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Enough is enough — Pakistan not happy with Afghan Taliban

Why should we send forces to Afghanistan? It's a mess you're waiting to reap.
Any gun-wielding yahoos that are fighting against an internationally accepted state are and should be considered terrorists. Taliban will not stop fighting even if they do control the entire Afghanistan, their wishes and ideas change because it's created in such a way. It will become a menace to it's neighbours. With that, any economic development or connection to Central Asia BS you sell every now and then go to shit.
You should send your forces and the biggest reason is you are also a big contributor in exploiting afghans and Afghanistan for your personal gains under the banner of development. Its a mess you also created so why not send your armies to reep what you sow. Its so easy to blame others and to cover the killings you have done by exploiting a nation.
2. Nobody including Pakistan wants the taliban to be the sole ruler of Afghanistan we know better then you how to deal with them. Thats why all these nations are coming and helping on how to control and contain the Afghan problem in which USA is trying so hard to push you in. This gives an idea of your involvement and influence even on the Afghan govt that in peace process other countries have to make sure that you look relevant.
3. Talibans or any other group fighting against USA govt and Afghanistan govt doesn't make them the terrorist you want others to believe. The are not targeting people to fulfill their political gains which is something AQ, TTP and ISIS does.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan started new efforts to convince Afghan Taliban for rejoining the peace process otherwise the Taliban may face some tough actions from Pakistan. Top Pakistani security officials have approached Afghan Taliban leadership in Doha and made it very clear to them that their refusal to participate in Istanbul Conference was a big blow to the Afghan Peace Process and if they will not show some flexibility they will face consequences.

A United States backed Afghan Peace conference set to be hosted in Istanbul by Turkey, Qatar and United Nations on April 24 was postponed over the non-participation of the Taliban. This conference was meant to fast track the peace process but new administration in Washington changed the withdrawal date of US troops from May 1 to September 11 2021. The Taliban rejected this new date and declared it violation of the peace agreement signed with Trump Administration. They refused to participate in Istanbul conference.

Last week foreign ministers of Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan met in Istanbul and they called on the Taliban to reaffirm their commitment to achieving a negotiated settlement for lasting peace in Afghanistan. It is learnt that a top Pakistani security official will meet Taliban leaders in Doha on April 28 (today) and will deliver an “enough is enough” message to them in very clear words. Pakistan and some other international stakeholders in Afghan peace process were trying to convince the Taliban to agree for joining an interim coalition government but they were reluctant to agree.

According to highly placed sources, Pakistani security agencies found some links between Afghan Taliban and groups related to Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). A top source said “they are two faces of a same coin” but Afghan Taliban denied this allegation. They said it is not the first time that we may face heat from the security agencies. Senior Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was arrested by Pakistani agencies and he was released in 2018. It was Mullah Baradar who led peace talks with the US in Doha. Two senior Taliban leaders Mullah Ubaidullah Akhund (former Afghan defense minister) and Ustad Yasir died in the custody of Pakistani security agencies between 2010 and 2012.

The Taliban made it very clear that they not only want withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan but they also want removal of their names from UN terrorist list and release of prisoners. Their inflexibility is no more acceptable to Pakistani officials who are dealing with the Taliban since long. A top Pakistani official said that it is easy to deal with Ashraf Ghani but very difficult to deal with the Taliban. The official made allegations on Afghan government for supporting the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM). Pakistani officials have conveyed their concerns to Ghani directly and after that the Afghan president never supported the PTM publically. Ghani also made some unannounced visits to Pakistan in recent past to bridge gap with Pakistani side.

It is learnt that India also tried to engage Afghan Taliban recently but their leaders avoided direct meetings with them. A senior Taliban source said that India is planning to send its troops to Afghanistan after the possible withdrawal of US troops. Taliban think that India started engagement with Pakistan recently just because India do not want Pakistan to object to its new role in Afghanistan. India wants that the Taliban should not attack its troops in Afghanistan not realising that the Taliban never accept any foreign troops in their country.

Another lie reporting expose...
There was no logical reason for Imran Khan to help out Biden and spend millions of state funds in process.
I stated in past that Imran Khan's move to poke his nose in power brokerage in Afghanistan is going to back fire.
Hamid Mir is no. 1 liar of Pakistan. He is no different from traitors like Mir Jaffer or Mir Sadiq. Dont even trust what he says.
Whatever BS there is being printed the runts at the Jang Group, is what it is, BS. Pakistan will not make any deals with the known, identified and declared enemy, india, anywhere on the planet, particularly Afghanistan. If india is stupid enough to send it's military into Afghanistan, then that's their death wish. No one, I repeat NO ONE, will be allowed to deploy their military in Afghanistan. Whoever does, will be demolished out of existence. It is a ploy to drive a wedge between Pakistan and Afghan Mujahideen. Both Pakistanis and Afghans must not allow kafirs to dictate what we must or must not do. We are Muslims first and our leader is Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, not the UN, not the Najdi-sauds and most certainly not america ... Period!!!
I pray to Allah India sends troops.
Target practice for Pakistan and nice juicy meat for the Afghans
There was no logical reason for Imran Khan to help out Biden and spend millions of state funds in process.
I stated in past that Imran Khan's move to poke his nose in power brokerage in Afghanistan is going to back fire.
So whom do you wanted to broker a peace deal? India? While biden is desperately trying to make india look relevant in the process what shoudl Pak do? Sit quietly?. The other country except pak which can help in peace deal is Iran. Now choice is yours.
Just wondering WHY countries who want piece and have some stake in Afghanistan do not support Taliban in a similar fashion US supported Afghan Jihad against the soviets? It seems they all get “brain freeze” when it comes to learning from history matters...just wondering...
Women's Rights March, Kabul, Afghanistan, 1970's (c).

Honeymoon got over even before it started?

Factions of Taliban acting funny with Pakistan even before they got into the power indicates their true colours. This while they are dependent of Pakistan in quite some ways.

Imagine their attitude when they would start their rule.
This is Bajwa doctrine at it again, destroyed Pakistan security inside now he is on a mission of piss of the only allies we have in our backyard.
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