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Erdogan is more popular in Pakistan than Turkey

Because he is the only one who stood by us last month when all our so-called brothers went silent.

I have been to Turkey twice and intend to go every year. The way I am treated everywhere I go over there is unbelievable just because I am from Pakistan.

Long live Turkey :smitten:
How come we never saw Indians advocating to boycott Turkish goods and burn Erdogan's effigy on the street while they are doing those to Chinese goods and Xi everyday? Why Indians don't divert their blind fury to Turkey from China if Turkey is the only supporter of Pakistan in Pakistan India conflicts?

I am grateful for the recognition but it irk me when some idiots whitewashed China effort in 27 Feb engagement and claim Turkish is more reliable which no concrete action taken just becos they are better in lip service? I hope this is not the behavior of most Pakistanis
Cause when Turkey speaks no one cares, Erdogan is also long known for speaking through his hat, but when China speaks, the whole world listens and it makes waves all across the world.

I acknowledge and accept that China helped, is helping and will continue to help. Thank you. But as a good friends should you place us in a difficult position by forcing us to choose between you and the Turks? I don't think a good friend should do that.
We never did, who forced Pakistan to choose sides? that would be very stupid, every country has the right to choose their own friends.

To be honest the Turks should stop meddling in Chinese affairs. Xinjiang is a Chinese province and Pakistan's gateway to China.

If "East Turkestan" becomes a reality(.0001% possibility) we loose our only chord to China and so its bye-bye to Gawadar and CPEC. Any outside interference there is a strategic threat to Pakistan also.

We decimated the Indians on the 27th with Chinese weapon systems. Today IK inaugrated the Gawadar Airport which will be built in large part due to a Chinese grant. There is no doubt what is our most important foreign relationship.
Very well said, Any outside interference in Xinjiang is a strategic threat to Pakistan also. You guys probably won't like another poverty stricken, war torn Afghanistan as a neighbor to your east.

The thing you(in general Pakistanis) do not get yet is that That attitude(support to China for de-islamisation/identification of muslim Turks in East Turkestan) has scratched in our minds and hearts deeper than the one(your help) in our independence war. Therefore, It will not be forgotten for decades and centuries and will come first in our minds before the one(your help) when ever Pakistan is mentioned in the future.

You saved the day with China, but ruined the past, and lost the years to come with Turkey.
That's called openly forcing allies to choose sides, which we Chinese will never do.
Turkey is the only Western looking Muslim country where western values are more welcomed by public but on Govt. level Islamic values are more welcomed.

Their TV shows have so many adult scenes and they look more Western than Middle Eastern.
Many members here have wondered why India faces so many problems in Kashmir, but the truth is compared to Russia and China
Xinjiang is part of China recognised by the whole world including India, and Kashmir is not part of India, there are not comparable, Xinjiang is very quiet and peaceful and people live in prosperity with income level several times of Indians.
Xinjiang is part of China recognised by the whole world including India, and Kashmir is not part of India, there are not comparable, Xinjiang is very quiet and peaceful and people live in prosperity with income level several times of Indians.
But you cannot deny there was once a problem with terrorism.
First of all when I said what I said, I meant lip service. It's obvious.

Why? Because lip service would have helped if China had done any before 26th Feb. All China had to do was warn India and we wouldn't have found ourselves in a dangerous situation where we would have to go and beat the crap out of Indian Air Force and ground forces just to prove a point and risk an all out war that could turn nuclear.

All China had to do was say anything along the lines of an attack on Pakistan is an attack on China. That would have been enough. You know why China couldn't say that? Trade. It's too overt. Turkey on the other hand didn't care.
It's never that simple, when Turkey says anything, no one cares, but it also means Turkey doesn't need to bear any consequences, Turkey is never a main target of anyone, but India this time has the whole west behind their back, US, UK, France... China has to endure tremendous pressure from all sides, including many Muslim countries and China's allies to stand on the ground, something that Turkey never has to bear.

After China's veto, the whole western China bashing machine was turned into full throttle mode targetting China every day, which we have to deal with, what Turkey really suffered besides openning their mouths?

But you cannot deny there was once a problem with terrorism.
China is a vast country and we have a fair share of our own terrorism, China has knife stabbing terrorism every year, we China more of those minor terrorism in eastern provinces than in Xinjiang, Xinjiang is the safest place in China now with zero terrorism.
It's never that simple, when Turkey says anything, no one cares, but it also mean Turkey doesn't need to bare any consequences, Turkey is never a main target of anyone, but India this time has the whole west behind their back, US, UK, France, China have to endure tremendous pressure from all sides, including many Muslim countries and China's allies to stand on the ground, which Turkey never has to bear.

After China's veto, the whole western China bashing machine was turned into full throttle mode targetting China every day, which we have to deal with, what Turkey really suffered besides openning their mouths?

China is a vast country and we have a fair share of our own terrorism, China has knife stabbing terrorism every year, we China more of those minor terrorism in eastern provinces than in Xinjiang, Xinjiang is the safest place in China now with zero terrorism.
My point that Chechnya and Xinjiang once had problems with Terrorism, but are now safe do to brutal military response of Russia and China. In comparison, India has been going soft on Kashmiri seperatists. Hopefully that will change after Pulwama, so the entirety of Jammu and Kashmiri will be free of terrorism and prosperous.
It's never that simple, when Turkey says anything, no one cares, but it also mean Turkey doesn't need to bare any consequences, Turkey is never a main target of anyone, but India this time has the whole west behind their back, US, UK, France, China have to endure tremendous pressure from all sides, including many Muslim countries and China's allies to stand on the ground, which Turkey never has to bear.

After China's veto, the whole western China bashing machine was turned into full throttle mode targetting China every day, which we have to deal with, what Turkey really suffered besides openning their mouths?
I don't disagree with what you have stated. China doesn't has a strong media internationally and hopefully in future they can work in this sphere too.

Nevertheless, I deleted my post as I have seen Eagle's message in the previous page after posting, i.e. no more China vs Turkey for Pakistan posts.

I am going to leave this thread but I really wish this whole Turkey vs China issue would end for good. It serves no one but the western world. See how they are trying soo hard to make Imran Khan say something about Uxighur to cause problems between Pakistan and China.

Anyway I am leaving this thread. Peace.
My point that Chechnya and Xinjiang once had problems with Terrorism, but are now safe do to brutal military response of Russia and China.
Chechnya had a war and revolt, which was never happened in Xinjiang, Chinese troops were not involved in Xinjiang. In Checheya they have armies fighting armies and they shelled and bombed each other, Xinjiang was a hype by the west, it has no difference from any other Chinese provinces.
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My point that Chechnya and Xinjiang once had problems with Terrorism, but are now safe do to brutal military response of Russia and China. In comparison, India has been going soft on Kashmiri seperatists. Hopefully that will change after Pulwama, so the entirety of Jammu and Kashmiri will be free of terrorism and prosperous.
Are you crazy?

India has been soft? Commenting from your bedroom!

Go to IOK and expose yourself to pellet fire and see what it's like to live under occupation. Get humiliated day in day out for no reason other than the fact that you are Kashmiri.

Indians want Kashmir but don't want Kashmiris. That is the reality and will never change unless Kashmir gains independence from you lot, a despicable occupying force that can fight only against unarmed civilians.
Are you crazy?

India has been soft? Commenting from your bedroom!

Go to IOK and expose yourself to pellet fire and see what it's like to live under occupation. Get humiliated day in day out for no reason other than the fact that you are Kashmiri.

Indians want Kashmir but don't want Kashmiris. That is the reality and will never change unless Kashmir gains independence from you lot, a despicable occupying force that can fight only against unarmed civilians.
Compared to what Russia did to Chechnya, it is a nothing. India doesn't even use its army against militants, it uses paramilitaries such as CRPF.
I don't disagree with what you have stated. China doesn't has a strong media internationally and hopefully in future they can work in this sphere too.

Nevertheless, I deleted my post as I have seen Eagle's message in the previous page after posting, i.e. no more China vs Turkey for Pakistan posts.

I am going to leave this thread but I really wish this whole Turkey vs China issue would end for good. It serves no one but the western world. See how they are trying soo hard to make Imran Khan say something about Uxighur to cause problems between Pakistan and China.

Anyway I am leaving this thread. Peace.
I fully understand Pakistanis natural affinity to Turkey and we never asked Pakistanis to choose sides, as long as some don't try to discredit China to praise your brotherhood, all will be OK. Turkey is not the only country supporting Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia and many other countries also do.
I hate to break it to you, but the world is not a just place. I don't like the increasing violence throughout the region, but it is what it is.

You are breaking nothing to me. You are simply delusional.

Instead the correct way to deal with Kashmir problem would be to demilitarise and give Kashmiris benefits, health, education, scholarships, money in the pocket.

For all this you need to get on the table and talk to Pakistan and work towards implementing Musharraf/Manmohan formula but your stupid ego and 56 inch chest comes in the way. Nothing can be done about delusion, it will only bring you down.
You are breaking nothing to me. You are simply delusional.

Instead the correct way to deal with Kashmir problem would be to demilitarise and give Kashmiris benefits, health, education, scholarships, money in the pocket.

For all this you need to get on the table and talk to Pakistan and work towards implementing Musharraf/Manmohan formula but your stupid ego and 56 inch chest comes in the way. Nothing can be done about delusion, it will only bring you down.
Vajpayee held talks with Hurriyat leaders and Pakistani officials, and then Kargil happened. Then after that Indian Parliament, and then Mumbai. Peace is a two way street. Every time India attempts to deescalate, a terror attack or Pakistani misadventure happens. I am in no way saying that I agree with how Modi handled the Kashmir situation, but as I said, it is what it is. The ship for peace in the region has set sail and is not coming back for a while. In the meantime, India needs to stop fighting the millitants with one arm tied behind its back and get rid of the terrorists. Only then will there be any chance of peace talks. I am not delusional, I am a realist. If anything, you are the delusional ones for thinking India will ever let go of Kashmir. And India is not going anywhere. If anything, the events of the past month have strengthened international support for India's war on terrorism in Kashmir. And in no way does this violence make me happy. But as I said, it is what it is. Pakistan keeps looking at this issue through the lenses of religion, while forgetting we want to protect our interests like any other country, and will do so at any cost.

And btw, I am not die-hard Modi supporter, but do you really think anything will be different if the Italian wins the election?
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