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Erdogan is more popular in Pakistan than Turkey

How did he stood by Pakistan during last month? By doing lip service? May I know what turkish weapon used by Turkish to win decisively against India? Nothing.. No a single turkish troops engaged.

Its easy to put on a showmanship but when comes to real action is another thing.

Stop comparing Pakistanis praising Erdogan leadership with our ties with China. Both are different cases.

Okay, I have reserved my thoughts out of respect to rest of the Turkish members here, many of whom I hold in high regard. And my respect for Turkey needs no further elabouration. But as you insist I feel and I think I had a tangle with you in the past so this till I will let my thoughts out and demolish your argumant.

Uighurs fine. But I want to introduce Chechnyia. These are Turkic Muslim people only few hundred miles from your border. In late 1990s the Russians killed over half a million Chechens. The Russians raped, killed and genocided the brave defenders of Grozny. By the time Russians had gone house to house, streets by street there was no Grozby left but a terrible picture of hell. Chechnynia was genocide played out while the world looked on, ever so ignoring what was happening.



I am sure you know about all this. This was done under orders of Putin who used Chechnia to make a name for himself and establisjh a image of a strongman in Russia. Now sunshine before you judge Pakistan with regards to Uighurs I want to know exactly what did Turkey do for these poor Chechens? Sat by and saw the genocide unfold. Today Turkey is ordering S-400s from the butcherer of Grozny, Putin. Millions of Russians tourists land in Turkey fueling the Turkish economy.

And you want Pakistan to chop it's own balls in some crazy act of dumbness or mislaid sense of loyalty. If your a friend you would be advising Pakistani's tha guys you face -


India a enemy that has 7 times our population. That is like you guys facing four Russias. And while facing India also provoke the Chinese? A Chinese reaction would bring Pakistan on it's knees. I would never want Turkey to do some dumb thing that risks the entire country. I want Turkey to be a ally of Pakistan and also to prosper. So before you expect and test Pakistan by your ridicalous standards please apply the same test on Turkey, Chechnyia and Putin of Russia.

And let me know the results.

''Think tank'', he?

You have actually admitted and confessed your true color; and the attempt to justify it over the stance of Turkey in Çeçens is just pschology of guiltiness and desperation; but waits to be refuted by a few clicks on google about whereabouts of Çeçens in Turkey.

You have betrayed your own principles in this world and the afterlife, and confirmed by you as ''Think Tank'' in demolishing my stance.

''Islamic'' Republic of Pakistan, he?

Will you also keep it up and show the reality to unconditional Pakistan supporter Turks and ''Islamic'' Pakistanis please?
You have actually admitted and confessed your true color; and the attempt to justify it over the stance of Turkey in Çeçens is just pschology of guiltiness and desperation; but waits to be refuted by a few clicks on google about whereabouts of Çeçens in Turkey.
Your just getting personal but entirely avoided even touching the points I raised leave alone rebutting them. Either your are very young or very old or immature. If you do actually reply to points I raised it would be appreciated. Have a nice evening.
Your just getting personal but entirely avoided even touching the points I raised leave alone rebutting them. Either your are very young or very old or immature. If you do actually reply to points I raised it would be appreciated. Have a nice evening.

Okay, got it.

Diagnosing the opponent means no argument left if happens regularly.
Diagnosing the opponent means no argument left if happens regularly.
If you can address the points I raised it would be most appreciated. Let's both desist from any further personal remarks.

@The Eagle : I think if this discussion remains polite I it should be allowed to proceed. It's a difficult subject but I think it needs clarifying.
If you can address the points I raised it would be most appreciated. Let's both desist from any further personal remarks.

@The Eagle : I think if this discussion remains polite I it should be allowed to proceed. It's a difficult subject but I think it needs clarifying.


I will appreciate that the discussion may remain to the topic in hand. Despite what Index shows; unfortunately, merit of subject has gone down the drain due to diverted discussion which fumed more of misunderstanding & rift. Seniors here have the responsibility to keep in view our current strategical position, developments & status of situation. Hope you understand and others as well.

You know well that sometimes, nationalism & sentiments takes over the intellect capacity as well as academic approach towards discussion of respective matters. May be some other time.

Too much drama here. To sum it up; Pakistanis may express confidence in Erdoğan but they're praising Turkey actually. Many Turks like Musharraf even though he isn't very popular in Pakistan. Why? Because he was the face of a friendly nation. This is a well-known phenomenon in the political studies.
Too much drama here. To sum it up; Pakistanis may express confidence in Erdoğan but they're praising Turkey actually. Many Turks like Musharraf even though he isn't very popular in Pakistan. Why? Because he was the face of a friendly nation. This is a well-known phenomenon in the political studies.
Actually he could speak turkish really well too!
President banao aise Pakistan ka in Presidential system. Alvi tu wasie bhi "sleeping on the job".
How did he stood by Pakistan during last month? By doing lip service? May I know what turkish weapon used by Turkish to win decisively against India? Nothing.. No a single turkish troops engaged.

Its easy to put on a showmanship but when comes to real action is another thing.
Pakistanis F16s are upgraded with Turkish systems, which shot down Indian jet.. dont shttalk if you have no idea..

sir, i know turkish people in real life, living in the UK. they are secularists in terms of their lifes i.e. have nothing islamic about them, from birth to death. I am not intending to use the islamis word in a negative way, just as a contrast to the former. Thats just how most turkish people are.
only Istanbul and Izmir may be in your list, but the rest? you have no idea..
I acknowledge and accept that China helped, is helping and will continue to help. Thank you. But as a good friends should you place us in a difficult position by forcing us to choose between you and the Turks? I don't think a good friend should do that.

Turks and Chinese members should understand your petty fights and whatever your Governments do does not matter nor do we care .The emotional bunch of Pakistanis members here that do like care or take sides I said are semblence of the foreign *** kissing syndrome we still are recovering from most of them are "middle age" farts or "Youngins" who have not matured in the arts of geo-politics and being cynical about it
This attitude won't be forgotten by Turks against the ''Islamic'' Republic of Pakistan for sure.

Btw, thank you for making some unconditional Pakistan supporter ''Turks'' look like ... and the true color ''Islamic'' Pakistanis in reality ...

Look mate we are an "Islamic Republic" on paper and we only been a Islamic Republic officially since 1956 constitutionally since like 1973, between 1947-1956 we were the Dominion of Pakistan we had a Governor in General not a President and basically we were under the British crown then until 1956 we became a "Islamic Republic" however in the 1960s under the Nationalist Ayub Khan Government he tried flirting with the idea of "Republic of Pakistan" however if you know a thing about internal Pakistani politics since like 1949 there is been clashes between the cleric class and establishment and weird tango in between to keep the public at bay so he dropped that then in 1970s we got a vague constitution which has been basis of political conflict since, so you are right we are "Islamic Republic" on paper our laws are left overs from former British colonial masters, with a few laws mixed in that are Islamic and still the cleric class in not satisified btw our judges wear these in courts btw


so we as @Indus Pakistan said we might as well have Khadim Ahmed Riviz leading a real "Islamic Republic" right eh


With respect your being way too dramatic with this. It's not like your at war with China or even in hostilities with them. You need to show some pragmatism.

What exactly would you want Pakistan to do? Have a war with them? Sanction them? Cut off relations with them? What?

Okay, I have reserved my thoughts out of respect to rest of the Turkish members here, many of whom I hold in high regard. And my respect for Turkey needs no further elabouration. But as you insist, I feel and I think I had a tangle with you in the past, so this time I will let my thoughts out and demolish your argumant.

Uighurs fine. Pakistan is evil. But I want to introduce to you Chechnyia. These are Turkic Muslim people only few hundred miles from your border. In late 1990s the Russians killed over half a million Chechens. The Russians raped, killed and genocided the brave defenders of Grozny. By the time Russians had gone house to house, streets by street there was no Grozby left but a terrible picture of hell. Chechnynia was genocide played out while the world looked on, ever so ignoring what was happening.



I am sure you know about all this. This was done under orders of Putin who used Chechnia to make a name for himself and establish a image of a strongman in Russia. Now, sunshine before you judge Pakistan with regards to Uighurs I want to know exactly what did Turkey do for these poor Chechens? Sat by and saw the genocide unfold. Today Turkey is ordering S-400s from the butcherer of Grozny, Putin. Millions of Russians tourists land in Turkey fueling the Turkish economy.

And you want Pakistan to chop it's own balls in some crazy act of dumbness or mislaid sense of loyalty. If your a friend you would be advising Pakistani's that guys you face -


India a enemy that has 7 times our population. That is like you guys facing four Russias. And while facing India also provoke the Chinese? A Chinese reaction would bring Pakistan on it's knees. I would never want Turkey to do some dumb thing that risks the entire country. I want Turkey to be a ally of Pakistan and also to prosper. So before you expect and test Pakistan by your ridicalous standards please apply the same test on Turkey, Chechnyia and Putin of Russia.

And let me know the results.

Chechens are not Turkic they are Caucausians big difference nevertheless they always had links I mean Erdogan is Caucausian he is Georgian by blood so kinda closee but I get your point Turkey gets a lot of Russians and the whole she bang of Russian chicks on their beeches but on serious note they get massive gas pipeline project and S-400 systems while Russia treats its Muslim minority like garbage have Slavic nationalists attack their Turkic brethren in Moscow or St-Petersberg use them as cheap labor or janitors ,and the absoulute fear of "Asians" taking over and impending Mongol or Chinese horde taking over "Mother Slava Rossiya", another reason why the Chinese and Turks should be wary of the Slavic nations like Russia and Ukraine as they are very anti-Asian and anti-Muslim, The Raki drinking secular Turks who complain we aint doing about "muh Uighurs" should be the last to complain, also for decades Islamic garb was banned in Turkey so no right to lecture us or their treatment of the more ethnically "religious Kurds" in the southeast anyways Turkey is an ally and I dont support bloody sepratist groups like that and the 20th century was filled upheavels like that we must limit this in the 21st century, the PRC is targeting extreme groups anyways saves GB from harm and the border regions in our lands
Okay, I have reserved my thoughts out of respect to rest of the Turkish members here, many of whom I hold in high regard. And my respect for Turkey needs no further elabouration. But as you insist, I feel and I think I had a tangle with you in the past, so this time I will let my thoughts out and demolish your argumant.

Uighurs fine. Pakistan is evil. But I want to introduce to you Chechnyia. These are Turkic Muslim people only few hundred miles from your border. In late 1990s the Russians killed over half a million Chechens. The Russians raped, killed and genocided the brave defenders of Grozny. By the time Russians had gone house to house, streets by street there was no Grozby left but a terrible picture of hell. Chechnynia was genocide played out while the world looked on, ever so ignoring what was happening.



I am sure you know about all this. This was done under orders of Putin who used Chechnia to make a name for himself and establish a image of a strongman in Russia. Now, sunshine before you judge Pakistan with regards to Uighurs I want to know exactly what did Turkey do for these poor Chechens? Sat by and saw the genocide unfold. Today Turkey is ordering S-400s from the butcherer of Grozny, Putin. Millions of Russians tourists land in Turkey fueling the Turkish economy.

And you want Pakistan to chop it's own balls in some crazy act of dumbness or mislaid sense of loyalty. If your a friend you would be advising Pakistani's that guys you face -


India a enemy that has 7 times our population. That is like you guys facing four Russias. And while facing India also provoke the Chinese? A Chinese reaction would bring Pakistan on it's knees. I would never want Turkey to do some dumb thing that risks the entire country. I want Turkey to be a ally of Pakistan and also to prosper. So before you expect and test Pakistan by your ridicalous standards please apply the same test on Turkey, Chechnyia and Putin of Russia.

And let me know the results.
Many members here have wondered why India faces so many problems in Kashmir, but the truth is compared to Russia and China, India has been dealing with the Kashmir insurgency with a lot of restraint. I have a feeling that restraint will end in this new post-pulwama era. And in the end, Russia's genocide worked, since today Chechnya is an integral part of Russia and quite stable.
Stop comparing Pakistanis praising Erdogan leadership with our ties with China. Both are different cases.

I never compare but when one claimed all pakistanis friend abandon them except turkey after 27th LOC engagement. I feel there is need to remind these pakistanis that showmanship means nothing while real concrete action under taken behind scene is more important support than lip service by some.

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