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Erdogan says misquoted on warships: Not sending any

now, if that happens then i am all on israels side, but since they decided to be some pirates and attack a vessel that was in international waters and kill 9 turkish citizens they have to take the responsibility over it!

Yes you are right ..attack on Marvi Marmara in international waters was a complete violation international laws(UNCLOS) comparable to pirate attacks with in Gulf of Aden..In some cases it could also have seen as an act of war Turkey (as the ship was flying Turkish flag and hence is considered Turkish territory).

If Indeed they wanted to stop/board the ship...they should have waited for it to enter with in Israeli waters.
I know, but even then how can he think about siding with other nation against his own! Turkey doesnt reconize the Gaza blockade the navy will escort them till GAZA period!!

It has nothing to do with blockade ..in its territorial waters every country has a right to decide which ships can enter and which can not.."Right to innocent passage" has to be granted and is not a given.

And there is no way..a Ship can reach Gaza ..without entering Israeli waters first..then there you are.
Yes you are right ..attack on Marvi Marmara in international waters was a complete violation international laws(UNCLOS) comparable to pirate attacks with in Gulf of Aden..In some cases it could also have seen as an act of war Turkey (as the ship was flying Turkish flag and hence is considered Turkish territory).

If Indeed they wanted to stop/board the ship...they should have waited for it to enter with in Israeli waters.

Still they didnt have the right to kill those people! But no! they killed them and then declared them terorrists! Tell me those people captured some of their soldiers and took their guns also, they beated them but was anyone of them killed? If they truly were terorrists as they claim then they would not let the soldiers alive when they had the chance to kill them... after beating them they let them go!
Still they didnt have the right to kill those people! But no! they killed them and then declared them terorrists! Tell me those people captured some of their soldiers and took their guns also, they beated them but was anyone of them killed? If they truly were terorrists as they claim then they would not let the soldiers alive when they had the chance to kill them... after beating them they let them go!

Lying scumbag murderers. International thugs at work.
Still they didnt have the right to kill those people! But no! they killed them and then declared them terorrists! Tell me those people captured some of their soldiers and took their guns also, they beated them but was anyone of them killed? If they truly were terorrists as they claim then they would not let the soldiers alive when they had the chance to kill them... after beating them they let them go!

Well according to the law ..it is grey area ..once a ship(inside territorial waters) has been asked to stop her engines or change her course and does not comply ..the host nation has the right to stop the vessel by any means necessary and resulting casualties can be attributed to ships inability to comply with the said orders or even self defense while boarding a 'hostile vessel'.

'Inside territorial waters' being the key word here.
This declared it will not send warship to aid ships of Non turks. He clearly said NEXT Aid vessel and from what i know its not clear of which origin the vessel will be but looking at this action id say non turkish
Well according to the law ..it is grey area ..once a ship(inside territorial waters) has been asked to stop her engines or change her course and does not comply ..the host nation has the right to stop the vessel by any means necessary and resulting casualties can be attributed to ships inability to comply with the said orders or even self defense while boarding a 'hostile vessel'.

'Inside territorial waters' being the key word here.

Flippin heck the flotilla wasn't travelling to provide aid to the citizens of tel aviv. As far as i understand the aid flotillas are trying to go to PALESTINIAN TERRITORIAL WATERS which sadly the murderer Israel currently controls, but this doesn't give them the right to go and attack PEACEFUL activists who i might add include jews. The activists reacted with bars in self defence, don't believe the BS zionist media propaganda.
Still they didnt have the right to kill those people! But no! they killed them and then declared them terorrists! Tell me those people captured some of their soldiers and took their guns also, they beated them but was anyone of them killed? If they truly were terorrists as they claim then they would not let the soldiers alive when they had the chance to kill them... after beating them they let them go!

The UN seems to disagree with you. Which is why turkey is not happy and going to court.

Let me ask you this, if the next ships are escorted by turkish warships. Do those warships stop once international waters turn into territorial waters? Is Israel in it's right for sure to stop those ships and board them?
Flippin heck the flotilla wasn't travelling to provide aid to the citizens of tel aviv. As far as i understand the aid flotillas are trying to go to PALESTINIAN TERRITORIAL WATERS which sadly the murderer Israel currently controls, but this doesn't give them the right to go and attack PEACEFUL activists who i might add include jews. The activists reacted with bars in self defence, don't believe the BS zionist media propaganda.

there is no such thing as Palistinian territorial waters, Gaza is not a country and Israel never gave the Palestinian authority control of the waters in the Oslo peace accords.
The UN seems to disagree with you. Which is why turkey is not happy and going to court.

Another American slave of Israel. You shouldnt put yourself in a shame just because you want to defend your masters.

Saying that the Palmer Report equals to the UN's view is idiotic if its not ill-intended.

I dont think Turkish Navy will enter the waters of Israel,they simply have no right to do so. They can enter the blockade area,the blockade is illegal for Turkey and there are many UN resolutions about that,thats why claimin that the UN thinks the blockade is legal is nothing but the wishful thinking of the Israelis and its butt-kissers.
Let them talk he is probably a Jewish-American..

So which country you loyal to Israel or America?
there is no such thing as Palistinian territorial waters, Gaza is not a country and Israel never gave the Palestinian authority control of the waters in the Oslo peace accords.

I see them as palestinian territorial waters as do millions/billions of others, to hell with the UN, Zionists and Oslo accords.

Long live Palestine.
Another American slave of Israel. You shouldnt put yourself in a shame just because you want to defend your masters.

Saying that the Palmer Report equals to the UN's view is idiotic if its not ill-intended.

I dont think Turkish Navy will enter the waters of Israel,they simply have no right to do so. They can enter the blockade area,the blockade is illegal for Turkey and there are many UN resolutions about that,thats why claimin that the UN thinks the blockade is legal is nothing but the wishful thinking of the Israelis and its butt-kissers.

we will see what the court says.

Q&A: Is Israel's naval blockade of Gaza legal? | Reuters


Yes it can, according to the law of blockade which was derived from customary international law and codified in the 1909 Declaration of London. It was updated in 1994 in a legally recognized document called the "San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea."

Under some of the key rules, a blockade must be declared and notified to all belligerents and neutral states, access to neutral ports cannot be blocked, and an area can only be blockaded which is under enemy control.

"On the basis that Hamas is the ruling entity of Gaza and Israel is in the midst of an armed struggle against that ruling entity, the blockade is legal," said Philip Roche, partner in the shipping disputes and risk management team with law firm Norton Rose."


Under the U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea a coastal state has a "territorial sea" of 12 nautical miles from the coast over which it is sovereign. Ships of other states are allowed "innocent passage" through such waters.

There is a further 12 nautical mile zone called the "contiguous zone" over which a state may take action to protect itself or its laws.

"However, strictly beyond the 12 nautical miles limit the seas are the "high seas" or international waters," Roche said.

The Israeli navy said on Monday the Gaza bound flotilla was intercepted 120 km (75 miles) west of Israel. The Turkish captain of one of the vessels told an Istanbul news conference after returning home from Israeli detention they were 68 miles outside Israeli territorial waters.

Under the law of a blockade, intercepting a vessel could apply globally so long as a ship is bound for a "belligerent" territory, legal experts say."
I see them as palestinian territorial waters as do millions/billions of others, to hell with the UN, Zionists and Oslo accords.

Long live Palestine.

which is fine as long as you don't claim you have the law on your side.
we will see what the court says.

Q&A: Is Israel's naval blockade of Gaza legal? | Reuters

Yes it can,

You are the ones making the laws ofcourse it will fits you this isnt law it is double standart.. They dont have the right to impose naval blockade how can they punish all of the palestinians for the actions of a few this is crime against humanity! This is not acceptable! We dont reconize any blockade it will be crushed!!
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