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Egyptian Armed Forces

Believe it or not.but you egyptian are israelis little bitch since 1977.you can't deploy your own military in your own sinai without the permission of israel.that's the level of your country.
When you talk about Egypt, know the position of your country first, because you will appear that you are a dwarf who sees you with a magnifying glass

We will not finish the filth of some people who do not understand anything about the world, as if they live like worms, easy to trample
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I do not know where the supervision in the forum is among these scum. We are discussing military matters. Whoever wants to liberate Jerusalem, let him go. No one will stop him. If a state wants to liberate Jerusalem, let him come with his army.



Mosti Ignorant comment like that makes it SO obvious that you are a mentally retarrded individual who just want to fight and derail the thread. You're a IDIOT of the leaders of the IDIOTS on this bitch forum. You have no clue the history between the fights of Egypt and Israel for the Palestinians and Jerusalem and how many of us died fighting for that cause OFTHE HISTORYHEIND ITALL so show some respect you bitch!!!!!! GO ahead, packsword, keep your word you coward moderator!!

Egypt and Israel AND America! America helped you against the Soviet Union instead they HE;PELDED ISREAl against Egypt and the Palestinians, so YOU Don't DARE OPEN YOUR FITHY MOUTH in OUR THREAD ABOUTTHE HUMANSACRFICES WE MADE FIGHTING THAT LITTLE BITCH ISRAEL THAT YOU SEEM TO have just heard from some other fool like THAT SUPER ANGRY DICKHEAD AND HATEFUL TraNGO or Hussain? the VERY NEXTPOST YOU MAKE ON THIS THREAD i WILL DESTROYT IT! YOU'REWHAT. 18 YEARS OLD? iM]'M 56 BENN round over 3 times your life and read and have family involved int The wars so don't YOU DARE TELL ME ANYTHING OUT OF YOUR STINKING PIE HOLE! IGNORANG FOOL.

Please, with your permission, do not talk to him, leave it to me, I can answer him, sir, do not worry, do not pollute your name with this filth that comes to us from the sewage
Go shower off your filth first
Who can not deploy his forces in Sinai
Egypt has a large military airport in the heart of Sinai, Miles and Arish, other than the base of Port Said, the base of the port of Arish and Sokhna, and also Safaga.
Don't talk bigger than you
Whoever wants to liberate Jerusalem, let him bring his army to Sinai and we will see

Don't you have nuclear missiles and missiles with long ranges? Why didn't you launch them at Israel to liberate Jerusalem? If you have the means, then your country is the biggest whore in the Islamic world, because you are the only Islamic country that has nuclear power.

Have you provided the Palestinians with a service yet?
Did you help in the reconstruction of Gaza after the last war? Did you participate in stopping the war and the suffering of the people of Gaza? Did you provide assistance to the Palestinian people?
Is there a single company that builds roads, hospitals and housing units for the people of Gaza?
Did your country provide a financial grant to the people of Gaz

Perfect post walahi.
I doubt that we will get the missile sadly. Unless we buy something from them like J-10/31-35

The video you posted speaks of Egypt already buying
The Chinese have a deal not less than a billion dollars in front of them. The missile price for quantities is about 800,000 USD , and Egypt requested more than 1,000 missiles, and perhaps the actual number is 1250-1300. China and India have turned to dual-pulsed solid propellant rocket motors that are less expensive than ramjet-powered Meteor engines.
Egypt requested local manufacturing to reach the original range of the missile, as it is supplied by China. The estimated range of the missile is 145 kilometers, while the figure may reach twice this declared range.
The large deal size of one billion dollars provides funding for China to finance other munitions projects due to the high profits achieved

The Chinese learned their lesson since 2004-2007 when China refused that Egypt manufacture the SD-10 missile locally in exchange for Egypt buying the FC-1 air-to-air missile technician available to the Russians, South Africa, China and India. European companies, therefore, Egypt can repeat the experience, so the Chinese will accept Egyptian requests

The real problem in Egypt is that it has assembled MAGIC-2 / PL-7 missiles in past, but the Egyptians have not developed themselves. In developing any kind of weapons, it is a risk, although they are forced to seek help from local competencies, because they simply do not have the dollar now.

The Egyptians can possess technologies that can be utilized. M-88 / Bradly / M109 hulls are available for armored vehicles derived from their own chassis. The M270 MLARS launcher is based on the Bradley shield chassis. So the problem is that they are addicted to considering themselves backward and are not right for development and purchase, even if that leads to the bankruptcy of the state. The ease of the purchase process Without adding added value and local development, it is the strategic treasure of all the enemies of Egypt, relying on the stupidity of the performance and the lack of competencies of the leaders.
For example, what is their maximum ambition to produce a small robot with reverse engineering, or to reproduce the ASN-209 drone with a new Egyptian name, to improve its capabilities by 25%, to re-produce it, and also to offer it at a very high price, so international customers refuse to buy it, in addition to the lack of international marketing efficiencies. There are countries like Egypt and Turkey that depend on On the limited propaganda, Azerbaijan achieved good fighting results mainly with Israeli drones and Israeli ammunition. The Turks attributed all the achievements of the Israeli drones to themselves and their Muslim Brotherhood gangs were promoting this misleading propaganda until the people believed it, which made the corrupt leaders in the armies of the countries in which they The control of the Brotherhood’s clans over the ruling regimes, such as Malaysia and some African countries. The purchase of Turkish weapons largely relied on misleading propaganda, which paved the way for purchases.

So the Chinese are confident that the maximum that Egypt will do is to produce the missile with a license for some local components, then Egypt will ask the Chinese to develop the missile again, and after 20 or 30 years, Egypt will obtain a license to produce another missile because they know fully that the Egyptian administrative mentality fights any development or local competencies and makes it easier The process of overseas purchasing, which ensures China's massive sales continuously

The Chinese simply know that the Egyptian Air Force has 400-500 fighters, along with 200 training aircraft with limited combat capabilities. This is a huge market for a country like China to control to provide Chinese missiles, in addition to China's success in producing a copy of the French Mica missile.
chinese  mica.jpg

And because it can also be produced locally as a short-range missile, and the Egyptian naval units increase it instead of the French missile, especially since Egypt’s purchases of the French MICA missile are much less than the actual needs, so supplying Gowind 2500 corvettes and Meko-200EN frigates. Each launcher needs 4 missiles, in addition to 20 small Corvette missile launchers. Each of them will be equipped with 8 Mica launchers, i.e. the needs through 40 years of service for the Egyptian Navy. Only 1400 MICA missiles. Egypt has bought 200 of them from France only. So far, Egypt may buy another 200. The rest of the quantities are normal for a local or Chinese version to be produced.

The same thing, another missile. Israel produced the Rampage missile, which has a speed between Mach 3-5, supersonic. The alternative to it is the Chinese missile CM-400AKG. Therefore, Egypt and Saudi Arabia requested it from China. The Israeli missile has a range of 250-300 kilometers. The Chinese missile has a range of 240-400 kilometers. Local manufacturing accepts large-scale orders. Its comparative advantage is low price and lack of strictness in technology transfer. The emergence of a new competitor to China, which is India. It represents competition for the aspirations of China and South Korea, especially since India wants to occupy a center in arms exports, with a plan to reach $5 billion annually in exports in a short period. It opened the way for the Indian private sector, unlike Egypt, which fights honorable people from the private sector, which makes China not miss opportunities to export weapons in large quantities, according to the requests of customers. We illustrate a very simple example
China produced the WING LOONG 3 plane so as not to leave room for a country like Turkey to offer planes like AKANCI UAV by offering what is better than it

Also, why does China agree to produce the AR-500C aircraft in Egypt? It is not popular with the Egyptians, but simply that the aircraft may work on at least 50 Egyptian warships.
China's refusal to export may prompt a country like Egypt to choose to buy the French VSR700 aircraft or to develop an alternative aircraft, such as in cooperation with Serbia. Therefore, the Chinese are looking to control the South. In the case of a large customer like Egypt and China, it was previously announced that Egypt is China's largest customer in the field of unmanned aircraft. The past years should not be left to two other sources

The Chinese watch everything and listen carefully

When we rejected the Chinese policy of lending to countries and controlling their assets
The Chinese have announced that they will waive part of their debts owed by countries. Egypt owes China $8 billion. It may give up $2-4 billion of them in return for obtaining facilities for Chinese investors in Egypt, as well as exempting Chinese goods from fees and charges imposed on them.

China also announced that it will provide 100 billion dollars to developing countries in the form of investments and development aid against the European plan, which put forward investments of 300 billion dollars to confront China, and the Europeans will not be able to provide anything because its economic conditions are getting worse.

The point of contention between Egypt and China is Ethiopia and its aggressive policy that Israel uses to obtain gains from Egypt, whether water or resettlement of Palestinians in Egypt in exchange for closing the file of the Ethiopian dam. They choose Egypt and prefer it over Ethiopia, especially since Ethiopia has entered into civil wars that will not end unless it acquiesces to Egypt's demand.

The Chinese watch everything and listen carefully

When we rejected the Chinese policy of lending to countries and controlling their assets
The Chinese have announced that they will waive part of their debts owed by countries. Egypt owes China $8 billion. It may give up $2-4 billion of them in return for obtaining facilities for Chinese investors in Egypt, as well as exempting Chinese goods from fees and charges imposed on them.

China also announced that it will provide 100 billion dollars to developing countries in the form of investments and development aid against the European plan, which put forward investments of 300 billion dollars to confront China, and the Europeans will not be able to provide anything because its economic conditions are getting worse.

The point of contention between Egypt and China is Ethiopia and its aggressive policy that Israel uses to obtain gains from Egypt, whether water or resettlement of Palestinians in Egypt in exchange for closing the file of the Ethiopian dam. They choose Egypt and prefer it over Ethiopia, especially since Ethiopia has entered into civil wars that will not end unless it acquiesces to Egypt's demand.

Will China accept Egypt’s request to manufacture the PL-15E missile, as well as the Chinese version of the MICA missile, with 1,000 missiles of each model, which would provide China with a $1.5 billion deal, or leave it to the Europeans? It is very clear and easy, and China will not miss the opportunity as it aims to export fighters to Egypt.
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Any news about the Serbia Brazil Belarus cooperation? The problem is that still we have the عقدة الخواجة - 3o2det el khawaga. I hope really if we got ToT we can change our defense industry. The other problem : France and China are "enemies" because of USA so will they let us mount them.
Are all of our f-16 squadrons have ayats from the Quran?


Chinese media 🇨🇳: Egypt 🇪🇬 seeks to acquire Chinese PL-15E missiles.
The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production is about to reach an agreement with China to obtain the right to manufacture the missile.
The range of the missile is 200 km in the version for the Chinese army and 145 km in the export version...

Hope it is true @Gomig-21 @The SC @sami_1 @Foinikas @Philip the Arab

From the photo, he got this info from Tactical Report

What platform will they fire the missile from? They dont operate the J10CE or JF17 BlockIII or any other Chinese origina 4++ gen platform ?

This news makes no sense unless Egypt purchases the J10CE or JF17 BlockIII - even then - given Chinese atitude to technology transfer - i dont see this happening for Egypt...
What platform will they fire the missile from? They dont operate the J10CE or JF17 BlockIII or any other Chinese origina 4++ gen platform ?

This news makes no sense unless Egypt purchases the J10CE or JF17 BlockIII - even then - given Chinese atitude to technology transfer - i dont see this happening for Egypt...
That's why I am sceptical about the deal. Maybe the EAF has the idea to integrate them on Mirage 2K, F-16 or even MIG-29M/M2.

The Chinese are talking about Egypt buying a large batch of PL-15E missiles
Theoretically, the missiles may work on two aircraft, the MIG-29M & SU-35, the advanced training aircraft, the light fighter, and even the UCAV / ROYAL WINGMAN, which explains the importance of acquiring large numbers of it.
The issue of linking the missile to the Rafale plane France will not accept except on one condition that the missile is manufactured locally and the terms of the contract on the Rafale were to accept any munitions produced locally in Egypt.

The Egyptian Air Force contains 1,300 American Sparrow AIM-7P/M missiles on the Egyptian F-16 fleet. Perhaps Egypt will not resort to the option of supplying the F-16 with a PL-15E missile except in case of war.
The PL-15E deal in itself is a tool of pressure on the Americans to accept other solutions from the Egyptians. It may provide Egypt with other solutions such as the MICA or even the TC-II Sky Sword 2 or Mitsubishi AAM-4.
View attachment 904915
Simply put, the LCA TEJAS aircraft project is important in components whose technology can be transferred, such as the UTTAM AESA radar, to be integrated into other aircraft such as the MiRAGE-2000.F-16 in Future
And the Indians spoke of Egypt's interest in transferring engine technology from them

View attachment 904916

The Chinese side is interested in providing Egypt with FC-31/35 aircraft. The presence of India is a motivating factor for China to have more flexibility in transferring technology and contracting with Egypt.
lol... What kind of pressure will India apply to China? Transfer F404 engine tech to Egypt or Israel Elta radar?

You are always full of nonsense and make up plenty of rubbish from no where..

And what have France transfer to Egypt? Beside the outdated Mica missile. Did France TOT Scnema engine or spectra technology?

What platform will they fire the missile from? They dont operate the J10CE or JF17 BlockIII or any other Chinese origina 4++ gen platform ?

This news makes no sense unless Egypt purchases the J10CE or JF17 BlockIII - even then - given Chinese atitude to technology transfer - i dont see this happening for Egypt...
They are rumor's Egypt may purchase JF-17 blk 3 finance by Saudi with both Saudi and Egypt splitting few squadron between both countries. Xi visit Saudi open the pathway for more military cooperation between China and Arabs nation.

View attachment 905003

The video you posted speaks of Egypt already buying
The Chinese have a deal not less than a billion dollars in front of them. The missile price for quantities is about 800,000 USD , and Egypt requested more than 1,000 missiles, and perhaps the actual number is 1250-1300. China and India have turned to dual-pulsed solid propellant rocket motors that are less expensive than ramjet-powered Meteor engines.
Egypt requested local manufacturing to reach the original range of the missile, as it is supplied by China. The estimated range of the missile is 145 kilometers, while the figure may reach twice this declared range.
The large deal size of one billion dollars provides funding for China to finance other munitions projects due to the high profits achieved

The Chinese learned their lesson since 2004-2007 when China refused that Egypt manufacture the SD-10 missile locally in exchange for Egypt buying the FC-1 air-to-air missile technician available to the Russians, South Africa, China and India. European companies, therefore, Egypt can repeat the experience, so the Chinese will accept Egyptian requests

The real problem in Egypt is that it has assembled MAGIC-2 / PL-7 missiles in past, but the Egyptians have not developed themselves. In developing any kind of weapons, it is a risk, although they are forced to seek help from local competencies, because they simply do not have the dollar now.

The Egyptians can possess technologies that can be utilized. M-88 / Bradly / M109 hulls are available for armored vehicles derived from their own chassis. The M270 MLARS launcher is based on the Bradley shield chassis. So the problem is that they are addicted to considering themselves backward and are not right for development and purchase, even if that leads to the bankruptcy of the state. The ease of the purchase process Without adding added value and local development, it is the strategic treasure of all the enemies of Egypt, relying on the stupidity of the performance and the lack of competencies of the leaders.
For example, what is their maximum ambition to produce a small robot with reverse engineering, or to reproduce the ASN-209 drone with a new Egyptian name, to improve its capabilities by 25%, to re-produce it, and also to offer it at a very high price, so international customers refuse to buy it, in addition to the lack of international marketing efficiencies. There are countries like Egypt and Turkey that depend on On the limited propaganda, Azerbaijan achieved good fighting results mainly with Israeli drones and Israeli ammunition. The Turks attributed all the achievements of the Israeli drones to themselves and their Muslim Brotherhood gangs were promoting this misleading propaganda until the people believed it, which made the corrupt leaders in the armies of the countries in which they The control of the Brotherhood’s clans over the ruling regimes, such as Malaysia and some African countries. The purchase of Turkish weapons largely relied on misleading propaganda, which paved the way for purchases.

So the Chinese are confident that the maximum that Egypt will do is to produce the missile with a license for some local components, then Egypt will ask the Chinese to develop the missile again, and after 20 or 30 years, Egypt will obtain a license to produce another missile because they know fully that the Egyptian administrative mentality fights any development or local competencies and makes it easier The process of overseas purchasing, which ensures China's massive sales continuously

The Chinese simply know that the Egyptian Air Force has 400-500 fighters, along with 200 training aircraft with limited combat capabilities. This is a huge market for a country like China to control to provide Chinese missiles, in addition to China's success in producing a copy of the French Mica missile.
View attachment 904994
And because it can also be produced locally as a short-range missile, and the Egyptian naval units increase it instead of the French missile, especially since Egypt’s purchases of the French MICA missile are much less than the actual needs, so supplying Gowind 2500 corvettes and Meko-200EN frigates. Each launcher needs 4 missiles, in addition to 20 small Corvette missile launchers. Each of them will be equipped with 8 Mica launchers, i.e. the needs through 40 years of service for the Egyptian Navy. Only 1400 MICA missiles. Egypt has bought 200 of them from France only. So far, Egypt may buy another 200. The rest of the quantities are normal for a local or Chinese version to be produced.
View attachment 904995
The same thing, another missile. Israel produced the Rampage missile, which has a speed between Mach 3-5, supersonic. The alternative to it is the Chinese missile CM-400AKG. Therefore, Egypt and Saudi Arabia requested it from China. The Israeli missile has a range of 250-300 kilometers. The Chinese missile has a range of 240-400 kilometers. Local manufacturing accepts large-scale orders. Its comparative advantage is low price and lack of strictness in technology transfer. The emergence of a new competitor to China, which is India. It represents competition for the aspirations of China and South Korea, especially since India wants to occupy a center in arms exports, with a plan to reach $5 billion annually in exports in a short period. It opened the way for the Indian private sector, unlike Egypt, which fights honorable people from the private sector, which makes China not miss opportunities to export weapons in large quantities, according to the requests of customers. We illustrate a very simple example
China produced the WING LOONG 3 plane so as not to leave room for a country like Turkey to offer planes like AKANCI UAV by offering what is better than it
View attachment 904996
Also, why does China agree to produce the AR-500C aircraft in Egypt? It is not popular with the Egyptians, but simply that the aircraft may work on at least 50 Egyptian warships.
China's refusal to export may prompt a country like Egypt to choose to buy the French VSR700 aircraft or to develop an alternative aircraft, such as in cooperation with Serbia. Therefore, the Chinese are looking to control the South. In the case of a large customer like Egypt and China, it was previously announced that Egypt is China's largest customer in the field of unmanned aircraft. The past years should not be left to two other sources

The Chinese watch everything and listen carefully

When we rejected the Chinese policy of lending to countries and controlling their assets
The Chinese have announced that they will waive part of their debts owed by countries. Egypt owes China $8 billion. It may give up $2-4 billion of them in return for obtaining facilities for Chinese investors in Egypt, as well as exempting Chinese goods from fees and charges imposed on them.

China also announced that it will provide 100 billion dollars to developing countries in the form of investments and development aid against the European plan, which put forward investments of 300 billion dollars to confront China, and the Europeans will not be able to provide anything because its economic conditions are getting worse.

The point of contention between Egypt and China is Ethiopia and its aggressive policy that Israel uses to obtain gains from Egypt, whether water or resettlement of Palestinians in Egypt in exchange for closing the file of the Ethiopian dam. They choose Egypt and prefer it over Ethiopia, especially since Ethiopia has entered into civil wars that will not end unless it acquiesces to Egypt's demand.

The Chinese watch everything and listen carefully

When we rejected the Chinese policy of lending to countries and controlling their assets
The Chinese have announced that they will waive part of their debts owed by countries. Egypt owes China $8 billion. It may give up $2-4 billion of them in return for obtaining facilities for Chinese investors in Egypt, as well as exempting Chinese goods from fees and charges imposed on them.

China also announced that it will provide 100 billion dollars to developing countries in the form of investments and development aid against the European plan, which put forward investments of 300 billion dollars to confront China, and the Europeans will not be able to provide anything because its economic conditions are getting worse.

The point of contention between Egypt and China is Ethiopia and its aggressive policy that Israel uses to obtain gains from Egypt, whether water or resettlement of Palestinians in Egypt in exchange for closing the file of the Ethiopian dam. They choose Egypt and prefer it over Ethiopia, especially since Ethiopia has entered into civil wars that will not end unless it acquiesces to Egypt's demand.

Will China accept Egypt’s request to manufacture the PL-15E missile, as well as the Chinese version of the MICA missile, with 1,000 missiles of each model, which would provide China with a $1.5 billion deal, or leave it to the Europeans? It is very clear and easy, and China will not miss the opportunity as it aims to export fighters to Egypt.
View attachment 905002
LOl.. Soon you will claim China cede to Egypt request for TOT of J-20 stealth fighter. And Egypt is some super power that make China cede any technology to Egypt demand.
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What platform will they fire the missile from? They dont operate the J10CE or JF17 BlockIII or any other Chinese origina 4++ gen platform ?

This news makes no sense unless Egypt purchases the J10CE or JF17 BlockIII - even then - given Chinese atitude to technology transfer - i dont see this happening for Egypt...
And who told you that we want the JF17 from the ground up?
It was a while and it folded
Now the cooperation is great with India, South Korea and Serbia
For your information, many production lines have been transferred during this year and the past year
Germany, France and Serbia are the most cooperating countries with it at the present time
Also, Spain and the Netherlands, the total deals of the two countries are 3.5 billion euros
The next is very intense
India has very great cooperation with us and provided what an Islamic country does not want to offer us
lol... What kind of pressure will India apply to China? Transfer F404 engine tech to Egypt or Israel Elta radar?

You are always full of nonsense and make up plenty of rubbish from no where..

And what have France transfer to Egypt? Beside the outdated Mica missile. Did France TOT Scnema engine or spectra technology?

They are rumor's Egypt may purchase JF-17 blk 3 finance by Saudi with both Saudi and Egypt splitting few squadron between both countries. Xi visit Saudi open the pathway for more military cooperation between China and Arabs nation.

LOl.. Soon you will claim China cede to Egypt request for TOT of J-20 stealth fighter. And Egypt is some super power that make China cede any technology to Egypt demand.

The matter is very simple. India is more flexible than China in technology transfers. Egypt is not looking at China or India at the highest global technical level, but rather medium technologies in which India and China compete. The Egyptian Air Force has better planes than the planes produced by India and China, such as the Rafale / Eurofighter.

It is better than what India and China were exposed to from the LCA / J-10 / FC-1 aircraft

India has Western equipment and transfers Western technologies, which is commensurate with most Egyptian armaments

They have a similar armament, from anti-tank missiles and artillery K9 to T-72/90 tanks.

And the two planes own a plane

MIRAGE-2000/MIG-29/Rafale, which provides Egypt with the development of these aircraft in cooperation with India, and even what India will develop in the SU-30 can be used in the SU-35.

Consequently, Indian ammunition could be deployed on large numbers of fighert in Egypt

India is offering a better alternative to the FC-1 plane. The LCA TRJAS plane is considered a miniature Mirage-2000, but with newer technologies.

India is flexible in transferring AESA radar analog technologies that can be integrated into western aircraft

It has air-to-ground and air-to-air ammunition, like China

It has ASTRA vs. PL-12/PL-15

It has a 1/2/3 RUDARM vs. what China has for the LD-10/CM-102

India manufactures the GE-414 engine, but cannot transfer its technology, but its KAVARI engine
It succeeded in producing a 73 kn and is seeking to develop a version with a capacity of 9 kilotons, which is also suitable for driving UCAV

Egypt has cooperation with the Canadian PW, and Egypt wants to transfer some of the technologies offered by India in the field of engines. The engine industry is not limited to the fighter industry only.

We mentioned previously that expanding trade exchange with India is better for Egypt than trade exchange with China, because there is a balance of India's imports from Egypt that are greater than China's imports. Therefore, it is better for Egypt to deal with India, which imports more from Egypt than China imports.

Why is Egypt heading to India in the aircraft industry and not heading to China?

In 2007, China refused to let Egypt produce the SD-10 missile

Egypt refused to buy and produce the J-10/L-15

China refused to let Egypt produce the Z-10

In 2009, China offered Egypt the J-10, while Egypt was asking for a better version, the J-10A China refused

Egypt has a problem with the K-8E plane, which is the reason for rejecting the L-15 plane because of its low quality

You are offering to Egypt the JF-17, which has a weight of 7965 kg and an engine with a thrust capacity of 19000.

The Indian alternative, LCA, is at least 1 ton less, and has an engine with a thrust capacity of 20,200 pounds. We will not talk about the quality of the Chinese radar.

India has also offered to reduce the weight of the LCA aircraft by about 400 kg, for additional fuel or increased trust to weight

India wants access to $5 billion worth of arms exports annually

The long-term Chinese and Pakistani offer for many years, the Egyptian refusal was related to the level of the plane quality , which was not suitable

For air combat in the Egyptian Air Force

India offered Egypt the production of LCH / DHRUV aircraft in Egypt in Egyptian production lines, whether with French or Indian engines.

India's goals are for Egypt to produce 24 LCA aircraft annually for a period of 10 years and to produce 24 LCH / DHRUV aircraft.

That is, simply ensuring the exports of 240 LCA aircraft and 240 helicopters, which provides India with financing from the profits of selling the aircraft to Egypt to develop other equipment, as well as opening international markets for its defense product.

Consequently, China finds India obtaining an arms market that was previously part of China, so this is the threat

China surpasses India in technical development, but India will not remain in its current position continuously. It has introduced the private sector in the arms industry, which will develop Indian defense industries.

Indian arms prices are not far from the prices offered by China for arms sales

Western countries want to impose a blockade on China, just as they do with Russia. Therefore, having an alternative country like India is beneficial to Egypt in the event of a state conflict between them.
The matter is very simple. India is more flexible than China in technology transfers. Egypt is not looking at China or India at the highest global technical level, but rather medium technologies in which India and China compete. The Egyptian Air Force has better planes than the planes produced by India and China, such as the Rafale / Eurofighter.

It is better than what India and China were exposed to from the LCA / J-10 / FC-1 aircraft

India has Western equipment and transfers Western technologies, which is commensurate with most Egyptian armaments

They have a similar armament, from anti-tank missiles and artillery K9 to T-72/90 tanks.

And the two planes own a plane

MIRAGE-2000/MIG-29/Rafale, which provides Egypt with the development of these aircraft in cooperation with India, and even what India will develop in the SU-30 can be used in the SU-35.

Consequently, Indian ammunition could be deployed on large numbers of fighert in Egypt

India is offering a better alternative to the FC-1 plane. The LCA TRJAS plane is considered a miniature Mirage-2000, but with newer technologies.

India is flexible in transferring AESA radar analog technologies that can be integrated into western aircraft

It has air-to-ground and air-to-air ammunition, like China

It has ASTRA vs. PL-12/PL-15

It has a 1/2/3 RUDARM vs. what China has for the LD-10/CM-102

India manufactures the GE-414 engine, but cannot transfer its technology, but its KAVARI engine
It succeeded in producing a 73 kn and is seeking to develop a version with a capacity of 9 kilotons, which is also suitable for driving UCAV

Egypt has cooperation with the Canadian PW, and Egypt wants to transfer some of the technologies offered by India in the field of engines. The engine industry is not limited to the fighter industry only.

We mentioned previously that expanding trade exchange with India is better for Egypt than trade exchange with China, because there is a balance of India's imports from Egypt that are greater than China's imports. Therefore, it is better for Egypt to deal with India, which imports more from Egypt than China imports.

Why is Egypt heading to India in the aircraft industry and not heading to China?

In 2007, China refused to let Egypt produce the SD-10 missile

Egypt refused to buy and produce the J-10/L-15

China refused to let Egypt produce the Z-10

In 2009, China offered Egypt the J-10, while Egypt was asking for a better version, the J-10A China refused

Egypt has a problem with the K-8E plane, which is the reason for rejecting the L-15 plane because of its low quality

You are offering to Egypt the JF-17, which has a weight of 7965 kg and an engine with a thrust capacity of 19000.

The Indian alternative, LCA, is at least 1 ton less, and has an engine with a thrust capacity of 20,200 pounds. We will not talk about the quality of the Chinese radar.

India has also offered to reduce the weight of the LCA aircraft by about 400 kg, for additional fuel or increased trust to weight

India wants access to $5 billion worth of arms exports annually

The long-term Chinese and Pakistani offer for many years, the Egyptian refusal was related to the level of the plane quality , which was not suitable

For air combat in the Egyptian Air Force

India offered Egypt the production of LCH / DHRUV aircraft in Egypt in Egyptian production lines, whether with French or Indian engines.

India's goals are for Egypt to produce 24 LCA aircraft annually for a period of 10 years and to produce 24 LCH / DHRUV aircraft.

That is, simply ensuring the exports of 240 LCA aircraft and 240 helicopters, which provides India with financing from the profits of selling the aircraft to Egypt to develop other equipment, as well as opening international markets for its defense product.

Consequently, China finds India obtaining an arms market that was previously part of China, so this is the threat

China surpasses India in technical development, but India will not remain in its current position continuously. It has introduced the private sector in the arms industry, which will develop Indian defense industries.

Indian arms prices are not far from the prices offered by China for arms sales

Western countries want to impose a blockade on China, just as they do with Russia. Therefore, having an alternative country like India is beneficial to Egypt in the event of a state conflict between them.
First of all India has no technology to transfer. So there is nothing to talk about in the first place. From every parts of India weapon, they are full of imported sub component. While Chinese weapon from even the screw are all Chinese made. Even the chips in the weapon is a Chinese made chips. Yes, you heard it right.

So we are no afraid or even worry about so called nonsense TOT from India. You want India TOT weapon tech? Go ahead! :enjoy: Your Egypt will still buy made in China weapon even without TOT from China. Becos they dont have much choice.

Technically, Israel is still worry about a strong Egypt and it can clearly seen with Egypt military restricted from receiving several types of weapon from USA or western. Russia weapon is gone case as their export platform are severely affected by western chips ban.

That left Chinese weapon as the only alternate option if Egypt want to release itself from the grasp of Israel. Mind you. India is a good friend of Israel. They see Israel r/s more important than with Egypt.

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