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EU asks Turkey to deploy it's military at Central Africa

Somehow Europe (especially France) considers parts of Africa it's own backyard.What's not funny anymore is that super power China ignores what's happenning next door to her (Myanmar) while everyone expects that the EU/US put out all the fires across the globe.That is not practical.
China's concern on Myanmar might be privilege issue, but UN non care behaviour is more pathetic, seems like UN lots its own validity among world.
For "super assumed" powers of world , says " local issue ,to be solved withing country" when its their own profit ,but if they see a profit they would urge for intervention into a country.
i am thinking who supports those militias in CAR :) its even could be china by itself, they recently influencing africa so much and trying to join league of bastard countries.
I must disappoint you, our army has stationed an entie brigade at the syrian boarder. Your PM asked for it.

Your PM asked us to come and support you. You should at least show some gratitude. I´m aware that turks are not very good to guests. They insulted our soldiers and even throw white color on them.

Imagine that, your own government invites our army as support and then turks insult their guests. That was seen very negative in germany.

What kind of fvcked up attitude is that? As i said, as far as i remember, the closest NATO soldiers to Syria are 80km inside the country from the border. Besides i don't see how a few thousand foreign soldiers could have made a difference at the border other than causing even more troubles. What we needed is the Patriots, not your soldiers, nor arrogant pricks like you expecting gratitude.
China's concern on Myanmar might be privilege issue, but UN non care behaviour is more pathetic, seems like UN lots its own validity among world.
For "super assumed" powers of world , says " local issue ,to be solved withing country" when its their own profit ,but if they see a profit they would urge for intervention into a country.
i am thinking who supports those militias in CAR :) its even could be china by itself, they recently influencing africa so much and trying to join league of bastard countries.

What's the profit in CAR ? All i see is a destitute country with an intervention bill that will cost the EU 26 billion $ ,you know,the same EU that barely saw an 0.4 % growth in 2013 and an actually 0.3 % contraction in the Eurozone.In the same time nations floating on 4-7.5 % economic growth with money flowing like the Nile would expect the EU to come from half across the Globe to save the day in their backyard.That doesn't sound right to me !
What kind of fvcked up attitude is that? As i said, as far as i remember, the closest NATO soldiers to Syria are 80km inside the country from the border. Besides i don't see how a few thousand foreign soldiers could have made a difference at the border other than causing even more troubles. What we needed is the Patriots, not your soldiers, nor arrogant pricks like you expecting gratitude.

the patriots are our equipment, controlled from our solders under our command. Erdogan asked for them and because of that we send them. It was erdogan who annoyed Assad and bet on the wrong horse, not germany. We were invited.
the patriots are our equipment, controlled from our solders under our command. Erdogan asked for them and because of that we send them. It was erdogan who annoyed Assad and bet on the wrong horse, not germany. We were invited.

Turkish soldiers fought in Koreea for NATO.Let's not bicker now because 2 Western nations send some Patriot batteries "just in case".It was the normal thing to do if NATO stands for something,and it does.It was not 'nice","good will" ...just normal.

If civil war breaks in Ukraine we will probably ask for the same thing,Poland likewise,etc.
the patriots are our equipment, controlled from our solders under our command. Erdogan asked for them and because of that we send them. It was erdogan who annoyed Assad and bet on the wrong horse, not germany. We were invited.
You seem to forget that Turkey is helping you guys out in Afghanistan maybe we should leave and you guys fill the gap?

Besides did you ever think that the patriots may be in Turkey to protect The U.S's Incirlik AIrbase?
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the patriots are our equipment, controlled from our solders under our command. Erdogan asked for them and because of that we send them. It was erdogan who annoyed Assad and bet on the wrong horse, not germany. We were invited.

Understand some points ,
1st, we didnt "beg" for patriots
2nd, its a usual thing may happen within NATO
3rd we didnt have any request on Germany , we asked NATO for support and 3 countries assigned with it.
4th ,its not your business to judge turkey's bet on syria. But judge Germany's bet on cyprus, or Russia and chinese for syria or america, they are starring actor of the issue.
5th stop annoying Turkish people over here by giving speechs like " We" what you call "we" is NATO and your patriots are here with a NATO alliance mission, plus Turkish soldiers participate in that.
6th patriots are yours but managed by NATO currently in Turkey , soon we wont even need your patriots, Hopefully!
7th it was Assad annoyed us , and so much trusted Russia , forget this topic since its not something to be considered in here.

You seem to forget that Turkey is helping you guys out in Afghanistan maybe we should leave and you guys fill the gap?

Besides did you ever think that the patriots may be in Turkey to protect Incirlik AIrbase?
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You seem to forget that Turkey is helping you guys out in Afghanistan maybe we should leave and you guys fill the gap?

Besides did you ever think that the patriots may be in Turkey to protect Incirlik AIrbase?

It might be to protect there, while tensions are high ,iran and syria kept saying hitting NATO bases
But they could deploy it earlier during Iran -US tensions and Patriots deployed with our request, not their suggestion . As far as i knew.
It might be to protect there, while tensions are high ,iran and syria kept saying hitting NATO bases
But they could deploy it earlier during Iran -US tensions and Patriots deployed with our request, not their suggestion . As far as i knew.
If we didn't "ask" for it the patriots would never be their. Either way we know everyone intentions.
Nice way to derail the thread.

I think the main reason why EU wants Turkey to participate is to legitimate their "cleansing" of muslims. By this I mean isolating the muslims behind turkish soldiers and allow the christians to rule rest of the country which could be almost 100%.

If EU countries did the same thing they would stand out in a very bad way, so why not use Turkey, her "image" to that end.

I think Turkey should ask the CAR "muslim" leaders and get some input, and even ask Pakistan to participate, and use this chance to plan a proper "domination" of CAR.

EU will spend 20+ billion to further their goals, and they can because money comes and goes. And buying Turkish support is much cheaper for them than handling the muslims themselves.

The same goes for Myanmar, I think it would be best if Turkey could cooperate with Bangladesh on this.
Nice way to derail the thread.

I think the main reason why EU wants Turkey to participate is to legitimate their "cleansing" of muslims. By this I mean isolating the muslims behind turkish soldiers and allow the christians to rule rest of the country which could be almost 100%.

If EU countries did the same thing they would stand out in a very bad way, so why not use Turkey, her "image" to that end.

I think Turkey should ask the CAR "muslim" leaders and get some input, and even ask Pakistan to participate, and use this chance to plan a proper "domination" of CAR.

EU will spend 20+ billion to further their goals, and they can because money comes and goes. And buying Turkish support is much cheaper for them than handling the muslims themselves.

The same goes for Myanmar, I think it would be best if Turkey could cooperate with Bangladesh on this.

French already have soldiers in CAR , UN requested french to send more troops, seems like french asked EU to help and then to NATO . The issue told, NATO can quick response in this situations and its right ,
hundred thousands of muslims already displaced in CAR and someone should response to stop militias, its not about domination of lands for now.
I would like to see Pakistan joining as well , and it comes a bit like UN concern , soon UN will do something either except of humanitarian aid.
Turkey should reject the EU's "demand" and go to CAR any way but with its own objectives and not just to take care of refugees but to secure the hearts and minds of the people while also getting some future construction deals. :D
I think the reasont why EU is asking for Turkish soldies is that our soldier can handle better with muslims there than any european soldier, its the same like in Afghanistan.

Turkish soldiers can freely walk around in Afghanistan in contrary to others.

Turkey should reject the EU's "demand" and go to CAR any way but with its own objectives and not just to take care of refugees but to secure the hearts and minds of the people while also getting some future construction deals. :D

question, you want have international cooperation? yes? no?

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