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EDL website hacked by Pakistanis

I think the Uk no longer needs aggresion of insertivness on other people rights on what to wear.

LIke what dude getting an edl membership is not going very well for you, you have to be english o be one not arse licker

Lol frustrated much? It's about being civilized no one is saying appease the EDL but why do organizations as the EDL exist in the first place? Asian minorities need to behave themselves get along with British society and culture, integrate to an extent if you want to live under Sharia law then live in Saudi Arabia where they will treat Asians much worse.

PS you need to stop dressing like a Bedouin lol
i have personally gone through the plantation style process where one of your own suck up to the managers and turn u in. There was a Indian women working with us at one time the guys said are you going to eat the Asian curry food she says no u see am brown on the outside but white on the inside chuckling away.

I then started to hunt for jobs but i saw some stores with Asians working noticed that the managers are all non brown workers class plantation are Asians. There was one shop i applied and applied never got it next week new worker.

The other thing i noticed while at uni oil rich Arabs would come to study but guess what phd professors will pass them with sincerity while failing the rest for same mistakes. if your rich foreigner u will get the pass so u can go back home get married and bring ten kids over pay stupid amount making uni richer.
you got it cosy in USA come to britain. why dont you do some history research on the first Asian migrants see how hard they had it they only got there and were constantly spat at mugged shops broken cars stolen brick through window was classic. do you know how many taxi drivers have been killed i am talking kkk style murders, guess what news paper just barely mention it and it at the back of the page in small text. we got flooded instead of comp forced to migrate to britain by our pak governmnet who made shady deal for dam than we get here we get shady treatment and than you wonder why we always on fire.

first generation were sh it scared second generation learn to watch out third generation started retaliation and next are animals but hey dont blame us. it nothing to do with islam sharia. next time they show u pic of some goof holding banner sharia etc look at the text and compare to rest of the boards all same hand written and compare with other pictures they do a lot of Photoshops and even hire any thug willing to do acting.
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well as soon as the Asian community recognizes him he will be getting his teeth knocked out.
In the video that i posted, The fight was mainly between two Pakistani dudes and that one old white guy , and the the white dude knocked both those Pakistani dudes down , alone. The other white guys barely even stepped in .

Anyway, the issue is not who got beaten , the issue is that the Pakistani guys were the clear aggressors , and it is incidents like these that give birth to racist groups like EDL making life difficult for all non-white people.Introspect, think , reform, at least try for a change :rolleyes:

Wrong, this guy is a politician and obviously have power, Anyone who will attack him will think twice.

He got back up and any time help was available, He also received punches and kicks and fell down.

And about EDL my dear they hate every non white you are also included in this.
Am pretty sure those guys are Bangladeshis:lol: Remember seeing this video before.

Bangladeshis don't seem to be so... you know . British Pakistani community is famous for stuff like this . Anyway whoever it was , the *** kicking they got was awesome .

Just can't stop laughing , looking at the way they charged like such gangsta studs... sorry lads :lol:
Bangladeshis don't seem to be so... you know . British Pakistani community is famous for stuff like this . Anyway whoever it was , the *** kicking they got was awesome .

Just can't stop laughing , looking at the way they charged like such gangsta studs... sorry lads :lol:

Truth is exposed by your own people.
Idiots-give the EDL yet more reason to hate you (and me unfortunatly by extension). Inflame the tense situation more.

Effing fools!
I cant watch the video as its Blocked in UK..
But from the description i can guess what you wanted to show me..
There are areas of Indian origin Brits and then there are ares of Pakistani origin Brits..
Indians are Submissive to the level of coward and pushovers...
Pakistanis know how to stand up and fight back...and thy know that...
The guys in the video must be of Indian origin,who if get slapped on one cheek , will turn their face and ask the EDL guy to slap on the other cheek too.
STFU-duriing the riots Sikhs, Hindus (Indians) and some Muslims stood in the streets protecting Mosques, Hindu temples and Gurdwaras from rioter-Indians are submissive-TROLL. Yeah SOO submissive that they won EVERY war they fought to the genetically superior Pakistanis!!
i have personally gone through the plantation style process where one of your own suck up to the managers and turn u in. There was a Indian women working with us at one time the guys said are you going to eat the Asian curry food she says no u see am brown on the outside but white on the inside chuckling away.

I then started to hunt for jobs but i saw some stores with Asians working noticed that the managers are all non brown workers class plantation are Asians. There was one shop i applied and applied never got it next week new worker.

The other thing i noticed while at uni oil rich Arabs would come to study but guess what phd professors will pass them with sincerity while failing the rest for same mistakes. if your rich foreigner u will get the pass so u can go back home get married and bring ten kids over pay stupid amount making uni richer.

you got it cosy in USA come to britain. why dont you do some history research on the first Asian migrants see how hard they had it they only got there and were constantly spat at mugged shops broken cars stolen brick through window was classic. do you know how many taxi drivers have been killed i am talking kkk style murders, guess what news paper just barely mention it and it at the back of the page in small text. we got flooded instead of comp forced to migrate to britain by our pak governmnet who made shady deal for dam than we get here we get shady treatment and than you wonder why we always on fire.

first generation were sh it scared second generation learn to watch out third generation started retaliation and next are animals but hey dont blame us. it nothing to do with islam sharia. next time they show u pic of some goof holding banner sharia etc look at the text and compare to rest of the boards all same hand written and compare with other pictures they do a lot of Photoshops and even hire any thug willing to do acting.

Given the quality of your English I can understand why you failed to secure any job. Nobody would want to hire someone speaking so much gibberish it makes no sense.
those guys are not fighters they just sum kids bouncing up and down. lolz Bengali are not wuss go to old ham >west wood boys they mad as dogs and pakistanis from old ham are mad as dogs but no other town likes them cos they attack one of their own for nothing. ask edl to go there lolz.
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