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EDL website hacked by Pakistanis

^^ This is 7 Brits against 3 Pakistanis.

And now look at the video below how EDL got beaten up and running away. :lol:

Lol, The music is funny. :lol:

In the video that i posted, The fight was mainly between two Pakistani dudes and that one old white guy , and the the white dude knocked both those Pakistani dudes down , alone. The other white guys barely even stepped in .

Anyway, the issue is not who got beaten , the issue is that the Pakistani guys were the clear aggressors , and it is incidents like these that give birth to racist groups like EDL making life difficult for all non-white people.Introspect, think , reform, at least try for a change :rolleyes:
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Ever heard of "Divide and Rule"?
People like you singing EDL songs do not realize that their strategy is to divide Asian community into small pockets....
Neo Nazis dont have any sympathy for any outsider,even by descent...
They attack and destroy any Asian Business,and no they dont ask if the owner is Hindu or Muslim...

I have no idea what you been smoking but must be something strong..

:rofl: So secularising Pakistanis will divide asian communities. If anything, you will integrate more. You dumbasses always want to play the victim card but never get down the root causes of the problem. In rome, do as the Romans do. If you want to act like a barbarian in Britian, don't think the rest will stand and watch.

Also I don't support EDL, it's just people like you who want to equate islamaphobia with racism are a bigger problem for the free world.
:rofl: So secularising Pakistanis will divide asian communities. If anything, you will integrate more. You dumbasses always want to play the victim card but never get down the root causes of the problem. In rome, do as the Romans do. If you want to act like a barbarian in Britian, don't think the rest will stand and watch.

Also I don't support EDL, it's just people like you who want to equate islamaphobia with racism are a bigger problem for the free world.

Nobody tries to equate Islamophobia with racism that is impossible because Muslims are not one race, e pluribus unum.

Islamophobes are bigots.
Well that's a lie.

They are not against immigrants but Islam and Sharia.

I've seen places in Luton and it is a disgrace.

Pakistanis can't even tolerate our own Pakistani Hindus culture and Muslims want brits to accept their foreign culture?

you are living in UK but you have no idea about racist brits do you?
Nobody tries to equate Islamophobia with racism that is impossible because Muslims are not one race, e pluribus unum.

Islamophobes are bigots.

Islamism is not just an ideology, these people want to destroy the very foundations of democracy and free speech with their alien system of goverment. In America, it may not be so bad but Sharia courts will destroy Europe.

you are living in UK but you have no idea about racist brits do you?

No I don't.

Don't act like an alien and you won't be treated like one.
Islamism is not just an ideology, these people want to destroy the very foundations of democracy and free speech with their alien system of goverment. In America, it may not be so bad but Sharia courts will destroy Europe.

Mate, whether Islamism is good or bad, whether Sharia is good or bad is another debate entirely. It needs to be handled in a proper way and people need to be helped in order to integrate. Maybe even immigration policy should be revised. But like I said, its another debate.

This does not take away the fact that the EDL are bunch of fascist, no good bunch of illiterate racist goons. These guys DO NOT represent free speech, they DO NOT represent democracy, they DO NOT represent western culture or whatever it is they claim that they are defending. These guys need to be castrated so that they dont spread their moronic genes only to create a dumber world.

So from this point of view, I completely support the Pakistanis who did this. And let me tell you another thing. There is not a damn thing the EDL will do about it. Of course they will hold their rallies and yell "We hate muslims", or vandalize something, but that's nothing new. They would do it with or without this hacking.
Islamism is not just an ideology, these people want to destroy the very foundations of democracy and free speech with their alien system of goverment. In America, it may not be so bad but Sharia courts will destroy Europe.

Zarvin, I am still peeved at you for your apologetic, uninformed post in another thread. I think you are swinging a little too far to the left. However I agree with you here but am at a loss for a solution. Is it really just the Islamist ideology that Britons deem hostile?? Would removing the people who demand Sharia courts bring peace to Britain? What of all those EDL members who are seen in videos holding up the Hitler salute?? What of them?? They are just as dangerous.

Mate, whether Islamism is good or bad, whether Sharia is good or bad is another debate entirely. It needs to be handled in a proper way and people need to be helped in order to integrate. Maybe even immigration policy should be revised. But like I said, its another debate.

This does not take away the fact that the EDL are bunch of fascist, no good bunch of illiterate racist goons. These guys DO NOT represent free speech, they DO NOT represent democracy, they DO NOT represent western culture or whatever it is they claim that they are defending. These guys need to be castrated so that they dont spread their moronic genes only to create a dumber world.

So from this point of view, I completely support the Pakistanis who did this. And let me tell you another thing. There is not a damn thing the EDL will do about it. Of course they will hold their rallies and yell "We hate muslims", or vandalize something, but that's nothing new. They would do it with or without this hacking.

Bro, look how they hold up the Hitler salute! That is just as if not more dangerous than the Islamists.
In the video that i posted, The fight was mainly between two Pakistani dudes and that one old white guy , and the the white dude knocked both those Pakistani dudes down , alone. The other white guys barely even stepped in .

Anyway, the issue is not who got beaten , the issue is that the Pakistani guys were the clear aggressors , and it is incidents like these that give birth to racist groups like EDL making life difficult for all non-white people.Introspect, think , reform, at least try for a change :rolleyes:

I saw 4 white dudes fighting, two people getting floored, and one acting like he was trying to help. :lol: I do not see how you get Pakistanis from this, just because it is conveniant?? It says Asian in the video and they can just as easily be Bengalis or Indians.
Last time bnp came to our end we just followed one simple rule dont come and they divide between themselves and bnp got here and started to fight amongst themselves cos they wasted the effort and energy lolz.
Few days ago my website got backed by somebody chanting Alqaida and underneath "Hacked by ... " they had written Kalma Tayyeba. That time I wondered that who are these Alqaida people? Are they not doing everything which actually maligns Islam?

Regarding this hacking, Who knows who these hackers are and if they are really who they are claiming to be?

That's what I agree to.

Usually they can bring the site back quickly,,, but it's not back as YET... looks like a fraud to malign Pakistanis especially British-pakistanis -&- further fuel EDL type anger...
BNP has no conflict with Indians , their conflict is mainly with Pakistanis in particular and muslims in general. And the people in this video who got their azz beaten were obviously the aggressors

What a load of bullsh***, an Indian who is not from the UK sprouting words of ignorance. BNP target any individuals that are not indignious British, so Indians are also in there hit list. Don't forget most of Luton, Birmingham and Manchester are controlled by Pakistani lads, who would beat the living day lights out of these EDL members.

Also I don't support EDL, it's just people like you who want to equate islamaphobia with racism are a bigger problem for the free world.

Here we see a typical whitewash Pakistani who knows jacksh**, and Islamaphobia is racism, so please get your head out of your rear end and see sense.
What a load of bullsh***, an Indian who is not from the UK sprouting words of ignorance. BNP target any individuals that are not indignious British, so Indians are also in there hit list. Don't forget most of Luton, Birmingham and Manchester are controlled by Pakistani lads, who would beat the living day lights out of these EDL members.

Here we see a typical whitewash Pakistani who knows jacksh**, and Islamaphobia is racism, so please get your head out of your rear end and see sense.

No wonder then, Islamophobia is on the rise in Britain and rest of Europe .

Funny to see those Pakistani "lads" getting knocked down by an old British "pop" though :lol:
yeah well Indians never come out to face the drama except close the shutters. bnp just use Indians to use against us but in reality and it has been proven many times bnp couldn't care less if ur not white u r next.
No wonder then, Islamophobia is on the rise in Britain and rest of Europe .

As the Chinese say from Confucious " people with no brain have no cure". This quote fits you perfectly, as you know squat about this topic. These places are controlled because the vast majority of Pakistani's hail from this place. I can advocate the same assumption in regards to Leicester how most of the population is Indian or Wembley who has a large tamil population.

EDL member are a bunch of hooligans, most of them are football fans who love to have a fight after a match, but of course you wouldn't know that because of your ignorance. Isamaphobia is not rising in Britain, sorry to dissappoint you. Your not from these ends but the reality is Pakistani lads run rings around these EDL members, and the rally last year was a disaster because they were running with there tails behind there legs.

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