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Do you believe in God?

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New Recruit

Jul 16, 2013
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I dont want to discuss religion in this thread, but only God. Do you believe that God exists? why or why not?

Considering the Universe is so big, that human mind can not even imagine how big it is, do you think the idea of a punishing/vengeful God is really small?

^ I have been thinking about this a lot in the last few days
I dont want to discuss religion in this thread, but only God. Do you believe that God exists? why or why not?

Considering the Universe is so big, that human mind can not even imagine how big it is, do you think the idea of a punishing/vengeful God is really small?

^ I have been thinking about this a lot in the last few days

well just look around you, and think for a second could everything just pop out of no where? yes there is a god/creator.
sure the big bang started everything but what started the big bang?
If God = stuff we do not fully understand yet or control, then yes, its a good comforting idea.

But like with all good ideas, it can be misused to scare people into submission.
I am firm believer in God

Why? Because i think this world and everything in there is finite which had beginning and will have end so it must be created by someone who is infinite by nature with no beginning and no end. I don't believe that we came into existence out of nowhere and will get disappear randomly

BTW your topic will get locked soon because God is part of almost every religion :)
god/religion is a convenient way to keep humanity's moral compass pointing the right way. just my 2 cents
doesn't always work as intended (like most things)
I believe but I think I do not like him right now. May be I will like him in future, if I can ever fathom His greatness.

Two more interesting similar threads are here:



A question among my many questions:

It is said in Quran that there will be no good person before the Doom's day. The criterion of the Doom's day is that there can not be any good person before the Dooms' day, so, does not it mean that the people who will born just before the Doom's day will inevitably have to be a bad person?
I believe, but then again, some times I feel this whole life and world is so unfair, there is so much injustice in this world, where is God when people need him?

Just looking at the floods in Pakistan, what did those poor people do to make their already miserable lives even more miserable?
I believe but I think I do not like him right now. May be I will like him in future, if I can ever fathom His greatness.

Two more interesting similar threads are here:



A question among my many questions:

It is said in Quran that there will be no good person before the Doom's day. The criterion of the Doom's day is that there can not be any good person before the Dooms' day, so, does not it mean that the people who will born just before the Doom's day will inevitably have to be a bad person?

I did not get your question and dont know which verse you are talking about but we are not angels and people do make mistakes intentionally or unintentionally and then seek repentence. If your good deeds are more than bad ones then you will be saved by the will of Allah. Allah said in Quran that he can forgive all sins except shirk
Yes I do believe in God.........I don't need reasons to believe in Him ,everything even a tiny particle shows his creation. My belief is beyond favorable and unfavorable things happens in my life.
Do you believe in GOD?
Is this an open ended question? What difference does it make if you know what I (or anyone else) believed in? May be the question should be "why do you believe or dont believe in god" and that would take anywhere between a sentence to a whole lifetime to answer.

Some one here in the forum asked "what is the purpose of life" and I believe I replied and quoted him and asked "Why should life have a purpose?"

I am not sure if my deduction caries any weight at all here. But I have tried to arrive at it from a more "rational" way and am pretty much convinced on where I am. Here it goes:

The ancient gods were natural forces - feared, for their powerful and unpredictable nature. Thunder, Sun, Ocean etc.
The more we got to know of them, the less we feared and less "godly" they became. and the more unknown factors became gods. To the point where we gradually congregated every "unknown" and mashed it together and said "this is the work of god" or "this is god". In one way or the other, our helplessness (over natural forces) or our ignorance (about their occurrences, their power) and our inability is what creates a "God".

at any point in our evolution, there would always be something thats "unpredictable, uncontrollable, un-knowable" and we might call it our ignorance or call it an act of god.
I believe, but then again, some times I feel this whole life and world is so unfair, there is so much injustice in this world, where is God when people need him?

Just looking at the floods in Pakistan, what did those poor people do to make their already miserable lives even more miserable?

People have given freedom of making free choices( good or bad ones) and evil exist because of bad choices of people so why blame God for it?

Next you will ask why God make people sick and let them die because of sickness and road accidents
People have given freedom of making free choices( good or bad ones) and evil exist because of bad choices of people so why blame God for it?

Next you will ask why God make people sick and let them die because of sickness and road accidents

what bad choices did the poor people make? I mean they were born in to poverty and miserable conditions, how is it their fault?

There is one famous indian movie dialogue I remember, which said, "God already makes choices for us before we are even born" so how is it our fault if we are born in to the conditions we live in?

Just looking at the floods in Pakistan, what did those poor people do to make their already miserable lives even more miserable?

The Almighty knew it was best for the, & chose to protect them from unforeseen harm. Life is a test...Must have sabr. ..The pain we feel in life and the hardship we experience in life make our soul more pure...Test and hardships cleans our sins away...Allah is so Merciful.
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