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Egyptian Armed Forces

First of all India has no technology to transfer. So there is nothing to talk about in the first place. From every parts of India weapon, they are full of imported sub component. While Chinese weapon from even the screw are all Chinese made. Even the chips in the weapon is a Chinese made chips. Yes, you heard it right.

So we are no afraid or even worry about so called nonsense TOT from India. You want India TOT weapon tech? Go ahead! :enjoy: Your Egypt will still buy made in China weapon even without TOT from China. Becos they dont have much choice.

Technically, Israel is still worry about a strong Egypt and it can clearly seen with Egypt military restricted from receiving several types of weapon from USA or western. Russia weapon is gone case as their export platform are severely affected by western chips ban.

That left Chinese weapon as the only alternate option if Egypt want to release itself from the grasp of Israel. Mind you. India is a good friend of Israel. They see Israel r/s more important than with Egypt.
In the past, Egypt got ToT a lot from China like ballistic missiles etc.. and plus with this visit and a close source said that they are gonna be a lot of ToT from China to Egypt (not just military but also economically etc...).
Heard 17 sukhois are in egypt from a couple of sources, no f15s? Not a problem, america couldnt pull out certain individuals from egypt due to "human rights concerns". Not biden, not sunak. Britains prime ministers are changing faster than iPhone models being produced. One way or another egypt will get em. And didnt biden pledge half a billion dollars to egypt for renewables?
Heard 17 sukhois are in egypt from a couple of sources, no f15s? Not a problem, america couldnt pull out certain individuals from egypt due to "human rights concerns". Not biden, not sunak. Britains prime ministers are changing faster than iPhone models being produced. One way or another egypt will get em. And didnt biden pledge half a billion dollars to egypt for renewables?
Yes he pledged half billion for us.
Those nations have a decent amount of money they can spend for upgrades, also if the egyptian mod is really close to the deal with the pl-15 then its likely to go through. China sells some of its best stuff but is hesitant on tot for some of its tech

China will provide the tot of the PL-15 with the deeper economic/military integration with the Arab nations, since it is one of the best a2a missiles back in 2016.

But right now China got the more advanced PL-21 and PL-17.
China will provide the tot of the PL-15 with the deeper economic/military integration with the Arab nations, since it is one of the best a2a missiles back in 2016.

But right now China got the more advanced PL-21 and PL-17.
I think if we (the Arabs countries like Egypt KSA UAE) want ToT with China for the A2A, it would be logically the PL-15 because China will not give up easily her state of art missile's infos. But still I think those rumors are false that Egypt will buy it. Unless we want a JV which China can help us so we can achieve it.
Enta bet hazzar wala el? I rememnered he enjoyed patches and I thought that was a unique on nephew sent me so I showed it to him. Eh el kalam el btoulo 3al el Que'an el Karim?

Enjoy the photos they will most probably be my last since I went to that MMEE guy's thread and was shown the Egyptiannavy as pathetic again and I told him off as well as the moderators who did nothing to elimnate the insults to Arabs in the thread that @Akasa opened about Medusa excercise and a couple of Pakistanis called us names that we never liberated Jerusalem LOLOLOL where the F were they where we were shedding out grandparents blood fighting for them even losing,we were still fighting until the last was we kicked their bloody a$$ halfway through Sinai and they wanted to keep parts of it and all they got was the middle finger.

So because I stomped on him and told him his pathetic gobble gobble turkleu navy would get SWALLOWED by our Egyptian navy he probably didn't take that well but I warned him to stay the frig out of our only thread where we have our own peace and bother no one, even compliment others so between my lashing out at that MMEE dude, I also let go on the mods who will most certainly ban me for f. I basically called them biased and almost corrupt except @Waztick. Egypt and will only take so much before I respond in kind and I am hardly apologetic about it.

If it happens, you'll never see me again so I wish you all the best in your lives and endeavors especially you @The SC the half Saudi & Egyptian with nothing but excellence things to say about Egypt. Yallah, ma'alena.
Don't bother with those negative minds that all they do is criticizing others.. they are really frustrated..
No one of us or even most moderators will want you to go..
I think if we (the Arabs countries like Egypt KSA UAE) want ToT with China for the A2A, it would be logically the PL-15 because China will not give up easily her state of art missile's infos. But still I think those rumors are false that Egypt will buy it. Unless we want a JV which China can help us so we can achieve it.

We will see, but China will definitely be very generous when it comes to the tot with those closely integrated partners.
We will see, but China will definitely be very generous when it comes to the tot with those closely integrated partners.
Yea I figured, pl 15 is arguably the best for export at least , since pl 17s are going to be mounted state of the art Chinese aircraft like j20s, possibly j10s, and their sukhois. Chinas focus is to reach America's military status. Why wait til the aim 260 becomes a thing? Their leapfroging as soon as they can
Any news about the Serbia Brazil Belarus cooperation? The problem is that still we have the عقدة الخواجة - 3o2det el khawaga. I hope really if we got ToT we can change our defense industry. The other problem : France and China are "enemies" because of USA so will they let us mount them.
Everything is being worked on.. not everything is declared every day, week or month.. it takes the time it has to take.. but they are all solid deals with ToT..

We will see, but China will definitely be very generous when it comes to the tot with those closely integrated partners.
Yes, mostly if many Arab nations like Egypt, KSA, the UAE and many others buy many systems from China.. it will be very profitable for both sides..
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The video you posted speaks of Egypt already buying
The Chinese have a deal not less than a billion dollars in front of them. The missile price for quantities is about 800,000 USD , and Egypt requested more than 1,000 missiles, and perhaps the actual number is 1250-1300. China and India have turned to dual-pulsed solid propellant rocket motors that are less expensive than ramjet-powered Meteor engines.
Egypt requested local manufacturing to reach the original range of the missile, as it is supplied by China. The estimated range of the missile is 145 kilometers, while the figure may reach twice this declared range.
The large deal size of one billion dollars provides funding for China to finance other munitions projects due to the high profits achieved

The Chinese learned their lesson since 2004-2007 when China refused that Egypt manufacture the SD-10 missile locally in exchange for Egypt buying the FC-1 air-to-air missile technician available to the Russians, South Africa, China and India. European companies, therefore, Egypt can repeat the experience, so the Chinese will accept Egyptian requests

The real problem in Egypt is that it has assembled MAGIC-2 / PL-7 missiles in past, but the Egyptians have not developed themselves. In developing any kind of weapons, it is a risk, although they are forced to seek help from local competencies, because they simply do not have the dollar now.

The Egyptians can possess technologies that can be utilized. M-88 / Bradly / M109 hulls are available for armored vehicles derived from their own chassis. The M270 MLARS launcher is based on the Bradley shield chassis. So the problem is that they are addicted to considering themselves backward and are not right for development and purchase, even if that leads to the bankruptcy of the state. The ease of the purchase process Without adding added value and local development, it is the strategic treasure of all the enemies of Egypt, relying on the stupidity of the performance and the lack of competencies of the leaders.
For example, what is their maximum ambition to produce a small robot with reverse engineering, or to reproduce the ASN-209 drone with a new Egyptian name, to improve its capabilities by 25%, to re-produce it, and also to offer it at a very high price, so international customers refuse to buy it, in addition to the lack of international marketing efficiencies. There are countries like Egypt and Turkey that depend on On the limited propaganda, Azerbaijan achieved good fighting results mainly with Israeli drones and Israeli ammunition. The Turks attributed all the achievements of the Israeli drones to themselves and their Muslim Brotherhood gangs were promoting this misleading propaganda until the people believed it, which made the corrupt leaders in the armies of the countries in which they The control of the Brotherhood’s clans over the ruling regimes, such as Malaysia and some African countries. The purchase of Turkish weapons largely relied on misleading propaganda, which paved the way for purchases.

So the Chinese are confident that the maximum that Egypt will do is to produce the missile with a license for some local components, then Egypt will ask the Chinese to develop the missile again, and after 20 or 30 years, Egypt will obtain a license to produce another missile because they know fully that the Egyptian administrative mentality fights any development or local competencies and makes it easier The process of overseas purchasing, which ensures China's massive sales continuously

The Chinese simply know that the Egyptian Air Force has 400-500 fighters, along with 200 training aircraft with limited combat capabilities. This is a huge market for a country like China to control to provide Chinese missiles, in addition to China's success in producing a copy of the French Mica missile.
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And because it can also be produced locally as a short-range missile, and the Egyptian naval units increase it instead of the French missile, especially since Egypt’s purchases of the French MICA missile are much less than the actual needs, so supplying Gowind 2500 corvettes and Meko-200EN frigates. Each launcher needs 4 missiles, in addition to 20 small Corvette missile launchers. Each of them will be equipped with 8 Mica launchers, i.e. the needs through 40 years of service for the Egyptian Navy. Only 1400 MICA missiles. Egypt has bought 200 of them from France only. So far, Egypt may buy another 200. The rest of the quantities are normal for a local or Chinese version to be produced.
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The same thing, another missile. Israel produced the Rampage missile, which has a speed between Mach 3-5, supersonic. The alternative to it is the Chinese missile CM-400AKG. Therefore, Egypt and Saudi Arabia requested it from China. The Israeli missile has a range of 250-300 kilometers. The Chinese missile has a range of 240-400 kilometers. Local manufacturing accepts large-scale orders. Its comparative advantage is low price and lack of strictness in technology transfer. The emergence of a new competitor to China, which is India. It represents competition for the aspirations of China and South Korea, especially since India wants to occupy a center in arms exports, with a plan to reach $5 billion annually in exports in a short period. It opened the way for the Indian private sector, unlike Egypt, which fights honorable people from the private sector, which makes China not miss opportunities to export weapons in large quantities, according to the requests of customers. We illustrate a very simple example
China produced the WING LOONG 3 plane so as not to leave room for a country like Turkey to offer planes like AKANCI UAV by offering what is better than it\

That PL-15 is a heck of a missile. Egypt can get a full package of ToT, that would be something.
You know something, Sami, if the cost is expensive but it is possible to do it and get 1000 missiles, then we do it's not a matter of just cost and setting the budget back a large portion. This is isa weapon of INCREBIDLE potential to have which the US and the silly state next door have done everything to stop Egypt from having something anything of close power and potency.

This might also have to due to the fact that the additional contract for the 30 Rafale is on hold because MBDA is refusing the supplying of the meteor as well as Italy. So screw them both, right? What the hell else are we suppose to do except contract a ToT that produces a 145km missile (husu hush) it's probably twice that range and once it's in Egypt's hands as a full assembly unit, it can change the range without any ITAR regulations,

If that's the case, then let them mount them on the Rafales by asking Sauidy and the UAE to put pressure on the 30 Egyptian orders for Egypt by quitting that BS dillydallying this slight sound
of childish behavior but believe me, these are the way things are done. In this case, the meteor will be automatically included because Dassault will NEVER lose 280 Rafale orders at the behest of Egypt's super powerful friends. I just don't know if there are amendments or even what they call addendums included in these contracts but bet they put them in HUGE POINTS and CLAUSES and not measly little ones, I'm sure they put them in these mega military contracts.

Another full house of cards Egypt has and we hold we hold against the Italians is that forget the 24 Ero Fighters likw @TheSC said was the EAFmight have already used that tactic which is why TR wrote the exact thing/

@Ghostkiller, worst case scebario, we upgrade the Mirag 200s with the PL-15 and it turns into the iincredublehulk after that! lol. No way to lose in this scenario expect for if the funds are not there,

So all will have mega BVR missiles
- Rafaes- Meteors
-Typhjpoon - Metweor
- Mirage -2K PL-15
- Golgen Eagles PL=15
Anyothers :ED
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That PL-15 is a heck of a missile. Egypt can get a full package of ToT, that would be something.
You know something, Sami, if the cost is expensive but it is possible to do it and get 1000 missiles, then we do it's not a matter of just cost and setting the budget back a large portion. This is isa weapon of INCREBIDLE potential to have which the US and the silly state next door have done everything to stop Egypt from having something anything of close power and potency.

This might also have to due to the fact that the additional contract for the 30 Rafale is on hold because MBDA is refusing the supplying of the meteor as well as Italy. So screw them both, right? What the hell else are we suppose to do except contract a ToT that produces a 145km missile (husu hush) it's probably twice that range and once it's in Egypt's hands as a full assembly unit, it can change the range without any ITAR regulations,

If that's the case, then let them mount them on the Rafales by asking Sauidy and the UAE to put pressure on the 30 Egyptian orders for Egypt by quitting that BS dillydallying this slight sound
of childish behavior but believe me, these are the way things are done. In this case, the meteor will be automatically included because Dassault will NEVER lose 280 Rafale orders at the behest of Egypt's super powerful friends. I just don't know if there are amendments or even what they call addendums included in these contracts but bet they put them in HUGE POINTS and CLAUSES and not measly little ones, I'm sure they put them in these mega military contracts.

Another full house of cards Egypt has and we hold we hold against the Italians is that forget the 24 Ero Fighters likw @TheSC said was the EAFmight have already used that tactic which is why TR wrote the exact thing/

@Ghostkiller, worst case scebario, we upgrade the Mirag 200s with the PL-15 and it turns into the iincredublehulk after that! lol. No way to lose in this scenario expect for if the funds are not there,

So all wiii have mega BVR missiles
- Rafaes- Meteors
-Typhjpoon - Metweor
- Mirage -2K PL-15
- Golgen Eagles PL=15
Anyothers :ED
@Gomig-21 I think you are dreaming a little too much hahaha. It is impossible. Only TR said it but nothing else.
Don't bother with those negative minds that all they do is criticizing others.. they are really frustrated..
No one of us or even most moderators will want you to go..

I know, I wrote that rule lol! :D My point that this might teach him a lesson not to come to the Mighty Egyptian Armed Forces thread and start trashing our FREMMs and not just one, the Aquitaine which does currently have 16 VLS but he thinks we're stupid and that was a request by the EN not to add the additional 16 because they had other things in mind, All the other FREMMS which he picked on the Bergamini and MEKO are full loaded in their VLS with either Asster15 and 30s, always a combination of short and long. So he needed to be educated and I never told him not to participate in our thread, just stop using that insult on us "Pathetic" which frankly is quite demeaning that all. Hopefully LeGend took care of the issue.
@Gomig-21 I think you are dreaming a little too much hahaha. It is impossible. Only TR said it but nothing else.

I gave you a TON of reasons yet you only question the validity of TR. Bravo. Gimme more reasonable like I wareaosnable. This postwill not be reasonable so forgiveme in advance habib rohi.

Qatar has the Meteor and we don't?? You don't think that will bE A VERRY LOUD point of contention and the next final meetin with Dassault. the Egyptian commander will stand up and scream you giVe QARTHAT WHICH Barely has enough to fly a lousy 24 Rafales (I bet they don't even understand halff the IA and cockpt fusion system in those aircraft) yet France gives THE meteor) YOU GIVE GREATsAUDIYA WHICHDESERVESTHEM ten time over AND YOU GIVE UAE which also deserves them and you shank us? Why? ISRALE and those fools THAT Are SCARED TO DEATH OF US DESPITE WE HAVE A HUGE PEACE TREAT WITH THEM AND WE GAVE A 1/3 OF OUR SINAI TO THE MFO TO KEEP THE PEACE AND YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THAT?!?!?!?!
iS THAT THE REASON? THEN i TELL YOU WHAT, TAKE YOUR 30 RAFALES AND STICK THEM UP YOUR BUMBUM. Take all MFO peace keeping forces OUT of our land and tear up the peace treaty since you filthy swine have no respect for the and this mega 40 year old treaty shove that up there too) WE DON'T NEED A REPLICA OR OUR F-16 TAKE THEM BACK, INSTEAD WE'RE GOING TO WERE THEY PROBABLY WILL MOSY LIKELY INCLUDE THE METEORS YOU BUNCH OF SCARDY SHIKIN CHICKEN &*&)*u)_*@@ AND WALKAWAY.

These days are over, my friend. AREN'T YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TREATED LIKE A DANGER TO SOCEITY? lIKE A FELLON? a s 2nd hand dangerous criminal? Well, I have and I bet you Millions of other Egyptians feek lthe same exact way.

why do you keep reading me saying enough is enough and even tell the US to go to hell. When we keep being passive all the time and never putting up a strong fight even if it's full of insults (at this point, no one has insulted us more than the US) So you're going to sit with the French or the Italians and beg overpriced ground attack aircraft? That's all they are.

Do you know what a MICA IR or ER range is? I'll tell you while you look it up it's KHARRA and so is the IRIST. They might move around niice and loiter anda fall at 70k,,that's BULLCRAP but we need strong, LONG BVR missiles for ALL our aircraft, Not just one or two.

So tell me why am I dreaming, because we are passiveidiots? Passive morons? I refuse to believe that. I will be happy to sit at theRafal table and the ERPOFIGHTER one. Nal3oun abuhoh elkhaklefuhumkuluhom taking advantage of us like that Allah y'ekhrb behtom wbet abhom!

Those Rafale F-3 should've been upgraded LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago and carryingmeteors right now, not MICAs and HAMMERs. THis is why I an super upset because they are treating us like criminals w'ladl el 3ars!
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I gave you a TON of reasons yet you only question the validity of TR. Bravo. Gimme more reasonable like I wareaosnable. This postwill not be reasonable so forgiveme in advance habib rohi.

Qatar has the Meteor and we don't?? You don't think that will bE A VERRY LOUD point of contention and the next final meetin with Dassault. the Egyptian commander will stand up and scream you giVe QARTHAT WHICH Barely has enough to fly a lousy 24 Rafales (I bet they don't even understand halff the IA and cockpt fusion system in those aircraft) yet France gives THE meteor) YOU GIVE GREATsAUDIYA WHICHDESERVESTHEM ten time over AND YOU GIVE UAE which also deserves them and you shank us? Why? ISRALE and those fools THAT Are SCARED TO DEATH OF US DESPITE WE HAVE A HUGE PEACE TREAT WITH THEM AND WE GAVE A 1/3 OF OUR SINAI TO THE MFO TO KEEP THE PEACE AND YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THAT?!?!?!?!
iS THAT THE REASON? THEN i TELL YOU WHAT, TAKE YOUR 30 RAFALES AND STICK THEM UP YOUR BUMBUM. Take all MFO peace keeping forces OUT of our land and tear up the peace treaty since you filthy swine have no respect for the and this mega 40 year old treaty shove that up there too) WE DON'T NEED A REPLICA OR OUR F-16 TAKE THEM BACK, INSTEAD WE'RE GOING TO WERE THEY PROBABLY WILL MOSY LIKELY INCLUDE THE METEORS YOU BUNCH OF SCARDY SHIKIN CHICKEN &*&)*u)_*@@ AND WALKAWAY.


why do you keep readingme saying enough is enough and even tell the US to goto hell. when they keep see udbeingpassive all the time and never putting up a strong fight even if it's full of insults (at this point, no one has insulted us more than the US) So you'regoing to sit with the FrenchortheItalians and beckforoverpirced ground attack aitcraft? Tbat's allthey are.

Do you know what a MICA IR or ER range is? I;ll tellyou while you look it up,it's KHARRA and so is the IRIST. They mighe move around niv=celyand loiter anda,,that BULLCRAP but we need strongLONG BVR missiles for ALL our aircraft, Not just one or two.

So tell me why am I dreaming, because weare passiveidiots? Passivemorons? I refuse tobelieve that. I will be happy to sit at theRafal table and the ERPOFIGHTER one. Nal3oun abu ok elkhaklefuhumkulukom taking advatabgeif us like that Allahy'ekhrb behtom wbet abhom!
I wish the best for the EAF. But to get the PL-15 mara wahda with ToT something that Pakistan doesn't have. That's why we need our own A2A missiles so one can restrict them on us. But even with that, we can't mount them on our F-16 fleet because of Uncle Sam. Maybe the Rafale (with Astra missile maybe but don't think with chinese one), MIG-29 is the realistic one to do it. Having PL-15 ToT will be a huge leap for us.

In the past, Egypt got ToT a lot from China like ballistic missiles etc.. and plus with this visit and a close source said that they are gonna be a lot of ToT from China to Egypt (not just military but also economically etc...).
That is a TB-001 ucav in the video...Eygpt is consider buying it?

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