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Egyptian Armed Forces

I think he was talking about a known youtuber that I send always about Egypt. The youtuber, that he was criticizing, made a video about our SU-35.

If you don't have a quarrel with Israel then don't tell us what to and what not to do. To show your ignorance, we didn't start the attack when East Jerusalem was taken by Israel. The Israelis are the ones who started the war. As if Jordan doesn't recognize Israel also.

Just another hater of Egypt for some strange reasons. Why a Pakistani kid born in 1992 who has absolutely 0 history of the Arab/Israeli wars stick his boogers in here is an absolutely strange phenomenon. And the lack of moderatorship that has been quite visibly active and present on excellent forums is obviously having its own issues since they haven't done jack crap about anything going on here.

And @LeGenD , the next time you accuse me of starting some beef with a totally useless Turk who actually CAME HERE FIRT AND THREW DIRT AND started trouble, at least have the decency as a moderator and find out why someone who despises the Turks and NEVER go to their fantasy forums would say something like that whatever is was I forget. Allow me the respect I think I deserve you thought I starter the crap. I've said it a million times before, don't care about that country and especially the dog that leads it who called our president MUCH worst things and now he's shaking his hands and wants to be friends, Show some manhood and explain why you thought I started the idiocy on the Turkish thread. I couldn't care less what those plastic builders and cad drawers do and I certainly don't care about being banned from this forum. Packsword already threatened me over ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and when I went to get some explanation, he cowered and didn't answer me and made sure I couldn't reach him. It has all to do with the Pakistani favoritism of Turkey and hatred of Egypt! Don't mind that childish behavior whatsoever, Fellas, if this gets me banned, it's been nice knowing you. Tahya Misr.
I sympathize with you, sir
They talk to us about honor and they are the biggest whores of the Islamic world
They want us to fight Israel, and they are the first to run and will not offer anything, but it is possible that they condemn Egypt
They come to us from places of sanitation and claim idealism and they are homosexuals among themselves

Whoever wants to fight Israel, let him bring his army to Sinai, and we will give him all support
And we will see what his army will do, and he will be the great conqueror, and we will also fall under his feet
Logos and Blablablablabla
Why do all this leave Egypt and do it? Glory to Muslims
We want to discuss military matters, we are not required to change diapers to children who come to us with empty words.

Recognize Israel or not, it is not a problem
If you want to fight, come, but you are cowardly from all this except from this country or another country that claims to be Salah al-Din this covenant and is practicing forbidden love with Israel
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5 weapons possessed by the Egyptian army confuse all enemies and terrorize anyone who tries to approach..


Egypt to upgrade its Rafale fleet


The Egyptian Air Force (EAF) Rafale fleet will reportedly receive hardware and software upgrades.
Dassault Aviation representatives are said to have visited Egypt for this purpose.

What, it took them to watch an air force that fought 4 wars and has a history of 80 years (it was flying biplanes when they first came out) and yeah we lost a lot of AC to the Jews who had better training, money, and in the end especially better support and intel. But the last battle was so lopsided in the EAF's favor they somehow forget that I guess.

Upgrade what, the wheel rubber?

These were ordered by Qatar almost immediately after we ordered ours but because we could only pay the deposit and needed bank financing, they skimmped on the F3R and gave us only the F3 so we couldn't use the missiles anyway until we could pay for the upgrade. Obviously with all the additional military ships, G2A systems and so much more we bought, that opened their eyes completely yet still no upgrade until this article bt @Ghostkiller which hopefully they will list the entire list of upgrades so we know if it's included because guess what, when you have all the money in the world from the start, not only do you get the R-27EA (which I have no idea how the French pulled that one off or the Qataris went straight to the Russians), but you get the F3R+++ any missile you want.

Like I showed the other pic before.


A complete A2A package except tht 2 front meteors which they might not have wanted to install but just goes to show you, it's politics, HR but mostly $$$$$$$$$.

I hope you get it! All these years the Americans weren't giving you any real BVR,now you will get the best in the world!

Which ones are you referring to, bro? The Chinese ones?

Then why we did get the first Rafale in the approximately 6 month or one year after signing the deal something like

??? Your guess is as good as mine but I think you're quite smart to figure it out on your own.

The plane has proven its worth, but also the efficiency of the R-37M ton missile in the longest success of an air-to-air missile that exceeded 200 km

This is the first time I've seen them carry a pair of R-27EAs on the belly fuselage. Interesting since they must fire the rear one first for obvious reasons. They carry such a great payload because they have the best internal fuel system where they never need to carry wet bags. Ever see them carry any fuel tanks? This is why we cannot be strong-armed by those cows who know nothing except "must protect Israel at all cost" yet they forget all the arrangements we have with them. Unbelievable. It's that couple more with how the US wants to destroy Russia's military economy.

Your president is such a hypocrite, he said he would never meet nor handshake with a "dictator" like Sisi, yet here he is doing the opposite of what he said. I would never trust a person who pretends to have principles just to gain popularity among the masses. I honestly don't want our country to have any form of relations with this hypocrite regime.

100% in agreement with you.


You misunderstood my statement. You need to calm down.

Not sure how I misunderstood it. You said I started it but like I told you, I never go there until he either tagged me with the most ROYAL BULL S and I responded. That;s not starting it, that's ending it.e,

BTW I am calm. This is how I express my frustration. Anger is a whole other side I never like to show. Some posts are answered in a rough manner becasue what was said was the ultimate in insulting stupidity, Technical aspects are much milder.

@Gomig-21 @The SC talking about the F-15 SU-35 saga?

I thought you were getting Meteor
Some rumors saying that we are trying to get Chinese BVR missiles to mount them on aircrafts but those rumors you must take it with a pinch of salt because we don't have any aircrafts that carry them unless we buy from an aircraft and huge number of missile to have a local production.
Some rumors saying that we are trying to get Chinese BVR missiles to mount them on aircrafts but those rumors you must take it with a pinch of salt because we don't have any aircrafts that carry them unless we buy from an aircraft and huge number of missile to have a local production.
What about the Mig-29s?
Sorry my good friend, it's not working, Sami. And I love all your post and read every word. You can attach almost anything on a model and in case you didn't notice, that's not really where the meteors are mounted on the Rafale. They have a special pylon for the side of the rear and forward fuselage where they belong, not on outside weapons pylons. So sorry but that model is hocus-pocus. Plus, there should be 2 more on the front. Maybe they are on the fuselage, and I just can't see that well.

The only time I have seen a meteor attached on an underwing pylon where a conventional MICA would go is the French NAVY Rafale M. I asked a former pilot why he said if they made the exception in that case he said because just in case the aircraft had to return to the ship with the missiles still attached, it is safer with the pounding of the landing that if it's dislodges, then it doesn't only have the potential to explode under the AC, but it could take out the rear carriage landing gear and cause a major disaster by smashing into the other AC on the deck. Look at the intelligence these people work with. Made a ton of sense

This is where they attach the rear pylon for the meteor since it usually carries 4.

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And this is a French AC. IT could have 2 more on the front portion of the aircraft but it probably already exceeded its payload and or didn't need so many long-range missiles.

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Time to bring these out of the hidden ones in the hangers and show the world. no one dictates how we wish to defend ourselves. What audacity,

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Have you or any of you fellas saw the tweet I posted just a couple of months ago with the Qatari Rafales flying with ALL $ METEROS mounted on them? I'm sure you have and please tell me that does not IRK you or make you EXTREMELY MAD they have received their Rafales very shortly after we ordered ours and we haven't even smelled one ,METEOR YET? Are we being told the Rafales that were being delivered to Qatar were already F3Rs and that ours were not? Or was it about the money and the negotiations?

If that doesn't disgust you and make you really mad, you're not very passionate about what they are doing to us. These are going to be simply higher level of the F-16 ya gama3a,

Sorry my friend, I don't mean to give you a hard time, but that is the epitome of public consumption.

I looked for the QTARI Rafale pic for 2 hours but gave up. I wanted to show it to you again but I can't spend that much time and I'm sure many of you remember it anyway. The USUAL is happening again, If the next 30 start showing up with real meteors and not some fakos to please the treachery next door, I'll take it all back and rip the contract spit on it and burn it.

Think of this - how long has the EAF had its full complement of 24 Rafales? 5 years? I read on a French forum where there were some pretty knowledgeable guys that said it takes 35 minutes to upgrade the software and another 30 minutes for exterior odds and ends to upgrade the F3 to F3R. They knew exactly why those missiles weren't included people aren't stupid. They even presented a video of one of the Dassault dweeb reps who said we couldn't issue the missiles because of the treacherous entity next door. Does that anger any of you like it does me?

If it doesn't. I won't mention it again.

Sorry again, I know I am a bit older than all of you and that means I have seen this load of crap time and time again MANY MORE TIMES THAN ANY OF YOU YOUNGLINGS and I don't mean that disrespectfully. I mean I have a lot of experience with the way this BS is handled and it aggravates me much more than any of you young men.

The MICA NG? Are you serious? They won't even perform a 1-hour upgrade on the current 24 Rafales to give us the crappy regular meteor and you think the will give us the MICA NG which is supposed to be all and be all? Wow, I wish I was as optimistic as you fellas.

As the meteor is expensive, we don't need that many, it's MUCH more about the respect than anything to do with the missile since we all know we're not firing that missile in anger on anyone any time soon.

Now I am going to put you on the spot respectfully, where did you hear that the new 30 Rafales will be equipped with the meteor? Please tell me because I read the ENTIRE supply sheet from Dassault itself and NOTHING, not one iota of the meteor was mentioned so please give us a source for that otherwise it becomes hard to believe much of what you say until we actually see it. Don't forget, I'll remind you all, Qatar has meteors, Saudi has them, UAE will most certainly get them, and India got their MICAs AND METEORS AND HAMMERS WAY BEFORE the FULLY equipped with 36 jets showed up. when does that EVER happen? think about that for a minute. NEVER!!! We're just the used scum of the earth and I really hope Italy doesn't treat us that way or we defy the US with that BS CAATSA IMIATIDIATELY.

Sweet. Need to ask India how they circumvented CAATSA. so we start flying these all over the place.

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The mega beauty ships of the ENS. Oh look, you can actually see the 32 VLS on the MEKO!!!! lmaoooooooo!

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The most gorgeous & lethal frigate when the current 2 become 6 and the EN will want to order a batch of the newer generation, but what a beast, Yeah, come on, bring it!

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Oh wait a minute!!!!!! What do I see there at the VLS launchers @The SC ? Oh, those are 32 launchers for both, Aster 15 &30!!!!! Who was the nitwit who came here on our Egyptian 6thread where we strictly mind our own business and talk about the AMAZING modernization happening to our air force and especially the super navy and because we have found even more gas in our EEZ than Zohr gas field which is the largest gas field in the Mediterranean which makes Egypt even richer in that natural resource than before and who knows what other fields will or could be discovered. So it is important to distinguish how much of these profits will benefit the infrastructure and human development for Egyptians in general and how much will the army hog for itself to purchase more of these fancy ships and jets; Then we got this Turkish dude who is so jealous and can't help himself and @The SC , sometimes it's best to ignote, but when there are a lot of haters around who would easily believe such a terrible individual, then it must be taken care of.l

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I beleive this was during the return back to Egypt from Italu after indtslling new non-NATO EWC and Comms systems separate from what the Italians use with other NATO nations because of out relationship with Russia. As good as it is, it does have its drawbacks but for the sake of having much more options, I certainly prefer a good and solid relationship with Russia. Just lets end this was in the Ukraine and lets get back to the regular stuff.

Oh and mess with me and you will understand the definition of ''phathoms" loool,

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MIRAGE-2000 armed with R-73

I know very well that the meteor missiles are shown in the Rafale planes. There are pictures that are not stored with me of an Egyptian model equipped with the Meteor.

It is clear that there is confusion in matters
Upgrading the Rafale will not only be weapons management programs, because it will be of high value, but rather a package of upgrade About a month ago will be F.4 Standerd , there was news about French-Egyptian negotiations to upgrade the Rafale.
Egypt, Greece, India, each of them gets Meteor from France's production share, which contracted. Each country gets 10-20 missiles in principle, but any of them is negotiating a full package of missiles already.
The only one who signed the contract for the Meteor missiles is Qatar, and I still haven't received it yet full order , whether the missiles or the entire French contract for 36 aircraft.
There were Egyptian negotiations on the first order, and the negotiations were over because it amounted to more than 2 billion dollars, including the Meteor missiles, MICA-NG, and SCLAP.
The reason for the delay in the negotiations was Egypt’s desire to set up a local assembly line for one of the missiles in Egypt. Egypt’s next contract for 30 Rafale aircraft was not signed except by liberating Egypt’s request for missiles. and confirmed for small deal 200 million euro The requests for the Meteor missiles include requests from a number of European countries that have not been fully requested. Is there a country that has received all of its requests in Europe? Of course not, because there is a slowdown in the production process, and this has reasons related to reducing the size of the military industrial groups since the end of the Cold War. Now they are trying to increase their capabilities.
Simply do not announce all the deals. Historically, Egypt has multiple deals with France, part of which is not announced, and we will not touch on this point much.


A French tradition used to integrate non-French ammunition on French fighters Whether air to air or air to surface , including Russian in the past

That is, simply the overflow that will end related to a large package of the missile. At the beginning, the negotiation was on 150 Meteor missiles, the current order is 300 missiles.
Also, countries such as India obtained a license to integrate the Meteor missile into the LCA-MK1A plane, and even South Korea is negotiating on the integration of the Meteor missile into the FA-50 and KF-21 aircraft s for the benefit of South Korea and Poland
The issue of the high cost, Europe wants to be assured of Egypt's ability to pay, and Egypt is currently the guarantor of the new gas fields in Port Said and al arish.
While the guarantees of the Rafale deals were for French companies to develop residential and tourist cities in Abu Qir and the northern Delta. When these countries guarantee payment, they supply what they demand. Let us illustrate a very simple example. Europe imposed a kind of ban on ammunition on Saudi Arabia for its war against Yemen. European companies supply ammunition to Saudi Arabia through a portal. South Africa

The story of the Israeli restrictions has no value. Israel is a small country whose doom is inevitably perishing. Europe and America know this perfectly, and Egypt is turning to the Chinese alternative.

Let's illustrate a simple example of Egypt's declaration of interest in the Chinese PL-15E missile
A factor of pressure on the Americans and the Europeans in the two points of armament and weapons prices
The Americans are trying to negotiate with Egypt on new matters, such as Egypt taking over the security of the Red Sea against any Iranian threats, so America will leave the region. The same thing. The Americans want their share of energy production in Egypt, whether oil or gas fields or solar energy and winds. America always thinks that it has control over the world. Through energy, America has lost its pressure cards on Egypt, and negotiations are now on other matters, economic cooperation, passing pending arms deals without
Simply because Egypt has alternatives, so we find that there is a delay in contracting for alternatives such as the KC-390 aircraft and alternatives to the outdated Mi-8/17 aircraft.
CH-47F Therefore, the US Department of Defense is now negotiating with the Egyptian administration over the Egyptian demand, either to meet it or to completely remove America from the Egyptian arms market.
And for the record, it is not linked to relations with the Russians or the Chinese, but whoever offers the best, Egypt will get
Any air force has a number of requirements. Egypt had its main missile, the AIM-7 Sparrow , and the number of missiles that Egypt obtained exceeded 1,300 missiles and 5,000 AIM-9 missiles, both of which are candidates for final exit from service.
Consequently, Egypt needs large numbers of missiles, and this is taken into account by all suppliers

Simply put, the air force will not be for aerobatics, but rather it must be with the well-armed aircraft. This is essential and there is no joke about it, and this is within the contract negotiations from the beginning. If France and Italy did not agree to the Egyptian demand, Egypt would not be hostile to them. There is a difference between some who use what is declared answer...

So when I proposed the Chinese missile derived from the Mica missile as a substitute for the AIM-9 missile, the Americans feared something very important. Egypt, if it did not develop the F-16 through the Mica, would develop it through other countries. The Turks, for example, dream that Egypt would develop the Egyptian F-16 through them, so the Greeks preceded them.
The Greeks were supporting the Iranian Air Force by providing maintenance and overhaul of the C-130 planes and even spare parts for the planes. Iranian F-4 and Mirage-F1

The same thing, the Indians, their UTTAM radar declare that they are better than the capabilities of the APG-83 radar equipped with the F-21. Even the Italians may pass the AESA radar technology to Egypt as part of the major arms deal with Egypt.
Countries are now racing on Quantum radar

So USA will find next year many things from us when relations with Egypt are expected. Indeed, it is expected that American visits will open the Egyptian administrative capital. As initial funding for these projects

The Americans will not object to other Russian systems, as there are rumors about new Russian weapons deliveries to Egypt, including air defense systems believed to be S-400.
To protect the Egyptian nuclear reactors, some did not understand a very important matter, which is the Egyptian-Russian nuclear reactor deal worth 25 billion dollars. The number is exaggerated because it includes not only 4 reactors, but the full fuel cycle and the transfer of technology to Egypt for the second batch of 4 other reactors, including reactors for seawater desalination.

We give other examples of things changing the Su-35 deal
No country will accept that Egypt abandons it in favor of Iran, but it in itself makes everyone insist that Egypt take over. This is in addition to the fact that the plane is inevitable to confront the Turkish, Iranian and Ethiopian threats, in addition to the desires of the Egyptians for a plane that carries ammunition exceeding 1.5 tons for long distances as a basic matter.

Therefore, the issue of the BVR missiles, whether the Meteor or the PL-15E, is settled
And for the record, Egypt was the one that failed any Egyptian-American negotiations Egypt has set impossible conditions like we need F-15EX with AIM-260 in large number and F-35 for replace F-16 BLOCK 15 with low cost ownership to pass SU-35 we not trust an any country for guarantee egpytian national security we also not wait USA for solve GERD DAM we work to destory eithiopia as country and transfer it for civial war to another and remove any development in this country to back it 50 year again


More firepower for LCA! Tejas to be equipped with Meteor-class missiles​


India which has placed the order for 36 Rafale aircraft has also asked for the procurement of Meteor missile with France. The Meteor missile system has never been integrated with an American fighter jet. It has also not been in Pakistan’s and China’s use and the decision to acquire Meteor missile systems for the Indian defence forces could be highly beneficial​

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