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EDL website hacked by Pakistanis

erm what so gobberish you wahahabi what is wrong with my English, cant you read ??
BNP has no conflict with Indians , their conflict is mainly with Pakistanis in particular and muslims in general.

Please don't comment these things if you aren't entirely sure what they're about.
BNP is no different today then what it was a decade ago, only thing that has changed is what you can see on the surface.
BNP has tried to become a bit more professional, Nick Griffin says 'radical Islam'.

But the BNP supporters are not different, they are still the uneducated, unemployment hooligans they were many years ago.
Their hate is to all people of color, in fact organisations like this will almost always have someone to blame.

After the UK sees some economic recovery, the support for the BNP and EDL should start to fade back to where it was before.
Integration is the key, the Indian community have mixed in better here in UK compared to some Pakistanis who have a very high jail population as well as being less well-off that might well be due to most Pakistanis living in places like Bradford, Luton and Sparkhill in B'ham which have a higher crime rate and more unemployment.

Glad to say that in Southall when the riots hit all the Asians stood together did not matter if they were Sikh, Hindu or Muslim thats how it should be.
Lol frustrated much? It's about being civilized no one is saying appease the EDL but why do organizations as the EDL exist in the first place? Asian minorities need to behave themselves get along with British society and culture, integrate to an extent if you want to live under Sharia law then live in Saudi Arabia where they will treat Asians much worse.

PS you need to stop dressing like a Bedouin lol

Finally someone gets what i am trying to say, British Pakistani community has some special problems and issues that Pakistani communities elsewhere at least up to now don't seem to be having like in Norway , US etc.

You can just see even on this thread how some Pakistanis are proudly claiming that they have taken over some British areas. It makes me frustrated to think what kind of bad name brown people must be getting in UK thanks to you guys. Just imagine someone coming to your country and 'taking over' . Doesn't feel nice , that is why EDL like groups are born .
Hizb ut-Tahrir & Shariah4UK is the flip side to EDL it also did not help that many British born Pakistanis were involved in terror activities from 7/7 to other bomb plots that does not paint a good image for all us Asians living here. There are many good role models for Asian people to take like Amir Khan or James Caan instead of turning to extremism.
Bangladeshis don't seem to be so... you know . British Pakistani community is famous for stuff like this . Anyway whoever it was , the *** kicking they got was awesome .

Just can't stop laughing , looking at the way they charged like such gangsta studs... sorry lads

Seriously you are embarrassing your self, clearly your knowledge of the UK is really limited, or it must be some potent weed your smoking on. If you go to White chapel its controlled by the Bangladeshi's, the gangs are big there and dealing in drugs is very common. EDL members as individuals would think twice to even go there and stir up trouble. So clearly you don't know what you are talking. So as the British say just hush your gum and research more because its a pathetic attempt to malign a community with no substance.
Lol frustrated much? It's about being civilized no one is saying appease the EDL but why do organizations as the EDL exist in the first place? Asian minorities need to behave themselves get along with British society and culture, integrate to an extent if you want to live under Sharia law then live in Saudi Arabia where they will treat Asians much worse.

PS you need to stop dressing like a Bedouin lol

Quoted for truth. :rofl:
You can just see even on this thread how some Pakistanis are proudly claiming that they have taken over some British areas. It makes me frustrated to think what kind of bad name brown people must be getting in UK thanks to you guys. Just imagine someone coming to your country and 'taking over' . Doesn't feel nice , that is why EDL like groups are born .

I can gladly say such a thing you moron, because my Great grandfather was fighting in WW1 in Normandy, my Grandfather fought in WW2 for this country, so you have no right to say **** how we British Pakistani's behave or talk. You are frustrated I suggest you see a doctor and not bring your health issues in this discussion. Tommy Robinson was part of the BNP 2004, so it just tells you plainly that the top leadership was in cohorts with a racists party, so sling you hook as the english say so often. But more importantly we have given through the decades alot to this economy so British people in general should be grateful. Pakistani's have been successful, in business, and politics.
I have seen pictures and videos of people cursing out British troops. That is downright disrespectful. Troops never have a choice when it comes to where they are deployed yet they still go and fight in order to defend the country at home. These people have no common sense. :rolleyes:
Hizb ut-Tahrir & Shariah4UK

This exactly tells me alot about your knowledge on these groups. Prior to 7/7 I attended there seminars because they use to give lectures specifically Omar who use to go up and down the country. Most of there followers are not Pakistani's, although there top leader ship like Choudary is but he is a laughing figure no one respects him, even in the muslim or Pakistani community.
The media also play it dirty part hides facts just mentions one side.
This exactly tells me alot about your knowledge on these groups. Prior to 7/7 I attended there seminars because they use to give lectures specifically Omar who use to go up and down the country. Most of there followers are not Pakistani's, although there top leader ship like Choudary is but he is a laughing figure no one respects him, even in the muslim or Pakistani community.

Shariah4uk describes all you need to know about the group.
This exactly tells me alot about your knowledge on these groups. Prior to 7/7 I attended there seminars because they use to give lectures specifically Omar who use to go up and down the country. Most of there followers are not Pakistani's, although there top leader ship like Choudary is but he is a laughing figure no one respects him, even in the muslim or Pakistani community.

Im aware that its members are not all from Pakistani background but they preach hatred you can see that in Luton town with Shariah4uk members that is why the EDL is active there.
I have seen pictures and videos of people cursing out British troops. That is downright disrespectful. Troops never have a choice when it comes to where they are deployed yet they still go and fight in order to defend the country at home. These people have no common sense

True they could have protested in a much better fashion, but I find it difficult to fathom that a number of individuals in this website are painting the whole community wrong because 50 or 60 were stupid. I can say the same about Goa where western girls are targeted because brown people like white flesh, but the reality is we can't generalized to assume such a hypothesis.
what about prince harry and his racist remarks the media goes quiet if Asian guy says sum thing stupid media goes all out.
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