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Each MiG-35 to cost only $30 mil for the Russians. Is the IAF listening?

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A sh!tty nation building a sh!tty plane (teja) with imported engines, radar, avionics etc for last 2 decades and still the sh!tty tejas remain still a failure--just like india as a nation lol--and now you are dreaming of MK2 being equal to Rafael? LOL! only indians can be that delusional...

indians are becoming a joke!

Rafael deal isn't finalize yet and its the end of 2013!!!!! india will probably get its first rafael in 2025 and by then, it would have been useless pretty much..

shoo sad... :lol:
Hope u r happy now ROLF !
This government will not sign such a huge deal just before the election. And I doubt the first thing next government will do is to sign this deal. So, realistically the deal can be signed in late 2014 or, early 2015 ( best scenario ) . The fighters will start coming in 2018. By then we will be testing FGFA and inducting LCA.

I wonder whether there really is a need for 20 Bill. deal for sub-systems to go in LCA-II and AMCA...? There are many cash strapped European Companies who will co-develop / develop systems for us...

This government will not sign such a huge deal just before the election. And I doubt the first thing next government will do is to sign this deal. So, realistically the deal can be signed in late 2014 or, early 2015 ( best scenario ) . The fighters will start coming in 2018. By then we will be testing FGFA and inducting LCA.

I wonder whether there really is a need for 20 Bill. deal for sub-systems to go in LCA-II and AMCA...? There are many cash strapped European Companies who will co-develop / develop systems for us...
In you most wisest of suggestions, what would be an "optimal" solution for India? Please, do enlighten us....... :D

Sadly we have many here who want this hugely over priced rafale to "diversify" our sources.. what a pity..
Whether we buy Rafale or not, we should support Tejas fully. We have created a possibility by the way of Tejas. if we can pour some more fund in tejas, we can get it very fast. We should begin designing stealth Tejas from today itself. So by Mk 2 gets FOC, we should have Mk3 prototype ready like we are going to have Mk2 by the time Mk1 is ready. We need to make it more aerodynamically refined plane to exploit its full capaability. I am sure that we can make MMRCA out of tejas. A >100 KN engine, short landing and take off, > 6 tons of weight carrying capacity, >2 mach speed, very low RCS, AESA, 300 KM bvrs, very Long range etc.
In my opinion success of tejas lies in refining Aerodynamics and increasing AOA. Designers already tells that they will decrease weight by 400 kg to 500 kg.

If we pour some more funds, we can get AMCA in 4 to 5 years. design is almost ready. We should begin building it soon. It should be in blocks. Thrust victor may come in second block. If we buy Su 35 or MI 35 we can easily have Tejas MK 3 in service and AMCA prototype ready by 2020 out of fund we save from Swapping SU 35 aginst Rafale.

But in present condition I do not think we may compromise on rafale.
About mk1

1)engines are underpowered.......limits the abilities
2)only 8 hardpoints
3)no irst
4)radar el/m 2032 is an average radar
5)old design

But the main point is its a point defence fighter and is gonna replace mig-21
It is not meant to be a multirole fighter

On mk2

I will comment when i see one

2032 is a very good radar. You know IsAF wanted to get their F-16Sufa's radar(AN/APG-68) replaced by 2032. But USA did not allow it. It means it is better than AN/APG 68 new versions.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A sh!tty nation building a sh!tty plane (teja) with imported engines, radar, avionics etc for last 2 decades and still the sh!tty tejas remain still a failure--just like india as a nation lol--and now you are dreaming of MK2 being equal to Rafael? LOL! only indians can be that delusional...

indians are becoming a joke!

Rafael deal isn't finalize yet and its the end of 2013!!!!! india will probably get its first rafael in 2025 and by then, it would have been useless pretty much..

shoo sad... :lol:

You even know difference between Rafale and Rafael?

Why dont you help yourself and shut up rather than looking as a fool?
2032 is a very good radar. You know IsAF wanted to get their F-16Sufa's radar(AN/APG-68) replaced by 2032. But USA did not allow it. It means it is better than AN/APG 68 new versions.

even ag-68(9) is nothing much........a basic slotted array,,,,a full 2 generations behind aesa radar
in any case i hope the rafale deal to be finilazed soon.the longer we wait the higher we loose.
u are sadly mistaken my friend as far as economy is concerned,,,,,,ask any indian living in india this question and u will get the same answer

i agree with him.this gloom is temporary.anybody with basic economic knowledge agrees with me.things will bounce back soon.not to worry.
in any case i hope the rafale deal to be finilazed soon.the longer we wait the higher we loose.

we are already too late man
1)in 2018 approx 350 aircrafts would beretired(mig-21 and mig-27)

2)even if we sign contract now the rafales will start rollout in late 2016 to early 2017
i agree with him.this gloom is temporary.anybody with basic economic knowledge agrees with me.things will bounce back soon.not to worry.

i will be waiting dude..............after land acquisition bill,forget about acquiring land for industries

pls research online on cons of this bill and we will discuss:cheers:
we are already too late man
1)in 2018 approx 350 aircrafts would beretired(mig-21 and mig-27)

2)even if we sign contract now the rafales will start rollout in late 2016 to early 2017

we're not in a war..besides it would be the same case if we order some other plane also only rafale is already in consideration and may complete faster than again going for a new deal with all the same procedures.its not like going to a shop paying money and getting the planes off the parking space.same procedure will be followed in case of mig35 also.and the point is we wont be sure if we'll get them in time and the delays and cost escalations may be much more.atleast the french are punctual.they already announced that the deal would be finalized this year.and still theres 3 months left so lets wait.
we're not in a war..besides it would be the same case if we order some other plane also only rafael is already in consideration and may complete faster than again going for a new deal with all the same procedures.its not like going to a shop paying money and getting the planes off the parking space.same procedure will be followed in case of mig35 also.and the point is we wont be sure if we'll get them in time and the delays and cost escalations may be much more.atleast the french are punctual.they already announced that the deal would be finalized this year.and still theres 3 months left so lets wait.

1)am i supporting mig-35 here??pls read post no 5

2)my analysis stands,no one can predict future by the way.........yes we will be vulnerable for 3-4 years atleast

solution----sign deal fast(any) and rollout the tejas to replace mig-21

3)Ur point on cost escalation is hilarious........considering the rafale will cost atleasttwice the mig-35
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