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Fears WAR IMMINENT between two major nuclear powers

You can not fight Pakistan but you are out to fight China?
Ridiculous ha?

Why is yr Modi incapable of revoking MFN & IWT status of Pakistan?

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So what is chinese then, a country incapable of fighting pakistan stoping chinese. And super power china is yet to fire a single bullet against incapable india.
Man You go to loc will find out,both india and pakistan says goodmorning, good afternoon, goodevening and good night via guns, rpgs, antitank missiles. Such a pathetic chinese force scared of firing a bullet.
You can not fight Pakistan but you are out to fight China?
Ridiculous ha?
Huh?? where did you learn that? India and Pakistan are at constant battle. All those LoC violation and Indian forces killing Pakistani Military and Civilians are very much a battle. We have been engaging Pakistan in a constant state of war since 1947.
Russians will stay quiet mostly this time, natural response from russians since we back stabbed them with our silence in prwvious wars which involved russia.

in 1962, India had Soviet and US to back them up, now Russia is not side with India and US keep mute...:lol:
in 1962, India had Soviet and US to back them up, now Russia is not side with India and US keep mute...:lol:
Man we know that we have to fight outself our war, do you think that we sent our troops to defend bhutan's integrity with out knowing this?
So what is chinese then, a country incapable of fighting pakistan stoping chinese. And super power china is yet to fire a single bullet against incapable india.
Man You go to loc will find out,both india and pakistan says goodmorning, good afternoon, goodevening and good night via guns, rpgs, antitank missiles. Such a pathetic chinese force scared of firing a bullet.

We toke 3 years to prepare for 1962, now it's barely 1 1/2 month over Dorklam affaire, since when we have hesitation on fire a bullet, it will be a massacre if Indian army keep stand on our way

We toke 3 years to prepare for 1962, now it's barely 1 1/2 month over Dorklam affaire, since when we have hesitation on fire a bullet, it will be a massacre if Indian army keep stand on our way

Doklam didn't happen overnight my wise friend
We toke 3 years to prepare for 1962, now it's barely 1 1/2 month over Dorklam affaire, since when we have hesitation on fire a bullet, it will be a massacre if Indian army keep stand on our way

Do you think that we are siting idle, just only enjoying the69 position warning?oh common neverknee that chinese are this much retard. 1962 was the result of retard policy of our nehru( i am not telling that he is retard and simoly his policy in entire defence matters) and krishnamenon

Poor Nangi Bhooki Indians.
Translation - poor Naked Hungry Indians. :D
Care to explain.
in 1962, indian army was virtually non existent. the chinese troops initially outnumbered indian troops 25 to 1. now its 2 to 1. so india has a massive advantage since china cannot win any war where they have less than 4 to 1 advantage
So what is chinese then, a country incapable of fighting pakistan stoping chinese. And super power china is yet to fire a single bullet against incapable india.
Man You go to loc will find out,both india and pakistan says goodmorning, good afternoon, goodevening and good night via guns, rpgs, antitank missiles. Such a pathetic chinese force scared of firing a bullet.

Troops mobilization. Military logistic.
It takes time.
When the rubber meets the road, you will know everything.
Troops mobilization. Military logistic.
It takes time.
When the rubber meets the road, you will know everything.
A military power so far keeping their agmy men at border with stick or what?
Do you think that we are siting idle, just only enjoying the69 position warning?oh common neverknee that chinese are this much retard. 1962 was the result of retard policy of our nehru( i am not telling that he is retard and simoly his policy in entire defence matters) and krishnamenon.

You will sit idle and expect us to draw the fist blood because you wouldn't dare to make the first move, PLA always take initiative to draw the first blood either 1962, 1979 or 1988...unless you can claim to chase PLA out of Dorklam by force :lol:. Keep anger and insult will never save your Indian's a$$, you're the one said the we're scare to make the first shot and I show your the real footage of massacre...LMAO
said that to your FM Sushma Swaraj is begging everywhere she go for help, regardless I'm just waiting for the count down...and see who will be chicken out :lol:
Really, where is she begging? The only one begging and foaming at the mouth is all of China. So far the only one who looks like a chicken is China.
This is what I had imagined.

Now the war is certain, so is Indian defeat.
SO are you one of the commie boot licker or one one those ashamed southasians who pretend to be Indian in Western countries??

the time war begins west china will be our first target and remaining China is basically occupied territory.
A military power so far keeping their agmy men at border with stick or what?

Layman or novice like you would not understand how to fight a battle or what it takes to deliver a deadly blow to enemy. Right now the situation is akin to crossing swords.
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