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Erdogan is more popular in Pakistan than Turkey

anyway, its true we cannot raise voice for Burmese Muslims and for alleged Xinjiang Muslims controversies...
though burmese govt actions are fascist but as communist country practice of any religion is difficult as it believes in singularism and strong capital... so any ideology contradicting communist ideology is 'dangerous'... like selling of alcohol or pork... if govt see profit in it then if Muslims counter that it is Haram or something then that very idea to question govt decision is considered a threat...
Good to know you sacrifice your religion not to make USA happy.

Mission to be sent to the world by Allah is accomplished, your place ready next to Chinese in the ...


Mate I am gonna let this one slide just because of your flags.
Good to know you sacrifice your religion not to make USA happy.

Mission to be sent to the world by Allah is accomplished, your place ready next to Chinese in the ...

we don't have to be disappointed... in some cases Turks can stand clearly we can't.... not just bcz of weakness but sometimes it is under the table and benefit of doubt is given...
listen in the end
Mate I am gonna let this one slide just because of your flags.

In other words, no argument left.

Btw, I really insist on your effort, please keep it up, and again thanks for the effort.
Pakistan till today continues to be the only country to not recognise Armenia.

Pakistan is one of the few countries that recognises the Turkish-Cypriot region and fully supported the Turkish action.

Pakistan recognised Kosovo on a Turkish request despite its recognition being against our basic foreign policy of not supporting foreign sponsored re-drawn borders.

Learn history and spare me your lectures.
He is a little bit sentimental and somewhat sensitive. Best ignore that poster.
and from my experience a Turk drinking wine if asks you muslim? he will raise the glass and say Alhamdulilah... they feel proud to be muslims even if not practising...
we don't have to be disappointed... in some cases Turks can stand clearly we can't.... not just bcz of weakness but sometimes it is under the table and benefit of doubt is given...
listen in the end

The thing you(in general Pakistanis) do not get yet is that That attitude(support to China for de-islamisation/identification of muslim Turks in East Turkestan) has scratched in our minds and hearts deeper than the one(your help) in our independence war. Therefore, It will not be forgotten for decades and centuries and will come first in our minds before the one(your help) when ever Pakistan is mentioned in the future.

You saved the day with China, but ruined the past, and lost the years to come with Turkey.
Good to know you sacrifice your religion not to make USA happy.

Mission to be sent to the world by Allah is accomplished, your place ready next to Chinese in the ...


Mate I am gonna let this one slide just because of your flags.

You saved the day with China, but ruined the past, and lost the years to come with Turkey.
With respect your being way too dramatic with this. It's not like your at war with China or even in hostilities with them. You need to show some pragmatism.

What exactly would you want Pakistan to do? Have a war with them? Sanction them? Cut off relations with them? What?
With respect your being way too dramatic with this. It's not like your at war with China or even in hostilities with them. You need to show some pragmatism.

You should stop diagnosing me to get away from your stance in the talk for the sake of time we spare here.

I actually encourage the poster to show the reality both to some unconditional Pakistan supporter ''Turks''(like Erdoğan supporters in the last problem with India) and ''Islamic'' Pakistanis.

The last ''pragmatism'' of Pakistan has wiped out the one(your help) along with some principles. Therefore, any reference to one of those principles done by any Pakistanis can be answered accordingly as i have done recently in this thread.

That is why i really encourage the poster to keep it up, apparently so should you do please.
They stood by us in our hour of need.
Turks are part of us and we are part of them.
In the great "picture"... Erdogan is not that important...
What will be THE thing to witness is what sort of "People" will follow...
That is the most thrilling out of it...

The few decades to come gonna be... morbidly interesting...
Well, there may be many causes and explanations!!! My inputs:
  • Grass is greener on the other side of the fence
  • The saint of one's own village is more popular with the neighboring folks
  • Reis has a charisma, and he knows to say/do the right thing at the right moment
  • When failure is the norm little success is amplified to look big
  • etc...
You should stop diagnosing me to get away from your stance in the talk for the sake of time we spare here.

I actually encourage the poster to show the reality both to some unconditional Pakistan supporter ''Turks''(like Erdoğan in the last problem with India) and ''Islamic'' Pakistanis.

The last ''pragmatism'' of Pakistan has wiped out the one(your help) along with some principles. Therefore, any reference to one of those principles can be answered accordingly as i have done recently in this thread.

That is why i really encourage the poster to keep it up, apparently so should you do please.
Okay, I have reserved my thoughts out of respect to rest of the Turkish members here, many of whom I hold in high regard. And my respect for Turkey needs no further elabouration. But as you insist, I feel and I think I had a tangle with you in the past, so this time I will let my thoughts out and demolish your argumant.

Uighurs fine. Pakistan is evil. But I want to introduce to you Chechnyia. These are Turkic Muslim people only few hundred miles from your border. In late 1990s the Russians killed over half a million Chechens. The Russians raped, killed and genocided the brave defenders of Grozny. By the time Russians had gone house to house, streets by street there was no Grozby left but a terrible picture of hell. Chechnynia was genocide played out while the world looked on, ever so ignoring what was happening.



I am sure you know about all this. This was done under orders of Putin who used Chechnia to make a name for himself and establish a image of a strongman in Russia. Now, sunshine before you judge Pakistan with regards to Uighurs I want to know exactly what did Turkey do for these poor Chechens? Sat by and saw the genocide unfold. Today Turkey is ordering S-400s from the butcherer of Grozny, Putin. Millions of Russians tourists land in Turkey fueling the Turkish economy.

And you want Pakistan to chop it's own balls in some crazy act of dumbness or mislaid sense of loyalty. If your a friend you would be advising Pakistani's that guys you face -


India a enemy that has 7 times our population. That is like you guys facing four Russias. And while facing India also provoke the Chinese? A Chinese reaction would bring Pakistan on it's knees. I would never want Turkey to do some dumb thing that risks the entire country. I want Turkey to be a ally of Pakistan and also to prosper. So before you expect and test Pakistan by your ridicalous standards please apply the same test on Turkey, Chechnyia and Putin of Russia.

And let me know the results.
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