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Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

Same way Turkish Cypriots were expelled from Greek Cyprus.

Before Turkish invention. A lot of Turks also fled the island because of Greek Terror and genocide.

Why don't you mention that too? Ah, I see, you see Muslims not as equals.

Where did i say that the invasion was unjustified or that Muslims were not equal? Jews were not equal to Muslims in the Ottoman Empire, not the other way around. Don't put words in my mouth.

If you believe that i want animosity between our countries then you are wrong. I was just putting the hypocrisy of his post into place that he has no right to judge Israel when Turkish history is filled with blood of millions.
Where did i say that the invasion was unjustified or that Muslims were not equal? Jews were not equal to Muslims in the Ottoman Empire, not the other way around. Don't put words in my mouth.

If you believe that i want animosity between our countries then you are wrong. I was just putting the hypocrisy of his post into place that he has no right to judge Israel when Turkish history is filled with blood of millions.

What is the point of participating in a forum then? Every country has some black pages in its history. If you can not stick to the topic, then take yourself along with your emotions out of it. Besides, being a hypocrite does not make one a liar, though you've been an exception to that.
If you believe that i want animosity between our countries then you are wrong. I was just putting the hypocrisy of his post into place that he has no right to judge Israel when Turkish history is filled with blood of millions.

for once i agree 100% with a jew: the rootless races shall stand in solidarity in face of universal hatred of their races, even if for no other reason than collective guilt: the jews (with all the arab blood on their hands), the turkics (with all the kurdic and armenian blood on their hands), and the anglo-saxons (with blood of africans, americans, and asians on their hands).

the petty bickering between the panturkicists and the zionists is indeed the most trivial and least comprehensible of all in recent diplomatic history.
Where did i say that the invasion was unjustified or that Muslims were not equal? Jews were not equal to Muslims in the Ottoman Empire, not the other way around. Don't put words in my mouth.

If you believe that i want animosity between our countries then you are wrong. I was just putting the hypocrisy of his post into place that he has no right to judge Israel when Turkish history is filled with blood of millions.
If you mean the Armenian Genocide, that is fake. There were no death camps or intention of mass murder, in the contrary we wanted to save much as possible in the war. Actually what Israel doesn to Palestinians is a genocide.
Sorry mate but your previous post alone surpassed any kind of ignorant or troll post posted or will be posted here, so better do not try :) It was ours ! lol

Doesn't matter how you describe it, its an invasion, you gathered your Jews around the world .proclaimed that land because you think its holy, made the native inhabitants subjects and you're still trying to expand your lands.

Here is another lesson, humanity no longers considers that as something normal, neither was considering it normal 100 years ago, having power to do it doesn't justifies it.
No, humanity considers it perfectly normal, otherwise u would need to dissolve most of today countries.
You didn't get it at all, humanity doesn't considers those actions normal anymore, whats done in past is done, trying to changing them will cause more damage but newer actions should be prevented.
@500: Finally you confessed tthe existence of israel had established on accordiance with Zionism ideas

But what about the rest parts of promised holy land..? because current israel border is too narrow for israeli according to Mr.Theodor Herzl.

from now on is it possible to further large border of israel..?
another critic ques: is it posibble to save current border and jareselam upto 50 years more in ahead.?

when israeli will come to face with the reality what pity that they shall realised that the greates evil done by Zionists.

it was best for Jews and the rest of world an israeli state should established in some lands like new zeland australia, Madagascar papua new guine when Jews at peak of most power era in 20.century..

all your guaranty is not you army or US it is your 200 nuke bombs..but when some others have the same weapons..then what would be happen?
You didn't get it at all, humanity doesn't considers those actions normal anymore, whats done in past is done, trying to changing them will cause more damage but newer actions should be prevented.
It does consider normal. Thats why except of few freaks no one calls to destroy current countries.

@500: Finally you confessed tthe existence of israel had established on accordiance with Zionism ideas
Zionism means Jewish state in Holy Land. Thats all. All prophets were Zionists.

But what about the rest parts of promised holy land..? because current israel border is too narrow for israeli according to Mr.Theodor Herzl.
No, there is no defined borders. In fact Zionists accepted UN partition plan where Israel was much smaller than today.

from now on is it possible to further large border of israel..?
Not a single pary in Israel, even most extreme talks about larger Israel.

when israeli will come to face with the reality what pity that they shall realised that the greates evil done by Zionists.

it was best for Jews and the rest of world an israeli state should established in some lands like new zeland australia, Madagascar papua new guine when Jews at peak of most power era in 20.century..
Pre Zionist Palestine was more empty than Madagascar, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.

Today in Palestine live 13 times more Arabs than pre Zionism time and they live better than their neighbours around.

all your guaranty is not you army or US it is your 200 nuke bombs..but when some others have the same weapons..then what would be happen?
In 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 wars Arabs had much more weapons than us. It did not help them.
Zionism means Jewish state in Holy Land. Thats all. All prophets were Zionists.

you had been evicted from your "holy land" for thousands of years. the phrenology and customs of an average jew in the 21st century have absolutely nothing to do with the land itself. this is what makes zionism - which is made out by its advocates to sound like a defensive ideology and an innocuous plea by a native people to establish a state in its native land - an aggressive, rootless, globalist ideology.

make friends with the turkics and the anglo-saxons, my dear jews. for these two equally rootless, ruthless races alone can be your true friend in your bloody quest of the zionist ambition of a murderous, rootless state.
Its not normal, thats why no sane one calls for destroying countries, wiping out nations, invading and taking lands anymore.

Why are you constantly saying that area had low populations ? what is it justifies ? If I occupy a house of 5 people with my 10 friends, does it justifies my action ?

Vilayet of Kudüs which covers a lesser area than today's Palestine had 266 000 Muslims in 1914, for its size its not that low but neither so dense, its doesn't matters anyway.

I have to agree with him, all those troubles happened just because you think its a holy land and decided to buy a land located in centre of millions of angry Arabs.
you had been evicted from your "holy land" for thousands of years.
Not really. Jews always remained there.

the phrenology and customs of an average jew in the 21st century have absolutely nothing to do with the land itself.
Jews have much more to do with this land than Arabs.

Its not normal, thats why no sane one calls for destroying countries, wiping out nations, invading and taking lands anymore.
So u accept legality of states including Israel.

Why are you constantly saying that area had low populations ? what is it justifies ? If I occupy a house of 5 people with my 10 friends, does it justifies my action ?
If that house does not belong to anyone then why not?
Just because inhabitants of the house doesn't have an official land register, doesn't means you can break into any house and proclaim it like yours, nor you can except rest of the neigbourhood to be "ok" with that.

Jews has nothing with those lands except stories from thousands of years ago, you're taking a Jew from Russia, putting him in Palestine and saying he has more do with those lands then its native inhabitants :smitten:

How is that accepting legality of Israel ? Israel is the perpetrator.
When do we go?


Do you really think those girls are beautiful or is it just the uniform that attracts you?
Not really. Jews always remained there.
Although you are one of the respected members here but no offence, you get so stupid when it comes to Palestine. We talked about this before, there is no religion belongs to specific people or area, for instance Syria was predominantly a Christian country before Islam, but it's people converted to Islam, so according to your logic, Christians in Russia and West should capture Syria and displace it's people because it had always been a Christian country...It can't be more insolent than saying that some of Palestinians are originally Arabs and take an excuse to take over their lands, and again, it's like saying that Germany should take over France since large number of it's people are not originally French? **** the logic...

Jews have much more to do with this land than Arabs.
Palestinians were not Arabs before Arab invasion and there were jews but they all died in wars except for a minority.

So u accept legality of states including Israel.
If you agree to live in peace side by side a Palestinian state and stop your hostile acts, time could heal what you did, but this will never happen because Israelis will never do that and I believe what Allah said before 1400 years which expected this to happen:

"And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture that, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness. So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled. Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower
[And said], "If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves." Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction."

Noble Quran » English - Sahih International » Sorah Al-Isra ( The Night Journey )

If that house does not belong to anyone then why not?
So Palestine didn't belong to anyone? :lol:
In 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 wars Arabs had much more weapons than us. It did not help them.

In 1956, Isarel, France and England jointly attacked Egypt. How can "Arabs" had much weapon in this war? And how can you accept this war as a win for Israel considering the fact that your allies couldn't achive their goals?

This war was a total humilation for both England and France and both of them had to leave ME after the war.
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