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Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

If you mean the Armenian Genocide, that is fake. There were no death camps or intention of mass murder, in the contrary we wanted to save much as possible in the war. Actually what Israel doesn to Palestinians is a genocide.

This is like Alzheimer's...
Armenian Genocide happened, so did the Greek Genocide, the Assyrian Genocide, Catastrophe of Smyrna, Zylan Massacre, Hamidian massacres and so on. All done by Turks in the last century and the total death toll to be over 4 million.

First you seemed to be talking with reason but now it's like your train of thought is deteriorating with each post. Try and think before posting such nonsense as "Palestinian Genocide"...

The Arabs in Gaza and West Bank are 10 times their original 1948 population, what is this "Reverse Genocide"?
Just because inhabitants of the house doesn't have an official land register, doesn't means you can break into any house and proclaim it like yours, nor you can except rest of the neigbourhood to be "ok" with that.
Jews bought lands. Unlike Arabs who broke in.

Jews has nothing with those lands except stories from thousands of years ago, you're taking a Jew from Russia, putting him in Palestine and saying he has more do with those lands then its native inhabitants :smitten:
Palestinians are migrants from Egypt, Arabia, Syria and Lebanon, so natarally Jew from Russia has much more to do with Palestine.

In 1956, Isarel, France and England jointly attacked Egypt. How can "Arabs" had much weapon in this war? And how can you accept this war as a win for Israel considering the fact that your allies couldn't achive their goals?

This war was a total humilation for both England and France and both of them had to leave ME after the war.
Actually Israel took most of Sinai before England and France intervene.
In 1956, Isarel, France and England jointly attacked Egypt. How can "Arabs" had much weapon in this war? And how can you accept this war as a win for Israel considering the fact that your allies couldn't achive their goals?

This war was a total humilation for both England and France and both of them had to leave ME after the war.
The French and the Brits were humiliated by the Americans but everyone knew it was a victory for Israel.

Straits of Tiran were re-opened to Israeli shipping after being closed by the Egyptians.

Israel emerged victorious from the war. Its forces executed a military campaign that leading military theorist B.H. Liddell Hart termed “brilliant.
Although you are one of the respected members here but no offence, you get so stupid when it comes to Palestine. We talked about this before, there is no religion belongs to specific people or area, for instance Syria was predominantly a Christian country before Islam, but it's people converted to Islam, so according to your logic, Christians in Russia and West should capture Syria and displace it's people because it had always been a Christian country...It can't be more insolent than saying that some of Palestinians are originally Arabs and take an excuse to take over their lands, and again, it's like saying that Germany should take over France since large number of it's people are not originally French? **** the logic...
Jews are a nation first and foremost.

Palestinians were not Arabs before Arab invasion and there were jews but they all died in wars except for a minority.
Palestinians are mix of different peoples. Thats why u can see blond palestinians and black palestinians.

If you agree to live in peace side by side a Palestinian state and stop your hostile acts, time could heal what you did, but this will never happen because Israelis will never do that and I believe what Allah said before 1400 years which expected this to happen:
we did not start hostile acts.

So Palestine didn't belong to anyone? :lol:
Actually Israel took most of Sinai before England and France intervene.

I know that but you gained no lands, except political and geo-strategic benefits, at the end of war.
So yes, I changed my mind. It was a win for Israel.
I know that but you gained no lands, except political and geo-strategic benefits, at the end of war.
So yes, I changed my mind. It was a win for Israel.

Only political and Geo-strategic benefits. Those are horrible results, indeed.
Only political and Geo-strategic benefits. Those are horrible results, indeed.

Unlike you, I can see my mistake and take my words back. Hovewer, you still insist on claiming Irgun was not a terrorist organization.
Unlike you, I can see my mistake and take my words back. Hovewer, you still insist on claiming Irgun was not a terrorist organization.

I call it like it is. You call it as you think it is, then are proven wrong and then you reluctantly admit your mistake.
Jews bought lands. Unlike Arabs who broke in.


This is like Alzheimer's...
Armenian Genocide happened, so did the Greek Genocide, the Assyrian Genocide, Catastrophe of Smyrna, Zylan Massacre, Hamidian massacres and so on. All done by Turks in the last century and the total death toll to be over 4 million.

First you seemed to be talking with reason but now it's like your train of thought is deteriorating with each post. Try and think before posting such nonsense as "Palestinian Genocide"...

The Arabs in Gaza and West Bank are 10 times their original 1948 population, what is this "Reverse Genocide"?

Finally Jews Show their feelings openly. Are there any more Turks left who are in bed with Jews?
Finally Jews Show their feelings openly. Are there any more Turks left who are in bed with Jews?

Ptex takes it even further. He adds Greek genocide to the mix too. How can there be a genocide when the leaders of Greece and Turkey made a non-unilateral agreement for population exchange? And why would Greece make a friendship with Turkey after such a genocide have happened right after it allegedly happend? Which country would do that?

Any way, the (Israeli) Jews lost me after that comment. Very disappointed.
Ptex takes it even further. He adds Greek genocide to the mix too. How can there be a genocide when the leaders of Greece and Turkey have made an unilateral agreement for population exchange? And why would Greece make a friendship with Turkey after such a genocide have happened right after it allegedly happend? Which country would do that?

Any way, the (Israeli) Jews lost me after that comment. Very disappointed.

Jews with Turkish ID are No different. Those Jews are leeches. They destroyed Khazar Khaganate, then backstabbed Ottomans. Now its Turkey's turn.
Jews with Turkish ID are No different. Those Jews are leeches. They destroyed Khazar Khaganate, then backstabbed Ottomans. Now its Turkey's turn.
I don't think all Jews are like the ones here. There is distinction between Jews and Israeli.

but tell me How did they destroy Khazar Khaganate?
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