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Fears WAR IMMINENT between two major nuclear powers

70% chance of China and India softening the stance and finding a face saver for both.
25% chance of small skirmishes.
5% chance of a full blown conflict.
We have only disputes in Kashmir with Pakistan and that's too because of the greed of your army. Nothing more, nothing less.

Tanks won't be of much use in the Himalayas.
its the greed of Indian army who is killing and blinding local Kashmiri's for land.

We have only disputes in Kashmir with Pakistan and that's too because of the greed of your army. Nothing more, nothing less.

Tanks won't be of much use in the Himalayas.
its the greed of Indian army who is killing and blinding local Kashmiri's for land.
those who think war is not possible.
no body expected China to fight Korean war.
no body expected them to fight and win in 1962.
situation is same. war have been imposed on China. now China will have to fight back for its sovereignty if diplomatic way fails.
We have only disputes in Kashmir with Pakistan and that's too because of the greed of your army. Nothing more, nothing less.

Tanks won't be of much use in the Himalayas.
Suddenly from jumping up and down like monkeys on hot coals now that you have been decimated out of the competition tanks don't matter. Honestly Indians are like prostitutes yachts don't get paid
As far as Kashmir is concerned we have taken half of it we will take the rest. The population of Kashmir hates you and that is just what pakistan needs
Suddenly from jumping up and down like monkeys on hot coals now that you have been decimated out of the competition tanks don't matter. Honestly Indians are like prostitutes yachts don't get paid
As far as Kashmir is concerned we have taken half of it we will take the rest. The population of Kashmir hates you and that is just what pakistan needs

Any timeline to your mental masterbation or do I have to wait for another birth.

And it sounds so funny when u guys claim to snatch large chunk of J&k from India and at the same time cry that India has taken Kashmir from u guys.

But ....Carry on..
With all my differences with uncle sam let me tell something,US was, is, and will be the sole super power.
the reason u.s is superpower is that they use countries to eliminate their potential enemies.just like they used Pakistan against russia now they are using india against china to achieve their objectives
the reason u.s is superpower is that they use countries to eliminate their potential enemies.just like they used Pakistan against russia now they are using india against china to achieve their objectives
They used pak, china, nato countries and few arabs to eliminate USSR. Yeas, now they are using us along with japs and australia against chinese.
But there is a slight hope is that unlike pak, india is puting her eggs in many baskets, also we are bit better economy and self sustained tech power compares Pakistan. So i think we will not end up like pakistan once chinese threat to US is over(provided if we survive any possible indo chinese war).
Any timeline to your mental masterbation or do I have to wait for another birth.

And it sounds so funny when u guys claim to snatch large chunk of J&k from India and at the same time cry that India has taken Kashmir from u guys.

But ....Carry on..
When you come back in the next life you will return as a rat. As far as masturbation is concerned you Indians can't do that can you. Your women are more manly than your men. Have a nice day
Chinese Gaofen-3 satellite (SAR) is busy counting Indian soldiers and their exact location:

China launches Gaofen-3 high-resolution radar imaging satellite

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