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Fears WAR IMMINENT between two major nuclear powers

This is not imminent but well planned by PLA. Only surprising factor is india's response.
I bet my horse, my home & my doggy.
There is gonna be a war. Period.

Unless Modi withdraws prematurely.
This is what mighty CHINIS have been asking from last month but Indians have not even blinked.
Because its not worth it !!!
Sure, then ask your sugar daddy to do something...
your old daddy will join as a bonus. its up to you to decide when do you want that bonus????
56 inch is a proven terrorist and fundamentalist. he had the capability to start it unlike Chinese who have proved themselves to be the peaceful nation on earth time and again.
Ofcourse your airforce will be taken care of. Ground action doesn't cause shock and awe. Expect precision bombing in and around Dokhlam and the videos of bombing and "before and after" satellite imagery showed to the rest of world by China.

This guy is a Catholic Missionary and Modi blacklisted his NGO which used to get money for religious conversion . His right to convert having been denied ....he is anti Modi...and has teamed up with Pakistanis ( where he would have been lynched and killed for this crime) to demean the country which has given him shelter. In one word he is a TRAITOR
your old daddy will join as a bonus. its up to you to decide when do you want that bonus????
56 inch is a proven terrorist and fundamentalist. he had the capability to start it unlike Chinese who have proved themselves to be the peaceful nation on earth time and again.

Yawn...please do tag me when that happens...
Yawn...please do tag me when that happens...
Russians will stay quiet mostly this time, natural response from russians since we back stabbed them with our silence in prwvious wars which involved russia.
I bet my horse, my home & my doggy.
There is gonna be a war. Period.

Unless Modi withdraws prematurely.
You have lost every time youput your bet on...... Gujarat, 2019 thread to name 2.
Your desperate anti Modi triad means only one thing....he is doing things right.
U will loose your dog, horse and house and wife ( the way u pick loosing bet:coffee:)
Btw..get well soon from namo-nia
Let's be realistic, last time the IAF went into action was during the Kargil conflict where it was called out to carry out ground strikes targeting bunkers which originally belonged to the Indian troops....so their location would have been well known to the Indian planners, the IAF strikes involved a limited area within Indian side of LOC and apart from some low altitude shoulder launched SAMs, NO other air opposition whatsoever....still the IAF needed assistance from a couple of countries to execute it's missions with mixed results....now if a conflict takes place with China, the IAF and IA will have to bear the brunt of both the PLA and PLAAF and saying that Chinese forces are both bigger and stronger is not an exaggeration and would really like to know which country would jump to India's assistance.
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