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Eurofighter for TuAf, temptest partnership.


Jun 23, 2012
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Our airforce command was in Uk for several issues and i wrote 2 of the on the title. What do you think?

Eurofighter Tranche 4 (Turkish modernization) Aselsan AESA radar with avionics, Tubitak EW Mehpod :p: . LoL ther goes the pipe dream rafael of greece...

These are Tranch 1 fighters what UK want to sell, ther is a intention from Uk. But ther is a lot talk about maintaining and parts. So lets wait.
Our airforce command was in Uk for several issues and i wrote 2 of the on the title. What do you think?

Eurofighter Tranche 4 (Turkish modernization) Aselsan AESA radar with avionics, Tubitak EW Mehpod :p: . LoL ther goes the pipe dream rafael of greece...

These are Tranch 1 fighters what UK want to sell, ther is a intention from Uk. But ther is a lot talk about maintaining and parts. So lets wait.

The Typhoon would be a great buy as a gap filler. Superb jet.
As for the Tempest it's possible and it all depends on what's in the deal.
The Typhoon would be a great buy as a gap filler. Superb jet.
As for the Tempest it's possible and it all depends on what's in the deal.

I think we will buy the tranche 1 and modernize it, more will come after. Americans will only sell ther upgrade kits and not Vipers, we need to replace our F4 fleet. And UK is will spread the partnership with Temotest.
I think we will buy the tranche 1 and modernize it, more will come after. Americans will only sell ther upgrade kits and not Vipers, we need to replace our F4 fleet. And UK is will spread the partnership with Temotest.

Yes modernising it should be a straight forward affair. Forget the US that's all I can say.
Agreed about the Tempest it adds funds.
LoL ther goes the pipe dream rafael of greece...
Don't know what you're saying,but first God,by the end of the year we'll have another 6 Rafale and 8 F-16Vs.
That will make a total of 12 Rafale F3R and 8 F-16Vs or maybe 9.
Same clowns who were saying that "we don't need stop-gap solutions" and "Turkish modernized F-16s are enough" will be celebraing these news.

I just came here to laugh at your faces.
Same clowns who were saying that "we don't need stop-gap solutions" and "Turkish modernized F-16s are enough" will be celebraing these news.

I just came here to laugh at your faces.
Stop-gap or not,if I was offered Eurofighters I'd take them. I mean,let's be realistic here :P
The UK has decided that the Block 1 Typhoons are too expensive to upgrade relative the cost and capability versus buying new build Typhoons - so i dont see how the business case for Turkey is better now than it was originally for the UK.

The UK MOD does however inherently lack common sense - most air arms would simply use them for basic patrols and air policing and fly down the hours since they have paid for them anyway - but the UK MOD brain and calculators are both broken and they

The Block I Typhoons use AMRAAMs and the Americans are still making them so the issue of captive flight hours running down is not an issue etc.

Block 1 Typhoons without Meteors make no sense for Turkey, etc.. It does for the UK due to having paid for the infrastructure already.

If Turkey feels it needs to ( and some here say they dont need to etc ) offset the Rafale purchase by Greece then they should basically look at the latest Typhoon Tranche/Variant that was offered to Finland as the starting point. The offer to Finland was very impressive.

As far as number is above 80 jets price will decrease for the jets and turkey has the money which it invested in F 35 jets yes USA won't refund it but turkey did not invested full payment for F 35 so still EF Tranche 4 will be cost effective than F 35

Eurofighter is superior than rafale in terms of air to air war capability with superior on board radar and spear EW suit

And Turks will pay anything to keep their airforce at par with Greeks

F 35 not coming fifth gen jet is years away Greece getting technology edge with rafale

I think Turks made a right choice and uk always supported Turks over Greeks to keep balance of power at balance

Eurofighter will definitely give edge to Turkish 🇹🇷 airforce over Greek airforce🇬🇷

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