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Egyptian Armed Forces

Egypt, SAC, FC-31 procurement and TOT deal​

December 16, 2022


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be close to finalizing a deal with the Chinese aircraft manufacturer Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) to procure the Shenyang FC-31 ...

Egypt, Naval Group, and Scorpene deal update​

December 09, 2022


It was reported in 2021 that the Egyptian Navy is interested in procuring Naval Group Scorpene 2000-class submarines.Talks are said to be still ongoing between Egypt and the French shipbuilder...

Egypt eyeing Lockheed Martin’s SPY-7 radar​

December 02, 2022


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be in talks with the U.S. defense company Lockheed Martin for the procurement of SPY-7 radar...

This will be absllutely INSANE if if goes through! In shot. @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , this woiukd be a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEAAHHHHHHHH FU to the United State. They said "NO, you cannot even have 3 (I made us that number to make a point) louse crappy labor intensive and super expensive hourly flight) because we don't TURST YOU EvIL ROTTEN EGYPTIAND WHO COULD START A EEAR WITH OUR BELOVED ULTIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS EXAMPLE, ISRAEL! SO NO 3 F-35S FOR YOU SCUM.)

President Sisi: Ok, no problem, picks up the phone and calls Macron and they laugh together, and President Sisis says you were right, now they can never mention that we never asked for it and so now, are yiou ready to make a deal for some major Rafales? President Macron - Yes, of course we are let's ge started tomorrow but I have some other information on a couple of Mistrals LHDs that were meant for Russia and with the sanctions, the deal is kaput and we are willing to give them to you very cheap, maybe $500 million per ship. {President Sisi or course very excited but NEVER showing anything like that on his face tells President Macron, I'll peak with my advisors tonight and tomorrow we will take a tour of the ships. Ok, says President Macron in the meantime the Egyptian general on speaker phone and laughing their a$$es off.

It took a bit longer to get the deal done because Dassault had a tought time believing we could pay $5.6 billion for the 2 Mistrals, the Aquitaine FREMM, the 24 Rafales 8 EMs and 12 DMs and I forget a few more items (oh yeah, training, 2 simulators and a few SCALPs, MICA IR and ER and AAMS 250ks and 500kgs. Then during this deal they saw us order 46 MiG-29M/M2 and were like WTF!??!?! WE better get their money (I mean their signature now) and President Sisi only had one condition which was to have the FREMM Tahya Misr ready by the openng of the new directional outpast that actually was very expensive to complete but well worth it because now ships don'that to wait for hours at the great Bitter Lakes for directional traffic and the faster you can get ships through, the more $$$$ you make wich is why the Suez Canal has been setting records never seen before which they need to put a lid on since that Jew appartheigh state can claim anything to start a war with us and shut the canal down except little do thjey know (actually with that murserous mossad entity of their knows is it is working and they cannot satar another war with us since not only will we prolong it and cost US taxpayers tons of money, but obliterate the crap out of them at the same time. There was a HUGE reason the RAPID DEPLOYMENT FORCES were created exactly for that so that if those Jews ever get any wet dreams again of sinai, there is a way to keep the canal operating. So kick rocks.

We'll get to that special peace treaty that should be spat on the way both the Jews and the US are treating it.

The longer it goes, the more they forget that is why it is IMPERRATIVE to organize another Camp David with that tight a$$ Netanyahu (I can't believe he's PM again and they call themselves a democracy LMAOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! AND BIDEn and sit both their a$$es down and remind them of all the clauses in the treaty. For example how we allowed 300,000 Multi Observational Forces who all they do is suntan all day and swim the beautiful Mediterranean sea and harass Egyptians those scumbags and take up almost 1/3 of the Sinai at least sent 1.2 of them to the NEVEG how can we be assured those a-holes won't start another war under some false pretense.

Then Biden will try to gobble something and Sisi will tell him please be quiet for now let's hear from the Jews whom are killing and maiming Palestinians everyday what they have to say. So Netanyahu will start his usual American Harvard BS and say hey, why would we start a war with you when you have $20 Billion of our gas, our economies are growing together AAAAAHHH, says Sisi, let me stop you right there because you are not happy our economy is growing as well and want to stop it and the only way to do it is to create a false flag and start a war. Fair warning, this is not 1967 by a LONG shot and not only that, Mr Biden, you and your secretary of defense need to rip up that thing you call CAATSA if you want to continue the same relationship with us,

Then according to the sheet from Dassault that outlines all the details, it mentions the Rafales will be F3s and within a year or two maximum will be upgraded internally in software and externally with bolts for specially positioned pylons to fire the Meteor. Well, we know the story to that story. It was nothing but an insult of epic proportions.

SO, what we, the EGYPTIAN MILITARY would like to see happen and to even improve the stutus quo is the first thing do NEVER MENTION ANY SANCTIONS ON EGYPT. NEVER,. NEVER. NEVER. qA friend and and ally never threathen each other of in this case it;s one side you are htreatenng us.

We asked forn12 of the f-15 Strike Eagle twice and were denied by congress also twice. The last time was in the mid-1990's so we gave up and went and bought more F-7 AIRGUARD froom China which was the only thing we could afford at the time and thank the wonderful chinese hgave us favorabel deals. Which brings us to this current point. If that BULL SHITE piece of crap CAATSA is not immediately having Egypt crodsed out of the list of coutnries printed on that hose maneur better yet print new horse nebeur with NOTHING EGYPTIAN mentioned in there and we will bring out the current 17 Su-35SEs we have in Egypt at the memnet and waiting for the rest to make a total of 30 units to make our air force strong like we wish it to be and not what pother counties want it to be, this is OUR AIR FORCE NOT WITH ALL DUE RESPECT NOT THE USAF OR THE IDF THIGGY YOU CALL IT. ANOTHER REMINDER, THIS IS THE EGYPTIAN AIR FORCE AND WE DO NOT WANT YOUR WATERED DOWN STRICTLYU GROUND ATTACK WITH RADARS FROM THE 70S AMD MISSILES YOU HAVE TO CONSTANTLY PING IN ORDER TO HAVE HALF A CHANCE. NO MORE OF THAT AWFUL AND DISRESPECTFU. TREATMENT AFTER WE'VE ADHERED TO EVERY SINGLE ASPECT IN IT AND THE LONGER TIME PASSES PEOPLE FPORGET WHAT IS WRITTEN IN IT.

THEREFORE, NOT ONLY WILL WE BRING OUT OUR SU-35SEs but order more MIG-35s along with the euro typhoon and the METEOR missile and if any of those get denied, we will escort half the MFO to the Israeli border to receive them and take care of them and feed them and have them make sure you don't start a war sine there is NOTHING to stop you which frankly sucks! Good thing we know where the majority of your nuclear carrying submarines are so we can blast them to smithereens and then we will not even deal with France or Italy but your 2nd favorite. Enjoy.

This is what we need to do and do immediately otherwise we will always have their keens to our necks. If there is to be any change, then CAATSA needs to be replied to and the US does not understand any language except this kind of language, trust me.

We are not Iraq, or Libya or Siria or Lebanon. We have serious allies besides Saudi Arabia and the UAE, we even have France which would certainly show mediation and of course, Russia would chomp at the bits if the US starts messing with Egypt and a small invitation from China would not only alter the status, it would make a huge mess of agreements by the US. All we want is out Su-35s and any weapon that comes with it except nukes since we're not interested in them and the freedom to shop wherever we want without any preconditions from the US and certainly not from that unworthy POS next door, I highly doubt the US would start even a simple sanction against the US over those two desires and if it does, it'; much stupider than I thought it was. Let's remind her again........

Egypt, SAC, FC-31 procurement and TOT deal​

December 16, 2022


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be close to finalizing a deal with the Chinese aircraft manufacturer Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) to procure the Shenyang FC-31 ...

Way to go @The SC

Look I trust this guy. Plus Marker said that we have SU-35 in Egypt but the USA will easily know even before Marker. So the SU-35 is in a midst of inclarity
There are ways and methods to hide from satellites..KSA got the Don Fang Eastern wind huge missiles from China in the 90's and the US didn't know till the Saudis announced it..
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Regarding the Su-35, we are waiting for the final confirmation
Deals with America are suspended until the development of the weapon in service
The number of multinational forces in Sinai has reached only 450, even if you need sources

This will be absllutely INSANE if if goes through! In shot. @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , this woiukd be a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEAAHHHHHHHH FU to the United State. They said "NO, you cannot even have 3 (I made us that number to make a point) louse crappy labor intensive and super expensive hourly flight) because we don't TURST YOU EvIL ROTTEN EGYPTIAND WHO COULD START A EEAR WITH OUR BELOVED ULTIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS EXAMPLE, ISRAEL! SO NO 3 F-35S FOR YOU SCUM.)

President Sisi: Ok, no problem, picks up the phone and calls Macron and they laugh together, and President Sisis says you were right, now they can never mention that we never asked for it and so now, are yiou ready to make a deal for some major Rafales? President Macron - Yes, of course we are let's ge started tomorrow but I have some other information on a couple of Mistrals LHDs that were meant for Russia and with the sanctions, the deal is kaput and we are willing to give them to you very cheap, maybe $500 million per ship. {President Sisi or course very excited but NEVER showing anything like that on his face tells President Macron, I'll peak with my advisors tonight and tomorrow we will take a tour of the ships. Ok, says President Macron in the meantime the Egyptian general on speaker phone and laughing their a$$es off.

It took a bit longer to get the deal done because Dassault had a tought time believing we could pay $5.6 billion for the 2 Mistrals, the Aquitaine FREMM, the 24 Rafales 8 EMs and 12 DMs and I forget a few more items (oh yeah, training, 2 simulators and a few SCALPs, MICA IR and ER and AAMS 250ks and 500kgs. Then during this deal they saw us order 46 MiG-29M/M2 and were like WTF!??!?! WE better get their money (I mean their signature now) and President Sisi only had one condition which was to have the FREMM Tahya Misr ready by the openng of the new directional outpast that actually was very expensive to complete but well worth it because now ships don'that to wait for hours at the great Bitter Lakes for directional traffic and the faster you can get ships through, the more $$$$ you make wich is why the Suez Canal has been setting records never seen before which they need to put a lid on since that Jew appartheigh state can claim anything to start a war with us and shut the canal down except little do thjey know (actually with that murserous mossad entity of their knows is it is working and they cannot satar another war with us since not only will we prolong it and cost US taxpayers tons of money, but obliterate the crap out of them at the same time. There was a HUGE reason the RAPID DEPLOYMENT FORCES were created exactly for that so that if those Jews ever get any wet dreams again of sinai, there is a way to keep the canal operating. So kick rocks.

We'll get to that special peace treaty that should be spat on the way both the Jews and the US are treating it.

The longer it goes, the more they forget that is why it is IMPERRATIVE to organize another Camp David with that tight a$$ Netanyahu (I can't believe he's PM again and they call themselves a democracy LMAOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! AND BIDEn and sit both their a$$es down and remind them of all the clauses in the treaty. For example how we allowed 300,000 Multi Observational Forces who all they do is suntan all day and swim the beautiful Mediterranean sea and harass Egyptians those scumbags and take up almost 1/3 of the Sinai at least sent 1.2 of them to the NEVEG how can we be assured those a-holes won't start another war under some false pretense.

Then Biden will try to gobble something and Sisi will tell him please be quiet for now let's hear from the Jews whom are killing and maiming Palestinians everyday what they have to say. So Netanyahu will start his usual American Harvard BS and say hey, why would we start a war with you when you have $20 Billion of our gas, our economies are growing together AAAAAHHH, says Sisi, let me stop you right there because you are not happy our economy is growing as well and want to stop it and the only way to do it is to create a false flag and start a war. Fair warning, this is not 1967 by a LONG shot and not only that, Mr Biden, you and your secretary of defense need to rip up that thing you call CAATSA if you want to continue the same relationship with us,

Then according to the sheet from Dassault that outlines all the details, it mentions the Rafales will be F3s and within a year or two maximum will be upgraded internally in software and externally with bolts for specially positioned pylons to fire the Meteor. Well, we know the story to that story. It was nothing but an insult of epic proportions.

SO, what we, the EGYPTIAN MILITARY would like to see happen and to even improve the stutus quo is the first thing do NEVER MENTION ANY SANCTIONS ON EGYPT. NEVER,. NEVER. NEVER. qA friend and and ally never threathen each other of in this case it;s one side you are htreatenng us.

We asked forn12 of the f-15 Strike Eagle twice and were denied by congress also twice. The last time was in the mid-1990's so we gave up and went and bought more F-7 AIRGUARD froom China which was the only thing we could afford at the time and thank the wonderful chinese hgave us favorabel deals. Which brings us to this current point. If that BULL SHITE piece of crap CAATSA is not immediately having Egypt crodsed out of the list of coutnries printed on that hose maneur better yet print new horse nebeur with NOTHING EGYPTIAN mentioned in there and we will bring out the current 17 Su-35SEs we have in Egypt at the memnet and waiting for the rest to make a total of 30 units to make our air force strong like we wish it to be and not what pother counties want it to be, this is OUR AIR FORCE NOT WITH ALL DUE RESPECT NOT THE USAF OR THE IDF THIGGY YOU CALL IT. ANOTHER REMINDER, THIS IS THE EGYPTIAN AIR FORCE AND WE DO NOT WANT YOUR WATERED DOWN STRICTLYU GROUND ATTACK WITH RADARS FROM THE 70S AMD MISSILES YOU HAVE TO CONSTANTLY PING IN ORDER TO HAVE HALF A CHANCE. NO MORE OF THAT AWFUL AND DISRESPECTFU. TREATMENT AFTER WE'VE ADHERED TO EVERY SINGLE ASPECT IN IT AND THE LONGER TIME PASSES PEOPLE FPORGET WHAT IS WRITTEN IN IT.

THEREFORE, NOT ONLY WILL WE BRING OUT OUR SU-35SEs but order more MIG-35s along with the euro typhoon and the METEOR missile and if any of those get denied, we will escort half the MFO to the Israeli border to receive them and take care of them and feed them and have them make sure you don't start a war sine there is NOTHING to stop you which frankly sucks! Good thing we know where the majority of your nuclear carrying submarines are so we can blast them to smithereens and then we will not even deal with France or Italy but your 2nd favorite. Enjoy.

This is what we need to do and do immediately otherwise we will always have their keens to our necks. If there is to be any change, then CAATSA needs to be replied to and the US does not understand any language except this kind of language, trust me.

We are not Iraq, or Libya or Siria or Lebanon. We have serious allies besides Saudi Arabia and the UAE, we even have France which would certainly show mediation and of course, Russia would chomp at the bits if the US starts messing with Egypt and a small invitation from China would not only alter the status, it would make a huge mess of agreements by the US. All we want is out Su-35s and any weapon that comes with it except nukes since we're not interested in them and the freedom to shop wherever we want without any preconditions from the US and certainly not from that unworthy POS next door, I highly doubt the US would start even a simple sanction against the US over those two desires and if it does, it'; much stupider than I thought it was. Let's remind her again........

Egypt, SAC, FC-31 procurement and TOT deal​

December 16, 2022


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be close to finalizing a deal with the Chinese aircraft manufacturer Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) to procure the Shenyang FC-31 ...

Way to go @The SC

The video that appeared was of the Su-30 training in Egypt and has nothing to do with the Egyptian fighters
There were only Russian Su-30s at Mansoura Air Base, and they were for training only

Egypt, SAC, FC-31 procurement and TOT deal​

December 16, 2022


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be close to finalizing a deal with the Chinese aircraft manufacturer Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) to procure the Shenyang FC-31 ...

Egypt, Naval Group, and Scorpene deal update​

December 09, 2022


It was reported in 2021 that the Egyptian Navy is interested in procuring Naval Group Scorpene 2000-class submarines.Talks are said to be still ongoing between Egypt and the French shipbuilder...

Egypt eyeing Lockheed Martin’s SPY-7 radar​

December 02, 2022


The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be in talks with the U.S. defense company Lockheed Martin for the procurement of SPY-7 radar...
Simply speechless if any of these deals go through actually, either one of them is huge let alone all three.

Another wannabe lol. I guess it's ok as lomg as theior stuff is interesting a bit.

Problem is he has a picture of a :POS F-15 hanging on that wall I'll have to comment on his page to take it down immediately, if not sooner!

Unless the lousy son of a bitch USA which unconditionally supports that crap-hole apartheid state supporter of killing Palestinians and stealing their lands and destroying their homes continues and they don't even scold it or tell it enough of that, then we want NOTHNG to do with that POS or any more of their military equipment. This is a matter of principal.

I don't know if Saudiya has spoken out about the brutal torture those PIGS are doing to Muslim Palestinians in Sheikh Jarra neighborhood stealing it slowly but surely. but I know PRESIDENT SISI IS THE ONLY ONE WHO ADDRESSED THAT LOUSY US FOREIGN POLICY ABOUT THE ATORICITIES THAT ARE GOING ON THERE.

That said, unless they put a COMPLETE end to that despicable cowardly (I could say ,much worse words but chose not to since I will most likely be leaving this forum within a few months maybe sooner for good but don't want it to be on a ban but if it needs to be that way screw it, let it be) but as I was saying if the filthy US foreign policy doesn't intervene and show mercy to the great people of Palestine being treated like criminals for carrying their own flags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine that coming from those scum-sucking hog Jews?

Unless they don't cut all that buillshit out and apologize to all the people of Palestine and leave Al Aqsa Masjid completely they don't belong having security there it's a Muslim and Palestinian Masjid what are a bunch of derelict Jews doing running security there? Go figure that out?

Then we can tell this guy who's fascinated by the F-15 like we said before, unless they come with:
- 500 JDAM kits
- 1000 AIM-120C-7s
- 500 AIM-9X
- 1.500 JSOW cms
- Every aircraft (assuming 20 or 24 cheap bastards) every one of them carries the AN/APG-82 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar and NOTHING LESS!!!!!

And they don't tell us where to fly them with and they CERTAINLHY DON'T EVER TELL US WHICH AIRPORTS TO HOUSE THEM IN, ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MINDS CRAZY?!??!!?!??!???!??!?!?

It none of those demands are met. they can go to the seventh hell of Iblis and NEVER have any relationships with them and bring on CAATSA! Let's see how far you get with the Saudy Arabia and the UAE whom have already given up on you and your outrageous conditions and half of African allies of Egypt we don't know the bunch of assholes that we are, are waiting so long to slap our hands on the table. Tell them to keep their lousy $1.3 billion we don't want a penny of it and NEVER speak to us of human rights again. Many more Rafales, Typhoons and break out the Su-35SEGYPT you bithces on a power trip!

I'm fed up with everything and please fellas, don't try to cool me down I've been around for a LOOOOOOOOOOOG effing time and seen how they've treated us because (partly because we're freebie hungry bitches) but mostly because of that shithole next door. Enough is enough. CHINA, here we come see how you feel about that you controlling American freakazoids.
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Tactical Report is always looking for excitement and considers any talks or offers from any country as a deal and does not have credibility

Egypt generally does not buy used fighters since 2004
But the Chinese offer may be related to naval attack aircraft to support the Egyptian navy as a low cost platform

The JH-7A is armed with a series of missiles and ammunition, and it is a platform for the following ammunition:


Thus, it may be a deal to pass the purchase of large quantities of ammunition that Egypt is interested in Like the PL-15

View attachment 907096

Tactical Report is always looking for excitement and considers any talks or offers from any country as a deal and does not have credibility

Egypt generally does not buy used fighters since 2004
But the Chinese offer may be related to naval attack aircraft to support the Egyptian navy as a low cost platform
View attachment 907097

The JH-7A is armed with a series of missiles and ammunition, and it is a platform for the following ammunition:
View attachment 907098

Thus, it may be a deal to pass the purchase of large quantities of ammunition that Egypt is interested in Like the PL-15

View attachment 907099
That's why I don't trust Tactical Report that much. We don't need a bomber in our inventory. I prefer much a multirole- fighters who can carry anti-ship missiles.
That's why I don't trust Tactical Report that much. We don't need a bomber in our inventory. I prefer much a multirole- fighters who can carry anti-ship missiles.

The JH-7A

is a light bomber aircraft, and its price will not exceed 30 million dollars after development. It has a range that allows it to strike targets in Ethiopia, for example, without refueling.
In addition to what was shown of part of its ammunition and the possibility of developing it, whether for another improved version of the engine with a capacity of more than 22,000 pounds, or even reducing the weight of the aircraft by replacing the avionics with newer ones of less weight, which increases the volume of internal fuel and raises the performance of the aircraft


It was easy to integrate the latest Chinese cruise missiles, and he did not know about the level of the radar, which is most likely to be parallel to the radar of the J-10C plane.

The offer may have some attractiveness to study, especially with the high prices of planes in general



  • CM-401.jpg
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That's why I don't trust Tactical Report that much. We don't need a bomber in our inventory. I prefer much a multirole- fighters who can carry anti-ship missiles.
Pretty interesting!

The newer JH-7A airframe is lighter and stronger than that of the original JH-7 variant, giving the JH-7A model a maximum armament load of 9000 kg, compared to the Sukhoi Su-24 and Su-30 at 8000 kg and the General Dynamics F-111 at 11,000 kg. As it is lighter and less complex than the variable geometry wing Su-24 and F-111 or the multi-role Su-30, the JH-7 is considerably cheaper to produce and operate. Although it does not have the air-to-air performance of the Su-30, its range is greater. The JH-7 in PLAAF service has no significant aerial combat role, since large quantities of specialized aircraft are available for that purpose. The JH-7/A represents a significant strike capability for the PLANAF and its load capacity allows the aircraft to carry 2 (JH-7) or 4 (JH-7A) domestically-made YJ-82 anti-ship missiles in maritime strike operations. It can also be armed with infra-red homing air-to-air missiles such as the PL-5. Internal armament comprises a single 23mm twin-barrel GSh-23L auto-cannon.

Electronic attack
A photograph which has recently appeared on the Internet shows Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army Naval Air Force Xian JH-7A 81667 carrying what are believed to be some form of electronic attack pods similar to those used on the EA-6B Prowler and E/A-18G Growler. This aircraft is from the 6th Naval Air Division/16th Fighter-Bomber Air Regiment at Shanghai-Dachang. There have been a number of reports recently from Chinese sources that the JH-7A had been selected for development as an electronic attack platform and this photograph appears to confirm that development is underway.


Having studied British naval losses in the Falkland War caused by anti-ship missiles fired by Super Etendard attack jets, the PLA Naval Airforce decided to adopt the bomber into a dedicated maritime strike platform lugging large anti-ship missiles linked to Type 243 radar capable of detecting large warships over one hundred miles ahead.

The Flying Leopard has two cards it can play to carry its weight in modern warfare. The first comes in the form of the four KD-88 or YJ-83 subsonic anti-ship missiles it can carry underwing that can attack ships over 100 miles away, using an active radar-seeker to home in on the terminal phase. This means it doesn’t have to penetrate too deep into an air defense umbrella to accomplish its mission.. China has also been developing a supersonic YJ-12 anti-ship missile, which it claims the JH-7 will carry. This would prove much more difficult to defend against than the YJ-83, as it would be able to race up to four times the speed of sound and attack vessels up to 250 miles away.

The second lies in the use of powerful KG600 jamming pods to suppress the radars on board enemy warships, decreasing detection range and accuracy. These could not only help a JH-7 evade interception, but increase the likelihood of its missiles piercing the multiple layers of defenses possessed by modern warships.

The jamming pods are often coupled with LD-10 and YJ-91 anti-radiation missile designed to home in on radars from up to sixty miles away, making such jets a nasty threat for air-defense vessels. Some JH-7s have also been seen carrying sensor pods designed to spy on enemy signals (ELINT).
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