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EDL website hacked by Pakistanis

Im not saying the whole community I know on the whole most Pakistanis are decent hard working Asians like the rest. There is also social factors to take into account like where you live as we both know cities like Luton or Sparkhill there are no jobs there so what is the young youth gonna do? turn to crime and drugs or worse still extremism. The thing about the Poles the ones I chat with most of them they don't consider Uk their home they make their money here and go back then come back etc thats why once the credit crunch hit here you see so many of them going back to Poland and when there is another boom they will be back lol

This message makes plausible sense, and I agree the social factors of some communities does generate a lack of knowledge and ignorance. Generally most of the educated Pakistani actually went to America, because they came from Karachi who have a tradition of scholar traits. However most Pakistani's who did migrate to the UK are from villages, or lower states. I don't mean to offend any other Pakistani's but this the perception I have or read or learned from some elders. haha, actually you are right about the poles, but #i have to give respect to them, as they work extremely hard and send there money back to Poland.

You guys there in Britain are doing more than a good enough job at that. What's left for me

What ever floats your boat, I am enjoying my life and have no problem in the UK. The biggest problem that is facing this country is its deficit and a double dip recession plus a growing energy crisis that will hit this country in the next decade.
Well who do you want me to focus on? Arabs? Bengalis? As a Pakistani, I should care about the bad image of my own community.

Well you don't give any constructive criticism, its all negative which gives me a perception that you are not even Pakistani. However its your own opinion if you believe in it so strongly, who am I to stop you.
How are Muslims anything like Jews?
Jews were the most useful, educated people in their society when they were persecuted. Muslims are the least productive and most backwards. First stop living like your in 6th century Arabia before making these stupid comparisons.


Muslims are like Jews is because the amount of prosecution they got and your post has proven such racist hatred. What you fail to understand Zarvin is that most British Muslims are law abiding and not that crap you speak against them. Everyone at one point
had a crack at the establishment if Muslims decide to make fun then tolerate it then. Its very hypocritical from your part that you scream about patriotic British freedom but tell Muslims to shut up. Its British freedom don't like then YOU f*ck off to India. Beside its not that you hold a British passport, which sometime makes me laugh about you Bhatis always worried about other people issue , sort out your staving people in India. Britain doesn't need another racist thug in their country after all they have deported Abu Hamza, demolishing the EDL and so on.

You talk about the Polish who come here make their money and go back to Poland. What about the British Muslims who are third generations, are in the Army had Grand parents that fought WW2 and WW1, should they leave as well because they wanted to have A mosque for their community ?

Calling Muslims backward and uneducated whilst you can not handle English Grammar - classic !
Dude come back to reality and stop making those retarded ideas. Idiotic uninformed logic that shows me that you are oblivious to the problem at hand.
People are not put in prison for being Anti-semetic, it is for denying the holocaust. I don't agree with it but there is an valid reason for this law being in place.
Again, your religion doesn't mean anything here, whether you are hindu or Muslim. If people make fun of prophet Muhammed, tolerate it, that is what everyone else does.

Actually people do go into prison in Austria, because you said before that we Muslims are a nuisance in Europe and Islamaphobia is not racists. I just gave you an example where being anti-semitic is punishable by law. Hence If you insult the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) then there will be reprecussions. However if there is criticism on a academic level then it is fine.
Read what I said again, Pakistanis don't tolerate Shia or Ahmedis in our country and some Muslims here want an athiest country to not only give special respect to thier religion, but also adopt it.

First of all we are talking about the UK, Pakistan does not count. Second I am a Muslim and I have both Shia and Ahmedis friends so you are incorrect. Now again you are generalizing a statement, truly pathetic in the sphere of academic studies. You would flop with a capital F. You are also in confuse.com mode just like nick indian. You talked about Pakistanis then you are talking about Muslims.....stop smoking pham
Great, a million Brits had their "Great grandfathers" fighting in WW1, you don't suddenly become royalty and outside the law.

Your taking my message out of context, it was put forward to nick indian. I spoke on this notion because I have the right to speak and give my opinion and stay in this society because my family has given a lot to this country. Some one who is not British and is staying in India thinking he knows best is laughable and pathetic. And I never said I was royalty....you truly represent the worse of Pakistani's in this country because you look stupid.
This is the kind of stupid uninformed logic that shows me that you are oblivious to the problem.

Again all bark but no substance, as you love using the one liners. Why don't you actually explain your stance, or has that ego inflated your pea size brain.
zarvin we have shia marrying sunnis vice versa in England, what the hell you on about pakistanis dont tolerate shia. There is more dirt going in Pakistan from the so call educated Karachi end than anywhere else. There is more alcohol consumed over in Pakistan "murre with your curry" how about that. yes my English is crap i went to public school not posh Karachi American institution. It these kind of pakistanis that make our folks think forget Pakistan and leads to us being dis-united especially when it comes to mirpuri pothwari backward villager comments. you try hard to make your people as one but you just get insulted.
zarvin we have shia marrying sunnis vice versa in England, what the hell you on about pakistanis dont tolerate shia. There is more dirt going in Pakistan from the so call educated Karachi end than anywhere else. There is more alcohol consumed over in Pakistan "murre with your curry" how about that. yes my English is crap i went to public school not posh Karachi American institution. It these kind of pakistanis that make our folks think forget Pakistan and leads to us being dis-united especially when it comes to mirpuri pothwari backward villager comments. you try hard to make your people as one but you just get insulted.

Azad I very much doubt that this person is Pakistani, you can tell by his/her tone and no. of times he/she attacks on Muslims with no reason at all.

The topic is about Pakistani hacking on a racist, criminal and dellusinal thugs organisation known as the EDL...and Good on them ! WELL DONE! Shows those half baked racists apes what Pakistani can do.
If only Zarvin and A1Kalid know what the EDL stood for they wouldn't have their tougues far deep in there B*tt holes.
YOu're damn right I'm livid with anger. Indian, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi people came to Britain to seek work and help the British economy back in 60s and 70s . Racist thug would harass them and in worst cases kill them. THose same racist thugs have connection or now part of the EDL and to see A1Kalid and Zarvin being apologetic to EDL is like spitting at those Asians that came to do good honest work back in the 60s, 70, and 80s.
Hers a video of the EDL leader for anyone whos interested

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Based upon some members who reside in this esteemed forum who advocate the assumption that Muslims are at fault for causing rising tensions, need to reconsider. I joined the EDL forum, so that it could be possible for me to comprehend the mindset of there hatred. Malicious and abuse was hailed upon me, when I was just promoting the idea of dialogue so that we could have exchanged different views. Clearly this demonstrates that this organization is a bunch of thugs who are known to come from a number of different firms across the country, since there knowledge is very limited. They are racists and vile, so we as a society need to combat such a menace. I guess people with no brain have no cure.
I guess people with no brain have no cure.

Green Bullet here are more brainless EDL members ranting like the idiots they are. See 1:20 - 1:30 the guy with the mask. They are sooooooooooo retarded you almost feel sorry for them LOL.

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Haha, I couldn't stop laughing at the stupidity of the first person who was whining about the symbol on the microphone..he must have smoked some potent weed, since he was having a mid-life crisis on national TV. EDL is an aggressive organization and they don't aspire to achieve an environment of dialogue, but are racists thugs.

The guy in the mask was epic failure "love to see a mosque in Mecca"...newsflash moron Mecca already has a mosque, although he ran faster than a cheetah, realizing his mistake. If EDL wants to expand then they need to work on there PR, by pushing coherent sensible people in the media.

Clearly these fools are uneducated and need to be sent to a mental institution to fix there half dead brain. Both Tommy Robinson and that muppet Anjum Choudary are a menace to society. I hate Anjum Choudary because he attacks other people of different faiths and claims benefits from the government. I cannot understand in the assumption why the British government has not arrested him for his hate speech. However in Luton Anjum Choudary is a laughing stock and everyone ignores him, except for his 40 odd followers.
This whole fiasco started when Anjum Choudary's group protested during the British solders march in Luton town center and Tommy Robinson seeing the opportunity to become famous. I have the best solution, put these two fools in a boxing ring and lets hope, that there is no last man standing.
Can someone run over anjem chaudhry with a car please? Thank you :D it's essentially edl idiots vs anjem's idiots.
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