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Egyptian Armed Forces

How does Egypt plan to make the golden Eagle..

Taming Joe Biden... Exciting details about Sisi's historic visit to the Pentagon and Egyptian requests from America!
Those requests better be about softening their position on caatsa and what weaponry egypt is absolutely entitled to get, especially since a specific nation honored a treaty with someone else, unlike others tsk tsk
Those requests better be about softening their position on caatsa and what weaponry egypt is absolutely entitled to get, especially since a specific nation honored a treaty with someone else, unlike others tsk tsk
For me we must have the freedom to do whatever we want. We must produce EW systems, radars (even with ToT) and armaments. I don't think that we will have the AIM-120 so we must see another alternative. Sadly, SK doesn't have their own A2A missile and rely on USA.
Something I really want is to buy a lot of Astra missile (I mean a lot ) to have production line in Egypt so we can mount them on MIG-29, FA-50 Rafales and other aircrafts. We must have full freedom to enhance our defense industry.
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But they are old blocks so we don't know if they are interested on buying it.

You're talking about our older F-16s? They've all been upgraded to block 40. Remember the 4 F-16Bs we saw for the first time flying like beauties? Those were from 1982 and are still perfect!!

The only issue is the USA consenting to a sale but every country that sells jet fighters does the same thing. They make it a special clause in the contract that you can't sell them to a 3rd party without their permission (for obvious reasons).

I wish the best for the EAF. But to get the PL-15 mara wahda with ToT something that Pakistan doesn't have. That's why we need our own A2A missiles so one can restrict them on us. But even with that, we can't mount them on our F-16 fleet because of Uncle Sam. Maybe the Rafale (with Astra missile maybe but don't think with chinese one), MIG-29 is the realistic one to do it. Having PL-15 ToT will be a huge leap for us.

Then why are they ordering so many? Something must be up their sleeves. They wouldn't be ordering so many top-end Chinese PL-15s if they weren't sure they had an aircraft or two they will be mounted on. Besides, the Chinese built pylon is like the one @Philip the Arab was talking about with the EDGE munition and the Al Tariq. They operate without any of the aircraft avionics except the radar. Once the radar spots an enemy and confirms IFF, pilot plugs in general location on the pad (not even a dead lock on) and fires the missile and the missile's seeker along with possible 2-way data links makes it a practical 100% kill. It's a beautiful setup.

Most likely the Mirage 2ks will get them for now to make them much more lethal than what they already are. The rest will only accept meteors and the not wanted anymore AMRAAM. So sick of asking for that stupid missile I'll be happy to tell the black defense minister to take the AIM-120 and stick it up his a$$.

Egypt would've never signed the aircraft without garentees of the bvrms, only top brass knows. But since there's speculation flying around about it, its safe to say that there is some truth to it. I dont sisi will be strong armed after all the shizz American politics has caused in the ME

I would love to agree with you, but WTF did the sign for 24 Rafale F3s with a fake promise of an upgrade to F3R and a batch of meteors knowing quite well we were going to get hosed, and we did?

Despite the free aid from the US, it's only for the Jews' sake so I hardly feel grateful for it for those F-16 are nothing but ground attack aircraft since they'll get close to no one with BVR missiles unless that other individual is STUPID or isn't equipped with the missiles. Sorry bro, I've just reached my wits end with the bull S. manipulation to keep our air force from being a true monster. That is why (you and me) insist the Su-35 is a MUST no matter what CAATSA produces. We fight that lousy piece of paper.

Don't think that we will buy the J-10 because we have already Rafales and Eurofighter (but still we didn't sign the deal) for frontline aircrafts but something for sure we need a 5th gen aircraft. First we asked USA for the F-35 during Trump administriation, they refused then SU-57/75 have lot of production problems and China is only powerful country who can supply a 5th gen aircraft for our air force. So let's see and wait. Heard but not sure that China is offering to countries to enter FC-31 projets (not sure)

Ya 3am 5th generation eh w'bta3 eh?! First thing we need before any of the 5th gen AC is long range missiles that belong to the Rafale and EFT if they purchase the latter, the PL-15 and then the Su-35SE as an air superiority with the deadliest weapons. That order puts us in place for a 5th gen not at this time at all.

We're going to have MAJOR problems with France if they don't supply the meteor with this next batch of Rafale as supposedly everyone is saying it's in the contract etc. Yet I still can't believe the first 24 haven't been upgraded yet. That raises my suspicion to the max that they will send F3R (I can't believe some here think they're selling us the F4 or F-4.1 yunhar eswed) and they will make every single excuse about not supplying the meteors, but I think we all know why. The same old bullshit. Remember how hard they tried to deny the SCALP cruise missiles until they finally had to since we paid for them? But a lousy 50. You know how fast 50 disappear in a war? In less than one hour ya basha and that's why they didn't make a huge stink about it.

But 500 meteors that can bring down at least 300 enemy pigs in the air is a totally different story.

It would be wise for Egypt to reverse engineer one of those bvrms, its hard af but thats the only direction they have left. Its like life or death for possessing game changing capabilities at this point

That's what I've been saying all along, bro. Not only that, they need to bring in Chinese engineers to explain the complete makeup of the missile from the warhead to the seeker to fins to the proximity fuse to the complete, makeup and then they need test fire at least a dozen off of whatever drone aircraft at long distances to be sure not only there aren't any visible problems and that it's worth paying for that massive purchase.

Chinese have developed a launch pylon (SWFCS) that will interface chinese weapons onto Russian and western jets. It was successfully integrated on AVIC test Su-27 during Jan.


Thanks a million for finding that again. I wanted people to see the very big possibility and check out the pad. No need to run it through the aircraft's avionics so it might be possible if France and or Italy play their stupid games with the Meteor, we show them how we have this and say thank you later. SUCKERS!

I don't even know why you give them any credit by showing their fugly mugs on this thread. Dead or alive you're still giving them credit w'lad el kalb.

Those requests better be about softening their position on caatsa and what weaponry egypt is absolutely entitled to get, especially since a specific nation honored a treaty with someone else, unlike others tsk tsk

That's what we hope so, but that know-it all with the huge desk on the video said it was all about the US wanting to get more involved and a little early in the video he mentioned forget the Su-35s those are already gone to Iran and welcome the F-15. Is he out of his mind? That's why I can't stand these videos. Nothing but a bunch of know-it-alls. If and when the Su-35s do show up, I won't be able to contain myself reading the comments.
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For me we must have the freedom to do whatever we want. We must produce EW systems, radars (even with ToT) and armaments. I don't think that we will have the AIM-120 so we must see another alternative. Sadly, SK doesn't have their own A2A missile and rely on USA.
Something I really want is to buy a lot of Astra missile (I mean a lot ) to have production line in Egypt so we can mount them on MIG-29, FA-50 Rafales and other aircrafts. We must have full freedom to enhance our defense industry.
Absolutely agree, not implementing caatsa is just a down-payment for what we truly deserve. Tot from the astra will be a big bonus, but also getting the expertise from the meteor and the pl 15 like what doctor Gomig-21 stated. It can be done more so now then before when the military budget was just a measly 4 billion back in 2011.
You're talking about our older F-16s? They've all been upgraded to block 40. Remember the 4 F-16Bs we saw for the first time flying like beauties? Those were from 1982 and are still perfect!!

The only issue is the USA consenting to a sale but every country that sells jet fighters does the same thing. They make it a special clause in the contract that you can't sell them to a 3rd party without their permission (for obvious reasons).

Then why are they ordering so many? Something must be up their sleeves. They wouldn't be ordering so many top-end Chinese PL-15s if they weren't sure they had an aircraft or two they will be mounted on. Besides, the Chinese built pylon is like the one @Philip the Arab was talking about with the EDGE munition and the Al Tariq. They operate without any of the aircraft avionics except the radar. Once the radar spots an enemy and confirms IFF, pilot plugs in general location on the pad (not even a dead lock on) and fires the missile and the missile's seeker along with possible 2-way data links makes it a practical 100% kill. It's a beautiful setup.

Most likely the Mirage 2ks will get them for now to make them much more lethal than what they already are. The rest will only accept meteors and the not wanted anymore AMRAAM. So sick of asking for that stupid missile I'll be happy to tell the black defense minister to take the AIM-120 and stick it up his a$$.

I would love to agree with you, but WTF did the sign for 24 Rafale F3s with a fake promise of an upgrade to F3R and a batch of meteors knowing quite well we were going to get hosed, and we did?

Despite the free aid from the US, it's only for the Jews' sake so I hardly feel grateful for it for those F-16 are nothing but ground attack aircraft since they'll get close to no one with BVR missiles unless that other individual is STUPID or isn't equipped with the missiles. Sorry bro, I've just reached my wits end with the bull S. manipulation to keep our air force from being a true monster. That is why (you and me) insist the Su-35 is a MUST no matter what CAATSA produces. We fight that lousy piece of paper.

Ya 3am 5th generation eh w'bta3 eh?! First thing we need before any of the 5th gen AC is long range missiles that belong to the Rafale and EFT if they purchase the latter, the PL-15 and then the Su-35SE as an air superiority with the deadliest weapons. That order puts us in place for a 5th gen not at this time at all.

We're going to have MAJOR problems with France if they don't supply the meteor with this next batch of Rafale as supposedly everyone is saying it's in the contract etc. Yet I still can't believe the first 24 haven't been upgraded yet. That raises my suspicion to the max that they will send F3R (I can't believe some here think they're selling us the F4 or F-4.1 yunhar eswed) and they will make every single excuse about not supplying the meteors, but I think we all know why. The same old bullshit. Remember how hard they tried to deny the SCALP cruise missiles until they finally had to since we paid for them? But a lousy 50. You know how fast 50 disappear in a war? In less than one hour ya basha and that's why they didn't make a huge stink about it.

But 500 meteors that can bring down at least 300 enemy pigs in the air is a totally different story.

That's what I've been saying all along, bro. Not only that, they need to bring in Chinese engineers to explain the complete makeup of the missile from the warhead to the seeker to fins to the proximity fuse to the complete, makeup and then they need test fire at least a dozen off of whatever drone aircraft at long distances to be sure not only there aren't any visible problems and that it's worth paying for that massive purchase.

Thanks a million for finding that again. I wanted people to see the very big possibility and check out the pad. No need to run it through the aircraft's avionics so it might be possible if France and or Italy play their stupid games with the Meteor, we show them how we have this and say thank you later. SUCKERS!

I don't even know why you give them any credit by showing their fugly mugs on this thread. Dead or alive you're still giving them credit w'lad el kalb.

That's what we hope so, but that know-it all with the huge desk on the video said it was all about the US wanting to get more involved and a little early in the video he mentioned forget the Su-35s those are already gone to Iran and welcome the F-15. Is he out of his mind? That's why I can't stand these videos. Nothing but a bunch of know-it-alls. If and when the Su-35s do show up, I won't be able to contain myself reading the comments.
I share most of the same sentiment as you do man. Russia is probably aware that they can't just willy nilly walk out of that deal with egypt UNLESS if they absolutely garentee something better in the future. Yalla ba7a ngib el typhoon mah el meteor. The pl 15 on the sukhoi 35 is a really deadly combo, do they even outperform russian modern missles like the k77? I'm asking because the r 37 is really intended as an awacs killer missile but could be hypothetically used as an aircraft killer as well. AND WHEN WILL WE GET THE RIGHTS TO PRODUCE MIG 35 LOCALY?!?! Seriously, thats an opportunity too good to miss out on since no one is buying migs in large numbers now. Especially now more then ever since of all that talk with cooperation with Indias military industry. From lch to the druv, even the brahmose missle. The reason tegas deal was a catchy one was the amount of tot we could get from that as well as opening the door for other deals as well. Components can be sorted out for french and south korean ones until Indian domestic tech becomes capable enough. Talks with the Indian military can potentially see egyptians producing spare parts and components for migs. Sort of like that with the ha 300 and the marut project.

Egypt, SAC, FC-31 procurement and TOT deal​

December 16, 2022


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be close to finalizing a deal with the Chinese aircraft manufacturer Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) to procure the Shenyang FC-31 ...

Egypt, Naval Group, and Scorpene deal update​

December 09, 2022


It was reported in 2021 that the Egyptian Navy is interested in procuring Naval Group Scorpene 2000-class submarines.Talks are said to be still ongoing between Egypt and the French shipbuilder...

Egypt eyeing Lockheed Martin’s SPY-7 radar​

December 02, 2022


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be in talks with the U.S. defense company Lockheed Martin for the procurement of SPY-7 radar...
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That's what we hope so, but that know-it all with the huge desk on the video said it was all about the US wanting to get more involved and a little early in the video he mentioned forget the Su-35s those are already gone to Iran and welcome the F-15. Is he out of his mind? That's why I can't stand these videos. Nothing but a bunch of know-it-alls. If and when the Su-35s do show up, I won't be able to contain myself reading the comments.
Look I trust this guy. Plus Marker said that we have SU-35 in Egypt but the USA will easily know even before Marker. So the SU-35 is in a midst of inclarity
A strongly worded warning this time about the need to develop the American armament in service, otherwise no new deals will be contracted and the American armament will be neglected until it is scrapped
A strongly worded warning this time about the need to develop the American armament in service, otherwise no new deals will be contracted and the American armament will be neglected until it is scrapped
So AIM-120 coming?
Look I trust this guy. Plus Marker said that we have SU-35 in Egypt but the USA will easily know even before Marker. So the SU-35 is in a midst of inclarity

Where is that video where he claims he has actually seen the 17 Su-35SEs in Egyptian hangars and they keep moving them around and since no one had been able to take any pics and those aircraft are HUUUUUGGGEEAAAH lol, it must be even more difficult to move them around unless the hangars are joined together and we have seen huuugea hangars.

I mentioned it to a good friend of mine who also questioned where I heard there there were 17 Su-35SEs in Egyptian hangars and I told him it was this guy Mercer and showed him only the latest video you posted about him and told his sorry I couldn't find the original and we talked a lot about his credibility and so there must be some truth to the statement coming from him plus the high end official he was interviewing at the time.

So could I ask you to kindly post the video for where he saw them himself so I cam show it to him and get this guy's opinion and convince him to join the thread. His English and Arabic is spot on and having him here would be like a treasure trove.

Thanks if advance ya m3alem.
Where is that video where he claims he has actually seen the 17 Su-35SEs in Egyptian hangars and they keep moving them around and since no one had been able to take any pics and those aircraft are HUUUUUGGGEEAAAH lol, it must be even more difficult to move them around unless the hangars are joined together and we have seen huuugea hangars.

I mentioned it to a good friend of mine who also questioned where I heard there there were 17 Su-35SEs in Egyptian hangars and I told him it was this guy Mercer and showed him only the latest video you posted about him and told his sorry I couldn't find the original and we talked a lot about his credibility and so there must be some truth to the statement coming from him plus the high end official he was interviewing at the time.

So could I ask you to kindly post the video for where he saw them himself so I cam show it to him and get this guy's opinion and convince him to join the thread. His English and Arabic is spot on and having him here would be like a treasure trove.

Thanks if advance ya m3alem.
I've shown this visionary side before and no one believed me so we'll leave it to be done
For your information, the Mig entered years ago and did not appear until 2019
Look I trust this guy. Plus Marker said that we have SU-35 in Egypt but the USA will easily know even before Marker. So the SU-35 is in a midst of inclarity

Marker said he saw then with his own eyes plus he brings in all these pretty heavy duty well dignified ex-military officials who support his claim and then some. So it would be goof to show him that same viedo you posted about seeing then himself. If you can easily find it don't do outof your way too much habibi.

I've shown this visionary side before and no one believed me so we'll leave it to be done
For your information, the Mig entered years ago and did not appear until 2019

I was talking to @Ghostkiller about a specific video I was looking for.

No disrespect to you, sir, but this has nothing to do with you or if the MiG-29M/M2s came in 2019 and we didn't see them until a few years later which sorry I don't believe at all. The minute they landed, they were positioned in special new hangers and photos of Mikhail both aces and MiG-21 pilots and Ismail from what I remember were taken immediately and, in a few weeks, they were flying. MUCH MUCH different situation than what we are dealing with here on the Su-35SE.

So if you want me to say mabrouk aleik and all that you were right, that's fine. But this is between me a @Ghostkiller nothing to do with any of your predictions from the past, dear sir. Just looking for the specific video of Mercer claiming 17 Su-35SEs in Egypt hangers to show a good friend and get his expert opinion.

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