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EU asks Turkey to deploy it's military at Central Africa

Turkey is set to consider a request by the European Union to deploy troops to the Central African Republic as part of a union-wide effort to halt ethnic cleansing against the country’s Muslim population. The demand to send troops was brought to the attention of Turkey in Brussels on Feb. 13 at a meeting under the leadership of French Maj. Gen. Philippe Ponties who has been appointed the commander of the EU military operation in the Central African Republic (EUFOR-CAR). Apart from EU countries, Turkey, the United States, Canada, Georgia, Norway and Serbia were also present at the meeting, whose aim was to determine potential contributors to the force. Turkey was asked to contribute to the force either in the field or at the headquarters, although EU sources declined to comment on the scope and nature of the demand they made to the countries. Turkey did not made any comment on the proposal during the meeting, according to sources. It has been learned that Catherine Ashton, the high representative for foreign and security affairs of the EU, is writing a letter to be sent to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu on the EU’s military operation. February/14/2014
I dont like their language " The demand to send troops was brought to the attention of Turkey" who the hell do they think they are.

I think we should have sent troops earlier though because it is our job to protect the weak where and when we can.


What are you doing there ?
Operation Active Fence is paid by US, Germany and the Netherlands. Also after the RF-4E incident, RAF had sent 2 fighter squadrons to Incirlik Air Base. US Navy's STRIKFOR was also sent to Syrian opens...

RAF and USN deployed those forces to bring a pressure on syria for chemical weapons disposal deal , it wasnt for protecting us ,(also we have fighters too ,any need for RAF?)
The matter was NATO didnt stay supporting us after RF-4E except of dedection of wreckage.
Anyway , if there are somebody weak , we should help them . But NATO doesnt move for Myanmar but doing for CAR,as i am telling always, there should be a profit on their behalf :D
Why nt UN makes a move but its NATO,thats a universal humanitary shame.
STRIKFOR is the striking force of NATO Maritime Command. You are talking about the warships that was sent around a year later than the aircraft shoot down. The thing I'm talking about was sent just days later the incident. Of course we can deal them ourselves. But they all were a message to Russia and Iran. That's all
Well, i think if Turkey declines, it will slightly lose it's reputation among the muslims in the world. However, if we simply give in to the EU's demand, then why can't we also demand that the EU dispatches forces to Myanmar to protect the muslims there? This kind of clear contradictions from the EU should stop. it's not funny anymore.
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