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Ptex takes it even further. He adds Greek genocide to the mix too. How can there be a genocide when the leaders of Greece and Turkey made a non-unilateral agreement for population exchange? And why would Greece make a friendship with Turkey after such a genocide have happened right after it allegedly happend? Which country would do that?

Any way, the (Israeli) Jews lost me after that comment. Very disappointed.

Ignorance is not bliss when you don't even know your own country's history.

Greek genocide also known as the Pontic genocide, was the systematic extermination of the Greek population from its homeland in Asia Minor during World War I and its aftermath (1914–1923). It was instigated by the government of the Ottoman Empire against the Greek population of the Empire and it included massacres, forced deportations involving death marches, summary expulsions, arbitrary executions, and destruction of Christian Orthodox cultural, historical and religious monuments. According to various sources, several hundred thousand Ottoman Greeks died during this period.[3] Some of the survivors and refugees, especially those in Eastern provinces, took refuge in the neighbouring Russian Empire. After the end of the 1919–22 Greco-Turkish War, most of the Greeks remaining in the Ottoman Empire were transferred to Greece under the terms of the 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey. Other ethnic groups were similarly attacked by the Ottoman Empire during this period, including Assyrians and Armenians, and some scholars consider those events to be part of the same policy of extermination.

Go look it up, maybe you will learn a thing or two and come back with more intelligence.

Greek genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, I'm denying that it was a civil war between jews and non-jews because there is simply no proof for it get it proffessor ?

I leave you with Your Jewish friends. When you have a clue, come again.
PteX, do not believe everything you see in wiki, even the sane Greeks are not able to defend it because its simply bullsh.t. just looking at numbers shows it.

Alienoz, its you who should come with clue.

And of course if we talk about truth, we're Hayın or Kafir :D

I should not believe it? It's an accepted fact by the vast majority of the world, except the Turks for some reason.

Pontus Rum Soykırımı - Is the name given by the Turkish scholars.
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Ignorance is not bliss when you don't even know your own country's history.

Greek genocide also known as the Pontic genocide, was the systematic extermination of the Greek population from its homeland in Asia Minor during World War I and its aftermath (1914–1923). It was instigated by the government of the Ottoman Empire against the Greek population of the Empire and it included massacres, forced deportations involving death marches, summary expulsions, arbitrary executions, and destruction of Christian Orthodox cultural, historical and religious monuments. According to various sources, several hundred thousand Ottoman Greeks died during this period.[3] Some of the survivors and refugees, especially those in Eastern provinces, took refuge in the neighbouring Russian Empire. After the end of the 1919–22 Greco-Turkish War, most of the Greeks remaining in the Ottoman Empire were transferred to Greece under the terms of the 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey. Other ethnic groups were similarly attacked by the Ottoman Empire during this period, including Assyrians and Armenians, and some scholars consider those events to be part of the same policy of extermination.

Go look it up, maybe you will learn a thing or two and come back with more intelligence.

Greek genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, very good source. If you are going to learn history from Wikipedia I have pity for you. I thought Jews were smarter and more objective than this.

Wikipedia is a place for Armenians and Greeks to rewrite their own personal history. No serious historian will call what happened to the Greeks as genocide. As I said before, you are cherry picking history like your Christian brothers. When a Muslim dies, who cares? When a Christian dies, you scope it out.

First of all, you can't call a population exchange a genocide. It was both agreed upon by Greece and Turkey to take place. Secondly, before the war happened in Anatolia. Muslims were massacred in the Balkans and driven out, why don't you mention that too? What happened in Anatolia was a response to what Christians did in the Balkan.
No its not bro as I said do not believe everything you heard, I had enough debates with Greeks in that issue, they simply have no proof nor any of their claims are close to realism. everything in that claim is based on thoughts of few Europeans who are never visited the region and just heard stuff from Greek propagandists at those times.
Wikipedia, very good source. If you are going to learn history from Wikipedia I have pity for you. I thought Jews were smarter and more objective than this.

Wikipedia is a place for Armenians and Greeks to rewrite their own personal history. No serious historian will call what happened to the Greeks as genocide. As I said before, you are cherry picking history like your Christian brothers. When a Muslim dies, who cares? When a Christian dies, you scope it out.

First of all, you can't call a population exchange a genocide. It was both agreed upon by Greece and Turkey to take place. Secondly, before the war happened in Anatolia. Muslims were massacred in the Balkans and driven out, why don't you mention that too? What happened in Anatolia was a response to what Christians did in the Balkan.

Do i mention the Jewish genocides? Do i mention the Chinese genocides? Do i mention any other genocide except the one at hand? The topic is Turkish genocide of Greeks, Assyrians, Armenians and so forth. So stick to the topic.

So, which source would be acceptable for you? American, British, Russian? The population exchange happened after the Greeks were already massacred.

How about a Turkish source? Would that do it for you?
Guys, why are you trying to convince this delusional person? Just let him be...
No its not bro as I said do not believe everything you heard, I had enough debates with Greeks in that issue, they simply have no proof nor any of their claims are close to realism. everything in that claim is based on thoughts of few Europeans who are never visited the region and just heard stuff from Greek propagandists at those times.
Most of western people don't even know that Turkey is filled with diaspora from the Balkans. All the people who had to flee Europe during the Balkan wars. All those massacres of Muslim people in Greece,Bulgaria, Serbia, etc are all forgotten. This is our fault.

Guys, why are you trying to convince this delusional person? Just let him be...
Good point, the comment above you (ptex comment) proves he only cares about Christian and Jews and not about Muslims. He refuses to look at the whole picture and what happened to Muslims in the Balkans during the Balkan war. Cherry picking history is not an art.

The funny thing is that for example in Salonica(Turkish / Jewish city), both Turks and Jews were massacred by Greeks but now the Israeli are rooting for Christians.. lol .. talking about Alzheimer.
Refusing to accept the truth is what delusional people do. Continue.

Do not waste your time, as I said there isn't a single proof, all they had s statements of few Europeans who are never visited the region and just heard stuff from Greek propagandists.
Refusing to accept the truth is what delusional people do. Continue.

Exactly, even the other Israeli member pointed out your delusions.

We Turks are evil, carry on now...
Do not waste your time, as I said there isn't a single proof, all they had s statements of few Europeans who are never visited the region and just heard stuff from Greek propagandists.

As a Turk, could you translate this for me?

Hikmet Bayur tarafından hazırlanıp Türk Tarih Kurumu tarafından yayımlanmış olan Türk İnkılâbı Tarihi adlı kitapta 800.000 Ermeninin yanı sıra 200.000 Rumun da katl ve tehcir yüzünden veya amele taburlarında öldüğüne dair bilgi Yarbay Nihat'ın bizim resmi kaynaklara göre de doğru saymak gerekir yazısyla birlikte aktarılmaktadır.
First documented genocide was when Cain killed Abel. 25% of worlds population was wiped out.

Again international zionism and their neverending campaign of distorting the truth . It was never anything near 25% a simple calculation shows that at must it would have been 16.666666666666666667 of world population and I'm sure if he had a good lawyer he could proove it was self defence or even acquitted him of any crime because of lack of evidence or any witness
By the way in crime like genocide it's intention that count .
Exactly, even the other Israeli member pointed out your delusions.

We Turks are evil, carry on now...

I do not judge people by what their ancestors did. You refuse to accept reality. That's your problem, not mine.
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