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Enough is enough — Pakistan not happy with Afghan Taliban

Honeymoon got over even before it started?

Factions of Taliban acting funny with Pakistan even before they got into the power indicates their true colours. This while they are dependent of Pakistan in quite some ways.

Imagine their attitude when they would start their rule.
Afghans have always been like this even the days of muhajidden and talibans in 90s the act according to their own agenda and not what Pakistan tells them like any other heads of any country. You people somehow have developed a view point that talibs are Pakistan's proxy, that's why this comment. Otherwise they get pressured and accept demands but they also sometimes stick to their own demand like in the case of Istanbul conference. I see alot of indians propaganda supporting pahstoons in general, jusg wait till you hear their view poiny against india 😂😂
Your 'Ally' allowed TTP to operate and massacre Pakistani children and citizens.
Still Allow*. There's a UN report that was mae public some days ago sighting that talibs relation with TTP is deteriorating and they have pressured TTP a little. But still are operating juat fine. Ab idk how much of this is truth.
I see future Afghan province of Islamic republic of Pakistan. It’s time for expansion and let’s solve this problem once for all. It’s been 40 years we are bearing consequences, In the name of Islam, let’s unite for the future of Pakistan, Afghanistan and its people to prosper. Sooner we realize the better it’ll be otherwise keep baring consequences of few namak haram amongst us playing at the hands of enemies of the state.
No shit, looks like the good Afghan taliban too isn't ready to give up of terrorism. This time they will not spare Pakistan either as it have become way of life for them. Once NATO is out they will need new enemy. Whats better way then to target Pak-China, they will get funding from India too for doing that.

Dip stick fighting for your own country is not a terrorism, occupiers will always label the freedom fighters who wants occupiers to leave their lands will brand them terrorists like India is doing it in Kashmir and Israel is calling Hamas terrorists.
When you are put out on the road and taken away your homes, dignity, respect and loose your family members then you will understand what occupation is otherwise you will just live in the your make believe world and watch the CNN.
No shit, looks like the good Afghan taliban too isn't ready to give up of terrorism. This time they will not spare Pakistan either as it have become way of life for them. Once NATO is out they will need new enemy. Whats better way then to target Pak-China, they will get funding from India too for doing that.

If they went that way it will be very costly for them, as Russia, China and Pakistan are already working on joint ops against terrorists inside Afghanistan.
If they went that way it will be very costly for them, as Russia, China and Pakistan are already working on joint ops against terrorists inside Afghanistan.

lol. There will be no such thing.. Turkey and Pakistan will deploy if there is demand for it but Pakistan will probably annex it if there is need for it... The talks is entirely happening in Istanbul this is internal issues between Pakistan, Turkey, Taliban and Afghan gov't... But I think it will be solved internally.. This could also be an opportunity for Pakistan to absorb and annex it because it needs extra manpower to add on top of it's own population for future self-defense and expand territory that is always an option.. For more stargetic depth.. Absorbing the pathans could be a long term asset..

Also this article is way out-dated and related to the talks from back then someone desperate bump it up again
lol. There will be no such thing.. Turkey and Pakistan will deploy if there is demand for it but Pakistan will probably annex it if there is need for it... The talks is entirely happening in Istanbul this is internal issues between Pakistan, Turkey, Taliban and Afghan gov't... But I think it will be solved internally.. This could also be an opportunity for Pakistan to absorb and annex it because it needs extra manpower to add on top of it's own population for future self-defense and expand territory that is always an option.. For more stargetic depth.. Absorbing the pathans could be a long term asset..

Also this article is way out-dated and related to the talks from back then someone desperate bump it up again
What to do with the people of the pashtoon areas? Drive them out Into uzbek, tajik? We can't keep them if we annex afg.
What to do with the people of the pashtoon areas? Drive them out Into uzbek, tajik? We can't keep them if we annex afg.

Wrong you are not seeing the picture here clearly.. It is not the lands you want but the people more then the lands.. You are facing 1.3 bil zombified folks who wants your end... You take the pathans of afg you integrate them into pak army in addition with the other pathans you already have... India could be even 100 billion they got no chance against well drilled pathans and armed and organized.... Just basic evolution of life.. Hack this could turn Pakistan into a superpower. The pathan is tireless and relentless they can go forever.. their Patience and consistency is second to none.. You need that element it won't only save your future but propel pk to superpower status... You should seduce them.. It is basic politics you solve one problem with another one... Also the pathans are the lesser evil of the two evils and much more beneficial.. The other one is existential threat and you fix that with them... They are the water that you need to shout out with a blazing fire that can burn your house and the water is absolute necessary at that point even if you don't like that you gotta use it to shout out the fire with..

It would be like injecting some strong anabolic steroids into the veins of PK like 1000 times stronger anabolic steroids
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Defeating fake news in Indian media with real information: Pakistan vows to counter Indian propaganda over Afghanistan. The Taliban cannot be portrayed as attacking us. This is part of what India is trying to do to cause as much confusion among us as possible. China has already given its official opinion regarding Pakistan and how the US may be opportunistic after pulling out of Afghanistan.

I am getting stressed again I want you to understand that the Taliban are not a threat to us. This is what Indians want to achieve. It is the Chinese opinion of Pakistan, the US wants to use Pakistan once more.

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It's just not that simple.

Pakistan is not in control partially or otherwise in Afghanistan.
Exactly Pakistan just recently had a 3+ weeks long Negotiation with the talibans and even then talibs have not agreed to join Istanbul conference. We are not in control, not even partially. the best we can do is to facilitate the talks nothing more.
Exactly Pakistan just recently had a 3+ weeks long Negotiation with the talibans and even then talibs have not agreed to join Istanbul conference. We are not in control, not even partially. the best we can do is to facilitate the talks nothing more.

Pakistan has more influence over ANA and Afghanistan government than any insurgent group.
Pakistan has more influence over ANA and Afghanistan government than any insurgent group.
I disagree. The only thing is that the ghani regime is a little civilized. And claming we have good relations or better influence over them is a long shot. At times we have good influence on both. Sometimes on talibs and sometimes on ghani. We are the bech ka billa in the game. The only difference is we throw the ball wherever we want or which suits us.
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