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Afghanistan: Taliban ban Helmand barbers from trimming beards

Other than that there are indeed some Afghans who agree with the Taliban's social and political outlook. But there are many who either directly fear them and want to escape the country or fear them but are unable to escape and don't want to be visibly seen as opposing the perception - even if ill-placed - of the Taliban as bringing Islamic thought.
Nobody is stopping anyone to leave Afghanistan if they must. They are no takers
Bloodbath in Dagestan ? Who do you think is the Russian government taking action against ? It is the same types who did the Peshawar school massacre, the PNS Mehran attack etc.
You cannot support every power at the same time Indian.
Consider Gaddafi. He liberated women right after the 1969 revolution. He declared that all Libyans would have proper homes and until then his own parents would live in a tent. His father died before all Libyans had homes. Other things too. He and his comrades had proper aims.

And what has been the Taliban's priorities ? Closing down the women's affairs ministry and replacing it with a haya ministry like during their previous rule. Banning even trimming of beard. Doing a big photo op of going into a Nordic embassy and burning children's books there. Beating up reporters and women. Preventing women from working and going to school
He lived in a hut because he was a nomad.

Gaddafi has a legacy in Pakistan. We named a colonial sport stadium after him. Beat this irony.

If you can give previous regimes in Afghanistan so much time, the current ones deserve their fair chance
Not even declared aims for the next two years or five years ?
constitution needs writing so that's declared
There are progressives and sensible even in India. Yes.
fake news
It's the same thing, isn't it ? :) How we define terrorism. My question still stands. Would Pakistanis like to lose their freedoms if their government were to become guided by Talibani thought.

1) No. It isn't the same thing, at all. As for "terrorism", it is an extremely ill defined term, which is being used by states and other entities, to malign their opponents. Consequently, one person's "terrorist" is another person's "hero" or freedom-fighter. Thousands of examples.
2) The kind of rule, Taliban are trying to impose, would not be acceptable to most of the Pakistanis, because they don't ascribe to that interpretation of religion.
Nobody is stopping anyone to leave Afghanistan if they must. They are no takers

That's callous of you.

You cannot support every power at the same time Indian.

You are confusing me now.

He lived in a hut because he was a nomad.

He need not have continued to be a permanent nomad. That act of Gaddafi was a symbolism.

Gaddafi has a legacy in Pakistan. We named a colonial sport stadium after him. Beat this irony.

Nevertheless it is unfortunate that Bhutto did not adapt the Libyan revolution for Pakistan even though he had Socialists like Faiz in his circles.

constitution needs writing so that's declared

Come on, it's been more than a month. Where is the manifesto ?

fake news

Three recent ones :

The lovely Shehla Rashid :

Kanhaiya Kumar :

Umar Khalid who's in a Delhi jail for the last one year :

2) The kind of rule, Taliban are trying to impose, would not be acceptable to most of the Pakistanis, because they don't ascribe to that interpretation of religion.


1) No. It isn't the same thing, at all. As for "terrorism", it is an extremely ill defined term, which is being used by states and other entities, to malign their opponents. Consequently, one person's "terrorist" is another person's "hero" or freedom-fighter. Thousands of examples.

I agree that "terrorism" is quite vague. I prefer "criminal" which captures the essence of the context easily.

So, from what you have written in point# 2, would you be willing to call the Taliban as heroes ?
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So, from what you have written in post# 2, would you be willing to call the Taliban as heroes ?

My objective assessment about Afghan Taliban (Exclude TTP):
1) They are neither terrorists, nor criminals.
2) Yes, they are ferocious freedom fighters.
3) Their extreme religio-political ideology has no place in this world, and would harm them, their country as well as surrounding countries, particularly Pakistan.
4) Still, Pakistan, and global community, shall endeavor earnestly to somehow bring them to some middle path in public policy, instead of shunning them, because the second course is more dangerous.
I agree that "terrorism" is quite vague. I prefer "criminal" which captures the essence of the context easily.

It doesn't solve the problem. To me Modi is a criminal. To tens of millions, he is a hero. Many people will grade Lenin and Mao as criminals; for others, many of the US presidents were the same.
I never understand why Muslims focus on non relevant issues like beard and trousers above the ankle rather than learning the meaning of namaz and etiquette of a Muslim. When u force people the rebel
They didn't destroy Safavids. Safavids suffered an internal power struggle just like every other dynasty. They just got their land back which again got crushed by Nader Shah. Should I remind you that Durrani was a henchman of Nader who remained loyal to him and received Afghanistan as a prize for his loyalty and service?
And we know what happened to Nader Shah. Henchman, lol, of course. Everyone is the henchman of the great Persian empire.
Taliban and Sikh have equivalent literal meaning. Taliban are similar to Sikh who don't cut hair nor shave beard, although they shouldn't impose it on non Taliban.

Yuvaraj Singh was a Sikh who didn't have Beard or an turban. In Sikhism there are schools of thought. Equating with Taliban is most insulting to any Sikh.
Yuvaraj Singh was a Sikh who didn't have Beard or an turban. In Sikhism there are schools of thought. Equating with Taliban is most insulting to any Sikh.
Equating Taliban to Sikhs maybe very insulting to Taliban as well but the two groups have similarities. Think about how Sikhs were in the formative part of their movement. There were no clean shaven ones, and they were very militant.
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