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EDL website hacked by Pakistanis

Im aware that its members are not all from Pakistani background but they preach hatred you can see that in Luton town with Shariah4uk members that is why the EDL is active there.

Yes they do, but how many members actually go on the street. The luton fiasco was a mere 50 or 60 hardly representing a whole community. EDL can be active but its a malicious group that focuses on casuing mayhem. Most of there lads are hooligans and have criminal records. Plus I never said Shariah4uk is good, in fact they are banned from entering most mosque.
Yes they do, but how many members actually go on the street. The luton fiasco was a mere 50 or 60 hardly representing a whole community. EDL can be active but its a malicious group that focuses on casuing mayhem. Most of there lads are hooligans and have criminal records. Plus I never said Shariah4uk is good, in fact they are banned from entering most mosque.

Not just a matter of EDL or Shariah4uk there has also been some British Pakistanis caught up with terrorism like the 7/7 bombers or the failed liquid bomb plot. That gives all us Asians a bad image as you know also Sikhs been attacked just for wearing Turbans.
True they could have protested in a much better fashion, but I find it difficult to fathom that a number of individuals in this website are painting the whole community wrong because 50 or 60 were stupid. I can say the same about Goa where western girls are targeted because brown people like white flesh, but the reality is we can't generalized to assume such a hypothesis.

Not the whole community, just the retards.
Not just a matter of EDL or Shariah4uk there has also been some British Pakistanis caught up with terrorism like the 7/7 bombers or the failed liquid bomb plot. That gives all us Asians a bad image as you know also Sikhs been attacked just for wearing Turbans.

Well I don't care if you think we give a bad name, because me personally and a vast majority of Pakistani's have done no harm, so I don't give a flying hoots. I know a Pathan in the UK who has loss family because of the drone attacks in Pakistan. So should he balme the english and hate the public, I don't think so. Your statement is too generalizing and would completely fail in a small-n or large-n cases study.

Just a handful of Sikhs are following this agenda but does that represent the whole community. I mean after all there are sikh terror cells in Britain, this is giving the rest of us a Asians a bad name. This is essentially what you advocated before which is clearly wrong in my opinion.

What Sikhs have done terror plots in UK? none but you can't say that for many British Pakistanis. There is a problem no matter how small and it has to be addressed otherwise it will add fuel to the fire for EDL who recruit using that banner.


This happend in B'ham only last year
Sikhs may not have used plots within the UK, however they are using the land to export there terror in another country. Hence it is giving all British people a bad name.My whole point is we can't generalize/

Now in regards to whether Pakistani's have done some bad things, I will agree however this problem is being rectrified by the community leaders who work with the police. Most of the informants who tick them off are local boys from the mosque. So yes there is a problem, but its being chnaged, but don't generalize a community because if you do that, then it leads to chaos and nothing is solved. EDL members can try what they want, but they will fail because they are a hindrance to the British society and immigration is bound to change the demographics of a place. For example I will guarantee you that in the next 2 decades the poles will be targeted next because they are coming to the UK in waves, taking all the jobs in the building sector.
Sikhs may not have used plots within the UK, however they are using the land to export there terror in another country. Hence it is giving all British people a bad name. Now in regards to whether Pakistani's have done some bad things, I will agree however this problem is being rectrified by the community leaders who work for the police. Most of the informants who tick them off are local boys from the mosque. So yes there is a problem, but its being chnaged, but don't generalize a community because if you do that, then it leads to chaos and nothing is solved. EDL members can try what they want, but they will fail because they are a hindrance to the British society and immigration is bound to change the demographics of a place. For example I will guarantee you that in the next 2 decades the poles will be targeted next because they are coming to the UK in waves, taking all the jobs in the building sector.

Im not saying the whole community I know on the whole most Pakistanis are decent hard working Asians like the rest. There is also social factors to take into account like where you live as we both know cities like Luton or Sparkhill there are no jobs there so what is the young youth gonna do? turn to crime and drugs or worse still extremism. The thing about the Poles the ones I chat with most of them they don't consider Uk their home they make their money here and go back then come back etc thats why once the credit crunch hit here you see so many of them going back to Poland and when there is another boom they will be back lol
Half of the so call terrorist are not even Pakistanis, other half are getting done for plotting and it all the same scenarios and it dont make sense cos the guys is retarded and we told he is sophisticated bomb maker. These days you cant fart otherwise you get done for terrorism. britain is just using these retarded oversea brainwashed guys for their own political game. i remember sometime ago i was reading in the newspaper how mi6 were blackmailing certain Muslims to cooperate with them and this was setup a trap which mi6 will use them as blame frame and if they refused they were threatened to be taken abroad for torture and wives and kid raped.
Sikhs may not have used plots within the UK, however they are using the land to export there terror in another country. Hence it is giving all British people a bad name.My whole point is we can't generalize/

Now in regards to whether Pakistani's have done some bad things, I will agree however this problem is being rectrified by the community leaders who work with the police. Most of the informants who tick them off are local boys from the mosque. So yes there is a problem, but its being chnaged, but don't generalize a community because if you do that, then it leads to chaos and nothing is solved. EDL members can try what they want, but they will fail because they are a hindrance to the British society and immigration is bound to change the demographics of a place. For example I will guarantee you that in the next 2 decades the poles will be targeted next because they are coming to the UK in waves, taking all the jobs in the building sector.

Don't even compare Sikhs with the muslims of Britain . The EDL also has made a clear distinction between the two and repeatedly called the sikhs and hindus a decent community which has integrated into the British society .

When the far-right says something like that , it means something.
You have articulated on a ridiculous notion, that we Muslims take an advantage within are stay in the UK. In addition your statement is full of fallacy, because any academic study which focuses on small-n or large-n would clarify that your connotation ingeneralizing a community based upon minute points is wrong. Furthermore the word Muslim encompasses all ethnic groups that believe in Islam, so I don't know why you are exactly focusing on Pakistani's.

Well who do you want me to focus on? Arabs? Bengalis? As a Pakistani, I should care about the bad image of my own community.
You can have criticism in Islam, but when you do it in a derogratory manner then its another story. EDL members have spoken rude words on the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him), without discussion any intellectual dialogue. You speak in your post that we Muslims should be tolerant, then why don't you say the same in Austria were people are kept in prison if you are anti-semitic.
People are not put in prison for being Anti-semetic, it is for denying the holocaust. I don't agree with it but there is an valid reason for this law being in place.
Again, your religion doesn't mean anything here, whether you are hindu or Muslim. If people make fun of prophet Muhammed, tolerate it, that is what everyone else does.

That is not true, I have a lot Shia friends in the UK, so your hypothesis is wrong. Although you can link this statement in Pakistan, however this is about Britain.
Read what I said again, Pakistanis don't tolerate Shia or Ahmedis in our country and some Muslims here want an athiest country to not only give special respect to thier religion, but also adopt it.

my nighbour is shia lolz. first it was we are brown then it was we are taking jobs like opening pound stores and take away lolz now it islam. Pakistanis that do cause trouble it about dirty cash, turf war, robbery but for Islam nope.

Think bigger than your neighbor- Shias are being killed back home. Also improve your English.

Its comments like theses makes Muslims the new Jews
How are Muslims anything like Jews?
Jews were the most useful, educated people in their society when they were persecuted. Muslims are the least productive and most backwards. First stop living like your in 6th century Arabia before making these stupid comparisons.

I can gladly say such a thing you moron, because my Great grandfather was fighting in WW1 in Normandy, my Grandfather fought in WW2 for this country, so you have no right to say **** how we British Pakistani's behave or talk.

Great, a million Brits had their "Great grandfathers" fighting in WW1, you don't suddenly become royalty and outside the law.

I have seen pictures and videos of people cursing out British troops. That is downright disrespectful. Troops never have a choice when it comes to where they are deployed yet they still go and fight in order to defend the country at home. These people have no common sense. :rolleyes:

Imagine if Afghanis went and disrespected our soldiers, they would be dead right now.

The media also play it dirty part hides facts just mentions one side.

Nice conspiracy theories. The British media is not harsh enough.

Well I don't care if you think we give a bad name, because me personally and a vast majority of Pakistani's have done no harm, so I don't give a flying hoots. I know a Pathan in the UK who has loss family because of the drone attacks in Pakistan. So should he balme the english and hate the public, I don't think so. Your statement is too generalizing and would completely fail in a small-n or large-n cases study.

This is the kind of stupid uninformed logic that shows me that you are oblivious to the problem.
Seriously you are embarrassing your self, clearly your knowledge of the UK is really limited, or it must be some potent weed your smoking on. If you go to White chapel its controlled by the Bangladeshi's, the gangs are big there and dealing in drugs is very common. EDL members as individuals would think twice to even go there and stir up trouble. So clearly you don't know what you are talking. So as the British say just hush your gum and research more because its a pathetic attempt to malign a community with no substance.

You guys there in Britain are doing more than a good enough job at that. What's left for me ? ;)
Don't even compare Sikhs with the muslims of Britain . The EDL also has made a clear distinction between the two and repeatedly called the sikhs and hindus a decent community which has integrated into the British society .

You must have an inert mind, because you seem to change your stance. First you articulated on the assumption that Pakistani's are bad within the sphere of British society, now you are advocating Muslims are not good enough. Talk about confuse.com.

If you include all Muslims, then its another story because most of Mayfair, Kensington garden is owned by Arabs and Malaysians, so we are contributing to the economy. Furthermore Pakistani's in general have done fairly well, we have a Lord in House of Lords, MPs in various constituents plus a number of respected businessmen.

However you are showing with great clarity of your dislike of muslims, and its apparent to see in your message. Fair enough its your opinion but don't make it too obvious that you look like a clown. You seem delusional because you are making a statement so boldy without even living in the UK, which demonstrates biasness,
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