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Egyptian Armed Forces

@The SC i agree with ghostkiller, jh7a isn't needed in the airforce since there are alot of better aircraft for the job, namely f16 block 40/52, mirage 2000 and rafale which is the best in multiple capability roles. I see tegas as better then jh7a just for the tot and manufacture capabilities
Are you sure? you didn't get the Tupelov-16, a strategic bomber armed with cruise missiles?
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TU-16 with its Kelt missiles that had the range of a pig farm. We used them in Sinai and destroyed many of your pig tank columns. See, even a modern day Russian Israeli want's Egypt to ONLY have defensive weapons.

Think about it for a minute, gentlemen, before the arrival of the Rafale, did we have a single potent offensive fighter? Oh let's say like an F-15 from the 70's or 80's etc.? NOPE, NEVER and that is why the US and the zios are losing their minds over the Su-35SE. They want to keep us down like slaves but the chains are breaking as we speak.

Sadat was an average military man, but he was NEVER to run that war, Shazly was the one to do it and he would have had the one-eyed bandit crying rivers of tears after that super arrogant stint he made with the BBC a few years prior hahahahaha. That was one of the BEST interviews of a land thieving zionist pig breaking down forced to call the Egyptians a true fighting force. Just cuz they caught us by surprise in 1967 really got his idiot head.

Shazly knew very well that our air force was no match to the thieving zionist with our MiG-21s with barely 20 minutes in afterburner. Sukhoi-7 and MiG-17 against F-4 E Phantom IIs, Mirage 5 they called Neshers to avoid sanctions from a bad deal with France and A-4 Skyhawks hahahaha just to escort any bomber. He knew very well that even with Backfires we would lose valuable bomber pilots but still couldn't convince the stubborn Sadat. And he was right, to a certain etentt Imagine all the pregnant Israeli women runin around with dnagly ear curls in their tummies petrified to hell because and Egyptian bomber has reached them and who knows what it's about to drop. But Russian knew this would start a big time war with the USA and they just never had any better fighters.

Shazly was a TRUE MILITARY GENIUS unlike that phony one-eyed bandit scumbag. was a true military genius and Sadat, as great a man as he was too proud to take Shazly's words on several occasions, the main one was to send a squad of sagger heros to stop the thieves in their place, that would've been golden!

Sadat wanted the Tu-22 Backfire even just to scare the crap out of you Israelis and not necessarily kill a bunch of innocent civilians like you do today on a daily basis. Something that can fly at Mach 1.8 and roar over the skies of Tel aviv like your filthy air force used to send F-15s at Mach 1.6 right over Cairo just to scare us but mostly to test out air defenses near the capital. But unless you dropper a single filthy snotty napkin, you were neve going to find out where those were hidden.

Sadat wanted to give you a taste of your own filthy medicine with the faster and much longer ranged Backfire, but the Russians refused.
So, my main point to all the other Arab fellas on thread is that the Russians did have a certain compassion for the thieving scum yet they gave us just enough weapons to DEFEND ourselves which is still the mantra today that we need to change strongly, Sissi seems to be the only one who really cares about doing that. So maybe it is time to try the Chinese who won't fear us as scummy and vengeful people who respect peace treaties etc, Hey, the Russians had the 30 Sju-35SEs already built but I think that has a lot to do with $$$$ that they're running out of instead of principles. The principles would be if it does happen, whether they would sell us the super deadly R37M. That will determine whether they care about blowing up Israeli AWACs (WHICH WE'RE NOT EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT INTERESTED IN DOING UNBELIEVABLE) we just want the capability in case something like that pops up and we have the munition to do the job instead of looking and seeing we're not wearing any underwear plus be able to destroy other attackers not just the zionitst thieves.

But the SOB US foreign policy has made sure they put the kiobache on that for now. Man frig CAATSA and start using some of that extra money coming in from private firms to improve the economy.

What does CAATSA entail exactly? Anyone know? Is it strictly military or economical? If it's strictly military and that they would immediately withdraw the $1.3$ billion in military aid bribing they've been bribing us ;like losers for probalby leally cheack money because we're such self-serving losers with no pride to dpo the right thing. Sorry if this hurts any of my Egyptian brothers but it's the truth and I already know @sami_1 agrees with me to a certain extent, BUT, if any of you other fellas think I'm wrong, just tell me politely tell me and we can have a civil discussion about it 0/1110 years I say keep and shove it where the sun don't shine!!!! We need to be freed from those shackles of modern-day slavery it's pathetic! Is it strit

If it would involve the latter, that is a serious breach of human violation and should be IMMEDIATELY taken to international court and teach those bastards a lesson. Get a petition signed by an entire group of probably 90+ countries the US is pulling this illegal crap on and put an end to it once and for all and tell them to back away from our business. If they want to end our ability to fly the C-16s, tell them to take them with them. We don't want then anymore since you even limit the radar's capability! What kind of an ally disrespects another one who has fiercely committed to the peace treaty ? Not a very hard question anyone up for answering without looking it up?

It's been this way since the start of recorded history. the strong hold down the weak for their interests until the weal revolt and put an end to the vile and filthy thieving dishonestly.

It would've been the easiest defeat in the world t blow up that leaking POS Demona and watch 3/4 of Israe in the dark and really stick it to her take up until that cow got on her knees and begged and sued for peace which would have INCUDED Jerusalem!
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TU-16 with its Kelt missiles that had the range of a pig farm. We used them in Sinai and destroyed many of your pig tank columns. See, even a modern day Russian Israeli want's Egypt to ONLY have defensive weapons.

Think about it for a minute, gentlemen, before the arrival of the Rafale, did we have a single potent offensive fighter? Oh let's say like an F-15 from the 70's or 80's etc.? NOPE, NEVER and that is why the US and the zios are losing their minds over the Su-35SE. They want to keep us down like slaves but the chains are breaking as we speak.

Sadat was an average military man, but he was NEVER to run that war, Shazly was the one to do it and he would have had the one-eyed bandit crying rivers of tears after that super arrogant stint he made with the BBC a few years prior hahahahaha. That was one of the BEST interviews of a land thieving zionist pig breaking down forced to call the Egyptians a true fighting force. Just cuz they caught us by surprise in 1967 really got his idiot head.

Shazly knew very well that our air force was no match to the thieving zionist with our MiG-21s with barely 20 minutes in afterburner. Sukhoi-7 and MiG-17 against F-4 E Phantom IIs, Mirage 5 they called Neshers to avoid sanctions from a bad deal with France and A-4 Skyhawks hahahaha just to escort any bomber. He knew very well that even with Backfires we would lose valuable bomber pilots but still couldn't convince the stubborn Sadat.

He was a true military genius and Sadat, as great a man as he was too proud to take Shazly's words on several occasions, the main one was to send a squad of sagger heros to stop the thieves in their place, that would've been golden!

Sadat wanted the Tu-22 Backfire even just to scare the crap out of you Israelis and not necessarily kill a bunch of innocent civilians like you do today on a daily basis. Something that can fly at Mach 1.8 and roar over the skies of Tel aviv like your filthy air force used to send F-15s at Mach 1.6 right over Cairo just to scare us but mostly to test out air defenses near the capital. But unless you dropper a single filthy snotty napkin, you were neve going to find out where those were hidden.

Sadat wanted to give you a taste of your own filthy medicine with the faster and much longer ranged Backfire, but the Russians refused.
So, my main point to all the other Arab fellas on thread is that the Russians did have a certain compassion for the thieving scum yet they gave us just enough weapons to DEFEND ourselves which is still the mantra today that we need to change strongly, Sissi seems to be the only one who really cares about doing that. So maybe it is time to try the Chinese who won't fear us as scummy and vengeful people who respect peace treaties etc, Hey, the Russians had the 30 Sju-35SEs already built but I think that has a lot to do with $$$$ that they're running out of instead of principles. The principles would be if it does happen, whether they would sell us the super deadly R37M. That will determine whether they care about blowing up Israeli AWACs (WHICH WE'RE NOT EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT INTERESTED IN DOING UNBELIEVABLE) we just want the capability in case something like that pops up and we have the munition to do the job instead of looking and seeing we're not wearing any underwear plus be able to destroy other attackers not just the zionitst thieves.

But the SOB US foreign policy has made sure they put the kiobache on that for now. Man frig CAATSA and start using some of that extra money coming in from private firms to improve the economy.

What does CAATSA entail exactly? Anyone know? Is it strictly military or economical? If it's strictly military and that they would immediately withdraw the $1.3$ billion in military aid bribing they've been bribing us ;like losers for probalby leally cheack money because we're such self-serving losers with no pride to dpo the right thing. Sorry if this hurts any of my Egyptian brothers but it's the truth and I already know @sami_1 agrees with me to a certain extent, BUT, if any of you other fellas think I'm wrong, just tell me politely tell me and we can have a civil discussion about it 0/1110 years I say keep and shove it where the sun don't shine!!!! We need to be freed from those shackles of modern-day slavery it's pathetic! Is it strit

If it would involve the latter, that is a serious breach of human violation and should be IMMEDIATELY taken to international court and teach those bastards a lesson. Get a petition signed by an entire group of probably 90+ countries the US is pulling this illegal crap on and put an end to it once and for all and tell them to back away from our business. If they want to end our ability to fly the C-16s, tell them to take them with them. We don't want then anymore since you even limit the radar's capability! What kind of an ally disrespects another one who has fiercely committed to the peace treaty ? Not a very hard question anyone up for answering without looking it up?

It's been this way since the start of recorded history. the strong hold down the weak for their interests until the weal revolt and put an end to the vile and filthy thieving dishonestly.
200km range in 1967 is "range of a pigfarm"? Lol, you had better and more weapons yet we still kicked yours ***.

Who cares about your Su-35? Stands no chance against our 4th generation aircraft, let alone our F-35s.

I don't know dude, Vietnamese guys with MiG-21s and MiG-17s fared well better against American F-4 Phantoms than you did against ours. Nesher didn't participate in any war against you, the French embargoed us and didn't send us our Mirage Vs.

Military genius? I guess getting a whole army encircled and crying to Brezhnev to stop the war counts as a military genius.

I don't know what the hell you're talking about in the other 90% of your comment.
F-16s can only go 20 minutes with full afterburner as well, what's your point lol?
You are still so terrified of the Egyptian army that you object to any Egyptian arming
Go cry far away because I can bring you all the fear that your leaders obsess about🤣
TU-16 with its Kelt missiles that had the range of a pig farm. We used them in Sinai and destroyed many of your pig tank columns. See, even a modern day Russian Israeli want's Egypt to ONLY have defensive weapons.

Think about it for a minute, gentlemen, before the arrival of the Rafale, did we have a single potent offensive fighter? Oh let's say like an F-15 from the 70's or 80's etc.? NOPE, NEVER and that is why the US and the zios are losing their minds over the Su-35SE. They want to keep us down like slaves but the chains are breaking as we speak.

Sadat was an average military man, but he was NEVER to run that war, Shazly was the one to do it and he would have had the one-eyed bandit crying rivers of tears after that super arrogant stint he made with the BBC a few years prior hahahahaha. That was one of the BEST interviews of a land thieving zionist pig breaking down forced to call the Egyptians a true fighting force. Just cuz they caught us by surprise in 1967 really got his idiot head.

Shazly knew very well that our air force was no match to the thieving zionist with our MiG-21s with barely 20 minutes in afterburner. Sukhoi-7 and MiG-17 against F-4 E Phantom IIs, Mirage 5 they called Neshers to avoid sanctions from a bad deal with France and A-4 Skyhawks hahahaha just to escort any bomber. He knew very well that even with Backfires we would lose valuable bomber pilots but still couldn't convince the stubborn Sadat. And he was right, to a certain etentt Imagine all the pregnant Israeli women runin around with dnagly ear curls in their tummies petrified to hell because and Egyptian bomber has reached them and who knows what it's about to drop. But Russian knew this would start a big time war with the USA and they just never had any better fighters.

Shazly was a TRUE MILITARY GENIUS unlike that phony one-eyed bandit scumbag. was a true military genius and Sadat, as great a man as he was too proud to take Shazly's words on several occasions, the main one was to send a squad of sagger heros to stop the thieves in their place, that would've been golden!

Sadat wanted the Tu-22 Backfire even just to scare the crap out of you Israelis and not necessarily kill a bunch of innocent civilians like you do today on a daily basis. Something that can fly at Mach 1.8 and roar over the skies of Tel aviv like your filthy air force used to send F-15s at Mach 1.6 right over Cairo just to scare us but mostly to test out air defenses near the capital. But unless you dropper a single filthy snotty napkin, you were neve going to find out where those were hidden.

Sadat wanted to give you a taste of your own filthy medicine with the faster and much longer ranged Backfire, but the Russians refused.
So, my main point to all the other Arab fellas on thread is that the Russians did have a certain compassion for the thieving scum yet they gave us just enough weapons to DEFEND ourselves which is still the mantra today that we need to change strongly, Sissi seems to be the only one who really cares about doing that. So maybe it is time to try the Chinese who won't fear us as scummy and vengeful people who respect peace treaties etc, Hey, the Russians had the 30 Sju-35SEs already built but I think that has a lot to do with $$$$ that they're running out of instead of principles. The principles would be if it does happen, whether they would sell us the super deadly R37M. That will determine whether they care about blowing up Israeli AWACs (WHICH WE'RE NOT EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST BIT INTERESTED IN DOING UNBELIEVABLE) we just want the capability in case something like that pops up and we have the munition to do the job instead of looking and seeing we're not wearing any underwear plus be able to destroy other attackers not just the zionitst thieves.

But the SOB US foreign policy has made sure they put the kiobache on that for now. Man frig CAATSA and start using some of that extra money coming in from private firms to improve the economy.

What does CAATSA entail exactly? Anyone know? Is it strictly military or economical? If it's strictly military and that they would immediately withdraw the $1.3$ billion in military aid bribing they've been bribing us ;like losers for probalby leally cheack money because we're such self-serving losers with no pride to dpo the right thing. Sorry if this hurts any of my Egyptian brothers but it's the truth and I already know @sami_1 agrees with me to a certain extent, BUT, if any of you other fellas think I'm wrong, just tell me politely tell me and we can have a civil discussion about it 0/1110 years I say keep and shove it where the sun don't shine!!!! We need to be freed from those shackles of modern-day slavery it's pathetic! Is it strit

If it would involve the latter, that is a serious breach of human violation and should be IMMEDIATELY taken to international court and teach those bastards a lesson. Get a petition signed by an entire group of probably 90+ countries the US is pulling this illegal crap on and put an end to it once and for all and tell them to back away from our business. If they want to end our ability to fly the C-16s, tell them to take them with them. We don't want then anymore since you even limit the radar's capability! What kind of an ally disrespects another one who has fiercely committed to the peace treaty ? Not a very hard question anyone up for answering without looking it up?

It's been this way since the start of recorded history. the strong hold down the weak for their interests until the weal revolt and put an end to the vile and filthy thieving dishonestly.

It would've been the easiest defeat in the world t blow up that leaking POS Demona and watch 3/4 of Israe in the dark and really stick it to her take up until that cow got on her knees and begged and sued for peace which would have INCUDED Jerusalem!
tu-22-blind_p2   111.jpg


The main points in previous wars were that the capabilities of the Egyptian Air Force were less than the Israeli ones for reasons related to an American and Russian agreement to calm the situation. The Russians were providing less capable weapons than those provided by the West to the Israelis, but we forget the most important thing.

The main problem was the failed leadership in Egypt since 1952, starting with the hostile policy adopted by the regime against the West and the Arab monarchies, as well as the socialist rub, which is a dilution of rotten communist thought, in addition to the modest level of leadership. The Egyptian private sector, and the result was known, is a series of severe defeats and economic failure until today, because the pattern of leadership continues. The honorable people are still fighting in the private sector in favor of the corruption system linked to the army’s economy. The politician thinks he is the leader of the state of the army, intelligence, and military production. Absolutely they are protected from fighting their corruption in any case

We come to another point, the Russians offered Egypt the TU-22, the first versions, whose capacity did not exceed the capabilities of the TU-16, at a high cost, and Egypt rejected it.
You used to get backward weapons, but a country to this day does not develop education enough to develop scientific research, so Egypt remains a backward country. I will not be convinced because their interests go beyond the Egyptian homeland

The military in Egypt fought against any Egyptian achievement in the field of drones and electronics, even the most insignificant of them, such as receivers for television sets. They set backward policies that serve the interests of the failed military-industrial complex, according to the standards of the amount of attention and spending on it, and giving it the monopoly of the local market without any effort. The problem remains in the management and leadership style that considers To narrow interests for failure. Therefore, we find that the economic crises in Egypt continue, debts escalate, and failure in all development projects. Military fracture and the thought of self-sufficiency lead to dwarfing economies and failure in development. Therefore, continuing to support these economies will lead to cases of complete failure, such as Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, all of them are failed military regimes. The country looks at its narrow interests and against the people, and its end is known. The crises in Egypt are caused by the sleep of the current government, which is desperate for stability and quality with the same policy to spoil the current practice. So, of course, no development occurs.
India left the vast production to the private sector, which gives better results than the government sector.

We come to another point. The CAATSA law does not represent any real problem for Egypt

American aid to Egypt does not represent Egypt's spending on imports for 5 days, i.e. the value of the aid is not worth anything. It is only because the American equipment continues to be in the service of the Egyptian army in return for various services.
American policy in the Middle East is against Arab and Egyptian interests, and America buys the Egyptians for 1,300 million dollars to obtain additional services from Egypt, such as the priority of passage in the Suez Canal, the innocent passage of American planes in Egyptian airspace, not opposing American ambitions in the Gulf, Libya, and Sudan. Another example

The Egyptians will protect American and non-Western interests in the Red Sea and bear the consequences of any wars in the Red Sea using the Egyptian Navy. Therefore, it will provide Egypt with perhaps a number of warships for the Egyptian Navy, free or semi-free, such as the failed LCS, so that Egypt will rehabilitate them and use them as patrol ships in the south of the Red Sea

The Americans gave Egypt a grant of 3 million dollars to study energy production projects such as wind turbines and solar energy, and financing the first 500 million dollars. This is in the interests of the Americans. America considers that one of its main sources of strength is energy and its control over the energy market. Also a blow to the sources of Russian power in the field of energy, which it exports to Europe.
That is, the Egyptian regime provides the Americans with obligations of loyalty and obedience in energy files and the protection of American interests
At the same time, the Americans did not provide anything of value to Egypt. On the contrary, the US dollar and Egypt's attachment to it led to economic crises. It is true that times have increased because the management of monetary policy was not professional. A country relies on bonds and hot money in its monetary policy. The former central bank manager has corruption files, and we demanded a lot to overthrow him, and it was found out that the director of the central bank failed, the case also has suspicions of corruption in general. We leave this point


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Arming with Russia and China

The Russians are now in a bad situation, and therefore any military demands of countries such as Egypt and Algeria are in a stage of being fully welcomed, because their markets are narrowing.
To illustrate a simple example, the Russians did not sell the SU-35 to Iran for a simple reason. There are Saudi threats to the Russians if they sell this plane to Iran.
Simply because the Saudis will, in this case, provide support to Ukraine, whether with Saudi weapons or financial support, so this point was taken into consideration by the Russians.
While Iran sought from the Russians to obtain technologies in the field of weapons for manufacturing inside Iran and expanding the Iranian industrial base, and perhaps the most important thing for Iran is the production of a modern turboprop engine such as the RD-33 in Iran or even the AL-21 and its development in Iran so that Iran can develop Iranian aircraft locally while Iran repairs On avionics flown in from Iran or even unannounced spits from Italy and possibly Turkey

Therefore, the Russians are interested in exporting R-37M missiles to Egypt and even R-77M missiles. Is it in the interest of the Russians to leave the maintenance and development of the MIG-29M aircraft for India, which can simply integrate the AESA radar into the aircraft and provide it with Indian ammunition such as the ASTRA 2 or even the PL-15 tray?
We are still fully convinced that the SU-35 deal is complete with updates on the radar and the aircraft's electronic warfare systems. Also, the deal does not represent a major change in the balance of power in the region, but it is important to Egypt's vital interests. What is the value of 30 aircraft? The actual needs of Egypt are 60-120 aircraft.
Egypt has limitations in arming Western Rafale & EUROFUGHTER fighters
These aircraft have limited armament systems and a very high price, and no price restrictions reduce the volume of what is obtained.

A simple example shows the cost of the European MICA NG & METEOR air-to-air missiles
Between 1.5-2 million euros, if not more, and the strangest failure to counter the dumping of suicide drones and air-to-air missiles, for example, the production lines of the SAHAD-136 aircraft. One line produces 36 aircraft per day.
The AMRAM missiles used in the NSAMS system now cost $1.5 million. Simply put, the IRIS-T air defense missile costs $750,000.
To confront its path, it is worth 20 thousand dollars. When Ukraine announces that it has succeeded in overthrowing all marches, although this is not true, it is economically disastrous, and therefore Orkia and the West lose.
So it requires much less expensive ammunition and this is not available to the West

We come to the most important point. There will be competition between China and America in exporting the F-35 and FC-1
The F-35 is a failed plane, everyone complains about it, and its operating rate is low. Therefore, the Chinese and Koreans overcame this problem in their fighter programs.

Therefore, we hear about Egypt's negotiation over the FC-31 aircraft, mainly related to the replacement of the eighty-seventh installments of the F-16 fighters, 87 aircraft and 20 Mirage-2000 aircraft.
Rafale and Eurofighter deals replace Mirage-5 fighters
Americans, when they feel that countries are ignoring them, change their theory of matters, especially if there is seriousness on the part of countries regarding these points
Global industrial complexes are moving to Asia instead of from Europe and America to China and Asian countries
American and European plans to fight China economically, even with a war of treatments, will fail as usual. The West's attempt to weaken countries and its economic policy to impoverish countries is reflected on them. The Egyptian regime is forced to deal with russia, Chinese, Indians, Europeans and Gulf countries in local currencies. The current solution to postpone the crises of the Egyptian economy and prolong the life of the ruling regime in Egypt is the tendency to adopt a basket of currencies in commercial transactions. Consequently, the need for the dollar decreases and returns to its real value, as it is a currency whose strength is in controlling energy sources and selling oil in dollars, while a currency is not covered with gold, i.e. it is not equal to anything even with the strength of the American economy Debts in the tens of trillions
That is why the Americans found out that many of the outdated or technologically backward regimes, such as:
Hummer vehicles and chassis, American NAVI STAR INTERNATIONAL transport vehicles, and even forced to use the VULCAN cannon, simply because there are alternatives that have less cost and financial value. Would America present LCS ships to Egypt if these ships were really effective or efficient? Of course, no, you only get from America the scum of production. Global

The same thing, the Egyptians sought to develop M1 tanks and M113 armored vehicles. This is the result of the failure of the military leaders to develop local programs with international cooperation in the development of tanks and the production of new tanks with self-capabilities as a result of the weak performance of the leaders as usual.
The tobruk criminals already got a proper beating. They are irrelevant. Tripoli is in charge.
Not criminals. If anything,they're more decent and moderate than the ones in Tripoli. What exactly is Tripoli in charge of? The majority of the country is under HoR control and most of the oilfields as well.
Not criminals. If anything,they're more decent and moderate than the ones in Tripoli. What exactly is Tripoli in charge of? The majority of the country is under HoR control and most of the oilfields as well.

Tripoli is in charge of the majority of the population all legit institutions etc. Benghazi criminals might have the oil but the revenue from all oil sales goes into Libya's government account in Tripoli.

It is over for the french/gulf scheme in Libya. Benghazi criminals were finished on the battlefield.
You are still so terrified of the Egyptian army that you object to any Egyptian arming
Go cry far away because I can bring you all the fear that your leaders obsess about🤣
Oh big and strong Egypt is being dictated by the terrified tiny Israel?

Just saying our record against you is 5 - 0
Oh big and strong Egypt is being dictated by the terrified tiny Israel?

Just saying our record against you is 5 - 0

Why don't you just round it off to 10-0 You filthy thieves saw A huge opportunity to take Sinai with the help of the French and the Brits and Eisenhower made you tuck your filthy and disgusting infested tail like the filthy thieving cowards that you are and the best part was that not only did the French TUCK THEIR TAIL IMMEDIATELY and perform the same embarrassing the walk off the embarrassing shame, but so the did filthy Brits who thought they owned our canal and you see, each has their own motives but yours was the FILTHIESTE, (THE MOST DISGUTONG OF ALL AND SHOWS YOUR TRUE FLITHY CHARACTHCTER WHICH YOU STILL USE TO BEATH Palestinian WOMAN YOU SCUMBAG!!! TRYING TO STEAL OUR LAND JUST LIKE YOU DID AM THEN FIGURING OUT OK, THAT ACT OF SCUMBAG SCUM DIDN'T WORK THEN YOUR FITHY GENERALAS SAT WAIT IT FOR 11 YEARS, THE MINIUTE A GARRISON IS INSTALED ON ONE OF THE ISLANDS IN BAD EL MANDAB AS A REQUEST FROM Saudia ARABIA WHO DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH MEN AT THE THE TIME, THAT WAS ALL THE COWARDLY PRETEXT YOU NEEDED YOU FOR WAR.

THE BLOCKED THE B;OCKED THE BAD EL MANDAB CHANEEL THAT'S AN ACT 0F WAR AMD FUNY HOW WELL PRPAREED YOU SCUMBAGS WERE TO FIGHT SYRIA AND Jordan AND THE SAME TIME. YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE STUPID TRYING TO TELL ME THE tU-16 WITH BARELY THE RANG OF 12 KILO;TERS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA WAS WHAT THESE MILITATY GNIUESES WERE THINKING AND A Russian Jew like you getting pounded in the air of attrition as well as 1973 losing every post on that steaming dung wall we destroyed in hours and remind me since our air force was nowhere near a powerful as yours. how many of your jets littered the Sinai and the Battle of Al Mansoura where before that the SA-2s and 6s were pounding you left and right trying to fly low to evade the main radar......SURPRISE BITCHES!!!!

A lousy garrison of who knows 300 men WTF were they gonna do when one of you r ugly and foltjy ships comes through> YOUR THEFT [PLAN WAS CLEAR AS DAY AND THE BEST PART WAS THE ASSWIPE HIDING HIS FACE AS HE ALUTED THE Egyptian COMANDER AND GAVE HIHM YOU FIRTHY START OF SAIVID FLAG.

And the BEATING YOU TOOK in that war in 1973 makes it even sweeter because the taping for the world to see but you never showed them the BEATING YOU TOOK you tried to enforce on us was so absurd you were going to lose your tree lousy generals in 1 hour in Shamel and so what happened then, you tucked your fithy disgusting infested with live l tails between your legs and did a 2nd WALK OF SHAME HAHAHHA.



Remind me how many F-4 and !4 and Neshsers littered Sinai and the Delta after th battle of al Mansoura destroyed 17 of your 50 or so newly provided Amercian Jets and Nixon was like WHAt!

Ho many of your 3 types littered the Egyptian desert and Delta and you STOPPED cutting through there like the asses you were. That shut you down in a heart beat, 5-0 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH clown.

This is what Sadat wanted and the Russian refused because they knew there would he a lot pof deat Russian jews in that shihole.


What about all the Egyptians that died from the penetration of the filthy jews aircraft? That's ok, thought, they're only Arabs and Muslims who cares those MFs, Thank GOD things are changing for the better and the BEST part is that there might be a cold peace, but we can't stand then scum lying land thieving Palesxtinianat wman beaters. SCUMBAGS.

Just imagine, fellas, had Egypt ony had 5 of these.
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Why don't you just round it off to 10-0 You filthy thieves saw A huge opportunity to take Sinai with the help of the French and the Brits and Eisenhower made you tuck your filthy and disgusting infested tail like the filthy thieving cowards that you are and the best part was that not only did the French TUCK THEIR TAIL IMMEDIATELY and perform the same embarrassing the walk off the embarrassing shame, but so the did filthy Brits who thought they owned our canal and you see, each has their own motives but yours was the FILTHIESTE, (THE MOST DISGUTONG OF ALL AND SHOWS YOUR TRUE FLITHY CHARACTHCTER WHICH YOU STILL USE TO BEATH Palestinian WOMAN YOU SCUMBAG!!! TRYING TO STEAL OUR LAND JUST LIKE YOU DID AM THEN FIGURING OUT OK, THAT ACT OF SCUMBAG SCUM DIDN'T WORK THEN YOUR FITHY GENERALAS SAT WAIT IT FOR 11 YEARS, THE MINIUTE A GARRISON IS INSTALED ON ONE OF THE ISLANDS IN BAD EL MANDAB AS A REQUEST FROM Saudia ARABIA WHO DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH MEN AT THE THE TIME, THAT WAS ALL THE COWARDLY PRETEXT YOU NEEDED YOU FOR WAR.

THE BLOCKED THE B;OCKED THE BAD EL MANDAB CHANEEL THAT'S AN ACT 0F WAR AMD FUNY HOW WELL PRPAREED YOU SCUMBAGS WERE TO FIGHT SYRIA AND Jordan AND THE SAME TIME. YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE STUPID TRYING TO TELL ME THE tU-16 WITH BARELY THE RANG OF 12 KILO;TERS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA WAS WHAT THESE MILITATY GNIUESES WERE THINKING AND A Russian Jew like you getting pounded in the air of attrition as well as 1973 losing every post on that steaming dung wall we destroyed in hours and remind me since our air force was nowhere near a powerful as yours. how many of your jets littered the Sinai and the Battle of Al Mansoura where before that the SA-2s and 6s were pounding you left and right trying to fly low to evade the main radar......SURPRISE BITCHES!!!!

A lousy garrison of who knows 300 men WTF were they gonna do when one of you r ugly and foltjy ships comes through> YOUR THEFT [PLAN WAS CLEAR AS DAY AND THE BEST PART WAS THE ASSWIPE HIDING HIS FACE AS HE ALUTED THE Egyptian COMANDER AND GAVE HIHM YOU FIRTHY START OF SAIVID FLAG.

And the BEATING YOU TOOK in that war in 1973 makes it even sweeter because the taping for the world to see but you never showed them the BEATING YOU TOOK you tried to enforce on us was so absurd you were going to lose your tree lousy generals in 1 hour in Shamel and so what happened then, you tucked your fithy disgusting infested with live l tails between your legs and did a 2nd WALK OF SHAME HAHAHHA.



Remind me how many F-4 and !4 and Neshsers littered Sinai and the Delta after th battle of al Mansoura destroyed 17 of your 50 or so newly provided Amercian Jets and Nixon was like WHAt!

Ho many of your 3 types littered the Egyptian desert and Delta and you STOPPED cutting through there like the asses you were. That shut you down in a heart beat, 5-0 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH clown.

This is what Sadat wanted and the Russian refused because they knew there would he a lot pof deat Russian jews in that shihole.


What about all the Egyptians that died from the penetration of the filthy jews aircraft? That's ok, thought, they're only Arabs and Muslims who cares those MFs, Thank GOD things are changing for the better and the BEST part is that there might be a cold peace, but we can't stand then scum lying land thieving Palesxtinianat wman beaters. SCUMBAGS.

Just imagine, fellas, had Egypt ony had 5 of these.
I don't know what dimension you're talking about, in this dimension Egyptians were humiliated virtually in every engagement with Israel

The main reason for supplying Egypt with the USS Freedom LCS-1
Egypt assumes command of the joint international force in the Red Sea to protect American and Gulf interests. Instead of America being present at a higher cost and losses in the event of clashes, another country assumes responsibility for some of the used ships used in these tasks.
A profitable deal for the Americans, they find someone to protect their interests at a low cost and implement their agenda through the Egyptian Navy
Oh big and strong Egypt is being dictated by the terrified tiny Israel?

Just saying our record against you is 5 - 0
A short while ago, we put two F-15 fighters and an Egyptian plane into your airspace. Your problem is that you brag a lot and cry a lot to your mother.
Go and change your diaper, and if you want me to show you crying, your flags are now crying from the development of the port of Arish

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