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Egyptian Armed Forces

@Gomig-21 @The SC he said that "we do not have the capacity to mount ARM (so the suppresion of enemy's air defense) on the Rafales, we do it with SPECTRA"

I think it's great. SPECTRA is not necessarily a "soft-kill" method since it is one of the top two current EW platforms out there, perhaps a close 2nd to the F-35's EW suite.

Besides, like you said from the video you posted and my limited understanding of French, they are going back to producing something similar to the Martel HARM and even a more advanced version that would compete with today's and the future's defenses.

Why WING LOONG 3 is better for Egypt?

Honestly, Sami, I can't believe the attrition rate of all combined UAVs/UCAVs in the EAF & armed forces in general. That previous breakdown you posted on another thread about how many they have ordered, domestically built and have used in 2018 anti cretin campaign and how so many have been basically "used up", for the lack of a softer term lol. And this is not necessarily an EGY Armed Forces thing. It seems to be a general event that happens to most heavy operators of unmanned systems. Very strange phenomonon and hopefully they find a way to reduce that terribly high attrition rate, especially with the larger and more significant UACVs like the Wing Loongs etc.

- Some said it has 40% more range than legacy MICA.
At least one MICA was fired by a Taiwanese M2000 against a flying target in late 90's at a range of 67km. 67km + 40% = 94km.

Did they score a kill at that 67km distance? If that's the case, then that is a very pleasant surprise that the range for the current MICAs is much greater (almost double) the listed ranges on most websites.

- In the last Air & Cosmos special edition (see below) about rafale F5 they wrote : 130km for MICA EM and 100km for MICA IR. It seems a little bit optimistic.

I think so too. MICA EM & ER with 130km max range? That would be insane but hard to believe only because the missiles are not large enough to store enough solid fuel to travel that distance, conserve enough fuel & energy for the final approach where the seeker will be demanding a lot of maneuvering and speed.

That's why I don't necessarily believe in many of those hyped-up numbers, even for US-made missiles like the AIM-120. So much is demanded of an A2A missile and the greater the distances, the less effective they become. I think the true, effective ranges are closer to 60km - 70k maximum.

The trick becomes coming up with one's own defensive tactics where you jam, decoy and flare the crap out incoming missiles fired at you from 100 km while closing the distance to that same enemy to deploy your own and return the favor in kind.
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Ugh! Haven't heard much about these guys except someone went into Wiki and edited the following.

Egyptian Air Force - Wikipedia

On 15 March 2022, the United States agreed to sell Egypt variants of F-15Es to Replacing their Mikoyan MiG-29, the offer's amount of planes and price is to be determined. Current inventory A Rafale fighter An Egyptian C-130H aircraft An Egyptian F-16 Fighting Falcon An Egyptian An-74 in flight An …
See more
Replacing the MiG-29S? Let's hope that's a complete fabrication and no truth to it.

Hope they lose the orange idents.





This would be a much better camo scheme for those things and make them match the MiG-29s, not replace them!

Ugh! Haven't heard much about these guys except someone went into Wiki and edited the following.

Egyptian Air Force - Wikipedia

On 15 March 2022, the United States agreed to sell Egypt variants of F-15Es to Replacing their Mikoyan MiG-29, the offer's amount of planes and price is to be determined. Current inventory A Rafale fighter An Egyptian C-130H aircraft An Egyptian F-16 Fighting Falcon An Egyptian An-74 in flight An … See more
Replacing the MiG-29S? Let's hope that's a complete fabrication and no truth to it.

Hope they lose the orange idents.

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This would be a much better camo scheme for those things and make them match the MiG-29s, not replace them!

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Don't worry, it is just rumors and one of the sources is Forbes (when they wanted us to give our MIG-29s to Ukraine. And if you see the sources of this "news", there is nothing about the retirement of the MIG-29.

I disagree, we should keep those for logistical purposes and for better supplying our forces with more vehicles used to transport equipment
But can't be used as APC at all. Today they are so obsolete.
I think it's great. SPECTRA is not necessarily a "soft-kill" method since it is one of the top two current EW platforms out there, perhaps a close 2nd to the F-35's EW suite.

Besides, like you said from the video you posted and my limited understanding of French, they are going back to producing something similar to the Martel HARM and even a more advanced version that would compete with today's and the future's defenses.

Honestly, Sami, I can't believe the attrition rate of all combined UAVs/UCAVs in the EAF & armed forces in general. That previous breakdown you posted on another thread about how many they have ordered, domestically built and have used in 2018 anti cretin campaign and how so many have been basically "used up", for the lack of a softer term lol. And this is not necessarily an EGY Armed Forces thing. It seems to be a general event that happens to most heavy operators of unmanned systems. Very strange phenomonon and hopefully they find a way to reduce that terribly high attrition rate, especially with the larger and more significant UACVs like the Wing Loongs etc.

Did they score a kill at that 67km distance? If that's the case, then that is a very pleasant surprise that the range for the current MICAs is much greater (almost double) the listed ranges on most websites.

I think so too. MICA EM & ER with 130km max range? That would be insane but hard to believe only because the missiles are not large enough to store enough solid fuel to travel that distance, conserve enough fuel & energy for the final approach where the seeker will be demanding a lot of maneuvering and speed.

That's why I don't necessarily believe in many of those hyped-up numbers, even for US-made missiles like the AIM-120. So much is demanded of an A2A missile and the greater the distances, the less effective they become. I think the true, effective ranges are closer to 60km - 70k maximum.

The trick becomes coming up with one's own defensive tactics where you jam, decoy and flare the crap out incoming missiles fired at you from 100 km while closing the distance to that same enemy to deploy your own and return the favor in kind.

I spoke about the average losses of the MIG-29, not the drones

Since the beginning of the eighties, Egypt has been developing many tactical drones under the names of Alaa Diaa Naglaa, and many nets have converted target planes into reconnaissance planes, and many of them have been converted from a local factory into suicide planes because of their cheap price, with the same concept as the SAHAHD-136, albeit with less capabilities.
Also Egypt when it got ASN-209/CH-91 aircraft from China
Egypt has developed domestic aircraft produced on a large scale, but with European components to raise their standards
The NUT itself is a capability development project in which many officers were involved

There is extensive cooperation in drones with many countries such as Serbia, South Korea, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus, India, China and France.
China remains the only country with large production that can provide large numbers at low prices, and Egypt is re-substituting Chinese components with more efficient Western components or using them as platforms carrying equipment that is completely different from the Chinese. At the same time, requests for Egypt 76 WING LOONG II aircraft and 48 others for Pakistan, and meeting the demands of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, and other countries at the same time with the protests of the Chinese army, so the local production of the requests of countries such as Egypt and Pakistan takes place within these countries because there is an economic feasibility for local production, which encourages this Countries to continue producing these aircraft through upgraded versions of them
There are other points that some people do not know. The Chinese drones use engines manufactured in the past in Egypt. The WNIG LOONG 10 aircraft uses the HY-2 missile engine that was produced in Egypt in the eighties.

The WZ-7 aircraft uses the F-7/MIG-21 aircraft engine, which Egypt has to produce its components and spare parts locally, meaning that simply the presence of this aircraft in service represents for Egypt an economical use of components and equipment produced locally and reduces the operating cost until purchasing and acquiring them

The Yabhon United 40 aircraft, produced under a Belarusian-UAE license, is a start, but Egypt will not depend on it, but rather better copies. the world

The military intelligence agencies know the true capabilities of each country and not propaganda. Therefore, the movements of the forces depend on the deterrence capabilities that they possess. Therefore, when Egypt set red lines for the countries, these countries adhered to them, because these countries found that their military forces will be crushed quickly and will not achieve any gains. Rather, it will be a defeat like the defeats it inflicted. Egypt had it in the past, so they chose another way to improve relations
The private sector is being fought by the military system in Egypt, a system that has perpetuated corruption through its government and is the cause of the economic crises. This system has a large number of Egyptian people, and the refusal is represented in their refusal to cooperate with them and their economic system, so the Egyptians flee to work abroad and transfer their companies outside Egypt until the current economic system collapses, which only learns through harsh methods in dealing with it. Economy


The French MICA missile had an original range of 50, then increased to 60, and Taiwan succeeded in hitting a target through it at a distance of 67 km. The last export versions had a range of 80 km. Therefore, the new version, which will include more fuel and engine development, has a normal range of 120 km. France is promoting its missiles as more efficient. from israeli

There is no real confirmation of the presence of the MIG-29A squadron since 1988 in Egypt. This is a rumor. We did not find any confirmation of it except that it was mentioned in an aggregate form in an American statistical report that included that Egypt owns or ordered used American tanker planes.The true and most credible story is that Egypt wanted to buy 60-120 F-15C aircraft for use in air interception missions at first and then obtain F-15E copies for story missions to complete the capabilities of the US Air Force in conjunction with the exit of huge numbers of the MIG-21/F6. /F7The American refusal is due to two points: Egypt owns a ballistic missile project in large numbers, and the balance of power with Israel is not in Israel's favour, with Egypt obtaining F-15C/E aircraft.The most important point is that Egypt, since 2007, has planned to remove large numbers of American weapons and replace them with European, Russian and Chinese weapons as a result of the successive American rejection of Egyptian requests, starting with the refusal to supply PC-3 Orion aircraft to replace the Tu-16. And the US refusal to supply A-10 aircraft Egypt also refused to buy the F-18 because it was not convinced of its effectiveness in the Egyptian Air Force
Perfectly fine, use them simply for supply transportation, we gotta decomition all obsolete armor and use them as simple supply vehicles, the russo-ukraine war has taught us this valuable lesson, not even a lesson, rather a reminder to better supply your fighting force, casualties for these style of vehicles are to be expected in attrition warfare
Don't worry, it is just rumors and one of the sources is Forbes (when they wanted us to give our MIG-29s to Ukraine. And if you see the sources of this "news", there is nothing about the retirement of the MIG-29.

But can't be used as APC at all. Today they are so obsolete.
Perfectly fine, use them simply for supply transportation, we gotta decomition all obsolete armor and use them as simple supply vehicles, the russo-ukraine war has taught us this valuable lesson, not even a lesson, rather a reminder to better supply your fighting force, casualties for these style of vehicles are to be expected in attrition warfare
Ofc but what i meant is to replace officially with new modern ones. Those can't be our standard APC etc... they are obsolete today but I am okay with the idea to transfer them into supply vehicles and not a personal carrier




Not sure why the Serbs would be interested in the logistical aspect of the Rafale jet in the EAF? Anyone else find this a bit strange? Things like this is what got the EAF (in the prime days of Mubarak) in trouble with the US. At that time, it was the Chinese who were invited to tour the EAF's F-16s logistics. That didn't sit well with the US from what I remember, especially that the CISMOA treaty wasn't signed at the time. And now this which begs the question, why don't the Serbs get the tour directly from the French?

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Not sure why the Serbs would be interested in the logistical aspect of the Rafale jet in the EAF? Anyone else find this a bit strange? Things like this is what got the EAF (in the prime days of Mubarak) in trouble with the US. At that time, it was the Chinese who were invited to tour the EAF's F-16s logistics. That didn't sit well with the US from what I remember, especially that the CISMOA treaty wasn't signed at the time. And now this which begs the question, why don't the Serbs get the tour directly from the French?
Serbia was interested to acquire some Rafales. I am sure French Air Force is ok with Serbia inspecting the aircraft and the know how.
Did they score a kill at that 67km distance? If that's the case, then that is a very pleasant surprise that the range for the current MICAs is much greater (almost double) the listed ranges on most websites.
Yes, it made a confirmed kill.
But no information about the speed of the M2000 when it fired the MICA (the higher the speed of the fighter is the longer the range of the missile is), nor how agile was the target.
67km seems far too away of a plausible No Escape Zone for this kind of missile, so the target was probably not in a high G flight.
But it was a kill !

MICA EM & ER with 130km max range?
This figure, if true, is for MICA NG (EM & IR) model only. Not the legacy MICA.
The Wall Street Journal: Egypt rejects the US request to provide weapons and ammunition to Ukraine


Reliable sources said that Cairo has decided to reject the request of the United States of America to provide weapons and ammunition for Ukraine, and this step is considered a new challenge confirming Egypt's adherence to its independent foreign policy and its prominent role in the international arena.

The Egyptian army is preparing to unveil new weapons manufactured locally | Made in Egypt

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