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EDL website hacked by Pakistanis

if they come to Manchester or oldham than they f u cked those guys are well armed and well equipped and communication is good when trouble arises.
This is why some Brits are upset about an imposing and overwhelming minority in their country.

People need to behave themselves especially when in a foreign country, I know many of these Asians in UK are born there but they need to behave themselves and keep their religion at home and stop causing trouble in UK and dress like the locals instead of Bedouins. Lol
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People need to behave themselves especially when in a foreign country, I know many of these Asians in UK are born there but they need to behave themselves and keep their religion at home and stop causing trouble in UK and dress like the locals instead of Bedouins. Lol

No offence but you should have the right to wear any clothing that you have a desire to wear. You are not from Luton, but majority of the population is Pakistani, hence the shops and the way people talk and act is following the traditional way. This same phenomena is seen in Wembely also Southall which is run by the Sikhs. If you go to Southhall it does not even remotely look like a city in Britain. You should also do some back reading as Saif-al Islam is a rare case and most people don't even follow him. EDL members are hooligans, a bunch of millwall fans who love to just cause trouble after a match.
your from united states we are from britain which is much more less tolerant. dressed like Bedouins what clothes got to do with them doesnt matter what we do they (these groups) always find petty excuse to be upset about it just an excuse when they move to Spain do they speak in local language no what do they open fish and chips shop over there and expect us to be like them even though we we are not going to be accepted look at Indians they do everything still get mocked. if an Asian guys drives a BMW oh my god drug dealer what he doesnt know Asian guy owns scrap yard and has bought that bmw salvaged and repairs it on Asian budget.
Furthermore tension is rising in the UK, because we are in a recession and unemployment is high which leads to anarchy. This is not a new concept since poverty leads to anger. Nazi Germany is a prime example.
unemployment my friend their are more black and Asians unemployed i know folks with master degrees working in MacDonald and take aways. the old school degree folks have moved out to oil countries and turkey.
unemployment my friend their are more black and Asians unemployed i know folks with master degrees working in MacDonald and take aways. the old school degree folks have moved out to oil countries and turkey.

True but in general the lower class have felt the brunt of this downtrend economy. In London for example its difficult to get a job, without experience hence your degree is all for naught. A large number of the big boys in the City have moved out to the Middle East and China, because there is less tax, more profit for there income. People like Tommy Robinson used this reason an excuse to mascarade around the country to cause anarchy. In my opinion if you do achieve a Masters degree then London is the route to go, apart from that the rest of Britain is in shambles because pay is quite low.
Zarvin, I am still peeved at you for your apologetic, uninformed post in another thread. I think you are swinging a little too far to the left. However I agree with you here but am at a loss for a solution. Is it really just the Islamist ideology that Britons deem hostile?? Would removing the people who demand Sharia courts bring peace to Britain? What of all those EDL members who are seen in videos holding up the Hitler salute?? What of them?? They are just as dangerous.

Bro, look how they hold up the Hitler salute! That is just as if not more dangerous than the Islamists.

What apologetic uninformed post?
Of course it is Islamism that is the problem. Muslims have taken advantage of the tolerance shown to them by the Europeans. Also this phony word "Islamaphobia" has been invented to stop people criticizing their ideology in a free country.

If Islam is so perfect, it should be able to withstand criticism.

Pakistanis don't even tolerate other Muslim sects like Shia and Ahmedi and then come here and expect an Atheist country to respect their religion.
Muslims have taken advantage of the tolerance shown to them by the Europeans

You have articulated on a ridiculous notion, that we Muslims take an advantage within are stay in the UK. In addition your statement is full of fallacy, because any academic study which focuses on small-n or large-n would clarify that your connotation ingeneralizing a community based upon minute points is wrong. Furthermore the word Muslim encompasses all ethnic groups that believe in Islam, so I don't know why you are exactly focusing on Pakistani's.

If Islam is so perfect, it should be able to withstand criticism.

You can have criticism in Islam, but when you do it in a derogratory manner then its another story. EDL members have spoken rude words on the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him), without discussion any intellectual dialogue. You speak in your post that we Muslims should be tolerant, then why don't you say the same in Austria were people are kept in prison if you are anti-semitic.
Pakistanis don't even tolerate other Muslim sects like Shia and Ahmedi and then come here and expect an Atheist country to respect their religion.

That is not true, I have a lot Shia friends in the UK, so your hypothesis is wrong. Although you can link this statement in Pakistan, however this is about Britain.
my nighbour is shia lolz. first it was we are brown then it was we are taking jobs like opening pound stores and take away lolz now it islam. Pakistanis that do cause trouble it about dirty cash, turf war, robbery but for Islam nope.
I could not have said it better my self brother. People who lived in this country during the late 70s and 80s would know that coloured people in general were getting chased by skinheads, who later joined the BNP. Since we have become educated as a community they were then marginalizing us in taking there jobs. But there realised through there thick skulls that were providing them money through benefits, after all takeaway shops is a lucrative market that Asians have prodominately done fairly well. These points became invalid, so the next option for these scumbag is targeting Islam.
:rofl: So secularising Pakistanis will divide asian communities. If anything, you will integrate more. You dumbasses always want to play the victim card but never get down the root causes of the problem. In rome, do as the Romans do. If you want to act like a barbarian in Britian, don't think the rest will stand and watch.

Also I don't support EDL, it's just people like you who want to equate islamaphobia with racism are a bigger problem for the free world.

Its comments like theses makes Muslims the new Jews
People need to behave themselves especially when in a foreign country, I know many of these Asians in UK are born there but they need to behave themselves and keep their religion at home and stop causing trouble in UK and dress like the locals instead of Bedouins. Lol

I think the Uk no longer needs aggresion of insertivness on other people rights on what to wear.

I know many of these Asians in UK are born there but they need to behave themselves
LIke what dude getting an edl membership is not going very well for you, you have to be english o be one not arse licker

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