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Fears WAR IMMINENT between two major nuclear powers

So, what.... what the use of counting, oh yeah, they will count and issues equal number of warnings.....

India is a warning specialist country. Look how many have been issued in the past:

Since when india becomes china's benchmark? Asper you and many others china is leaugeahead of india, and you are adnitting they are also no different than india.

Above is your intent of putting your words in my mouth.

I said Indians have 40 years history of issuing threats at every drop of hat.
India is a king of threats, no country comes close.


Sniper duet from China sets new record at Army Games in Kazakhstan

When you come back in the next life you will return as a rat. As far as masturbation is concerned you Indians can't do that can you. Your women are more manly than your men. Have a nice day

U are muslim . U believe in Karma and next life

Oh...I forgot ....The Arabs did something tragic with your family chain that u could neither carry on the Dharmic faith....Nor are able to give up. ...but your ancestors must be real sissy to allow their women folks.....And to top it....Adopt their faith.

About our women...How many Miss Universe ur country has produced ? Our women are very pretty and they don't have arab mix up in their blood.
Above is your intent of putting your words in my mouth.

I said Indians have 40 years history of issuing threats at every drop of hat.
India is a king of threats, no country comes close.


Sniper duet from China sets new record at Army Games in Kazakhstan

India is doing warning game since long, is that your excuse for yourgrand daddy's coward act of issuing warning, that too a world A record of 69plus warning in two months.
There wont be any rifles used though.

Meanwhile China is getting ready with mother of all MRL with a range of 300 KM to decimate Indian territory.

Indians have nothing against this standoff Chinese long range weapon.
Above is your intent of putting your words in my mouth.

I said Indians have 40 years history of issuing threats at every drop of hat.
India is a king of threats, no country comes close.


Sniper duet from China sets new record at Army Games in Kazakhstan

Chinese are good inevery thing tank warfare, snipping etc. Then whats the use of these insanely superb vapablities if they arnt using it inbattle field.
India is doing warning game since long, is that your excuse for yourgrand daddy's coward act of issuing warning, that too a world A record of 69plus warning in two months.

You can lie and add one more zero to it.
World knows what is what.
There wont be any rifles used though.

Meanwhile China is getting ready with mother of all MRL with a range of 300 KM to decimate Indian territory.

Indians have nothing against this standoff Chinese long range weapon.
Is that a pic from tibet.

You can lie and add one more zero to it.
World knows what is what.
Leave about india, since long u guys are talking like india is liars, but i am not understanding why your grand daddy is also following us.
Doklam crisis exposes chinese in two ways, 1) you guys are invasive forces in asia, even tiny defenceless country like bhutan is also under the thrat from china, remember china is a permenantmember in UN, an organisation which stands for global peace, a watch dog against war and crime.
2) chinese are like a balloon when comes toactuall militarry power, which even incapable to tackle a poor country like india.
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Is that a pic from tibet.

Leave about india, since long u guys are talking like india is liars, but i am not understanding why your grand daddy is also following us.

You can not fight Pakistan but you are out to fight China?
Ridiculous ha?

Why is yr Modi incapable of revoking MFN & IWT status of Pakistan?

Actually, our plan is to escalate to multimegaton MIRV nuclear firestorm on Delhi in the first hours of the war. For now, we let Indians believe the spanking will be modest to make them miscalculate.
And we will blow up Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzen, etc. Good luck for catching up with USA afterwards.


the truth is out...as ive said many times...its suicidal for IAF
Quoting a chinese news paper about war on India. LOL.
Little China will only engage in sabre rattling. When push comes to shove, the Chinese are really a scared little nation.

said that to your FM Sushma Swaraj is begging everywhere she go for help, regardless I'm just waiting for the count down...and see who will be chicken out :lol:
said that to your FM Sushma Swaraj is begging everywhere she go for help, regardless I'm just waiting for the count down...and see who will be chicken out :lol:
Oh well wake me up when you even start the count down. 2 weeks before some chinese idiot said it was 2 weeks of countdown. 2 week long gong. No war! China is all fart no shit.

Meanwhile China is getting ready with mother of all MRL with a range of 300 KM to decimate Indian territory.
Good luck targeting in mountains against troops using rockets. :rofl: 300 KM or 30,000 KM doesn't matter. MRL is a useless weapons for anti infantry role.
Oh well wake me up when you even start the count down. 2 weeks before some chinese idiot said it was 2 weeks of countdown. 2 week long gong. No war! China is all fart no shit.

Why I want to wake you up when I can enjoy all this by myself :lol:, and I didn't say when but wait for the count down.
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