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Why do people believe the Universe has no purpose/cause?

Either that or no other species goes to any lengths to worship or 'obey' a God. The unwanted reverence to a creator of this Universe who is clearly not bothered with us anymore seems to be a uniquely Human affliction.

Again making an assumption why are you so quick to dismiss other species do you know all the species in the universe? We have not even discovered all the species on this planet let alone decipher their beliefs or lack there of.

Disprove FSM/Unicorn/Monkey on your back exist. Or shall we take this route - Does god Thor exist? If not, you agree that God doesn't exist. If you say Thor exist, prove it...

Unless he is trying to convert you to Islam he does not have to prove God exists but you said God does not exist so onus is on you to provide proof. Unless he was then it is on him lol.
lol... you use lot of big words. Unfortunately, you have no clue what you are talking about. Do you have open mind about earth being flat or Thor being a god??

Ok let me open my mind you call thor god tell me how thor can carry 20,000 tons with her tiny little arms/hands or prove it to me thor a human body can carry huge loads. But first a scientific community would have to prove a human body = god? how? you are believer of science so prove it thor is god.
Again making an assumption why are you so quick to dismiss other species do you know all the species in the universe? We have not even discovered all the species on this planet let alone decipher their beliefs or lack there of.

I never claimed to know anything about Life elsewhere in the Universe. Any references to life is confined to the stretches of the Solar System as explored by us. In case you wish to disagree on my hypothesis regarding life on Earth, please bring out some proof as well.
Again making an assumption why are you so quick to dismiss other species do you know all the species in the universe? We have not even discovered all the species on this planet let alone decipher their beliefs or lack there of.

Unless he is trying to convert you to Islam he does not have to prove God exists but you said God does not exist so onus is on you to provide proof. Unless he was then it is on him lol.

I already told him I am not here to convert or pressure anyone just answer and now he is running away cuz his science can't prove a heck.

Additional now he has to also prove thor is god but thor is a man in body...what are the qualifications of thor to be god when he eats and starves and oh i saw him in restaurant eating lol.
Are you saying that stars do not have birth and death cycles? Than you do not know science or more precisely astronomy.
Hmm, they don't have "cycles". They form and end.. and that is not the definition of "life"...

I already told him I am not here to convert or pressure anyone just answer and now he is running away cuz his science can't prove a heck.

Additional now he has to also prove thor is god but thor is a man in body...what are the qualifications of thor to be god when he eats and starves and oh i saw him in restaurant eating lol.
Why can't god eat? Is there any rule for gods to not eat?
I never claimed to know anything about Life elsewhere in the Universe. Any references to life is confined to the stretches of the Solar System as explored by us. In case you wish to disagree on my hypothesis regarding life on Earth, please bring out some proof as well.

Actually you made the claim even if you wanna confine it to just Earth you have to prove it. Go ahead list every species A to Z and compare to humans. :D
Again making an assumption why are you so quick to dismiss other species do you know all the species in the universe? We have not even discovered all the species on this planet let alone decipher their beliefs or lack there of.

Unless he is trying to convert you to Islam he does not have to prove God exists but you said God does not exist so onus is on you to provide proof. Unless he was then it is on him lol.
Where? I am not saying that....

Actually you made the claim even if you wanna confine it to just Earth you have to prove it. Go ahead list every species A to Z and compare to humans. :D
Similarly you made the claim that universe was created by god, so prove it..
They've explained a purpose or cause to this Universe? I must have missed out on something.

YOU are the one perceiving this universe, so your observation is subjective to what you perceive. In that sense it is limiting to what you bring on to the table.
Hmm, they don't have "cycles". They form and end.. and that is not the definition of "life"...

Why can't god eat? Is there any rule for gods to not eat?

let me ask you if God sleeps could there be possibility universe will collapse...answer wisely.
Hmm, they don't have "cycles". They form and end.. and that is not the definition of "life"...
What do you know, all their energy and matter is dispersed in the same universe when they end , and in it they form again, not the same stars but other ones, and we still call them stars like before. is not it like humans and all living creatures on earth?
Hmm, they don't have "cycles". They form and end.. and that is not the definition of "life"...

Lol a simple google search life of a star and you will see a bunch of sites talking about cycle of stars. As far as life goes the definition is based on living species namely plants and animals. For a star its cycle would be its life in comparative terms.
Actually you made the claim even if you wanna confine it to just Earth you have to prove it. Go ahead list every species A to Z and compare to humans. :D

I did say EVERY species other than Humans fit the bill. So your job is all the more simplified. All you need to do is prove one case false.:smart:
What do you know, all their energy and matter is dispersed in the same universe when they end , and in it they form again, not the same stars but other ones, and we still call them stars like before. is not it like humans and all living creatures on earth?
No they won't. Otherwise give link please. Nobody ever witnessed light (result of star "burning") turning into matter or hydrogen atom...
I did say EVERY species other than Humans fit the bill. So your job is all the more simplified. All you need to do is prove one case false.:smart:

Lol burden of proof is on the claimant I do not think you Indians grasp this concept. I never said other species pray or not all I said is you cannot possibly know for sure and for you to prove your own logic which you obviously cannot. Anyway I gotta get some sleep.
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