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First Block 2 JF-17s under construction in Pakistan

when is the 3rd squad of JF 17 expected ? Kind of late. Isn't it?
Money issues. It's expected to be raised either by the end of 2014, or the beginning of 2015.

AESA radar is all but confirmed. We may see RD-93MA or WS-13, depending on which one is ready.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the block three supposedly a two seater?
3rd Squadron will be inducted after High Mark 2014 exercises.

Money issues. It's expected to be raised either by the end of 2014, or the beginning of 2015.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the block three supposedly a two seater?
No Two seater Variant is whole different story than Block 3... Two seater variant is for those countries who want JF17 fighter as well as trainer
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when is the 3rd squad of JF 17 expected ? Kind of late. Isn't it?

by end of year.

Alan Warnes, Islamabad - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
26 June 2014

Production of the first two of 50 Block 2 JF-17s on order by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is now well under way at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra, with the first expected to fly by the end of the year.


Production of the first two of 50 Block 2 JF-17s on order by the Pakistan Air Force is now well under way at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra. (Alan Warnes)

The Block 2 JF-17 has several capability increases over the Block 1s, but the main boost to the PAF as well as to export potential is the installation of an air-to-air refuelling system. One aircraft has been fitted with a refuelling probe, which protrudes from the right side of the fuselage just behind the cockpit, sitting forward of the pilot's position.

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First Block 2 JF-17s under construction in Pakistan - IHS Jane's 360

good news indeed. looks like JFT program is on track.....
by end of year.

good news indeed. looks like JFT program is on track.....

Nope it's not. Delays in program and the production capacity of less than 5 in a year is definitely not a healthy indicator of program being on track. First there was a mid june deadline of block 2. 3rd squadron was going to be raised early in the year. Both delayed. There is no guarantee obligations would be met at end of year.
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Dare I say the whole program is fraught with delays and under delivery... Things that were promised in the beginning became vapourware... Be it HMDS, IRST or HOBS.
The Block II Delivery schedule is delayed by almost 6 Months.I was expect First to roll out by June this year and atleast 8-10 By the year End.

It would be safe to assume that Block III Production will most likely begin after 2017
Nice. I think Pakistan should welcome all of the GCC(KSA, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain) and North African(Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco) countries with Turkey on board too for 5th Generation fighter aircraft and also for R&D on Electrical and Electronics which are most important for anything.

Why they join you for 5th Gen Fighter development? Why not directly to China?
Dare I say the whole program is fraught with delays and under delivery... Things that were promised in the beginning became vapourware... Be it HMDS, IRST or HOBS.

One factors threw the program off the track. $$$$$$$. (money). French canceled the deal making an excuse we could not pay the money hence the deal could not go through. It delayed JF-17 program 1-1.5 year. New procurement planes, their integration and testing (in case of French, we wouldn't had to do that because of their reliability). New structural and avionics tests because We weren't expecting all out chinese armoury on JF-17. Hindsight on part of PAF

Program came back on track in 2010 but it was once again threw off in late 2011 when production capacity dwindle below 10. Kamra attack, loss of ERIEYE put PAF resources under restraint as they had to divert the money to makeup the loss. JF-17 program suffered delays and the situation is since been the same.

It looks very much like a nose that houses an AESA RADAR....

Let see when the first Block 2 comes out....

Grossly wrong assumption. PAF has already released the picture of the radar going in to Block 2. Looks like, seems so doesn't make your wishes true.
One factors threw the program off the track. $$$$$$$. (money). French canceled the deal making an excuse we could not pay the money hence the deal could not go through. It delayed JF-17 program 1-1.5 year. New procurement planes, their integration and testing (in case of French, we wouldn't had to do that because of their reliability). New structural and avionics tests because We weren't expecting all out chinese armoury on JF-17. Hindsight on part of PAF

Program came back on track in 2010 but it was once again threw off in late 2011 when production capacity dwindle below 10. Kamra attack, loss of ERIEYE put PAF resources under restraint as they had to divert the money to makeup the loss. JF-17 program suffered delays and the situation is since been the same.

Grossly wrong assumption. PAF has already released the picture of the radar going in to Block 2. Looks like, seems so doesn't make your wishes true.

I know Block 2 is not supposed to carry an Aesa Radar but the nose has been designed to accommodate the Aesa, Genius.

I am sure this newly designed nose would be useful for Block 3 when Aesa Radar is expected.

Hold your horses.
I know Block 2 is not supposed to carry an Aesa Radar but the nose has been designed to accommodate the Aesa, Genius.

I am sure this newly designed nose would be useful for Block 3 when Aesa Radar is expected.

Hold your horses.

Is there any difference b//w nose cones of Block-1 and Block-2 ?

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