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EDL website hacked by Pakistanis

EDL are a bunch of sore losers...Mainly people from poor backgrounds who either cant get a job are unemployable,and blame their uselessness on Immigrants...
Its another thing that if they ever bother to appear for an interview and behave,they will naturally get the preference for the immigrant for that job...
Plus most of them Havent got balls,always run away if confronted.

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I cant watch the video as its Blocked in UK..
But from the description i can guess what you wanted to show me..
There are areas of Indian origin Brits and then there are ares of Pakistani origin Brits..
Indians are Submissive to the level of coward and pushovers...
Pakistanis know how to stand up and fight back...and thy know that...
The guys in the video must be of Indian origin,who if get slapped on one cheek , will turn their face and ask the EDL guy to slap on the other cheek too.
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I cant watch the video as its Blocked in UK..
But from the description i can guess what you wanted to show me..
There are areas of Indian origin Brits and then there are ares of Pakistani origin Brits..
Indians are Submissive to the level of coward and pushovers...
Pakistanis know how to stand up and fight back...and thy know that...
The guys in the video must be of Indian origin,who if get slapped on one cheek , will turn their face and ask the EDL guy to slap on the other cheek too.

How do you know what is happening in the video , if you haven't watched it ? ;)

BNP has no conflict with Indians , their conflict is mainly with Pakistanis in particular and muslims in general. And the people in this video who got their azz beaten were obviously the aggressors .

They got beaten by one old white dude :lol: They came charging thinking they were all gangsta .

Indians don't really get into fights in UK , because we are an educated class over there , who don't try to dominate the natives of that country like what you saw in this video , and get their azz whooped.We are way above all this and contribute to the British society as much as we could .By 'we' I mean my people in Britain.
Few days ago my website got backed by somebody chanting Alqaida and underneath "Hacked by ... " they had written Kalma Tayyeba. That time I wondered that who are these Alqaida people? Are they not doing everything which actually maligns Islam?

Regarding this hacking, Who knows who these hackers are and if they are really who they are claiming to be?
BNP has no conflict with Indians , their conflict is mainly with Pakistanis in particular and muslims in general.

I doubt that the guys from the BNP have enough intelligence in their brains to make such distinctions. These people are vile and will lash out at anything they perceive to be different to them.
I doubt that the guys from the BNP have enough intelligence in their brains to make such distinctions. These people are vile and will lash out at anything they perceive to be different to them.

May be but in this video they were only defending themselves. If you behave like the way those Pakistani dudes did in that video, you deserve to get beaten , irrespective of your nationality , don't you think ?

If immigrants behaved this way with the natives even in India or Pakistan lets say , would the treatment be any different ? In fact i think it would be much , much worse.
EDL are a bunch of sore losers...Mainly people from poor backgrounds who either cant get a job are unemployable,and blame their uselessness on Immigrants...
Its another thing that if they ever bother to appear for an interview and behave,they will naturally get the preference for the immigrant for that job...
Plus most of them Havent got balls,always run away if confronted.

Well that's a lie.

They are not against immigrants but Islam and Sharia.

I've seen places in Luton and it is a disgrace.

Pakistanis can't even tolerate our own Pakistani Hindus culture and Muslims want brits to accept their foreign culture?
This will NOT in anyway improve the social situation in England. You can only expect further harm to Britain's Pakistani community after this

we dont need to fear.

You can go enjoy your fantasy world watching

Well that's a lie.

They are not against immigrants but Islam and Sharia.

I've seen places in Luton and it is a disgrace.

Pakistanis can't even tolerate our own Pakistani Hindus culture and Muslims want brits to accept their foreign culture?

Ever heard of "Divide and Rule"?
People like you singing EDL songs do not realize that their strategy is to divide Asian community into small pockets....
Neo Nazis dont have any sympathy for any outsider,even by descent...
They attack and destroy any Asian Business,and no they dont ask if the owner is Hindu or Muslim...

I have no idea what you been smoking but must be something strong..
EDL and Shariah4UK are both retards

It is true the rise of the EDL is also in part due to groups like Shariah4UK they are both as bad as each other and have no place in UK

Most of the muslims would not like to practice islam the way it is taught by these shariah trolls and I am sure a majority of muslims would not want to live under a sharia which is proclaimed by these trolls. Many of these people are just deprived and crave attention for nothing.

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