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Do you believe in god ?

Do you believe in god

  • God and Religion

    Votes: 53 61.6%
  • God but not religion

    Votes: 18 20.9%
  • Athiest

    Votes: 15 17.4%

  • Total voters
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No, of course I'm not, I am just glad that God gave me an opportunity.

What would you have been otherwise?

Hey, but so does creation popping out of nowhere!

Creation is not such an easy cake. It is your perception, not the concept out there that is naive.

No, that is the reward for filling the purpose of why you are created.

That cannot be all so simple, it is not all that simple. The creation is not be somewhere, the creation is a flow and there is no stopping that flow.

PS. Just like paladin said, don't insult people, there's someone who is gonna take it too personally and the whole thread will be ruined.

I do not see how I have insulted anyone, but if I have by any means, my sincere apologies in advance.

P.S. I am merely trying to instigate your logical intellect to stand-up from your position and see the bigger picture. Invalidate me, if you think I am not doing that.
Discussion is one thing, to openly challenge is quite another. Remember when you step on toes...

Personally my belief is my own, whatever that may be. I don't share it with people, nor to i expect them to understand it.


No who is trying to enforce their mind? If you want to have beliefs as personal then that is your opinion, do follow your words.
Of course, God said that our reward lies in the afterlife not in this life.

in the Qur'an, Allah said that He is rewarding the non-muslim good-doers in this life. This life is not for us. Next life is ours.

Unfortunately, this escapism is the main reason why Muslim societes are so backwards. It is considered almost sinful to succeed in this life.
.P.S. I am merely trying to instigate your logical intellect to stand-up from your position and see the bigger picture. Invalidate me, if you think I am not doing that.

The bigger picture.. According to who.. you? some half baked cynical intellectual? See where i am going with this?

Your bigger picture might pale in comparison to someone's concept which to you may seem small and insignificant. It is rather you who needs to broad your horizons and stop preaching to the converted.
Such a USELESS post.

Must be deleted.

Will be a cause of fights and flamings.

As we expected, flaming and fighting.

Dr Sim, this is Defence Forum, and religeon doesnt matter.
Be professional everyone!

This thread was in Members club.
Which kinda posts are allowed and supposed to be in members club??
Have a look yourself!!

"Members Club The forum is made to get yourself familiar with other members, and create friends which would help us in creating a friendly community."

So please make sure this flaming doesnt happen again :tup:
The bigger picture.. According to who.. you? some half baked cynical intellectual? See where i am going with this?

Yes I see where you are going with this. Basically, you are showing that you are too weak to follow your own words. And you think you have the right to dictate your will to others as to what they can discuss, but they are limited to speak their mind. But we all know, except, your false hope that, that is not going to happen.

Your bigger picture might pale in comparison to someone's concept which to you may seem small and insignificant. It is rather you who needs to broad your horizons and stop preaching to the converted.

You seem to be very sure about it. Why then the fear of discussion? The bigger picture, is neither mine nor yours, it just is. Those willing to, can discuss whether our understanding of it is correct or not.

And for someone who cannot make the basic differentiation in preaching and discussing, I am happy to welcome you to my ignore list.
I don't follow any relegion and i don't beleive in god. But my hatered has been almost compeletley eliminated for relegion. I don't judge people by there relegion i have many friends some of who are hindus some are muslims some are christians and some are athiest,agnocists and desits. I get along fine with them they don't have a problem with me and i don't have a problem with them. The only time that we are at each others throughts is when debating about god. Though i have to say deabte that i had with my relegion friends weren't strong one. How ever one of my friend who is agnocist and i have very heated debate ;D.

anyways here is my point of veiw on things. You can beleive in anything you want i won't hate on you or anything however i do feel that laws of the land should not be bulid upon "holy" books. Secular socity all the way ;D.

oh and one last thing that most people fail to do as long as anyone doesn't inforace there beleifs on me or try to take away my rights i have no problem with them weather the person is a Chrsitian , Muslim , jew or a Hindu.

sorry for the spelling errors i am in a hurry cath you all later ;D
Unfortunately, this escapism is the main reason why Muslim societes are so backwards. It is considered almost sinful to succeed in this life.

I haven't met anyone who believes that. It's just that we don't try. And when we do, most of us leave our religion. Do you know the last dua'a we do when finishing prayer? "Rabanna Atina Fi-DUNYA..."

Fi Dunya, meaning in this life- The whole dua'a says "give us what is good in this life and the next".

I agree though, the whole state of muslim affairs are pretty much our fault.

PS. As paladin said (again), deen and this life must go together.
It's very sarcastic that people who do not believe in GOD prove their point by saying existence of GOD cannot be proved scientifically(as the video in first post suggests), but at the same time they bring in words like morality, humanity which cannot be proved by science either.... they try to prove GOD by reasoning but they are unable to define reasoning and origin of reasoning....
Can any prove that he is thinking by any mean ?? Is their any machine to prove that someone is thinking....??
One more thing I would like to add is that the religion is for this life, not for next life. This code of conduct is for the betterment of humanity in this life and who so ever follows this code conduct will definitely get rewards not only in this life but in life after death.

The main purpose of religion is to make one's life easy not only for one's self but also for others.
It's very sarcastic that people who do not believe in GOD prove their point by saying existence of GOD cannot be proved scientifically(as the video in first post suggests), but at the same time they bring in words like morality, humanity which cannot be proved by science either.... they try to prove GOD by reasoning but they are unable to define reasoning and origin of reasoning....
Can any prove that he is thinking by any mean ?? Is their any machine to prove that someone is thinking....??


Took the words right out of my mouth. Sadly there is a certain segment of society that feel they have the right to "enlighten" others of their folly... I usually just laugh in their faces.

Do i believe in god or not... Yes i DO... And Even if i did or did not... What's it to you....

Live and let live!
I thought pure religious discussions are not allowed on this forum.
I thought pure religious discussions are not allowed on this forum.

No you are wrong religious discussions are allowed on this forum as long as these are against Islam.... but not the case with other way round
Yes I see where you are going with this. Basically, you are showing that you are too weak to follow your own words. And you think you have the right to dictate your will to others as to what they can discuss, but they are limited to speak their mind. But we all know, except, your false hope that, that is not going to happen.

You seem to be very sure about it. Why then the fear of discussion? The bigger picture, is neither mine nor yours, it just is. Those willing to, can discuss whether our understanding of it is correct or not.

And for someone who cannot make the basic differentiation in preaching and discussing, I am happy to welcome you to my ignore list.

Hahaha... This doesn't phase me nor surprise me... ever the cynic... Never mind.

Basically, you are showing that you are too weak to follow your own words.
Whatever you say..:lol:

But we all know, except, your false hope that, that is not going to happen.
:rolleyes: Sure, sure you keep thinking that. Just don't expect me to endorse it.

You seem to be very sure about it.
Yeah, that's because it's called "faith" for a reason... :lol:

Why then the fear of discussion?
Did i stop the discussion, did i report any of your comments or tell you to stop posting? Or raise a hoo-ha... They only one making a hullabaloo is you.

The bigger picture, is neither mine nor yours, it just is
What does that even mean... :lol: Sorry i don't speak YODA

And for someone who cannot make the basic differentiation in preaching and discussing, I am happy to welcome you to my ignore list.

Aww... Well not that it matters i don't think you and i think alike anyway... Let me reciprocate the gesture ;)

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------

I thought pure religious discussions are not allowed on this forum.

Apparently some people can't follow rules.
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