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F16/BLOCK 70 in USA Magazine

el nino

Mar 31, 2008
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Code One Magazine On-line

That stunning picture was printed by Lock heed Martin who are pushing the most advanced F16 ever built for IAF MRCA contract.

The picture of wat the block70 will look like is in indian colours refulling on a indian IL76 tanker.

The magazine has an aricle on the technologythat lock heed Martin are prepared to trf to india including new sensors and AESA radar...

The F16 team are really pushing the order on basis of low cost maintenance and future purchase of JSF for india in 2020....

"" on another note india has signed a $2 billion deal to buy the highly advanced P8 Posideon maritime plane complete with HARPOON missles...8 of this latest maritime planes will join indian navy.

delivery to begin 2012

BOEING is also bidding the F18 super hornets for MRCA contract
Personally with india having 230 su30 mki which are twin engined i wud prefer that took the F16 block 70 as the low cost single seater back up.

IAF wud USA AESA radar APG79 and F16s massive strike weapons package,.

THE F16/70 wud be even include some JSF era electronics.

FOR ME F18 super hornets & rafael wud mean too many twin engined type MRCAs

230 su30 mki

126 F16/70

120 TEJAS MK1/2

Front line fleet of 480+ fighters by 2020

50 MIRAGE 2000-9

60 mig29

120 upgrade jaguar/hawk _____200 2nd line support
Good news! Looks like LM can fit a refuelling probe to the F-16. PAF can get probes fitted to its own fleet! No need to get a boom refueler. Sweet. :cool:
The only Edge PAF got over IAF was that they were not getting American Technology and they were getting Russian or European Technology. American Technology is Far better and more Reliable than any other Country.

I have just one Question,

USA Cant sell F-16 to Pakistan because they will be used against India but on the other hand USA is selling the best of F-16 to India for what, will it not be used against Pakistan. These are the American Double standards.

This deal will change the whole outlook of IAF, The million dollar Question is " What will be the Russian Response after this deal ".

IAF already had Edge because of Su-30 MKI and PAF was trying to overcome this Unbalance by Buying J-10s from China and May be J-11 but this deal is gonna Shift the balance in India's favor and this Unbalance of Conventional Arms will Pressurize Pakistan to Rely on Non-Conventional Weapons (nukes) and the risk of Nuclear war in South Asia will increase Exponentially.

Only Vultures and Arms Dealer benefit from WARS.

USA is making a huge Mistake by Initiating a new arms race in South Asia.
Whenever Locheed Martin Aims at something they get it. Because they Aim High and Hit right on the Target.

We Never Forget, Whom we are working For
Locheed Martin.
What can PAF do now? We cannot always rely on our first class pilots...

1).Our Only hope now is to rely more on our Nukes and Build a Strong Arsenal of Missiles so that no country in the world can dare to attack us ( just like the policy of North Korea and some what of Iran) and we make sure to the aggressor that otherwise consequences will be Destructive.

2).Now our only hope is from China we can get the latest Jets from China but Chinese JXX program is still in Research Phase and it will take at least 5 to 10 years for them to build this jet, Pakistan can also Start joint venture with China specifically keeping in mind our requirements to Counter Indian Acquisition of F-16 or F-18 and then we can design a special jet to counter this threat but I think it not feasible Economically and Technologically as well.

3).Other Option will be Working Closely with Turkey and try to get F-35 (Turkish produced or may be turkey helps us to secure a deal with Lockheed ) Another Unlikely scenario Very very Difficult but not Impossible. Or a joint venture with Turkey ( as i mentioned above the joint venture with China)

4). We hope that any European Country comes up with something really cool and Technologically advanced just as F-35 or F-22 and we get a deal with them another Unlikely scenario because European are not focusing more on defence anymore because of economic slowdown and we haven't heard of any new project from them since Eurofighter. Maybe Eurofighter is an option for PAF but its too Expensive and hard to get hands on to it.

5). We ask USA to give us the same technology which they are giving to India but you know the answer which they gave us when we asked them to sign a nuclear deal similar to Indo-us deal. The probability of Getting these F-16/Block 70 From USA is approximately 1 out of a billion.

6). We start working on a project on our own and JF-17 is just a start we lack Expertise, technology and resources as well but if we take this matter too seriously as we did in the case of making an Atomic Bomb we will Inshallah make something even better than this one but its a hard work and we have just nothing to start with we will have to start from scratch but where there is a will there is a way.
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The only Edge PAF got over IAF was that they were not getting American Technology and they were getting Russian or European Technology. American Technology is Far better and more Reliable than any other Country.

I have just one Question,

USA Cant sell F-16 to Pakistan because they will be used against India but on the other hand USA is selling the best of F-16 to India for what, will it not be used against Pakistan. These are the American Double standards.

This deal will change the whole outlook of IAF, The million dollar Question is " What will be the Russian Response after this deal ".

IAF already had Edge because of Su-30 MKI and PAF was trying to overcome this Unbalance by Buying J-10s from China and May be J-11 but this deal is gonna Shift the balance in India's favor and this Unbalance of Conventional Arms will Pressurize Pakistan to Rely on Non-Conventional Weapons (nukes) and the risk of Nuclear war in South Asia will increase Exponentially.

Only Vultures and Arms Dealer benefit from WARS.

USA is making a huge Mistake by Initiating a new arms race in South Asia.

sir many points raised here by you attract my attention,
first-russian or european technology are inferior to the US , good why is then paf going for chinese aircrafts where are based on the russian technology, wont the chinese aircraft form the basis of the paf in the future why then knowingly they are going for the inferior aircrafts.

second-in this very forum people have left no stone unturned in saying that that the su-30mki is supposed to be a bad plane.US red flag exercises have shown how bad the SU30MKI performed then why do you think iaf has an advantage with sukhois, either its a deadly plane and the west and the rest does not want to acknowledge it or it is done to tarnish its image since iaf has it.

third- arms race in south asia is this anything new?

fourth - you forgot to mention that in the near future IAF will be using more of israeli tech fitted with russian expertise. how does the american sale affect the region when israel is supplying even better systems to india.?

fifth- the russian response is clear and final if you are getting better high level tech from US get it at any cost later we can jointly devise the tech which will counter these threat

sixth- who knows it better than pakistan and india how double standard the US follows so india is already wary of this they will be friends with US only in good times and in bad times they know who will serve them better.,the russians,french and israelis.

abouve all i totally agree that war benefits noone except the arms dealers
ordinary men will always suffer whether its sukhois or f-16 it matters little to the suffering lot.:agree:
just one problem with the f-16 aesa radars the US will never give the tuning code that is it cannot be reconfigured later while the french is providing the full tech transfer in this regard.
sir many points raised here by you attract my attention,
first-russian or european technology are inferior to the US , good why is then paf going for chinese aircrafts where are based on the russian technology, wont the chinese aircraft form the basis of the paf in the future why then knowingly they are going for the inferior aircrafts.

second-in this very forum people have left no stone unturned in saying that that the su-30mki is supposed to be a bad plane.US red flag exercises have shown how bad the SU30MKI performed then why do you think iaf has an advantage with sukhois, either its a deadly plane and the west and the rest does not want to acknowledge it or it is done to tarnish its image since iaf has it.

third- arms race in south asia is this anything new?

fourth - you forgot to mention that in the near future IAF will be using more of israeli tech fitted with russian expertise. how does the american sale affect the region when israel is supplying even better systems to india.?

fifth- the russian response is clear and final if you are getting better high level tech from US get it at any cost later we can jointly devise the tech which will counter these threat

sixth- who knows it better than pakistan and india how double standard the US follows so india is already wary of this they will be friends with US only in good times and in bad times they know who will serve them better.,the russians,french and israelis.

abouve all i totally agree that war benefits noone except the arms dealers
ordinary men will always suffer whether its sukhois or f-16 it matters little to the suffering lot.:agree:

Russian Technology is not Bad at all i didn't meant to offend you but you will have to admit that American are far ahead when it comes to technology as you have already said that "
if you are getting better high level tech from US get it at any cost later we can jointly devise the tech which will counter these threat "

Regarding PAF acquisition of Chinese jets, SIR ! we don't have any other option, and Russian/Chinese Technology will do the job For PAF. Please read my next post in which i said our first option will be to get Chinese JXX to counter Indian MRCA,

Regarding Su-30 and Red flag Incident you know very well if there is chance:woot: to make fun of each other:rofl: we Indians and Pakistanis will take full advantage of that and that thread was a part of it. Su-30 is a the best India got at this time and its a main threat to PAF no doubt about that and that's why we went to Chinese to buy J-10 and may be J-11 (again based on Russian Technology).

Regarding Arms race, it is there but USA is adding more speed to it.

India is for sure getting American technology (even better versions of the American Products) from Israel and they will be fitted on Russian platforms and that is Phalcon AWACS system Right ? And we are getting the same (approximately the same) from China. :pakistan::china: so we have a solution and now we need a solution for MRCA, Simple:tup:

About your Fifth Point its between you and the Indians what you do with American Technology is not my Business. But remember when Chinese do this same to you Please don't get offended by the Chinese.

About you sixth Point I Think USA is in trouble and She needs Money no matter what and that's why she has sold THAAD system to UAE and Americans Made a 3 BILLION deal with the Indians For P8 and C-130J and Now they want to Sell F-16/Block 70 to India as Well In order to win the Multi Billion Dollar Contract. They are selling the products which no body can refuse to buy, Did you got my point, Its all about Money mann.

I wish if India and Pakistan could spend Billions on Their Poor people's development instead of feeding WAR VULTURES.
a captain is as good as its team and a man is as good as its machine
just a saying no offences thanx

You are absolutely right there is a very mystical bond between man and machine and the performance is best when both are really good.

LIKE Micheal Schumacher and Ferrari.

I know he has left now.
Personally with india having 230 su30 mki which are twin engined i wud prefer that took the F16 block 70 as the low cost single seater back up.

IAF wud USA AESA radar APG79 and F16s massive strike weapons package,.

THE F16/70 wud be even include some JSF era electronics.

FOR ME F18 super hornets & rafael wud mean too many twin engined type MRCAs

230 su30 mki

126 F16/70

120 TEJAS MK1/2

Front line fleet of 480+ fighters by 2020

50 MIRAGE 2000-9

60 mig29

120 upgrade jaguar/hawk _____200 2nd line support

F-16IN would be more expensive than your MKI. None of the aircraft being considered for the MMRCA are a lower cost option than the MKI and neither are they any less in terms of capability than the MKI. The difference is the weight of the aircraft and payload. Which is where the IAF makes the distinction between heavy, medium and light aircraft.

Price point - MMRCA highest, MKI medium and LCA lowest. ;)
The only Edge PAF got over IAF was that they were not getting American Technology and they were getting Russian or European Technology. American Technology is Far better and more Reliable than any other Country.

I have just one Question,

USA Cant sell F-16 to Pakistan because they will be used against India but on the other hand USA is selling the best of F-16 to India for what, will it not be used against Pakistan. These are the American Double standards.

Metal, to be fair to the Americans, they have not said that PAF can't buy F-16s. They have offered Pakistan blk-60 (they said any version of the F-16) but we ourselves decided that blk-52 capability is better and more cost-effective. Part of the American policy is to sell equally to Pakistan and India. They put roadblocks here and there and will do the same for India too if they need to get their way with some issue, however those are the rules that you have to play by if you want to buy American gear.
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