as a state. Maybe your assumptions of God and his will aren't exactly reliable.

I don't know, I don't hold regular conversations with God and ask him what he's planning. All I can tell you is that us Muslims were at the top our game when we were practising Sharia, but when we started leaving it things slowly unravelled.
I don't know, I don't hold regular conversations with God and ask him what he's planning.

Maybe you should then refrain from speaking too boldly on his behalf. I wouldn't have even asked this impossible question of you if you weren't passing judgements such as the part of post #35 which I quoted.

All I can tell you is that us Muslims were at the top our game when we were practising Sharia, but when we started leaving it things slowly unravelled.

Those glory days are in the past, the state of Pakistan is 70 years old. I have no doubt God will bless us with prosperity despite current conditions.
What a stupid law. Let people be for goodness sake
Well done! Pakistan is getting closer and closer to complete Sharia day by day.

Sorry mate, but i can't find where it says that its part of Sharia to have long ugly beards.
but when we started leaving it things slowly unravelled.
Asslamu alaikum, I thought beard is loosely a wajib and not farz. As far as I see, Rasulullah (saw) specified nafl and farz.
As you can see I don't keep a long beard, I can't, it's part of my job. I can't walk in with cleanly shaven mustache and a long beard.
This is my understanding, now i could be wrong, so if someone can explain it why, would appriciate it. There are things that are farz and then there are things which the prophet did and we call them Sunnah. Things mentioned in the Quran are Farz and what the Quran prohibits you from doing are Haram.

There is no mention of keeping beard in Quran, so as per my understanding its Sunnah not Farz. The logic behind this is that the prophet used to ride camels and not cars, so riding a camel is sunnah not farz.
Asslamu alaikum, I thought beard is loosely a wajib and not farz. As far as I see, Rasulullah (saw) specified nafl and farz.
Walaikum Asalam

No, it's compulsory.

Sorry mate, but i can't find where it says that its part of Sharia to have long ugly beards.

Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) had a long beard, as did the Sahabah (May Allah Be Pleased With Them).

Calling them "ugly" is blasphemy.

Maybe you should then refrain from speaking too boldly on his behalf. I wouldn't have even asked this impossible question of you if you weren't passing judgements such as the part of post #35 which I quoted.

Those glory days are in the past, the state of Pakistan is 70 years old. I have no doubt God will bless us with prosperity despite current conditions.

I only say what he said to us in his book, and what the messengers sent by him (Peace Be Upon Them) said.

He won't if we continue to rule by non-Sharia laws.
It's not about "secular" or "Religious" etc... It's always about the people. Let the people choose what they want. In my observation... Pakistani people can sacrifice anything for the name of "Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W"... But there are many christians, hindu and etc living there. So we must protect their rights as well... Just sharing...Good wishes..Enjoy your time...
Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) had a long beard, as did the Sahabah (May Allah Be Pleased With Them).

Calling them "ugly" is blasphemy.

I am sorry but not everything is blasphemy

Definition of Blasphemy is "the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things"

I did not say anything wrong about God nor did i mention the prophet or even his sahaba, and beard is not a sacred thing. So stop labeling everything as blasphemy just because you are unable to answer a simple question.

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