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Facebook accounts bieng disabled for Burhan Wani profile picture.

You can have it when you open your eyes to reality.
what reality?? enlighten me a little.

You showed your true educational background and upbringing with your choice of words. No wonder you got banned.:hang3::hang3:
my upbringing doesnt include raping women left and right and shooting little girls protesting for freedom with pellets in thier eyes, bug off little subhuman.
lol i wrote nothing just a profile picture, i guess with his aniversary coming up, little indian rats in fb servers have their knickers on fire.
Wipe off Exif data from any Burhan wani picture you use as Profile Pic. You can do it with Gimp.
Come on man i know you're not like other members here you're sane member Bhagat Singh and his companions were declared terrorists by britishers but he was a freedom fighter for the whole British India and will always be we've immense respect for him and for his fight against oppression same goes for Kashmiris fighting for your own land is not terrorism.
I cannot support Mr burhan cause I saw in one of his videos that his struggle was not just limited to Kashmir. He specifically targeted USA.
How can anyone support such a person who wants to conquer the world?
even my thread is beinfmg bombarded by indians lol, they are seriously like flies attracted to something sweet and just for the record they dont look a lot better than house flies. little thin ugly subhumans.

Don't be surprised to see Hizbul in the list of Terrorist Groups

Also you can read facebook policy regarding support for terrorists through social media. You are lucky if you didn't get your email banned.:-)
fyi, isis, ttp etc those terrorist groups openly operate accounts unchecked lol, and dont make me laugh, Us declaring someone terrorist doesnt mean jack squat....

Wipe off Exif data from any Burhan wani picture you use as Profile Pic. You can do it with Gimp.
will try, anyway i can recover my account?, had a lot of personal info on that?
I saw in one of his videos that his struggle was not just limited to Kashmir. He specifically targeted USA.
How can anyone support such a person who wants to conquer the world?
I didn't saw that video so can't comment on that.
I'm not asking you to support him but calling him a terrorist hurts the sentiments of Kashmiris and it only fuels more hatred in them. :)
there will soon be a war between muslims and all others.world super powers like china and america will not sit back and enjoy.there are regional conflicts and international conflicts.enemies will not dominate muslims.trust yourself and encourage others to represent islam.isis destroys islam image.all the mess was created by america,so much injustice in iraq and even shia sunni conflict.all these are reasons of our downfall but we must be united.forget others.they will laugh on you on wani picture but we know what mujahadeen are capable of.enemies will remain enemies.there will never be any truce.
even my thread is beinfmg bombarded by indians lol, they are seriously like flies attracted to something sweet and just for the record they dont look a lot better than house flies. little thin ugly subhumans.

fyi, isis, ttp etc those terrorist groups openly operate accounts unchecked lol, and dont make me laugh, Us declaring someone terrorist doesnt mean jack squat....

will try, anyway i can recover my account?, had a lot of personal info on that?
I guess you can file a protest with Facebook for recovering your account but chances are very remote.
To remove exif data for next time . watch this.

I guess you can file a protest with Facebook for recovering your account but chances are very remote.
To remove exif data for next time . watch this.

thanks mate, already lodged a review, its up to them, im never making a new account ever, to hell with them.

@TruthSeeker lets add these posts as well for the language concern.

wonder what list facebook uses for their list of terrorists/ terrorist outfits
its not about any list, i have posted his pic several times in the past with no consequences, its the fact that its wani's aniversary coming up that has the indian lobby in fb on fire, as i told u it was taken down as soon as i posted it.
I didn't saw that video so can't comment on that.
I'm not asking you to support him but calling him a terrorist hurts the sentiments of Kashmiris and it only fuels more hatred in them. :)
Well you are right, there is a very fine line between a freedom fighter and a terrorist. Someone's freedom fighter is another's terrorists.
But I truly believe that the Kashmir movement is being highjacked by you know who.
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