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Erdogan is more popular in Pakistan than Turkey

You know what a good friend is? Understanding that there maybe areas where both don't agree and accepting that. You may not like Turkey but we do and by pushing us all your doing is hurting us. Our F-16s were upgraded by Turkey and PAF can depend on Turkey to keep our F-16 fleet rolling. So please don't mock our friendship with Turkey. With China it is business and you accept that. With Turkey it is emotional.
Did Turkey do it for free? Were the parts manufactured in Turkey?
At a personal level I have thought of retiring to Turkey because the culture and tempo in that country fits me like glove on hand. I would never dream of retiring to China. It is a alien society even if it does offer incredible business opportunities and for that Pakistan as a state should be grateful.

Did Turkey do it for free? Were the parts manufactured in Turkey?
Nobody does anything for free. I am sure you have heard of the saying "no free lunch" in the world.
I think it has more to do with Turkey as a Country .. it doesn't matter who leads turkey if he is accepted and loved by Turks he will be famous in Pakistan .
Name one previous president/prime minister of Turkey hell name the current PM? Or 5 figures from Turkey?
At a personal level I have thought of retiring to Turkey because the culture and temp in that country fits me like glove on hand. I would never dream of retiring to China. It is a alien society even if it does offer incredible business opportunities and for that Pakistan as a state should be grateful.

Nobody does anything for free. I am sure you have heard of the saying "no free lunch" in the world.

Hey Buddy, same here. I have even found myself looking to buy resorts in those lovely sea side beaches to one day retire.
Name one previous president/prime minister of Turkey hell name the current PM? Or 5 figures from Turkey?

He's googling as we speak lol
Pakistan JF-17 is designed by Chinese, assisted by CHinese and so as the radar, missile and PAC Kamra facilities are all helped by Chinese to build up. I hope u did not forget it.
I acknowledge and accept that China helped, is helping and will continue to help. Thank you. But as a good friends should you place us in a difficult position by forcing us to choose between you and the Turks? I don't think a good friend should do that.
Turkey and Pakistan into one Union when will it happen?
Careful what you wish for...
we do have more than twice your population and our union would most probably be democratico_O
unless you want to bring back khilafat:what:
Hey Buddy, same here. I have even found myself looking to buy resorts in those lovely sea side beaches to one day retire.
Yes, I have been looking at it as well. Great deals. Better then Spain. And the culture is the right mix between Muslim and modernism for us British Paks. Suits us great.
Actually we admire the image we see through our social and electronic media... but how come he is more popular in Pak as many of us don't even know his birthday...


Pakistanis in general loves and cherishes anything from Turkey---.

Turkey was our hope for freedom & glory when the times were tough on muslims of the sub-continent---. Our ancestors looked up to Turkey as the saviours of the faith---.
another yadooi tactics, All major IT security appliance under their brand, so they are pretty much control internet traffic as they want and try to change people votes and opinions over the internet.
True. It's more of vote on Turkey then the person of Erdogan as most Paks are not really upto speed with Turkish politics. Erdogan is the face that represents Turkey to most Paks.

You know what is cold to me might be not cold to you. What is too sweet to me might be acceptable to you. So it is with Turkish 'Secular vs Islamists'. Their Islamists would be described as westoxified coconuts in Pakistan. By Pakistan standards I would be called a westoxified liberal scum but in Turkey they would call be a radical Islamists.

For instance most Turkish AKP supporters who vote for Erdogan do not want a Islamic republic and neither do they want Sharia law. Most support cooperation with Europe and membership of NATO. Most support gay rights etc.
sir, i know turkish people in real life, living in the UK. they are secularists in terms of their lifes i.e. have nothing islamic about them, from birth to death. I am not intending to use the islamis word in a negative way, just as a contrast to the former. Thats just how most turkish people are.

For Turks in general, It is between Allah and the muslim; not some middle man to decide and say what to do with their world test(via their bodies/souls) in daily life.

However, The religion and culture have been mixed in minds of some, as in every muslim-dominated countries, therefore, some mix the religion with Arab culture like Ummayad understanding of ''Islam'' and thus cause some problems, however, in Turk understanding of Islam resists them despite the AKP and Erdoğan.

That is why in Turk streets you can see any kind of individuals; after all, as i said, it is between Allah and them.

@WebMaster Will you please correct the title and replace the word ''t'' with the capital ''T'' in ''turkey''? Thanks.
He is popular in Pakistan because our people are easily manipulated by using religion. A friend of mine was asked that which one of the policies of Erdogan is his favourite? He was speechless. He's just fan boy of Erdogan because he thinks that he's gonna bring muslim ummah back together.

However, Erdogan government has been full of controversies especially last one where he showed NZ shooter video to market his election campaign was an extremely cheap move.

The Symptom on why Erdogan is popular I would say is the post-colonial stress Pakistanis have endured since independence from Britain in 1947 except for Quaid-E-Azam Jinnah or the founding ilk of the nation the country never had a leader that could unite in one base, Ayub Khan tried putting a nationalist vison in the 1960s but failed because of the differing political bases in the country, as a result of lack of good leaders and politicians to the clerics playing politics in very polirized tone Pakistani people look to leaders people abroad to see how they succeed, its not new my father who is 71 years old laughs when he sees Pakistanis under the age of 60 praise Erdogan,Turkey or some other foreign country as a fad that will die off because he is seen this cult like worship of past foreign leaders, for example I think @Indus Pakistan would agree with me on this , in the 60s JFK was very popular in Pakistan in fact I heard my dad told me when he was killed much of the country felt sadden at his death or the fact his wife Jaqualine flew with PIA and visited Pakistan also this is was at the height of "American-Pakistani" friendship which since 1965 onwards has gone to meerly a transactional relationship to a un easy one these days, in the 1970s all the love was going to Arab leaders like Yasser Arafat, Gaddafi, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and the eurphoria of Pakistan hosting the OIC summit in 1974 as well it got to the point where they named a Cricket stadium in Lahore to Gaddafi and a industrial city being renamed Faisalabad, in the 80s I think this continued on well into the 90s and 2000s so beacause of that you see this *** kissing of foreign leaders since then which I see mainly in the middle aged folk the younger folk are more towards Imran Khan sure they make like some aspects of Erdogan but not all of it I think we are moving away from foreign asskising in slow terms which is good.
turkey is an incredibly polarised nation. there are only two types of voters: those who love him OR those who hate him. no middle ground. secularitst vs islamists

Its actually more complicated than that real Islamists in Turkey think Erdogan is a joke and they have another political party which is a fringe its more secular and big tank the AKP Erdogan party but its courupt and self serving which will bite its *** once its voter base dies off

Turkey and Pakistan into one Union when will it happen?

I would like to but I think a regional block is the close thing we can do we just need to tone the Iranians down so we can make the ECO stronger

Lets stay out of Turkish politics. The Erdogan brand in Turkey is not sustainable. Turkish society values its secular traditions and sooner or later we are going to see a swing to the other side. For people interested, please have a look at different polls conducted among the Turkish youth which show an increasing preference for secularism despite government efforts to "re-educate".

Our relationship with them always has been and always should be a country-to-country and people-to-people rather than govt-to-govt.

I agree with this OP 10000 percent Erdogan is not some deity he is not the next caliph he wont bring back the Ottoman Empire all he will do is make Turkey more viable good or bad mostly bad now and in the end I see he wont last long the younger folks in Turkey are more secular and nationalist than ever before he wont last once they become the voting block of the nation, Pakistanis must give up this asskissing to foreign leaders and create our new leadership and put trust in our own institutions
Yes Istanbul is cosmopolitan.

I usually go down south, Antalya area. Maybe less Pakistanis visit there so the treatment is different.

who? I meant openly support us...

Dude Antalya is more touristy than Istanbul more tourists go there to enjoy the beech lots of Russians and post Soviet folk go down there its Miami of Turkey lol, cant get more cosmopolitan than that if you want more traditional Turkey @Nein would probably agree the Eastern flank or Black sea coast is more like that

True. It's more of vote on Turkey then the person of Erdogan as most Paks are not really upto speed with Turkish politics. Erdogan is the face that represents Turkey to most Paks.

You know what is cold to me might be not cold to you. What is too sweet to me might be acceptable to you. So it is with Turkish 'Secular vs Islamists'. Their Islamists would be described as westoxified coconuts in Pakistan. By Pakistan standards I would be called a westoxified liberal scum but in Turkey they would call be a radical Islamists.

For instance most Turkish AKP supporters who vote for Erdogan do not want a Islamic republic and neither do they want Sharia law. Most support cooperation with Europe and membership of NATO. Most support gay rights etc.

Again Pakistani asskissing of foreign leaders is cringey at best, Erdogan if he were to swim in Pakistan you would have the cleric class blast him as a liberal hell bent on destroying the country lol
I acknowledge and accept that China helped, is helping and will continue to help. Thank you. But as a good friends should you place us in a difficult position by forcing us to choose between you and the Turks? I don't think a good friend should do that.

To be honest the Turks should stop meddling in Chinese affairs. Xinjiang is a Chinese province and Pakistan's gateway to China.

If "East Turkestan" becomes a reality(.0001% possibility) we loose our only chord to China and so its bye-bye to Gawadar and CPEC. Any outside interference there is a strategic threat to Pakistan also.

We decimated the Indians on the 27th with Chinese weapon systems. Today IK inaugrated the Gawadar Airport which will be built in large part due to a Chinese grant. There is no doubt what is our most important foreign relationship.
If you don't know by now, best to leave it at that.
Seriously. I am intrigued. Who was it?
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