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PTI leader distributes burqas at Government Girls School in Mardan

Please quote where it says in Quran where you read it for sake of knowledge. Your words meant nothing on this until you support. Please do share where you read its choice wear it or not its fine

LOL I never said that wearing or not wearing hijab is a choice in personal level, it is clear that it is obligatory for woman, I only said that any Islamic government (or any one) cannot force any Muslim women to wear it, just like any Islamic government (or any one) cannot force someone to pray.

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear therof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss.” (Quran 24:31).

“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” (Quran 33:59).

It is clear in Quran that we are only ordered to say and tell women to wear hijab, and not to force them to wear it.

This is why prophet Muhammad never imposed women to wear hijab during his ruling. Its similar like why praying is also something that is not imposed by Islamic state during prophet Muhammad rule (and until Today)

Allah also said that

"Therefore have patience. Surely the Promise of Allah is true. And ask forgiveness for your sins. Glorify your Lord morning and evening with His praise." (Quran, Ghafir verses 55)

So if Allah say that we need to do Zikir in Morning and Evening, does it mean that Islamic government (or any one) can force any Muslim to do it ?

Similar like the verse who said that praying 5 times is obligatory for any Muslim, the verse talk about the obligation to pray to Allah, and any Islamic government (or any one) cannot force some one to pray.

It is because:

There shall be no compulsion in religion. Verily, the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. (Quran, Al Baqarah: 256).

The government can only intervene where The Sharia enter public domain. Its why stealing, murdering, zina, prostitution etc are the act that must be punished in this world and because of that government must step in.
Useless waste of minister's on the clock time. Is this his job?

And what a lame reason? To avoid harrassment? Wtf?

Instead he should be making laws to punish harrassers.
You, honestly, can't be supporting this just because you support PTI. Honestly.

Be patriotic, not a nationalist. Not everything your Government or Country does is the right thing to do, it's okay to criticize and call out where you should.

Agreed. If this is true, it's BS. I don't want my country talibanised.
LOL I never said that wearing or not wearing hijab is a choice in personal level, it is clear that it is obligatory for woman, I only said that any Islamic government (or any one) cannot force any Muslim women to wear it, just like any Islamic government (or any one) cannot force someone to pray.

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear therof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss.” (Quran 24:31).

“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” (Quran 33:59).

It is clear in Quran that we are only ordered to say and tell women to wear hijab, and not to force them to wear it.

This is why prophet Muhammad never imposed women to wear hijab during his ruling. Its similar like why praying is also something that is not imposed by Islamic state during prophet Muhammad rule (and until Today)

Allah also said that

"Therefore have patience. Surely the Promise of Allah is true. And ask forgiveness for your sins. Glorify your Lord morning and evening with His praise." (Quran, Ghafir verses 55)

So if Allah say that we need to do Zikir in Morning and Evening, does it mean that Islamic government (or any one) can force any Muslim to do it ?

Similar like the verse who said that praying 5 times is obligatory for any Muslim, the verse talk about the obligation to pray to Allah, and any Islamic government (or any one) cannot force some one to pray.

It is because:

There shall be no compulsion in religion. Verily, the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. (Quran, Al Baqarah: 256).

The government can only intervene where The Sharia enter public domain. Its why stealing, murdering, zina, prostitution etc are the act that must be punished in this world and because of that government must step in.

You are saying ALLAH ask to say just for formalities may be. In Quran there are lots I think almost every where ALLAH ask Muhammad (P.B.U.H) to say his law to the muslims and non muslims. So Was all those just for formalities? choice do it or not it's fine all will be rewarded jannah?

Very easy example to understand here is

"Say, He is ALLAH, [Who is one]; Surah Ikhals first ayat.

Now because ALLAH said say it means its a choice and not a compulsion.

Everything that ALLAH ask to says or tell it's a law from ALLAH itself and doesn't need enforcement it should be implemented directly because it's from ALLAH directly.

and I know you said in Islamic goverment domain and not personal domain but still Islamic Sharia is to be implemented by Islamic Government. Why would West implement it? Anyways.
It's always good to see Libtards crying/moaning ... :enjoy:

Lmao. Oh bhai, Islam has given us women choice. Islam itna bereham naheen. If a woman wants to wear Niqab, she can and if she doesn’t then nobody should force her.

Since now we are following Islamic laws, will the boys wear thowbs as well? You know since maybe Saudi govt schools follows them so we should too. Islamic clothing should be followed for both genders.
You say Islam has given women choice, you must have read this somewhere, Quran - Hadith, Plz post the reference here.
Okay after going through the main post and the thread, i have some points to put forward:

1) Where is it mentioned that any provincial minister is involved? Seen so many posts saying government doing this and that.?

2) The burqa case is of some "former" district Councillor who happens to be from PTI. Who knows maybe the guy is parachuter from other parties even. The news items seem to be Dawn or News from looks of it. No offense but alot of what they post have to be taken with grain of salt. From fake news to anti Govt (particularly anti PTI) rant, they have a proven track record unfortunately.

3) 3rd news item firstly has no reference/link ?, it refers to Rawalpindi.

I will not delve into whole debate about what is permitted or not in religion.
However we can't equivocate Islamophobia in west and justify it through saying these things happen here. What is wrong is wrong, wherever it may be happening.
Another point, Pakistan is Islamic republic. As far i i know, and we all know, it isn't a secular country. Then how this issue of not having a Non-Muslim as Head of state or Govt. coming under discussion or being an issue here. But if its an issue, then we are going in a totally different debate which is anyways irrelevent to the main discussion in hand going on here.
Excellent! More confused future generations if Zia’s foolished din’t embark us on the journey where we have reached. Clusterf@@k.
Just to remind our liberal, moderate, confused, Adha teetar Adha batair generation, wearing burka in cities like Lahore was a norm just few decades ago ---- I want to ask all those genius who saying that this is talbanization or Zia's culture, there was no zia or Taliban 5-8 decades ago.

See you people must be brave enough to say that you don't want to follow Islam instead of trying to trying to justify everything from Islam -- even the mirasis and gawaiyes say that their profession is allowed by Islam.
there is no physical harm to the body and mind if women wear burqa but it provide sense of safety and protection
I'm sure there will not be physical harm to the body and mind of men if they are forced to wear a burqa, would you do it?

one reason of increase in rape culture of india is that their women have started wearing nude dresses
or that male cannot control themselves and find excuses to shift the blame, maybe there should be a law that no males should go out of their home so women are secure outside
Its pukhtoons and there very extreme tribal culture

extreme or not, do they ask others not to wear jeans or half leg showing shalwar and sleeveless qameez. Why do people think they have the right to tell them what to wear.
extreme or not, do they ask others not to wear jeans or half leg showing shalwar and sleeveless qameez. Why do people think they have the right to tell them what to wear.
The main reason is culture,in many western nations burqa is banned and women are not given freedom to wear burqa according to their desire so these western nations also impose desired dresses on public .clothing of person effects people around him so it is not limited to individual private matter when people go to visit public places as sentiments of people are effected by it
The main reason is culture,in many western nations burqa is banned and women are not given freedom to wear burqa according to their desire so these western nations also impose desired dresses on public .clothing of person effects people around him so it is not limited to individual private matter when people go to visit public places as sentiments of people are effected by it

I neither support nor condone wearing burqa for others its their choice, I will never allow my woman to wear one. Having said that, public chumma chatti also effects a lot of people but it was never banned.
it is better you give freedom to your woman for deciding whether to wear burqa or not according to her desire instead of not allowing her which hinders her freedom
I neither support nor condone wearing burqa for others its their choice, I will never allow my woman to wear one. Having said that, public chumma chatti also effects a lot of people but it was never banned.
it is better you give freedom to your woman for deciding whether to wear burqa or not according to her desire instead of not allowing her which hinders her freedom

No i wont, just like i wont allow her to wear bikini
so if i let her wear Burqa in public wont it effect people around like you said in your previous post
i think burqa not effects people in Islamic society as it is considered good thing in Muslim culture,if you are living in west then I agree with you
No i wont, just like i wont allow her to wear bikini
so if i let her wear Burqa in public wont it effect people around like you said in your previous post
Just to remind our liberal, moderate, confused, Adha teetar Adha batair generation, wearing burka in cities like Lahore was a norm just few decades ago ---- I want to ask all those genius who saying that this is talbanization or Zia's culture, there was no zia or Taliban 5-8 decades ago.

See you people must be brave enough to say that you don't want to follow Islam instead of trying to trying to justify everything from Islam -- even the mirasis and gawaiyes say that their profession is allowed by Islam.

Why is it that if some disagrees with you they are confused?

I am not confused, I know exactly what my confections are.

My highest convictions, above everything else is:

Al-Baqara 256
"here is no compulsion in religion....."

Of course hypocrite "Muslims" love to ignore this part of the Quran and love to pick and choose the parts that force their religion on others.

It is not the Schools job to force people to be Muslims. it their their jobs to raise educated generations that can survive in the modern world and participate in democracy.
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