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EU asks Turkey to deploy it's military at Central Africa

We did send troops at your boarder to help with protection
We don't protect Turkish border. We protect out interests!

As far as i know, there is no foreign soldiers in Turkish borders. If there had been any, they should have concentrated protecting themselves instead of the border, since we got that covered.
Turkey is set to consider a request by the European Union to deploy troops to the Central African Republic as part of a union-wide effort to halt ethnic cleansing against the country’s Muslim population. The demand to send troops was brought to the attention of Turkey in Brussels on Feb. 13 at a meeting under the leadership of French Maj. Gen. Philippe Ponties who has been appointed the commander of the EU military operation in the Central African Republic (EUFOR-CAR). Apart from EU countries, Turkey, the United States, Canada, Georgia, Norway and Serbia were also present at the meeting, whose aim was to determine potential contributors to the force. Turkey was asked to contribute to the force either in the field or at the headquarters, although EU sources declined to comment on the scope and nature of the demand they made to the countries. Turkey did not made any comment on the proposal during the meeting, according to sources. It has been learned that Catherine Ashton, the high representative for foreign and security affairs of the EU, is writing a letter to be sent to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu on the EU’s military operation. February/14/2014

Situation is critical, i hope Turkey asks Pakistan to tag a peacekeeping contingent with it. We should pull our UN soldiers from other countries and deploy them in CAR, that is where they needed the most.
As far as i know, there is no foreign soldiers in Turkish borders. If there had been any, they should have concentrated protecting themselves instead of the border, since we got that covered.

I must disappoint you, our army has stationed an entie brigade at the syrian boarder. Your PM asked for it.
Situation is critical, i hope Turkey asks Pakistan to tag a peacekeeping contingent with it. We should pull our UN soldiers from other countries and deploy them in CAR, that is where they needed the most.

That'd be great. Pakistan has far more experience at UN peacekeeping mission rather than us. Turkey's FMDs are generally aimed protection of Azerbaijan, Northern Cyprus and coalition deployments of NATO. In fact, if Pakistan joins to CTA deployment, it'll be the first time for EUFOR Battle Groups that an South Asian country, Pakistan would join them.
I must disappoint you, our army has stationed an entie brigade at the syrian boarder. Your PM asked for it.

Patriots deployed on border cities, your soldiers not assigned with protection our border line,but protecting from a possible missile attack from syria.
We can well protect our own border :) dont intent to look down on .
Patriots deployed on border cities, your soldiers not assigned with protection our border line,but protecting from a possible missile attack from syria.
We can well protect our own border :) dont intent to look down on .

Your PM asked us to come and support you. You should at least show some gratitude. I´m aware that turks are not very good to guests. They insulted our soldiers and even throw white color on them.

Imagine that, your own government invites our army as support and then turks insult their guests. That was seen very negative in germany.
Your PM asked us to come and support you. You should at least show some gratitude. I´m aware that turks are not very good to guests. They insulted our soldiers and even throw white color on them.

Imagine that, your own government invites our army as support and then turks insult their guests. That was seen very negative in germany.

We requested support from NATO as its already a right of us to do so . Since NATO also request base from us to deploy its forces, isnt it a coordinated military organization? And if Germany didnt send patriots,it would be another country or USA already would have sent , its NATO and there are rules to protect each member.
Why do you consider NATO support for turkey as alms give by Germany?
In fact ,Turkish culture, welcomes any guest very well if you havent been in turkey ever and seen the reality, many tourist is amazed how they welcomes in anatoilan lands (exclude metropolitan cities)
About what done to your soldier, i feel sorry that its happened, also you dont know if your soldiers done something provocating people ,i heard tensions between turkish soldiers and Germany too its derived from one side but lets not accuse one side with protecting your own.
There are provocators , dont generalize what a bunch of people doing in Turkey, dont burn out a ship filled with good people just because of one bad guy.
There was report of incident you mention as insulted to your soldiers, also confirmed by NATO too but i cant find it now .
We requested support from NATO as its already a right of us to do so . Since NATO also request base from us to deploy its forces, isnt it a coordinated military organization? And if Germany didnt send patriots,it would be another country or USA already would have sent , its NATO and there are rules to protect each member.
Why do you consider NATO support for turkey as alms give by Germany?
In fact ,Turkish culture, welcomes any guest very well if you havent been in turkey ever and seen the reality, many tourist is amazed how they welcomes in anatoilan lands (exclude metropolitan cities)
About what done to your soldier, i feel sorry that its happened, also you dont know if your soldiers done something provocating people ,i heard tensions between turkish soldiers and Germany too its derived from one side but lets not accuse one side with protecting your own.
There are provocators , dont generalize what a bunch of people doing in Turkey, dont burn out a ship filled with good people just because of one bad guy.
There was report of incident you mention as insulted to your soldiers, also confirmed by NATO too but i cant find it now .
Our soldiers did nothing provocative. Even the "attackers" admitted that. Our soldiers did step out of the bus and demonstrators throw white color over them. I don´t blame turkey for it. But i think such people leave a very bad image.
Our soldiers did nothing provocative. Even the "attackers" admitted that. Our soldiers did step out of the bus and demonstrators throw white color over them. I don´t blame turkey for it. But i think such people leave a very bad image.

I havent heard about that too,but felt sorry on those people's behalf. Seriously its not how is Turkish people, and as i said its just a bunch of people in here,i agree it doesnt leave a good look for turkey
And those people exist in every country and nation , not only in Turkey .
I said not i blame turkey. I visited turkey myself last septembre on a cruise with my girl. We docked in Izmir and made a tour to Ephesos and next day Istanbul. It was nice. But turks are crazy. The ship we had (Costa Fascinosa) is gigantic and fast, but some turks came very close with small fishing boats and crossed before her bow. Risky business. I have pics on my cam. I will look ha ha

I said not i blame turkey. I visited turkey myself last septembre on a cruise with my girl. We docked in Izmir and made a tour to Ephesos and next day Istanbul. It was nice. But turks are crazy. The ship we had (Costa Fascinosa) is gigantic and fast, but some turks came very close with small fishing boats and crossed before her bow. Risky business. I have pics on my cam. I will look ha ha

Well they did really crazy :D :D i have no comment on that i wouldnt get close such a huge ship while its moving :x
Well, i think if Turkey declines, it will slightly lose it's reputation among the muslims in the world. However, if we simply give in to the EU's demand, then why can't we also demand that the EU dispatches forces to Myanmar to protect the muslims there? This kind of clear contradictions from the EU should stop. it's not funny anymore.

Somehow Europe (especially France) considers parts of Africa it's own backyard.What's not funny anymore is that super power China ignores what's happenning next door to her (Myanmar) while everyone expects that the EU/US put out all the fires across the globe.That is not practical.
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